
Worm: Revenge of the Elder's

Worm/Xcom crossover with MC Tinker

Nisiris · Autres
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Two additional days and I finally had my products completely done, they couldn't be made without a dad who delivered me certain materials that couldn't be commonly bought on the streets or the internet, but thanks to his now higher standing in the UniTech corporation, he was able to take them from the labs and engineer storages.

"So this is supposed to protect us?" I saw the doubtful expression on my dad's face very clearly. I knew he didn't doubt me, but he still couldn't go around the fact that a small chip that wasn't even bigger than pinky would be capable of protecting them.

And I didn't blame him. The sole reason I knew it would work was because of the sudden inspiration I received in the process of creating this miracle. It was the same reason I knew it would work, even if I didn't test it against precogs and thinkers.

"Yes, I can't say more until you use it, but what I can say is that it uses a certain type of energy that, once around your body, would radiate a certain invisible shield that would hide you from precogs and protect you against masters and thinkers." The sole way that someone could read my father would be through cold reading and good old analytic process, so Tattletale was still a problem, but other's who worked on the more unnatural ways, shouldn't be capable of learning anything, not once the Psionic shield radiation is around the Mind Shield's user.

I watched how dad and mom exchanged their glances, and both took their respective Mind Shield.

"So, how should we use it, dear?" Mom asked me, and I took my own. Even if I suspected that I was naturally protected, even if I still couldn't use Psionics, I built a Mind Shield for myself, too, just in case.

Taking it into my hand, I showed my parents how I just attached it to my skin near the nape of my neck.

"As you can see, it just attaches to your skin, you can take it away without a problem, but it wouldn't naturally fall from its place once it's settled, as it uses the same energy for your protection in staying attached to your skin, no matter how much you move." It wouldn't fall just because someone moved too quickly.

The idea came to me when I debated how to make it without needing to drill holes in my parent's bodies, and it would indeed look better even for the people I will want to show this to, as not all were alright with having their bodies gaining chrome parts.

"Hm, ok then," Dad said and attached his own Mind Shield to the back of his neck, just like a mom who followed just after him.

"I don't feel anything?" Mom asked me, but I didn't answer her as I looked at them both with wide eyes.

"Honey? What is wrong?" Mom worriedly asked me, as dad looked at me too.

"I... You can't see it, but it's like you are very enclosed in a moving purple current of water..." I mumbled, too engrossed by sight. It was so.

Alive and purple, very purple, but alive...

And very chaotic.

Rubbing my eyes, I looked again, now surprised it didn't look so hard.

No, hurtful to look on to?

Was it just the first seeing painful until my eyes became accustomed to it, or did that strange current around my parents diminish and calm down?

I shook my head.

"Dad, after last night of thinking, I have two final products I want you to show to the people you trust, one that could help them and another that would surely help them," I said as I took a bigger device and activated it, creating a plethora of purple, green and blue lights shinning from out of it.


"How has the testing gone?" Jonathan Braham, a wrinkled old man who was still able to maintain a particular healthy image for someone of his age and past carrier, asked the sole standing man as the eyes of the people around the desk in the room looked too.

Before the man in the black suit and neatly done hair said anything, he took out his briefcase and put it on the table, opening it, and showing a purple-colored crystal that was connected to the briefcase through numerous cables.

Alarming the numerous men and women by the table, some of who put their hands under the table, some who outrightly pulled out their guns.

"What is the meaning of this agent?" Jonathan, the Director of DIA, frostily asked, yet the agent didn't show any discomfort, even if weapons were aimed at him.

"Before I can report our findings, I must activate the device that lies before you. I can't tell you more than it was tested and voted by heads of all departments that investigated and tested these devices that were given to us by the UniTech corp, we went through all manners of tests, and M/S containments, just to come out clean." The man said and showed the nape of his neck, where already a blue/purple little chip-like device was attached to his skin.

"The findings our people found are groundbreaking, no. A heaven-shattering and dangerous enough that all manners of precaution must be made just to share this news." The man said and continued before someone could say anything.

"And an order was already made before I arrived at this room, as once this meeting ends, we all are to go through anything M/S screening." The man said, and the people at the table didn't know what to make of this, but before anyone could continue where he left off, the Director spoke.

"Does this have something to with the FBI and Chiefs from Pentagon quarantining us?" At the widened eyes of the people by the table, the agent nodded.

"Yes, they do not know what is to be spoken in there, but CODE IRIS was declared." The agent finally said.


"I see... Then continue." Director Jonathan said as the agent nodded, the mood in the room was too severe, as those who knew of CODE IRIS had a severe look on them, and those who didn't voice anything, knowing they weren't introduced to it because of some security reasons.

"This changes everything." President finally said, as the purple colored light shone in the oval office, with all the chiefs and essential leaders of the USA gathered in there, at least those who truly needed to know, which were Directors of intelligence agencies, military leaders, from army, navy, to air force, and generals.

"Yes... But it does pose a risk." The director of the CIA said, as his blue eyes looked at the crystal with a clear desire and hunger.

"The UniTech, do we know who came up with this?"

"His name is redacted, but he is not a tinker. Our people were clear on that, as even if the means aren't still made, theoretically, this technology could be replicated by mundane means in ten years or more for any desire of mass production."

"...Is it safe not to have PRT chief director with us in there?" One of the military-clothed men finally asked, gaining the interest of most in the room as others looked at the DIA's director's face.

"Yes. After the tests were made, something interesting happened." The director said with gritted teeth.

"It would be better if I showed it to you." The DIA director said as he put a report before the man beside him, letting him read it, making all interest at the paling and then redding face, as fear was replaced with anger.

"This! This Is treason!" The man finally said as he gave the paper to another, and it continued like this until the president himself didn't read the paper, his face showing a complicated expression.


"This can not be shared outside." President finally said, making most nod their head.

"But we need to do something about this." One of the military-clothed men said, making the President nod.

"Yes, and we will, but not for now... This kind of meddling, just found out after our analytic teams were under this Psionic pylons protection, showed that someone led OUR nation by the strings to their desired path, and Director Rebbeca-Brown is clearly in pact with this Thinker or Master." CIA Director announced, making others blanch.

To think, they all were led by someone for so long, and they still would...

It was like their eyes were opened...

But that wasn't it, was it?

As the analytic teams that weren't in the WATCHDOG that worked for PRT showed, someone, manipulated them each time someone was close to something important, just for that person to forget about it, or led to another way, something that shouldn't happen, and yet still did...

"The PRT is compromised." That idea sends a shiver to most in the room.

*Author note*


Writing such heavily political conversation just isn't for me...

I hope it gave just a little logic...