
Wrath Of The Cursed

It just an ordinary day in their world, but blighters, remnants of disease are springing out of nowhere. Jayden is a kid being bullied by his peers, and has reached his breaking point. Reya is a dish washerwoman whom loves, her job, yet is content with her life, that’s until she meets Ren. Their fates are intertwined. Whilt (Wilt) Nightshade is a germaphobe he deals with psychological torment from his mother. They are estranged. Valerie is a charismatic botanist. These unlikely compatriots shall under go a Yaden.

JackMension · Bandes dessinées et romans graphiques
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Wrath of the Cursed

I had nothing! I already had it all I was the top of society. I had design, skill, and was unlucky in the love department. I valued friend ship, but something was missing. I wanted more, and I couldn't get enough this beast was swelling inside me. At first I thought it was real, but it's all in my head. I am Tajai Scouting. I faked my death so that the world would be a better place. I now the dirty work I am the Grey President .

I instill the fear of god into you, and then give you Satan. It's my ability to do so! I loved this country, and now they make a mockery of it. I am many things, love, hate, winter, autumn, spring, fall , summer heat cold winter. I don't have tanned skin it's a medium shade of brown. It's not black, and I every race, but black. I let myself in to let myself out! Latin or Little Van. Caravan or Catrevan. Lovely or Leeane. I used to myself as shy, but not any more. I am a god amongst sheep. They need a Heralded one. I didn't ask for it, but I make it happen. They will know Jayden, Rayden, and Tajai. I warned them several times.

They pushed me to the brink. I was forced to evoke my evolution. I thank them. I hate them. I am them. I am the definition of us all. Where the called ones! We are not Khalils, we are not Taiwinsts we are colour itself. I always had this but was too scared. I am 6th dementianal. Getting old and senile. I have to find them. My wife and kids! I need to find them, but where are they? They vanished. I have to scour for them. The foul scourges separating me from my family. I will stop them again, and again Herogaia, Yin Yagami, JackMension, it doesn't matter what you call me I am Ren Yaden! My love for Reya is undying, but unfortunately I cannot be with my son.

I was betrayed by my best friend and companion. I knew there was a traitor among us. We were all dropped on the head as babies it was bound to happen. I don't blame them they did what they had to do. It was my own ego that did this to me. À superego would have helped. My Id was my downfall as well.My past is catching up with me, and I cannot be there for my son.

A curse permutations within my soul. I have longed for freedom, and yet I have trapped myself. "A bird only cries for help when it is caught had it been cautious it wouldn't do so." -Aesop Our world has a scientific explanation for everything. Get comfortable. The minutes this is over I will see my son. He wouldn't remember me, but I will remember him. I never forget a face. I have a knack for it. I shall continue to "Keep moving forward."


My story is a distraction. Devil's Breath has controlled my life, and yours too. It's our equivalent to yours. It forces you to do what you want. People in your world rob people with it. We use it to bend others to our will. My soul is starting to reject it. Bit by bit my soul redoxes (recovering, and destroying). It's a way my mental state is. Like smoke, frost, and elemental energies. We continue forward. Now shall we venture. Before you ask I'm finally home with my family! How am I two places at once stick around it's a hectic ride.