
Writer Is Now A Villain

In a world teeming with magic and mythical creatures, Kael, a seasoned novelist from Earth, finds himself transmigrated into his own fantasy novel, "The Dawn of Eternity". However, he doesn't awaken as the heroic protagonist or a powerful wizard, but as the infamous villainous noble, Lord Varron. Now living as Lord Varron, Kael must navigate the world he created, a world filled with magic, swordsmanship, and a myriad of mythical races. Despite the challenges of being a villain in his own story, Kael is determined to survive and alter the course of the narrative he's penned.

Kiku_Kayu · Fantaisie
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13 Chs


"Her name is Alicia," someone from the crowd whispered, their eyes wide with surprise. Alicia, a member of the family that Varron had just saved, stood her ground, her eyes locked with Varron's.

'Why the hell did she attack me all of sudden?'

But there was a misunderstanding. She hadn't witnessed the confrontation with the noble, which had led her to mistake Varron's intentions.

Varron regarded Alicia with a calm gaze, his voice steady as he addressed her.

"What do you think you're doing, Commoner?" he asked, his words echoing in the silent marketplace.

Alicia met his gaze, her expression unyielding.

"That was my question, Lord Varron," she retorted, her voice filled with rage and a hint of defiance.

She had arrived after the noble's departure, and without the context, she had misinterpreted the situation.

The crowd watched in stunned silence, their eyes darting between Varron and Alicia. The tension was palpable, a silent standoff in the middle of the marketplace.

"Do you think,you're worthy enough to made me answer you question?"

Alicia gritted her teeth as she begin to make a battle stances.

"The moment you touch my family,made me worthy in having your head,Varron."


"Alicia, wait!" The family's calls fell on deaf ears as Alicia launched herself at Varron, a fiery determination in her eyes.

She was the person Varron had been waiting to meet, the one destined to become one of the strongest.

As she moved, her core magic flared to life. Flames danced around her, a vibrant display of her fire core magic.

Fire was a common core magic, but Alicia was different. She possessed something that made her power stand out, something rare and unique.

"Martial Magic, and Elemental Combat," Varron muttered under his breath, his eyes narrowing as he recognized her abilities.

Martial Magic was a system that combined martial arts with core magic. Each martial art style aligned with a different type of core magic, and practitioners could harness their magic to enhance their physical abilities. Alicia was using her fire core magic to augment her physical attacks, making her strikes more powerful and faster.

Elemental Combat, on the other hand, involved infusing one's weapons and martial arts with different elements. Alicia was using her fire core magic to infuse her attacks with fire, adding unique effects to her combat style. Her fists were like flaming meteors, her kicks like blazing whirlwinds.

'Having One technique is already hard enough,and this girl have two.'

Varron watched as Alicia's power unfolded, a spark of interest in his eyes.

'Eventhough,her mastery is still low right now,I can't underestimate her,

This was going to be interesting,and also troublesome at the same time.'

The moment Alicia launched herself at Varron, her fists ablaze with her fire core magic, he knew he had to adapt. Blocking her powerful attacks head-on would lead to injury, so he decided to use her momentum against her.

'This girl will not believe what I say,' he thought to himself.

'I just need to defeat her.'

And so, the fiery duel began. Alicia charged, her fists like meteors, each punch a blazing streak of fire. But Varron was ready. He moved with a dancer's grace, sidestepping and redirecting Alicia's fiery onslaught. His every move was calculated, his reactions precise.

Alicia was relentless, her attacks coming in a rapid flurry. But Varron was like water, flowing around her attacks and changing their direction. He would catch a punch and divert it, sidestep a kick and push it off course. His movements were fluid and seamless, turning Alicia's strength against her.

The crowd watched in awe, their breaths held as the intense fight unfolded. The marketplace had transformed into a battlefield, the air filled with the heat of Alicia's flames and the tension of their duel.

The fight continued, neither of them giving an inch. Alicia, with her fiery determination and powerful attacks, and Varron, with his calm demeanor and strategic movements, were locked in a fierce and heated battle.


Frustration etched on her face, Alicia stepped back, putting some distance between herself and Varron.

'This is not enough.'

She knew she wouldn't be able to defeat him with hand-to-hand combat alone. She needed to use something more powerful, something that could turn the tide of the battle.

With a determined look, Alicia brought her hands together, a large fireball forming between her palms. She knew she still couldn't control this skill perfectly, but she was out of options. She had to take the risk.

'Not enough.I need more.More to defeat him,to protect my family.'

The crowd watched in anticipation as the fireball grew larger and larger. Alicia's face was taut with concentration, her gaze fixed on Varron. And then, with a yell, she launched the fireball towards him.


But something went wrong. The fireball, instead of heading towards Varron, changed direction. It was heading towards Alicia's family, who were watching the fight from the sidelines. Their eyes widened in fear as they realized the danger and so is Alicia.


"Tch," Varron clicked his tongue as he saw the fireball change direction. He was quick to react, appearing in front of Alicia's family in an instant. He drew his sword, his eyes focused on the incoming threat.

'I can't slash with just a raw sword,'

he thought, his gaze narrowing. At the same time he also amazed by Alicia's current abilities,knowing that she'll have more than enough time to become even stronger.

'There is no time.'

Varron took out his hand towards the incoming threat.

He used his telekinesis to try and hold back the fireball, but it was too heavy, too powerful for his current abilities.

"There is one way, but I still haven't mastered it," he muttered under his breath.

'Am I even given a choice on this matter?"

He closed his eyes, focusing his mind. He could feel his mana, the life energy within him, responding to his call.

With a deep breath, he let his mana flow into his sword. The blade began to glow, a faint light that grew brighter with each passing second. He was attempting something he hadn't fully mastered yet, but it was the only way to protect Alicia's family from the fireball.

With his mana-infused sword, Varron faced the incoming fireball. His grip tightened around the hilt, his stance steady. With a swift movement, he slashed at the fireball.

The blade cut through the flames, reducing the size of the fireball. But it wasn't enough. The fireball was still too large, still a threat to Alicia's family. So, Varron slashed again, his movements quick and precise.

Each slash reduced the fireball's size, the flames dispersing into the air. Sweat trickled down Varron's face, a testament to his effort. But his expression remained focused, his eyes never leaving the shrinking fireball.

The crowd watched in awe, their eyes wide as they witnessed Varron's defense. His sword moved in a blur, each slash a testament to his skill and determination.

With one final slash, Varron reduced the fireball to a size that was no longer a threat. 

'This is not worse than I thought.'

He thought while looking at his sword.


'No,this is what I expected '