
Would You Rather?

Suddenly I got transferred to the Tokyo Revengers Universe, where I became a middle school student, named Michi Hirabayashi. With a system at hand that gives me 'would you rather' mission whenever it pleases, making me get involved in the most nonsensical situations at times. Maybe if I'm lucky I can stop some dumb-asses from getting killed.

Swagnim · Anime et bandes dessinées
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200 Chs

Group Date~

The next day I returned to school for part 2 in Kisaki torment. I was also excited to see if yesterday's act would proceed but got disappointed right off the bat, considering he returned back to acting cold towards me.

"Yet you were so cute yesterday," I said out loud and sighed sadly, he just gave me this annoyed look. Since I came running to school to see his face there was still some time I could use for chatting.

"So how was your summer break Tetta-Kun?" He tried to ignore me, bad move buddy.

"Are you upset that I wasn't coming by more often, sorry I didn't want to intrude, and sadly I had no way to announce my arrival earlier." I put my face in my palms trying to look devastated.

"Don't make up anything on your own... my summer break was fantastic without you around." I guess I managed to annoy an answer out of him, but I wouldn't stop at this.

"You missed me? I'm sorry if only there was a way to communicate with you instantly just by pressing one button." His face was twisting in anger, but a mission came to add me ideas, not really it asked me to do something I already had in mind.

'Would you rather ask Tetta Kisaki for his number or get his number out of Shuji Hanma?' Sure maybe Hanma would hand it over for the chaos of it, but would most likely ask for a similar thing in return. Perhaps he would ask for my number in exchange however, I didn't feel like

dealing with this guy yet. He and Haitani's could stay as far as possible from my vicinity. I whipped my phone out of my pocket and held it in my hands.

"But this problem is easily fixed, gimme your number." He denied it with a strong.

"No." but then quickly added.

"I can totally see you sending me weird pictures, which I do not wish to see." He pushed his glasses with his finger further onto his nose.

"You want nudes?" I asked in the bluntest voice possible, he quickly looked away but declared.

"If by chance you do, I will just send them over to Hanma, he looks like the type to enjoy such goods." I gasped loudly, how dare he say something so ridiculous?

"Not the giraffe guy!" I then added.

"Take it back right now, or I'm gonna come over to your house tonight and watch you sleep until you apologize." He just blinked at me, confused as to how to respond to my threat.

"I take it back." I nodded my head while voicing.

"Wise choice my dear." Soon the lesson began and nothing much was out of the ordinary besides when I heard some of the girls freaking out during the lunch break.

"We can't just turn up with four of us, we need a fifth girl to tag along onto this group date." I decided to listen in as I was eating my bento, not that I couldn't since they were sitting right in front of my desk.

"But we asked every girl in the class, no one seems to have time." Then one of the girls looked straight at me, catching me eavesdropping on their conversations.

"Yo Hirabayashi!" She soon yelled.

"No, not her!" One of the other girls blurted.

"Shhhh, there is no one else to ask." And I was about to turn down their invitation if they kept this up.

"Do you mind going with us to a group date with guys from another school?" I decided to play dumb by looking around while asking.

"You mean me?" She nodded and then turned her attention to Kisaki.

"Can you let your girlfriend tag along with us just for tonight?" I started snickering, Kisaki in turn dropped his chopsticks while hearing this, but soon his astonishment turned to rage.

"For the thousandth time! We are not fucking dating!" He picked his chopstick off the floor and went to the restroom to wash them. These girls received brownie points from me, for getting on his bad side. Which made me reconsider the given invitation. The girls just stood there scared, stunned by him lashing out. That's when a mission arrived.

'Would you rather accept the invitation or go on a date with the next guy that talks with you?' I sighed, but then smiled at my female classmates.

"Sure I can tag along." One of the girls that seemed to hate me the most just groaned in annoyance.

"Just don't try to steal the best catch out there." So they planned to split up afterward, I could just settle with someone that liked me and seemed like a nice person to hang around.

"Are you so threatened by my awesome presence?" Of course, I fired back, but her friends told her to let it go, she wanted to protest but didn't dare say anything back when Kisaki returned, looking more pissed than ever.

"You really gonna let this ruin your whole day? Relax." His face suddenly relaxed and smirked like he had some master plan cooking in his head.

"I will arrange for you and Hanma to meet again so you both can annoy each other instead." I grabbed my hair, I was screwed, wasn't I?

"Not the giraffe threat!" The girls from before were so damn confused.

"I was wrong, please forgive me." He just kept this smirk on his face and never said anything further. Okay, it was too much overreacting, who said I needed to hang with that tall giraffe guy? I could use my handy weapon called Pixie Dust.

The girl that requested my presence at the group date gave me the place and time where we were supposed to meet, they made sure to have a big interval of time to prepare for the date it seemed. I mostly spent it on eating my fill of food and doing homework, before I put on a pink skirt with a blouse and put a pink hairband on top calling it a day.

I went to our meeting place on foot, thankfully I had the GPS to guide me there.

"Oh, there you are." After some small chitchat between the girls, we walked inside a restaurant that was close by, but I caught this one insignificant girl sending me glares occasionally.

"Listen if you have a problem with me just say it out loud so we can get it over with." She seemed enraged.

"I don't like you." I just shrugged my shoulders.

"And I don't really care that much if you do or not, how about wasting your energy on something else...like your smudged mascara." She gasped pulled out a mirror and ran to the toilet, good riddance. When she returned the guys were already here, but one of them was missing.

"He'll be here soon." They assured us, thankfully the four guys put their attention on the other girls, somehow they all felt so shallow. I couldn't explain it properly just knew I most likely wouldn't get along with either of them.

"Why do I have to be involved in this shit, it's not like any of the girls is even gonna want to choose me!" I heard a familiar voice, I looked up only to see Ryohei sitting in front of me. He must have not realized it was me, because I was resting my head on the table.

"Ryohei-Kun!" I yelled excitedly, startling him.

"Michi? What are you doing here?" I just smiled.

"What do you think?" The other four couples just looked confused at our interaction.

"Were you dragged as well into this?" Did it mean he didn't plan this outing either?

"Yep, how could you tell?" I asked.

"You looked so bored until I arrived." He did have a point.

"I mean they already paired themself with each other none of the guys even asked me anything." I wasn't too sure why that transpired, maybe the situation would have been slightly different if I fell with my ability.

"So how were you dragged into this?" I questioned, interested.

"They promised to pay for my dinner if I tagged along to even out the numbers. Apparently, at first, they asked Mitsuya to tag along, but he had something to take care of, so he canceled on them last minute, and since they couldn't find a substitute they asked me and gave me something in return. But I never would have thought I would see you here."

"I just accepted out of curiosity." Yes who wouldn't want to experience a group date, when I saw it so often taking place in the manga?

We started to talk about various manga we read recently or came across and wanted to read somewhere soon in the future. I also asked questions about what currently was taking place in Toman, but he gave just vague answers.

"Oh come on, don't tell me you still keep thinking I'm a spy from another gang." He shook his head.

"We wouldn't want Sanzu to find another excuse to bother you, something about you knowing too much." I nodded that could be a possible development.

"You're so clever I haven't thought about it." He seemed shocked when I complimented him this way.

"Yo love birds!" The girl that hated me dared to tell to us.

"It's time to decide the dates." They decided to make it into a slump, so why not just go with someone you like?

'Would you rather follow thru and see what happens, or link your arm with Ryohei Hayashi and declare you already chose your date for tonight?' Considering the system's will I would most likely not involve myself with some minor guys that it saw as NPCs, so I would, either way, end up with Ryohei, but hey I felt salty about her treatment towards me.

"Oh sorry, I already chose my date for tonight." I walked over to Ryohei while linking my arm with his as per the system's request while laughing like those villainesses in romance animes.

"Hohohoho~" Assertion of dominance.

As soon we paid for our share of drinks and appetizers we ordered, we walked out and Ryohei was dying of laughter.

"What was that Michi?"

"I just didn't feel like following her lead, she was glaring at me the whole day." Ryohei suddenly looked like he was ready to leave.

"Eh?" I asked shocked.

"What? I thought you just chose me to have a safe escape home." I just stared at him, well that's what I was planning from the beginning, yes, but it wouldn't hurt to hang with him right?

"That was my initial plan, but I don't mind hanging with you a little bit longer... so how about... we see some anime movies at the theater? My treat!" Ryohei looked shocked at my suggestion.

"Come on, or I leave your ass behind!" I said as I asked the GPS to find me a location worth of my awesome presence, and one that had a good movie to show.

"You for real?" He asked as I nodded and outstretched my hand for him to grab.

"I can't wait to see Baji's face when I tell him about it!" Don't tell me he accepted it, to throw the fact into his face?

As we were going there, suddenly I lost my balance once more, who could have predicted that? But Ryohei decided to take my fall for his own benefit, somehow he spun me around to fall onto his chest.

"Told you I will be there when you need a pillow to fall on." He dared to wink at me.

"Great next time I just come into your house to body slam you first thing in the morning." I joked.

"You're welcome to turn up anytime, so long I can brag about it to others." I guess he wanted to stir some drama in Toman.

"I guess this way Sanzu can believe I'm interested in someone and will piss off once and forever." Hopefully.

We walked inside the movie theater and I purchased the tickets and popcorn.

"Let's go." As we were watching we both had a great time, but then a mishap happened. As I was reaching for the popcorn which we shared between each other, I didn't divert my eyes from the screen. It so happened that Ryohei was holding the package further away from me so I grabbed his thigh by mistake, rather than feeling shame, I just rolled with it. I squeezed it nodded and declared.

"Great muscles." I showed him a thumb up and went back to watch, but once we walked outside why did I have this strange feeling that this would totally reach Keisuke's ears?

"Nah, I don't think he would." I trusted that Ryohei would keep it to himself.

"What?" He asked as I just said.

"Nothing, nothing. Well thanks for hanging with me, I will come someday soon by your house to drop off the manga." He nodded.

"Just give me a heads up once you do." and so we parted our ways.