
Chapter 36: Didn't hear no bell!

Her suit was now without colour, turning into a dark Gray and there was blood running from her nose and mouth.

It appeared that Asachico was now unconscious. The man dragged her from the cracked table, thinking that the fight was over and that it was time to leave.

He was gravely mistaken.

I regained my sense of awareness and I was now fighting against the urge to fall over. I was covered in soot, making me look like a Black Pete.

I crawled from the chimney and got back on my feet. My knees were shaking and my throat felt like sandpaper.

With all the strenght I could muster, I yelled at the limping lout.

''Hey! Fuckface!

I did not hear no bell!''

Now, that was a fucking lie.

Because my head was ringing like the church's bells on an Easter Morning.

Not that this filthy pervert knew what Easter was, and I was not intending to tell him.

He turned around, gazing upon my ashgrey form in the faint moonlight. I grinned at him and spat out a glob of black blood on the floor.

He dropped Asachico near the entrance, and charged at me.

He fell for my trap. I dove upon him like a beast and grabbed him with all my might.

To his shock and horror he could not shake me off him; the soot and blood made the grease on his body adhesive.

I struggled with him on the floor, trying to get him in a leglock.

He still had a lot of strenght in him. And he kicked me against the wall between the two smaller bedrooms.

I cried out in pain as I felt my head spin. He pulled me up against the wall. And I kicked and punched him with all the power I had left in my body.

It was to no avail, as he was now grabbing me by the neck with the intention of strangling me. I punched his head while I still had oxygen in my body.

My lungs were burning and I had no way of getting out.

Bitter tears of despair barreled down my face. And I could only look at the blizzard-like stare of the cold-blooded killer.

My eyes closed, knowing that I would not survive this ordeal.

Unexpectedly, I felt a familiar gust of wind grazing my body. I opened my eyes and looked into two big, bright Yellow eyes:

It was Sandy! The sneaky cat had found me all the way out here!

''Well, it has been a long time since I ate a Mad Dog.

I hope I won't contract something nasty from this Plague Dog, kyahahah!!

Thanks for the meal!''

With her long fangs she bit down hard into the shoulder of my almost killer.

He let out a roar of pain and let go of my neck. The Mad Dog turned around to face his new feline opponent. The adrenaline in my system allowed me to respond.

I put the now completely mental brute in a Full Nelson, keeping his arms in place while Sandy slashed his torso with her long nails.

''This is the Reign In Sand fighting style, Dog.

Now it is time to put this Rabid Dog down for good.''

Sandy turned her nails into long claws, and drove them into the trapped murderer's neck. Blood squirted out from his wounds and he started to flail wildly.

He bashed the back of his skull against my face. And I felt my nose snap.

Blood poured down over my face and I almost lost awareness.

The only thing that kept me awake was the terrifing sight of the bleeding Madman hammering his bloodied fists into Sandy. He tackled her to the ground and lifted her over his head.

''You should not have come here, you beast!

Don't you know the curiosity killed the cat?!''

Out of nowhere, I was completely back to my senses.

Although I knew that this would not last long. The psychotic lunatic was planning to murder my friend, but not on my watch.

I lunged at him, making him drop Sandy. She fell on the ruined table, making it collapse completely.

She made a soft purring sound, confirming that she was still alive.

I was now beyond my limits, relying purely on my instincts and the desire to protect my friends from certain death or worse.

With two hands I smashed the bearded man's head into the floor, over and over. A pool of dark blood formed around his face.

I used the sticky mess on my body to grab on to his right arm as firmly as I could. And put him in an armlock, pushing with all my might in order to dislocate or break his arm.

I screamed at the top of my lungs, and my muscles were on fire. My rage was broken by a soft, familiar sound. It was a soft knocking on the floor;

the assassin tapped out!

By pure conditioning I let go of my opponent and fell down on my bruised behind. I cursed myself loudly.

My teacher had taught me that you should always let go when the other tapped out, no exceptions.

It appeared that my enemy was aware of this rule. In complete anguish he dragged himself from the floor.

He looked at me with a ragged smile. And set down on the floor.

''Even now at your moment of victory, your soft nature is in still control of your rage.

I take back my words, boy;

you are without a doubt one of the most worthy men I have ever faced in combat.

Fine, have it your way. I will leave, for now.

Lord Buppa might have me flayed alive for this. But I am willing to take that risk.

I will put in a good word for you. Come visit him some day, when you are ready.

And don't worry about your secret.

My lips are sealed''

The now humbled, small man struggled toward the exit. I grabbed him by the ankle.

There was something I wanted to know before he departed:

''Why are you after Asachico?''

The man looked at me and then at the passed out girl near the entrance and he spoke softly.

''That girl is the slave that was taken by the Princess. Ask her about the details.

But, I will make sure that this issue will be resolved. She is no longer a slave from now on. And she will no longer be hunted.

Asachico has shown tremendous courage by facing me, even though Lord Buppa would have murdered her for sure.

She was willing to give up her life, because she loves the Princess so dearly.

Even a Slavelord must be touched by that.

Take the girls outside yourself and be quick with it. This place is going to collapse soon.

That will be all.''

I let go of his leg. And he departed in silence.

He left a trail of blood, that was swiftly washed away by the pouring rain. I grabbed Sandy by her collar and dragged her to Asachico.

The moment we left the building, the stable started to implode slowly.

The man was right. I sighed and looked at the ruins. Hysta proven correct about my destructive nature.

Although I felt really glad that she was right.