Born from blood and guts, given life when a human's is brutally reaped, wretches are nothing but filth and destined to die a pathetic death, befitting of the dirty little creatures they are. One of them however, born with strangely colored eyes and blessed with greater intellect, sought nothing more than destroy his fate and to desecrate the laws of nature that bound him. This wretch wished nothing more than to be an exception to the rule.
The redcap heaved a sigh of relief as a monster swooped in from the dark sky, lacerating the heroine's shoulder as it grabbed a hold of them.
It was short lived however, the winged monster letting go of her almost immediately as its talons were sliced off.
Superstes crashed in the middle of wide street, the pain of being cut down to the bone vivid but deemed unimportant at the moment.
The dark night was suddenly illuminate by dozens, if not more, light sources.
Not all of the monster could see in the dark after all.
Quickly standing up, Superstes assessed her situation.
'This is shitty' she correctly evaluated.
Monsters from all sizes and shapes had completely surrounded her, even if they all only attacked one by one, she doubted she could make it out alive in her current state.
Her healing was potent, but not unlimited, also, it didn't restore her lost blood.
Not only had she been injected with venom, she was starting to feel lightheaded, her performance would only worsen.
And that was when imagining the monsters would wait their turns, clearly, they weren't so nice or stupid to do that.
'The streets are filled to the brim with them, the roofs too, those with ranged attacks have already began to take aim, lots of flying monsters and judging from the vibrations in the ground... They are also underneath' she shook her head.
Lots of them also seemed decently powerful, and the variety of monsters only meant that anything could be thrown at her.
'They aren't very organised though...' that was a drawback of bringing so many troops of such different origins, they had no teamwork, didn't know one anothers and weren't positioned in places were each monster would cover for another weaknesses.
It was a mob.
The goblin also realised this as he looked at the reinforcement while trying to wrap a piece of cloth around his broken wrist.
'They are going to get in each other's ways!'
'Why did the generals have to be called away at this time?' he had no idea why Bizinda had called for them whilst simultaneously ordering everyone else to focus on the hero.
With no one to shout orders, many of the monsters present would hold back the group.
Normally, this wouldn't be an issue, the sheer number would make up for all of this.
After his short exchange with Superstes, the goblin wasn't so confident about this.
Shifting her weapon into a typical short sword, Superstes imbued her golden radiance into it, expanding the brilliance, she slashed at the crowd of monsters.
Some were cleanly cut apart, but most were fast enough to react and dodge, they were all focused on her.
Their disorganised group knocked into one another as they dodged in different directions, but not all of them, some sort of clawed, thin humanoid monster rushed her down the fastest.
Clearly not thinking about getting any help.
Superstes was preparing to intercept him but despite his risky move, he wasn't immediately killed as other monsters also ran forward.
Spells, arrows and other projectiles began to rain down on Superstes before any of the melee combatants got to her.
Dodging most of them and deflecting the last one, she slashed down the clawed monster as he jumped at her, only to receive a punch straight to the face from a stone-skinned ape monster.
Not shaken up just yet, she cut that one down too, his resistant body proving of no value against her golden blade.
She had no time to properly extend her blade to try and thin out the crowd, she had to focus on the projectiles and the monsters in front of her.
A monster that looked like a hairless wolf pounced on her, only to be grabbed by the jaw and used as a meat shield against an acidic spell.
Throwing the melted corpse at two monsters approaching from the right, she decapitated an orc and kicked a kobold in the face at the same time, killing both in a spectacular fashion only to be struck by a mace in the stomach, sending her flying backward.
Turning around in a hurry, she stopped a shadowy creature from stabbing her in the back, grabbing it by the neck and crushing it.
Breathing heavily, she didn't notice the harpy diving toward her like a falcon, receiving the full brunt of its acceleration as its talon hit her right in the center of her forehead.
Her vision turning blurry, she stumbled back as her sense of balance was compromised.
Three gremlins tooks this occasion to latch onto her legs and tear into her flesh.
She shook one off and expeditiously crushed its entire body against the ground.
The other two where free to remain as a minotaur tried cleaving her in half, its oversized axe slashed right through, claiming one of its arms in the same swing.
The harrowing pain assaulting the monster caused it to lash out, swingin his head at Superstes, she was pushed to the ground, bleeding from the face as one of its horn tore a chunk of her mouth and teeth out.
Quick to get back up, she grabbed the gremlins one by one, launching them at approaching monsters so hard their feeble bodies exploded from the impact.
A bolt of lightning struck her stomach as she did this, but the current failed to paralyse her even for a moment.
An arrow lodged itself into in the back of one of her knees, forcing her to put one knee on the ground, allowing for a ram-like creature to land a hit square in her face, shattering her nose.
Despite all of this, the heroine didn't fall, fighting through the pain and injuries that the golden light could no longer keep up with.
Flashing a deranged smile with what she had left of her face, the monsters directly in front of her backed off as if she had rabies.
Spinning around with one knee still on the ground, she cut down multiple monsters behind her, grabbing a hold of the arrow, she pulled it out like a barbarian as it was hindering her from bending her knee.
The arrow was overflowed with golden energy and thrown at the still living minotaur from before, the gold remaining on the porjectiles long enough to go right through his head, three other monsters and also a house behind.
She didn't pause to think about the fact that she had managed to do something she couldn't before and simply stood up, ready to keep on fighting.