

Chapter 1

Her entire world came crashing down in an instant. How was she to know that everything would turn sour at the very last moment? A barrage of questions erupted and gushed in her mind. Blood vigorously flowed to her temples, flowing like the uneasy waters of the Okavango delta during the rainy season. The pools of waters that had gathered in her eyes began to overflow and erupted into a waterfall, dampening her creamy white cheeks. Her once neat African hair resembled the appearance of the Kalahari thorn bush, messy. This was due to the back and forth motion she had frequently underwent whilst howling and crying, in denial hours earlier till now. 

The once commanding and authorative voice had deteriorated into an almost imperceptible squeak. The picture of confidence that she had always depicted and was known by many was not evident at the moment. Who was she becoming? No! This was not how she would go down she thought, as if consoling herself. She had come too far to let her life fall into a deep dark abyss without a good fight. 

With the depleted residual might her worthless physical form possessed, undergoing utmost difficulty, she elevated herself and lightly staggered to the meter mirror that was in her room. After gazing through the windows of the soul of what used to be a picture of beauty for what seemed like an eternity, she heaved a sigh. Had she become this pathetic? Surely this was a mere stranger glazing into her eyes.

She stealthily elevated her bony hands and rubbed her temples, as an attempt to eradicate the throbbing head ache that seemed to be splitting her head into two. It partially worked for what is worth. The frail woman then wiped away the two pools that had accumulated under her glossy eyes. The vehemence and desire for vengeance was outlined on her face. Suddenly the expression quickly switched to that of slightly suspicious placidity as she smiled. This was not a friendly smile nor was it a smile that indicated she was now fine. This was a devious and malevolent smile. It was quickly followed by a thunderous laugh. Its echoes reverberated on the four corners of the room, amplifying and making the atmosphere eerie.

"If he wants to play rough, we will play rough,"

The deranged woman whispered to her reflection. The twisted game was just getting started. After all he did start what would later evolve into a massacre.