
Worth A Billion

With Jade Mackenzie known for her popularity as a cheerleader, takes her beauty and her natural charm as an advantage to earn money by being a sideline bitch and a fake girlfriend. Every girl hates her even though she was dumb and not academically good yet still manage to be that goddamn walking insecurity of every woman in campus. Until one day, where she was left broke and broken by her boyfriend, she had no choice but to take the risk dating Alec Iverson, who was known as the wealthiest prodigy student in their prestigious university. As the only person who figured out the secret condition behind Alec's undeniably intelligence and strange series of personality, Alec paid her to overcome his trauma and emotional issues. Complex problems had led them to finally outwit science, and discovered feelings to one another. Until the major problem came they think had no possible solution...Alec was born to participate in a political marriage, so he had then no choice to keep the bitch more than just contract and dating.

Ace_Verecio · Sports, voyage et activités
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142 Chs

Faking It

Rumors about Heather had spread around the campus. I know, because one I am popular, and second, any issues so long as Tourism Department is involved, is mainly the students' cup of tea.

"Girl, how did you do that!" Jameeka greeted me when she entered the locker. Practice was done, and it was almost 9 PM, a usual everyday routine for us.

"That's what you called talent, Jameeka," Aubrey entered, with a cup of Starbucks coffee on her hand. "Know why? Because she's Jade, the star of Cheerleaders Guild and the darling of the crowd. Every mid-level pretty girls would kill for that position."

"You mean, Eva?" I followed up. They both laughed when I mentioned our coach. "I don't know what's with her ass and she's stricter than ever. Did she skipped her monthly period?"

"Know why? Heartthrob Guild will be visiting the Cheerleaders Club next week," she giggled.

"Bitch please, now I know why even my toenails are tired," I said, while undressing my costume, leaving my pompoms scattered on the bench.

"Can't they just pass this to amateurs?" I rant, while brushing my high ponytail hairstyle. "Come on, we're graduating students!"

"They want the best performance for Heartthrob, you know that. You're the only one who fits for that word." Aubrey raised her cup.

I was lost for that moment, when she mentioned the word, 'heartthrob.' A week had passed when that most embarrassing moment had happened to me, and still, I cannot accept the fact that he ruined my poise and my image. Heather's confrontation was dead already, yet my issue about how that stupid golden guy who literally walkout passed over me was still alive and kicking.

"Was that really the reason?" I asked back, then grabbed my bag and together, we walked towards the parking lot.

"What do you mean?" Jameeka asked.

"You really believed she wants the best performance? Or maybe she's a backstabbing bitch who wants to make a name to be recognized by these Heartthrobs that's why she's using my issue with Alec to ruin and go above me." I groaned, saying his name makes me wanna itch. I'm starting to think that I am allergic to him. Now I hate them both.

"That's saucy," Jameeka raised the side of her lips.

"I know right." I hissed. We both stop at Aubrey's car. "If there should be one bitch here, it should've been me."

"We'll see tomorrow, bye!" Aubrey went inside and drove off. I was left with Jameeka, as she went to her car as well.

"Where's your car?"

"My driver's late as usual," I rolled my eyes.

"Alrighty!" She winked at me. "See you tomorrow."

I timidly smiled, while I stare at her side mirror as she drove off. When I make sure she's no longer in my sight, that's where I started to walk towards the gate and went home.

The reality is, I don't have a car. Hell I can't even pay my tuition here to afford a driver.

Because I am poor...and I am totally broke.

My family is not rich, they don't have money to even suffice the basic needs. I am just faking my life like a crazy rich Asian-Hispanic bitch for four consecutive years. Nobody knows it, and I never plan to tell anyone.

As to per main reason why I am lying? Because I needed to stay damn popular in order for me to maintain my customers. In order for me to receive payments.

Don't get me wrong. I am only giving two types of services; one is playing the role as their fake girlfriend in order for these billionaires to escape the pressure of their grandparents to arrange them into marriage.

Second one is, there were these type of rich hunk guys who were privileged in life to waste money dating bitches as a past time, or as a show off to their guy friends as a display.

All I know is that one thing should match. To be that sultry rich bitch, who has this charm, and a standard of fashion statement. To be convincing enough as a millionaire's girlfriend, or a girlfriend material of spoiled rich college guys.

And that's why I made myself one, to support my tuition fees, and allowances, so I can graduate. I don't mind being a self proclaimed bitch. Nevertheless, I am only doing this because of money.

I know. Sometimes they went far a little. But I never let these guys take advantage of me. I only accept money, and I never gave them services more than just dating.

"Malcolm, are you still up?!" I knocked at the apartment and peek at the window.

"What took you so long to come home?" He opened the door for me, wearing only sweater pants, as I immediately headed at his bathroom to change my outfit.

"Eava is really getting to our nerves lately," I groaned, while leaving all expensive stuff at his room, changing to a typical bag, removing my make up, and anything that is expensive to my body, those stuff that would make my parents think I am a rich bitch.

This is my daily routine since the last four years. My parents don't know anything about it, I swear. I borrow Malcolm's room as my hideout before I go back to our house like a normal student who had her normal life.

"And where did you get that, huh?" I point his hickey using my lips.

Malcolm laughed. "You'd really ask me that question?"

I rolled my eyes and chuckled. Ugh, this guy never really graduated at being a playboy.

Regardless, Malcolm is my exception. He is my guy best friend who knows behind all of this 'faking it'. Sometimes I give him some extra money for the disturbance that I am causing, in exchange, he'll keep this as a secret and will lie in behalf of me if someone suspected. We're totally cool with that.

"I gotta go."

"Hey Mad, you forgot to let your hair down."

I gasped. "Yeah! Thanks for reminding me that! I'll work with it while walking! Bye!"

After five minutes of almost running just before the curfew hours, I finally reached home.

"Mother," I greeted.

"Oh my poor Jade, you're late. Was the work being an assistant student really that difficult?" My mother asked, her eyes were full of concern. I just smiled and gave her a kiss.

And that's another thing.

My parents thought that I am a scholar student at Saint National University. You might be thinking why I am bothering myself being a bitch and entering this sideline when I could just apply for a scholar?

Because the reality is, I didn't pass the exam.

I am actually dumb...and not academically good.

"What's our dinner today?"

"We haven't eaten yet..." My mother whispered, her head was pointed at the ground. I looked at the clock and it says 9:30. That broke my heart.

"What? Why?"

"Your father lose—"

"Is Jade here?!"

I startled the moment I heard his voice that sounded like a beast. That was my father.

"Have you earned already from being am assistant fucking student?!"

"Leonard..." My mother tried to calm him down. "I know how gambling had change your mood but—"

"Get the fuck off!" He shoved off mother and slapped her directly at the face. Since she was thin, she easily lost her balance and fell to the ground.

"Mom!" I cried, running towards her.

"What's wrong with you?!"

"Why didn't you ask that yourself?!" He shout back. "Why do you always persist to study at that fucking university if we cannot afford it!"

"I did not ask a single penny at you to support my schooling!" I growled the best I can.

"That's what you learn from that fucking school?! Making excuses?! Why don't you get a job already!" My father was so raged, he threw the closest object at us, and unfortunately it was my cellphone that I had placed on the table.

"No!" I cried.

The phone fell at the ground so hard it had a couple of scratches and the screen went broken.

"No...no..." My mouth went opened, and I was shaking.

"If you're looking for dinner, then sleep the fuck out of it and we'll overcome hunger. You bullshits asking for food when I cannot even afford a single cigarette." He spit at the ground first and continued murmuring until he left the room.

"I'm sorry," my mother went apologetic when she saw what happened to my phone. "You should have save your phone instead of giving me a hand..."

"No... it's fine," I said, holding back my tears. "That's just a phone."

"Here, take this..." I stared at the pennies my mother had put on my palm.

"You had a rough day at school, so buy yourself a dinner, I'll be fine." Her eyes went teary. It was so painful for me that I avoided to stare back.

"I'll buy us a dinner," I smiled, then put the phone inside my pocket. "I'll be back. Just keep your eyes on Emerald."

It was almost 10 PM outside, yet I am still her, looking for street foods to survive the dinner.

While walking, I was kind of thinking to sell one of my gifts that I collected from my sideline.

I know how to handle the money I earn. Those make up that I wear, classic earrings, fake lashes, hair rebonded, branded bags, shoes, even the set of clothing line...those were all gifts that I received from these millionaire guys since I started doing it.

They serve as my savings. If I am in emergency, I sell some stuff of mine in exchange for money. That's the reason why I almost sacrifice my life just not to let my Gucci bag getting scratched, otherwise, rich people will not buy it.

I pull out my wallet to add some money to buy a half roasted chicken. That's where I noticed my phone inside, one that I use while at school.

You have received one message from Aubrey:

'Girl, are you up? Let's hangout at Central Mall tomorrow! They've got this new cafe open, and it's so Instagram worthy!'

I sighed. That was the very moment that I finally let my tears broke off and silently cried. Good thing the road was too dark and no one will notice me here.

To be honest, I never wanted any of this. It's just that, I had no choice.

People just misunderstood it that I am a gold digger, a cheater, and still, I end up lying.

I went back to my phone and replied.

'Are you kidding me?! For reals?! OMG. Don't you gals skip me on the list. Let's go mark our territory there xoxo.'

I stared one more time at the message that I composed.

Then I hit the sent button.