

"That sea is Infinite! How could I NOT wanna explore it!?" Infinite sea, infinite possibilities, infinite outcomes. So how did it end up like it did. I never wanted to loose those closest to me, so if I'm fighting for freedom... It's okay to loose some humanity along the way. Follow Yuma's heartbreaking journey as he sacrifices himself to accomplish his goal. "I WILL take down the world Government... FOR FREEDOM!"

Harley_Wantland · Fantaisie
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44 Chs

12 Tribulations

He slowly walks past the cages and cells lining the hallway.

"Yuma! What are you doing!?" Yuma death glares at the man who was in the cell with him.

"I'm rescueing my friends" The man was shocked.

"They're probably already dead-" Suddenly Yuma slams the man through the concrete wall with his bare hands. Water rushes in and rapidly starts filling up the hallway.

"I know they aren't dead yet… for defying me, you'll drown along with the rest of the prisoners down here!" The man coughs as water fills up the hallway entirely. Yuma seemingly teleports out from the hallway. Leaving the man drowning. The man calmly smiles and lifts one hand.

"Mantra: Nature disruption… Restore" in an instant everything returns to normal. The water returns and the wall rebuilds. The Man is now completely dry.

"Easy" Several officers rush over to the cell.

"Go get him! You were that close to finally finishing Alien King Yu-" Suddenly the man's body starts seizing.

"You have no right to talk to someone like me… Nature disruption, decay" The officer coughs blood as he explodes into a pool of blood. A red glow under the man's hood.

"I knew it was a bad idea to explore the faulty Basilisk Stronghold…" his short white hair under his hood contrasts his eyes.

"I should report back to the other 11, we should raise the Alien king's bounty after this stunt he's pulled…"

Yuma bolts through the hallway, running full speed at peak performance. His brows furrowed as his eyes glowed.

"That man was right… there's a chance my friends have alreay died…!" Yuma slams his foot into the ground as it shatters under him.

"If that's the case, what if they're still alive!" Yuma jumps into the air and kicks down the massive concrete wall. Shards of stone, wood, and other debris surround him as he floats through the air. The guards nearby watched in horror.

"Then that gives me a reason to save them before it happens!!" Yuma lands and rolls on the ground. Quickly rising to his feet as a fleet of navy officers and gaurds lock eyes with Yuma.

"Fire!" The sirens blare bright red as guns and barrels load then fire. Bullets wizing past Yuma as he flawlessly weaves between the sharp bits of metal. Leaning to the left and slamming his foot far forward to lean down and dodge another bullet close range. Using his foreward momentum to gut punch the commander into the nearby wall. Smoke erupting as officers rush around confused. Yuma rising to his feet. His muscles bulge and relax in pulses. His breathing heavy as he exhales steam. His pink hair slightly floated behind him. Looking up and waving his hand.

"Come and get me"

Boombox lays on his knees. His head almost touched the ground. Deep breaths as he exhales cold air. An officer walks up to Boombox.

"What are your motivations?" Boombox scoffs.

"I'll never tell someone like you!" The officer kicks Boombox across the face.

"Don't make me call on the Admiral again" Boombox avoids eye contact and says nothing.

"Well, i'll notify you that you're gonna be the first of your little 'Alliance' to be executed" Boombox's eyes widen.

"Wait-" The officer kicks Boombox again.

"I won't say this again Iteyi, since you've caused us the most trouble of your little gang, you're gonna be the first to die" Boombox is shocked.

"How do you know my name?" The officer glares at Boombox. Boombox suddenly recognized his face. His tan skin and short blonde hair. Purple eyes and shark teeth.

"Maki?" The officer smirks.

"You remember me… back when we were training to join the military, me and you were inseprable! So when you attacked your own squad…"

A younger Boombox goes on a rampage. Attacking his fellow cadets inside their housing building.

"I did it to grab the Government's attention-" Maki pushes Boombox's head to the ground with the bottom of his dirt covered boot.

"Eat dirt, Iteyi! This is for betraying us!"