
World Union Shoukan

The entire planet has been unified under a single country known as World Union. After World War III, humanity achieved peace and established the World Union. Until 2105. The World Union has been relocated to an unknown world, a world populated by magic, non-human races, and imperialism. In this new world, what will the World Union discover? This is a Nihonkoku shoukan fanfic; I do not own summon japan.

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Chapter 3: first diplomatic mission

Gloria calendar 01/23/1639, Polihark, Qua-Toyne republic, 10:01 AM.

In the hallway, a young woman with green leps and green iris rose up; she is elven and appears to be 30 years old. She is, however, 125 years old, and her birth date is Deocombaro (December). She is dressed in presidential attire, has baggage in her right hand, and is carrying something heavy for the approaching conference room.

I'm sure I can accomplish this mission. I should believe in myself!

Lianddona is the vice president of the Qua-Toyne republics. She is nervously standing in the diplomatic room; on the opposite side of the diplomat rooms, there are numerous Qua-Toynians and envoys from the World Union.

Okay, here I go.

She could see two Qua-Toynians and numerous guys from the World Union as she opened the diplomatic chamber door.

Oleja from the ministry of foreign affairs and Argou as a deputy minister of foreign affairs presented in the diplomatic room, they will accompany her throughout the diplomatic mission.

So they are World Union envoys, and their attire appears to be more refined than we thought... Let's get this day started.

Then she approached one of the World Union officers and said, "Greetings, my name is Lianddona. I am the vice president of the Qua-Toyne republics, and it's great to see envoy of the World Union."

The man smile and then responded, "My name is Hardi. I am one of the World Union's diplomats. We are grateful that the land of the Qua-Toyne republics has allowed us to meet you; it is a great honor. Please accept our heartfelt thanks."

"Of course, it's our pleasure." She replied.

Then she took to sit in the center while the other Qua-Toynians stood by her.

"I will be the conference chairwoman, let me introduce myself, I am foreign affairs minister Oleja. Let us come to the topic, what is the objective of your country to attend to our country?"

He offered a brief hello and instantly spoke about the primary matter.

"Yes, our primary objective in visiting the Qua-Toyne Republics is to foster good ties between our countries; please allow me to distribute World Union paperwork."

The paper was given to the Qua-Toynians by one of his aides. When they look at the paperwork, though, they all have a grimace on their faces.

How could I read this?

"Please accept our apologies, but we are unable to read all of these sentences."

"This is really surprising, given that we speak the same language and have heard you talk in English. We assumed you'd be able to understand these materials."

"We speak English? No, we don't understand that language. We heard you talk in the Qua-Toynian language from our perspective."

"... Okay, let me explain the material verbally. World Union is a federal presidential constitutional republic that existed on the planet known as Earth. Our capital is Washington, D.C., while New York City is our largest city. Our population is 10 billion people."

Hold up, ten billion people?! That is more populous than either the Unified Kingdom of Mu or the Holy Mirishial Empire! Does this imply that your country is overpopulated?

She questioned how the World Union was able to keep so many people, and she said, "How big does the World Union?"

"Our country has a land area of 150,000,000 km2."

That is a massive landmass; I'm curious about their capital city or even their largest city...

"Are you kidding me? "How can we believe such information like this?!"

"If you are all trolls, you will be apprehended or perhaps executed!"

Oleja and Argou are furious and refuse to trust what he says...

"Calm down both of you, you both better behave... Gentlemen of the World Union, what do you desire from our country? Surely, the purpose of coming here is more than to visit since we are a wonderful country with many resources."

"Our objective is not to take foreign resources; rather, our intention is to establish good ties with your country."

"Are you certain about what you just said? Isn't it true that your country exclusively employs science technology rather than magic technology?" Hardi nodded as she requested. "We have some amazing technology that we can demonstrate to the World Union, but we also wanted some compensation for it."

"Hmm, we understand, we will negotiate some technical exchange, and we will plan the date for the Qua-Toynians to visit our nation. We shall reconvene on the agreed-upon date."

"Please take your time arranging it; our special envoy will wait patiently for the day to enter the World Union."

= = =

Gregorian calendar 01/29/2105, White House, Washington D.C., World Union, 08:05 AM.

Following the transfer, many citizens protested and rioted around the city for a variety of reasons, including discontent with the new world, racism, or prejudice against other species such as elves and dwarves.Meanwhile, a covert meeting is taking place inside the White House to examine Gloria's plan. The map is larger than a globe, and there are several undiscovered countries all around the planet.

"According to information received from the Qua-Toyne Republic, this island is known as Fenn Kingdom and its neighboring Gahara theacracy."

"Does this island have anything interesting?" The President inquired.

"the airforce of the Fenn Kingdom still using wyvern because don't have enough money to purchase an aircraft."

"I see..."

"In the Gahara theacracy, they have strong wind dragons that can reach 500 km/h, but they also have thousands of cloud dragons that can reach 1000 km/h. Those dragons can only be ridden by a chosen few."

"Do those dragons appear to have goddess power?"

"Well, that may seem like a strong dragon, but it pales compared to most aircraft in the new world."

"I see... In terms of aircraft, do we have any information about the aircraft of Qua-Toyne Airforce?"

"Yes, their fighter is the TF-2 Kickers, which has a top speed of 450 km/h. It can also carry two 50-kilogram bombs or one drop tank. They also have TDB-1 Sinus dive bombers, which can carry one 250 kilogram bomb or five 50 kg bombs."

"Do they have torpedo bombers?"

"They have a TTB-1 Jaen with a 1000-kilogram torpedo. They also have a land bomber known as Null, which can carry ten 100 kg bombs and is armed with eight machine guns and two autocannon."

"Hmm, all of those planes remind me of my WWII planes."

"Interwar aircraft specifically, but we discovered something intriguing about this aircraft, virtually everything in this airplane is constructed with magic."

"Hmm, their planes are antiquated, yet it's still intriguing because of how they magically make their aircraft."

"In fact, we just inspecting all countries that neighboring Qua-Toyne republics, the Quila Kingdom and Louria Empire, both of which still employ propeller aircraft, but we have just captured a photo of their jet aircraft."

"Jet magic based, yeah, it's intriguing to study aviation magical principles."

"Look at this airplane, Mr. President." He remarked this while showing images of Lourian aircraft.

"Hmm, these planes... Reminds me of Me 262 or Nakajima Kikka jet fighters from WWII."

"In fact, this aircraft can fly at 700 km/h, possesses two magical autocannons, and can carry a 1000-kilogram bomb."

"Hmm, this aircraft appears unstoppable against the Qua-Toyne republic and Quila Kingdom fighters."

"In any case, while discussing the Lourian Empire, we find something fascinating."

"In any case, while we're discussing the issue of the Lourian Empire, we noticed something fascinating about the Louria navy."

"What precisely could it be?"

Then he displayed several pictures of the Lourian warship, whose size astonished him; it is a battleship larger than the Yamato battleship, and it is armed with multiple anti-aircraft cannons.

"These battleships... Don't tell me..."

"This is their newest battleship, according to our spies who have recently arrived on the Rodenius Continent. It is armed with three Quad naval guns as well as numerous anti-aircraft weapons."

"Hmm, it appears that the Qua-Toyne republic will be under attack very soon; nevertheless, we must investigate more about Lourian before taking action about the upcoming event of the Lourian Empire invasion of the Qua-Toyne Republics."

= = =

Gloria calendar 02/01/1639, Foreign Affairs Department, Polihark, Qua-Toyne Republics, 08:40 AM.

It's still winter, there's snow on the ground, and some citizens are tossing snowballs at each other. There is one building where employees who work for foreign relations work, which means that everything relevant to the diplomacy of the Qua-Toyne Republics is concentrated in one structure, which is called the Foreign Affairs Department.

A young man named Yagou is lying on a chair, reading a document on the World Union. It was said that they would be flying to the World Union aboard a Qua-Toyne aircraft.

While he was reading the paper, his pals approached him and remarked, "Man, you got fucking lucky ey, you are going traveling to an unknown place while we're simply staying in fucking uncomfortable office to dealt the fucking document."

"Don't worry, you'll be able to go to other nations shortly... Oh, I'm will be in the conference room. If everything matters that are related to me occurred during the conference, report to me after the conference."

"Alright, I will do what you wish, you better take care of yourself now, and good luck on the conferences."

= = =

Meeting room no III, Foreign affairs department, Qua-Toyne Republics, Polihark, 08:55 AM.

Officer Yagou entered Meeting room No. III and he saw a hardwood table in the shape of a pentagon, as well as some historical images and exquisite paintings on the wall. He isn't the only person in the conference room, as three officers are already sitting on the chairs, waiting for their supervisors to arrive.

"Officer Yagou!"

"It's been a long time since our last meeting, General Hanki; what are you doing in here?"

"Officer Yagou... Please don't call me General Hanki, I was temporarily transferred from the military affairs ministry... Anyway, are you going to the World Union as well?"

"In fact, I'd like to visit a World Union to learn about their economy and everyday life."

"As a military enthusiast, I'd like to see their tank or even their aircraft. I'm curious whether they have jet fighters like the Holy Mirishial Empire and Mu."

"indeed... Anyway, are we the only people who came to the World Union?"

"Not only both of us, but three of them and our superiors are also coming to the World Union; in any case, there will be another two World Union personnel accompanying us in there."

"I see... Ah, it looks like he has already come; I should take a seat."

Knowing that his superiors were approaching the conference rooms, he sat in a chair and prepared for the meeting to begin as their superiors entered the meeting rooms and began giving remarks.

"Alright everyone, as you know, we're going to the World Union next week, but before we get to their mainland, there's some stuff you should know... Okay, we'll go to the World Union to evaluate if they're a threat or not. We recently discovered that the whole World Union population is human, and we need to know if they discriminate against other races. We must also understand why we require open connections with the World Union. When we got to the World Union, we should look at this subject. So, our goal is to travel to World Union and look for all information regarding the World Union."

Everyone in the conference room nodded.

"There are various things in this guidebook about our action in the World Union. One of them is please maintain your attitude and refrain from any aggressive behavior."

After receiving the handbook, various questions arose in their minds, and the meeting came to an end. The following is the complete list of the Qua-Toynian delegation:

- Yagou from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

- Hanki, who was temporarily transferred from the military ministry to the foreign affairs ministry.- Naren from the Ministry of Military Affairs.

- Kavral from the Ministry of Science and Technology.

- Cidanna from the Ministry of Information Affairs.- Faren from the Foreign Ministry is the delegation's leader.

= = =

Gloria calendar 02/02/1639, International Poli Airport, Polihark, Qua-Toyne Republics, 07:05 PM.

The Qua-Toyne delegation is now on a Candler Page Namster, which can travel at 200 km/h with six passengers and two crew. The plane has taken off after climbing from the ground. Almost everyone in Qua-Toynian is conversing while Yagou is asleep; it's his first flight, so he spends more time napping.

= = =

Gloria calendar 02/03/1639 Air defense identification zone, World Union airspace. 08:09 Am.

<<We've just arrived in the World Union Air Defense Identification Zone. In addition, two World Union aircraft will arrive as anticipated. They will only accompany us to their airport when they arrive, so please relax and ease.>>

"Finally, we will arrive on the World Union... Anyway, I'm curious what type of combat aircraft they had-"


"What in the Astarte was that?!"

Everyone was taken aback by the noises made by the World Union combat aircraft; as they glance to the right side, they notice one of the World Union combat aircraft; it is a fighter carrying more than ten missiles, has sweeping wings, two jet engines, and no propeller.

"Holy Astarte, those aircraft remind us of Holy Mirishial Empire combat planes!"

"Their aircraft can go faster than the speed of sound!"

"What an amazing speed, while we still attempting to find out how to create a jet, they have such things.

"I believe there is no question that our airforce would lose against their aircraft"

"I agree, we shouldn't battle their airforce... I'm curious about the size of their army."

"Your query should be answered shortly."

As the plane touched down at the airport, they could see multiple Boeing planes, which are larger and more stylish. Their airplanes are only a stone in comparison to the other aircraft, which are gold or diamond.

"Holy shit, this place is jam-packed with planes!"

"Almost none of them are driven by a propeller. It seems that they have a helicopter, similar to Mirishial Air Force. Okay, let's meet our guide inside the airport."

When the delegation arrives at the airport, they are greeted by Kartonio and Daria, who works for the Ministry of Tourism. The delegation then boards a bus and travels about Honolulu to learn about World Union culture and infrastructure; it is a more developed metropolis than the harbor city of Maihark. While the delegation remains on the bus, Yagou writes a new chapter in his book about his daily life.

This surprises me because the World Union's country is extremely intriguing. Although it is not their main city, we can observe that their city of Honolulu is far more affluent than Maihark or maybe Polihark. Still, I'm curious about how substantial their capital is; perhaps it's comparable to paradise. This inquiry should be answered in another two days. But first, I need to learn more about their military. Why don't they just conquer the entire Gloria if they have 10 billion people? I'm not sure, but I'm delighted our nation is democratic. Maybe I should start writing more about the World Union.

As the delegation arrived at the hotel, they learned the fundamentals of the World Union. Transportation systems, vending machines, ticket gates, train systems, telephones, online purchasing, and even transaction progress.

"We don't know how magic in this world works and progressed, but we always develop every infrastructure, product, or even building with the might of science." Said Kartonio.They also study the legislation and fundamental norms of the World Union, such as not stealing other people's phones or harming civilians, among other things."Mr. Kartonio, I have one question for you," Hanki said.

"Hm? What precisely is it?"

"Are we able to watch World Union Armed Forces?"

"Ah sure, talking about our armed forces, there will be an aircraft exhibition on the Hickam military air base. We can make arrangements to attend the aircraft exhibition."

"I'd want to go to the performance of your air force."

"Great, is there anyone else who wants to see the show?"

"I still wanted to look around, particularly at the malls," Kavral said

"Please accept my apologies, but I am less interested in the military. I'd rather investigate the infrastructure surrounding Honolulu." Canna stated.

"Can I go along with you guys? I am a woman who is also a military enthusiast," Naren said.

"I'd want to witness the World Union Airforce, so please reserve a seat for me as well," Yagou said.

"Very well then, if there is no other that wants to come with us it is definitely only four of us that will watch the airforce demonstration. Those who did not wish to accompany us will be escorted by Daria."

= = =

Gregorian calendar 02/04/1639, Hickam air base, World Union 09:09 AM.

Hanki, Yagou, and Naren were visitors to the airforce show at Hickam air base. Kartonio accompanies them.I can't wait to see the mighty power of their aircraft.

Hanki, Yagou, and Naren are interested in the aircraft, they have to wish to ride on of aircraft that is powered by a jet engine. They watch the air show that has just begun while felt being nervous.

"In less than ten seconds, the F-29 Hyperaptor will perform an acrobatic flight, please look at the skies. The F-29 will approach a speed of mach 2."

Two mach? What the fuck does mach mean? Is it speed?

I think it's a fighter that is beyond the speed of the sounds, but I wonder how fast it-


The F-29 outruns the visitor views in less than 3 seconds due to its great speed. It happened so fast that the delegation couldn't see it well; they are amazed and horrified by what just flew above them.

"What was that? Is it an F-29?""Look at that aircraft, it's so beautiful!"

"Holy shit, it going to accelerate!"


The F-29 accelerated and vanished from view, only to reappear from the cloud and plummet faster to the earth. When the height hits 1000 meters, the F-29 pulls up and resumes its climb, then spins 270 degrees and fires six rounds from the M91 Vulcan at the target.Brrrttttt!!!!!

Several steel toys that were used as targets are damaged and perforated. If it was replaced by real-life humanity, their lives would end and the ground would become crimson.What a power! There is no doubt that the World Union air force is truly the best air force in the Gloria!

Following that, more types of jets fighter do acrobatics, the majority of which are jet fighters, but others utilize propellers, and the military aviation display on the Hickam air base concludes several hours later.

While returning to the hotel, the delegation is absolutely speechless because their own fighter is outpaced and outmoded. They believe that many F-29 Hyperaptor can shut down a hundred TF-2 or even a thousand TF-1.