
Worm: Accelerator

*I own neither the Parahuman Series nor any of the Index animes* *Warning: This story features a lot of inappropriate language, along with derisive discrimatory remarks that may/will offend you, please keep in mind that any thought processes that are morally reprehensible are not supported by me or anyone who may have contributed to writing this story." Amel Hanover is an albino man, smart enough to get double PhD's at 22 and handsome enough that he is often mistaken as a model, with a complementary depressing origin story, but no one gives a shit. Not when you have people developing superpowers on the worst day of their lives, not in Brockton Bay, the capital of those so called Parahumans in the US of A, what with a fullblown gang of Neo-Nazi's, the premier healer cape in the goddamn world, a fucking Rage-Dragon that tussled with a Kaiju until it sinked his island and his suicide bombing maniac dog, and a severely under-funded, under equiped team of government superheroes. But when he develops superpowers of his own through an interaction with the local duo of silly video-game villain's shenanigans (All accidental, of course), everything begins to change, as Amel, for once in his life, can finally make a change in this hellhole. _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Author's note: I'm back! I had to deal with two broken legs(not at the same time), losing my part time job, STEM exams, and a goddamn Earthquake. But when I tried to start writing on my other stories I just... couldn't. So I had this idea for a change and I thought, why not? So here you have it. *I don't claim any images in here, if they're yours just comment and I'll take them down/remplace them*

PrinceOfNilfheim · Livres et littérature
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12 Chs

Prologue (Spoiler alert)

Threat Designation form PRT-SCTD0073:







Civilian Name:

  Amel Hanover

Affiliation :

  Independent Hero/Rogue

Confirmed Powers and Preliminary Estimated Ratings:

  Brute/Breaker 7 - Shaker 4 - Thinker 4 - Tinker 2

In-depth Explanation:

  The Subject showed the ability to completely resist and reflect all attacks directed at him during his interaction with a sufficiently empowered Lung, including but not limited to high-temperature fire, significant physical blows, and small/medium caliber ammunition. The subject also appeared to have a Tinkertech gun with the capability to project non-lethal incapacitating lasers, which were used on unpowered members of the Gang known as the Azn Bad Boys along with a depowered Lung.

  Local Protectorate Leader Armsmaster indicated heightened senses and an ability to detect objects within a certain radius.

General Overview: 

  According to the After Action Report filed by Hero Armsmaster, the Subject had an interaction with the local gang Azb Bad Boys, which resulted in the capture of wanted Parahuman Lung and several unpowered members. The subject was accompanied by the local Parahuman Weaver, upon which it was known that it was the first meeting between the two. The subject was unmasked and specified government laws restricting parahumans' involvement in business and media as the reason and showed a desire to register in the PRT as an Independent Hero and Rogue. 

  The subject showed a negative response to joining the local Protectorate roster, citing "regulatory concerns" and "significant incompatibility with government methods", although he was noted to be receptive to cooperation with local authorities, alluding to a business opportunity to be made between the two.

Rules of Engagement:

  A preliminary profile suggests avoiding any hard sells towards this particular Parahuman, we encourage developing an amicable relationship with him, with a focus on joint patrols and business exchanges. In case of confrontation, Parahumans should engage in pairs or trios at a minimum, two fully equipped squads should also be deployed as with common Threat assessments, furthermore, liberal use of methods used in entrapment such as containment foam and such is recommended, while avoiding any proximity to the target.


Emily Piggot

Director, Parahuman Response Team East-Northeast

May 6th, 2011


Threat Designation form PRT-SCTD0073:


  Temporary designation - Weaver




  Under 18

Civilian Name: 


Affiliation :

  Independent Hero (Unregistered)

Confirmed Powers and Preliminary Estimated Ratings:

  Master 5 - Thinker 2 - Shaker 1 - Tinker 0

In-depth Explanation:

  The Subject showed significant ability to control bugs within a certain range, during the altercation with local villain Lung, she afflicted enough damage through common insect venoms that the latter's regeneration ability was significantly hindered.

  The Shaker and Thinker ratings stem from the ability to sense through the bugs and the number of bugs capable of being manipulated, and the Tinker rating from the ability to make the subject's costume from Black Widow silk that has three times the durability of Kevlar, said suit showed almost no damage from the previous interaction.

General Overview: 

  According to the After Action Report filed by Hero Armsmaster, the Subject initiated combat with local villain Lung upon the assumption of the latter's desire to hurt children, which turned out to be the local supervillain team "Undersiders". After retaliation from Lung, the Subject retreated toward the local Bay until she was reinforced by the local independent Hero Accelerator.

  After Accelerator uncapacitated Lung and several unpowered members with the help of the subject, they were approached by the local Hero Armsmaster, upon which she indicated that it was her first patrol and refused Ward's pitch citing "Teenage drama" as the reason, upon which she left.

Rules of Engagement:

  A preliminary profile suggests that the subject lacks trust toward authority figures and has a negative inclination to socialize with similarly aged people (possible Trigger?), we suggest more interaction with Protectorate members while easing her interaction with the local Wards team while following typical soft-sell protocole. (PS: Keep her away from Clockblocker and Shadow Stalker, we don't want those two to screw this up.)

  Upon confrontation, no lethal action is allowed, keep away from sewers and zones with a high presence of bugs, and get ready to use standard-issued anti-venom. close combat is suggested with a preference for Brute/Mover opponents.


Emily Piggot

Director, Parahuman Response Team East-Northeast

May 6th, 2011