

Secrets have weight. The longer you keep them, the harder it gets to keep you moving forward. To what extent would you go to save a sister whose world is about to crumble? When all efforts to escape a villain's clutches, only get you deeper into them! Kristine and Rhea were sisters raised by the same parents. When Rhea's world was about to fall apart, due to the plots of an evil ex-boyfriend, Kristine took it upon herself to delve into a long-standing grudge, to stop a devil, that was unleashed upon the world. On her rampant course to avenge her sister's demise, Kristine met the oh-so gorgeous, out of the world Superstar... Eric Kurt. Her life began to get entangled with Eric until she began to suspect his handiwork in the cruel act perpetrated against her sister. She found out an inevitable truth about her true self and her undisputed background linked to him and the villian she strived to avenge all this time, which almost sent her world crumbling down. The life she had known all these while began to slip out of her hands as she discovered her true identity. Now, what will she do? And Is Eric Kurt guilty of the crime suspected of him? What actually happened to Kristine? Join me in this war, to find out how a pretty harmless flower, turned into one of the deadliest poisons, in her course to save the ones she loves and holds dear.

NobleRemmy · Urbain
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42 Chs

What the hell happened to me?

As Eric drew closer in his tempestuous steps toward her, Kristine got trapped within his grasp and a wall behind her.

The look of nervousness and uncertainty was written all over her facial expressions which didn't escape the notice of the tormentor before her.

Eric was now starting to enjoy his game when he notice the fear and confusion in Kristine's actions. Whatever be the case, she seemed to have surrendered her fate to what he was about to do, even though nervous as hell.

However, Eric became impressed with himself for taking the upper hand in the game she started and he couldn't help the amusement on his face.

It would be a huge accomplishment to finish this game, with her on the losing end, since he never loses a bet.

"She will surely have a taste of who the boss was in this game she was trying to play." Eric's thoughts were followed by a deadly smirk as his gaze met hers.

He moved to finally pause so close to her, and he felt Kristine's heavy breaths from all her running, or maybe due to nervousness.

Even though Kristine was taking calm breaths to slowly calm her nerves, it seemed pointless because, Eric's approach seemed to unnerve her more and more in each step he took.

Not knowing where to go or how to avoid the situation before her, Kristine had no option but to shut her eyes in panic as Eric came close enough and their lips nearly touched. He went further to brush his lips over hers intimately, testing and tempting her at the same time.

He then locked both hands on either side of the wall trapping her in the middle and preventing her from escaping away from their stance.

"So, what did you say? Are you sure you hated men till date? Well, what if I tell you, you would fall desperately in love with me after just one kiss?" At his words, Kristine's eyes flew open and she glared at him in response to his statement.

An action that increased Eric's amusement.

The sly smile lurking around his lips was now wider than before and this time around, the dimple on his left cheek appeared in its cuteness which caught Kristine's attention to his striking looks for the first time.

The addictive dimple smile that his diehard fans go crazy for and often fainted from joy whenever they saw it.

It was indeed an enchanting smile, yet, Kristine was fighting for her resolve to not breakdown and fall into Eric's trap of fan love or admiration... But the truth was, she realised she was losing in that sense.

The smile could conquer anyone's heart with an extreme love for him at first sight, but not her. She wouldn't fall easily.

Kristine recovered from that enchanting smile and continued glaring at him full of hate and contempt. But Eric wasn't fazed in a bit...It was like her actions became a driving force to proceed with his mischiefs.

"A while ago, you dared me to come closer...well, here I am! I want to regret it now... I am curious though, about what you will do to stand up to your threats." Eric had to continue in character in his torments, and test her level of patience, sanity, or pretense.

The smile still lingered around his lips as he continued to test her, hovering around and waiting for her next reaction. His eyes met hers, lips now a distance away ...waiting impatiently.

However, when Kristine stood still and didn't move for a long time still glaring at him with disgust, a reaction he wasn't expecting, Eric suddenly became slightly disappointed. He wondered if he was going about everything the wrong way.

But he wasn't one to easily give in and went on to challenge her further by reaching out his hands to carress her face. He traced the line of her perfect jaw as he swept her loosen hair and stuck it behind her ear.

The more disgusted Kristine looked at him, the more he was tempted to break that barrier and get her reaction no matter what, as he continued.

Still headstrong to give in, Kristine's five senses were now on full alert to make sure she never loses.

So Eric decided to use a few lines from the script of his currently ongoing romance series "COLORS OF FATE!" to break her resolve. One of his cringy lines so far which he had to shoot for their next week's episodes.

Eric had no idea why he was suddenly desperate for a different reaction from her, but he convinced himself that it was to prove that she wasn't insane like she was trying to make him believe.

He needed proof! solid proofs to prove otherwise. It might come in handy somehow.

"Our worlds may be far apart, but my feelings for you are as real as my existence. You may see me as a Prince above your status, but since the first time I saw you, I couldn't even blink, due to the fear that you might be a figment of my imagination." Eric moved closer, breath for breath, eye to eye, lips to lips...

"And when I touched you, I felt your softness and warmth underneath my fingers and you trembled at my caress, which was a confirmation to me that you were real. I really can't lose you now! You are mine. Your heart is also mine to protect... Don't leave! you are my destiny! Look into my eyes and tell me that I am lying. That you didn't feel a thing the entire time we were together." Eric didn't realize how eloquently those words came out of his mouth.

Whereas, he was more amazed at himself than the surprise reflected on the girl before him. He was able to recall all these words after glancing through the script just once.

Thrilling though it seems, he just had the perfect practice for his next shoot and he obviously took advantage of their situation to act out as a trial.

The emotions, her reactions, and the atmosphere were perfect for that scene. Which made them retaliate more with each other in that aspect.

If only his director was here, he would have commented on this being his most perfect romantic scene in his entire movies so far, which was not surprising.

This strange girl seemed to bring out the best in him. In some cases, the worse reactions too, and he had no idea how she does but it comes easy for her.

It happened since Kristine arrived at their home for the first time, and she still had that effect on her despite everything that happened and had been through in the past.

However, Eric wasn't curious to find out anyway... a distance away from each other seemed like the best decision to take now. His emotions around her scare him quite a lot.

Nevertheless, he had to get to the root of her pretentious acting, so there was no need to get way over his head and think about old attachments.

Back to the subject at hand and enough with the fantasizing...

As Eric's expression changed from a romantic atmosphere into an awkward mood, then later turned into a teasing mood, Kristine's expression went from shock to wander. Then the frown on her brow deepened at his teasing smile.

She finally found her voice after the long shock from his confession to push him away. But this time around, he didn't fall.

As if he was expecting her to push him the third time so he kept his balance, even though he didn't even move or flinch a muscle after her push. He stood there like an immovable rock.

Meanwhile, even though Kristine wanted to play his game and prove to him what she was capable of, she decided against it and rather chose the easy way out and threatened him instead.

"Really? Are you sure you want to regret it? Don't wish for it! My Wrath is my weapon against brutes like you! And I tell you, you wouldn't see it coming until it hits you hard." Kristine hissed before she angrily pushed past him to run back into the house.

She literally scoots down to escape from underneath his arms. Which had her thinking about why she didn't think of that a moment before.

Kristine locked the door after she went into the house to stop Eric from getting back inside and tormenting her once more.

Once she realise she was safe from his view, Kristine leaned against the door with her heart pounding heavily within her chest from her encounter with Eric.

Although she didn't know if it was from his confession or his closeness, or maybe all the running she just did. She simply had no idea.

Yet, she had to lean on the closed door to calm her racing heart.

After Kristine left, Eric became very amused at how quickly she ran out to escape his advances. He saw how his acts affected her, even though he knew she would deny it at all costs.

Eric couldn't help the grin on his handsome face from her awkward reactions.

Meanwhile, the amusement on Eric's face was replaced by a deep frown when he tried to open the door to get back into the house and realized it was locked.

He was now beginning to feel the cold morning breeze despite being in it for a while now. But why didn't he feel it earlier?

He stared at the closed door in front of him and suddenly recalled Kristine's last words.

"Your wrath?....that's exactly what you are going to experience here after I am done with you!..." Eric whispered to himself before his hand tightened into a fist.

He banged the door many times to get her to open up but there was no response or movement from the other side despite his countless efforts.

"Why wasn't Evans here yet!". Eric's mind finally went back to his brother and he wondered what kept Evans, as he continued banging on the door.

Speaking of the devil!

The main gate opened and Evans drove inside the house and parked his car midway when he noticed his frustrated brother standing outside in the cold and banging on the door. This triggered his five senses with amusement...

"What happened? Is the house on fire or what....why are you outside?." Evans got down from his car and approached his brother.

"I just wish that were the case, because what is happening here is worse than a burning house." Eric answered, deeply frustrated.

He turned towards Evans in complaint. "Could you believe she locked me out of my own house?

Evans chuckled at his brother's dramatic scene with the strange girl before he rang the doorbell to the house, which Eric refused to notice in the first place out of frustration and banged the door instead.

Jeff heard the doorbell on his way towards the house after leaving his villa to get ready to begin his duties for the day.

He lived in a big spacious villa that was attached to Eric's mansion. Since Eric usually loved his own space and mostly liked to be alone, he gave the villa to Jeff.

"Who could be visiting Eric this early!" Jeff wondered as he came rushing to get the door.

Jeff thought Eric might still be in bed since yesterday's incident and party must have worn him out.

Evans call a while ago to check on Eric woke him from his peaceful sleep and he decided to freshen up first. Since he knew Eric wouldn't open up the door for him at that time.

"Could it be Sofia?." Jeff thought after hearing the doorbell the second time.

Jeff entered the mansion through the backdoor..a door he normally used.

To his delight, what he saw when he approached the door was Kristine. She sat sprawled on the floor by the main door, holding tightly to the door knob as if to stop any intruder from getting in.

The girl he thought was nearly dying just yesterday, was seen healthy and alive before him...

Jeff didn't realize when a relief smile broke on his face. He was just too grateful to see the girl well, and she look lively from the looks of things.

Apart from the bandage wrapped around her head, she didn't look like she just recovered from a car accident.

"What are you doing here...shouldn't you be in bed resting? Why did you leave the room?.... and where is Eric?." Jeff's nonstop questions startled her.

But before Kristine could answer any of Jeff's questions, the doorbell rang again.

Kristine assumed Jeff was the butler so she ran passed him and quickly climbed the stairs towards Eric's room, then locked the door there too.

Jeff opened the main door hoping to see Sofia, but instead, he became surprised to see the twins standing by the door instead of whom he was expecting.

Eric and Evans stood next to each other with a striking resemblance in height and body structure.

They were not identical in their looks, even though they both were extremely good-looking with impeccable facial features... Eric has a dimple on his left cheek while Evans had none.

It seemed like one of them took after the dad and the other took after the Mom in their facial resemblances.

Evans was the older one, older than Eric by a minute, even though Eric always hated to admit it.

Jeff used to wonder how gorgeous their parents must look when Eric first introduced his twin brother to him.

"Where are you coming from... and what time did you leave the house?.... I thought you were in bed. Anyway, did you leave the house looking like this?"

Jeff insistently bombarded Eric with questions as he stared at his plain outfit.

He simply couldn't believe Eric left the house wearing a plain shirt and pants so he stared at Eric from head to toe, then back to his face, waiting for an answer.

Evans was so amused by the manager's questions and assumptions. He chuckled loudly at Jeff's gestures.

Meanwhile, Eric could care less about both of them. he entered the house screaming for Kristine...

"Where is she? where are you, Kris...Come out now!

"Who are you looking for? Oh... the girl?

She ran upstairs when I arrived." Jeff replied looking confused.

Eric immediately took the stairs up to his room to find her.

"What happened here? Why is he so mad? Wasn't her recovery supposed to be good news? The girl is alright now....right?" Jeff called out as Eric quickly climbed the stairs.

Jeff turned to ask the amused doctor in front of him, who was still laughing at the expense of his brother's frustration.

"Not when you get locked out of your own house, by the person you are trying to help right?" Evans murmured humorously, then moved to join the drama couple upstairs.

"What!?" was Jeff's confused answer.

Jeff followed behind the doctor in order to understand exactly what was going on.

Evans met his confused brother by the door, still trying to convince the girl to open up.

"Calm down bro... You wouldn't want to scare her. Just let me handle this." Evans took Eric's place by the door.

"Hello Kris...my name is Evans Kurt and I am the doctor who took care of you last night. If you don't believe me, look inside the mirror! you will notice a bandage on your forehead. you had an accident last night and you were unconscious the entire time. Come on!... open up and let me check your condition.

Kristine heard the friendly voice behind the door and moved to do exactly what the doctor suggested. She looked at herself in the mirror and noticed the bandage wrapped around her head for the first time since she woke up.

"This wasn't there before...was it?" She whispered in surprise.

As if possessed by what she saw, she went towards the door and unlocked it for the doctor, before she collapsed on the floor.

"So it's all true...this wasn't Caleb's house so Caleb is not really here! What the hell happened to me!" were the words running inside her mind before the darkness overtook her and she deeply went into unconsciousness.

Was Kristine really pretending??

what do you think?

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