
Vahl Mountain

"Aaaaaahhhh... Mi-mister Klein please save my adventurer party!!" She shout that as she bow to Klein until her head hit the table with a loud sound. Errr what is going on? Can someone explain it to me?

"Huh?" Klein's look confused and staring to me. I also don't know what is going on, so I can only shrugs my shoulder. Seeing my clueless face, and gesture, he move his sight back to Liefa "What do you mean? I already found out you're adventurer since you wore that robe, but can you explain what is going on? Since seems like that guy also don't know what happening."

"Ahh.. I-I apologize, my hastiness made me skip the entire explanation. The things is me and my party met a Black Bear in Vahl Mountain. Please mister Klein saved them... " I can see her eyes starting to get wet once again. On the edge of her eyes, her a drop of tear already flowing down. Klein facials expression changing to a serious expression while staring at me.

"Oi, Charavgi what is the meaning of this? You help her, but you left her entire party behind?!"

"No, no, no... Mi-mister Charavgi didn't know anything about that. He saved me while I fall down a cliff in Vahl Mountain." She cut him up, before I open my mouth. Why the heck are you blaming me?! I gaze him, what I got from gazing him is a wink... Oi, you planning something nasty aren't you? Like the things from before, and for God sake, I don't understand what do you want from me with that wink.

"Sorry, Klein I also don't know what is going on. All I do is like what she said."

So afterwards we listening to Liefa story. From when she and her party goes to Vahl Mountain 3 days ago, encounter the Black Bear, until she run away and jump down the cliff. So she was running away! Not because she wanted to suicide, and she was crying because her party got wiped out. Fiuuhhh... Luckily I haven't said anything about my thought. It will be really awkward if she know my thoughts! I am sure she will hate me if she knows it. Yep, let's forget it, and put it on the black book. No one know about it.

"So please save my party members." She bow down once again after finishing her story.

"Ummm... I decline." Klein's said with a cold face.

"De-decline..." At once she look pale and depressed while gritting her teeth. She then look at me, while Klein give me another wink. Oi, buddy what do you want to find out with that cold attitude? She looking at me like a puppy... Ughh.. Don't give me that look! That cheating you know!

As I am gonna open my mouth, seeing my stupid face Klein stomp my feet. Ouch!! The hell Klein?! I staring at him, he making a face that telling me to decline. Uahhh... Is this how a harem MC feel like? When his second heroine ask him something but the main heroine disagree? But Klein isn't my heroine, and he is a man! I should choose Liefa of course, but I am indebt with him.... Sigh..

"Sorry Liefa, since I can't do anything if Klein declining."

Darn she start crying again, look Klein you made a girl cry! I stare at Klein with a hateful looks.

"Uhhh... The... then.. thank you for.. Saving... Me... Mister Charavgi... But I am sorry... I need to saved my companion..." While crying she said those and get up. Klein look amused, while I shocked.

"Guhahaha... Hey, little girl do you have a death wish?" Ask Klein whilst laughing.

"N-no! But I still need to saved my companion!"

"Hahaha, your loyalty is great, but ain't adventurer is a job that always walking on a thin thread? When you fall from it you died." Whoa Klein that really cold of you! I never thought you're that kind of people.


"Also as an adventure, when you meet unexpected encounter shouldn't you listen to your party leader? And what more important if anyone of you survive shouldn't you made a report to the guild?"


"Do you understand that your information of a rank B monster that goes down to an area of rank C can saved many live of other adventurer?"

"B-but still..."

"Humph... This is why I dislike a noble adventurer!" Klein snort.

"You guys didn't understand which part is important! I can understand why you guys disobey your party leader command. Your companionship is commendable, but you as the sole survivor want to throw your live?! Just to lessen your guilty feeling?!" She shocked when she heard Klein word.

Huh? I can't following their conversation.

"I-I am sorry...." Then she fall down to her chair while crying like a little girl. Ummm... Can someone explaining to me! I need some explanation here.

"You're lucky that this innocence stupidly strong guys was near the cliff, but still want to throw your live after he saved you."

Oi, Klein you made her cry already! I still don't get it tho, but I know Klein badmouthing me!

"I am.. sorry. I am sorry... " After seeing her crying for awhile Klein sighing..

"Sigh, you better thank your grandfather later on, since I am indebted with him. Just this time I'll accept this ridiculous request." Klein leave the room, and goes in to his room after saying those. Huh?

Liefa also confused when heard those, but after a while he come out while equipped with a blue breast plate, belt with a sword hanged on his waist. The hilt of the sword got an emerald decorating it, he also wear a boots up to his knee. On his hand there also another sword with a red gem on it hilt, a sword belt, another breastplate, also a small bag. Then he looking at me.

"Charavgi, seems like our hunting trip need to be advanced." He said those as giving me the sword, belt and breastplate. Ah.... I finally understand, so all those cold attitude is another act. Then all the things he said is a preaching from senior adventurer? Well I still don't understand some part tho, but I remember he said to Liefa to thank her grandfather afterwards. Maybe when Klein got in the room, he already know who's Liefa is.

"Then what with the jealous husband act from before for?!" Ahhh... I said it.

"Gahahahahaha... Seeing an adventurer from a noble family, just give me a troublesome vibe. But that lady seem to remember me." The heck. I wear the equipment with Klein help, as Liefa still confused of what going on. Afterwards Klein open the shelf near the fireplace, then took a couple of bottle filled with a deep blue and deep red liquid then put it in the small bag that seems designed to carry those. I can see a gaps to hold bottle in the small bag, it secure the bottle so it won't hitting each other.

"So my lady, shouldn't you introduce yourself properly to the idiot that still confused, and ask us your request?" Said Klein to Liefa. Now this is the things I am curious with.

"Eh? Ahh.. so.. Sir Klein remember me. I am Liefa van Pratje, a rank C adventure, and also the daughter of Marquis Vrans van Pratje." She said as she bow down while holding her side skirt.

"Humph, you want to hide it from this big bro before. Even tho the last time I see you was 10 years ago, I am good at remembering people face." He snort. Eehhh she is a noble?! What more a Marquis daughter! It mean by rank her father was on the 3 place in the country.

"I am sorry" she flustered.

"Well then what your request to this Rank A Adventurer?"

"I hope Sir Klein can saved my part members, or if the worse things happen, I hope Sir Klein can retrieve their corpse." She bow down to Klein.

"I as a rank A Adventurer, Klein the Swift Swordsman, hereby accept this request. I'll put my all on your request and do my best to do reach the agreement." At that time a piece of paper appeared in front of us with a seal.

.... What a sorcery is this! Looking my shocked face Klein chuckling.

"Khukhu... You never seen how a Rank A request being made? When you request to rank A or higher adventurer you must do a rituals if it unofficial. The Adventurer God, Winchester, will made the request agreement after both party meet the requirements. So this paper is those agreement, afterwards you can bought it to adventurer guild after the request has been cleared. You will got experience and the amount of rewards after you admitted the request. Then the requester will paid the amount accordingly. Basically any direct request to rank A or higher adventurer made like this"

Danyuummmmm, so it Minor God power! The heck?! So it like a quest in a game...

"Then, should we get going Charavgi?"

I nodded at Klein words, as we walk to the door Liefa voice stop us.

"Eerr... Can I join you guys?" She said, when we look at her, her eyes is firm with determination. Klein can only sighing before saying few things.

"You're our requester, if you follow us, you must listen to my words." She shine again while nodding. "Umu, since you dropped your weapon before hold on a sec. I should've my ex member staff inside."

He goes back to his room, I can hear a rumbling sound from his room. He must be searching for it, while throwing other things out of his way. Then he comes out bringing, a wooden staff with a big gem on it tip. He then give it to her, then she grip it tightly. Afterwards we move as fast as possible, I mean both me and Klein speed is ridiculous. Even the fastest runner on Earth won't be able to chase us what more a girl like Liefa, so we move at Liefa maximum speed. After we arrive at the East gate, and told the gate keeper which is Izegrim, he let us goes out easily. Then as I am still remember the way, of course I am, the mind map pretty useful for tracking my own way, so I am leading in front of us. But as we almost arrive at the cliff Liefa already lost her breathing... She doesn't have stamina! Let's see her stats.

Name. : Lieafa van Pratje

Lv. : 41

Race : Human (Female)

Job. : Magician [Magus, Noble]

Title. : Rank C Adventurer. Genius Magician. Marquis Daughter. Noble Lady. Timid Girl. Someone Who Can be Grand Magus.

HP : 810/810

MP : 4730/4730

STR : 373 (-150)

DEX : 512 (-300)

INT : 1873 (-1400)

VIT : 231 (-150)

LUK : 100

Attribute: Fire, Wind, Earth, Water

Skill. : Mana Control lv. 13, Mana Detection lv.6, Short Chant Lv. 12.

Magic :

Fire Attribute Mastery Lv.5 (Increasing the effect of fire magic by 15%)

•Ignite Lv. 6

•Fire Ball Lv.5

•Fire Arrow Lv. 5

•Fire Wall Lv. 3

•Fire Lance Lv. 4

Wind Attribute Mastery Lv. 4 (Increasing the effect of wind magic by 12%)

•Breeze Lv.3

•Wind Ball Lv.2

•Wind Cutter Lv.4

•Acceleration Lv. 4

Earth Attribute Lv. 4 (Increasing the effect of earth magic by 12%)

•Earth Wall Lv. 3

•Earth Bind Lv. 3

•Earth Spike Lv. 3

•Mud Swamp Lv. 2

Water Attribute Mastery Lv. 4 (Increasing the effect of water magic by 12%)

• Water Lv. 4

• Water Ball Lv. 3

• Water Cutter Lv. 3

• Water Prison Lv. 2

Blessing: • Half-MP

• Fast Learner

• Love by Goddess of Magic (Increasing magic learning speed by 2 times, and the effect of magic by 40%)

Condition: • Curse of Grand Magus (A trial from Goddess of Magic for those that have potential to be a Grand Magus. Potential will be unlocked as the person reach Grand Magus)

• Out of stamina.

Ahhh... Seriously?! She is strong.. as a Magician she is already strong even with a curse?? Darn that title tho! But that curse made her other stats so low, that is why she already out of stamina.. because her VIT only 81 after the curse. No wonder he out of stamina, we run for 10 minutes with a full speed of 2 times a normal person... But I wonder will I got killed if the Marquis house found out I am hugging her before? But it the first time I can see condition from identification.. is it because my identification almost lv 20? So I can see a condition now, the curse itself make things hard for her. On the other side she also got a blessing from Goddess of Magic... Or maybe it come as a set? Should I told her about this? But I am afraid she won't be able to focus to our expedition if she knows. As I contemplating about this, Liefa breathing become rougher. Sigh, please don't kill me Sir Marquis. As I thinking like that, I slow down and move to her side

"Liefa if you already tired, just said it. I'll carry you like before." It definitely out of good will, not because I want to get advantage out of her.. uehehe.. her body.... No, no, I am gentleman!

"Huff... Hufff.. I-I am al-right... Th-this.. is only... Because... I've been running... Huff... Huff.. Since... This afternoon..." Oi, you're definitely not alright!

"Should we stop for awhile?" Ask Klein, as he realized we've been running for 2 times normal person speed. Well for me and Klein it doesn't really matter since our stamina and speed much higher. But for Liefa it a sprint.

"Huff.. n-no .. need.. I... Hufff.... Can... Goes... On..." Ah she must be worried about her companion. I can understand why she is being hasty, the longer the time we took to goes there, the chance for her companion surviving got smaller. Since we met, it almost 3 hours has been passed. Based on her story their party encounter is around 2 p.m, and right now it almost 6 p.m. So it already 4 hours since her party encounter with the monster. Sigh... Please have mercy on me later on Sir Marquis, without saying a word I carry her in princess carry. Liefa was surprised and struggle to get off. But of course it her struggle is in vain, I got 12 times more STR then her!

"Aauuuu... Cha-cha-charavgi! Pu-put me dow—" "Nah, with this we can move and we can save them faster" I cut her words.

"Gahahahahaha, just admit it, you want to hug the princess right!" Said Klein whilst running faster, while Liefa face, whose already red because she is out of stamina, become redder.

"Oi dirty minded old man, stop accusing me with your perverted mind. If you can think about perverted things, it better for you to move your legs!" As I said those, I also pick up my speed from 2 times normal person to 4 times. Ugh... But doing those whilst carrying a person is kinda hard.

"Old man your head! I am only 28 years old!" Shout Klein as he also pick up his speed. Oi, you didn't denied the fact you're thinking a perverted things. Liefa which in my arms, can only gaping her mouth while blushing as she holding me tightly.

.... Or maybe afraid like when I catch her?

"With this speed we will be able to reach the cliff in 5 minutes." Klein which running beside me nodded, and when I see Liefa her face that was red before got paler... Hmmm... I know this face... Shittt!! This is the same as my friend face when he got a carsick! "Oi, oi, please just hold on for awhile. We're almost there!" I said in panicked voice, she then hug my neck tightly while leaning her face on my shoulder.

The precarious situation passed by safely, as we arrived at the top of the cliff where I saved Liefa. Fiuhh, lucky she can hold up. Her face got back to normal when she standing on the ground. While Klein look around and when he sees the bottom of the cliff where I catch Liefa, he turn around I said to me.

"Oi, so you're indeed holding up when sparring with me! Let's we fight again!" He shout to me with energeticly as he pointing his finger to me... This muscle brain... He is sharp but when it comes to fight he is really like a battle maniac....

"Klein this isn't the time for that, is it?" I answered with a smile.

[Skill Threatening has been acquired.]

[Skill Threatening has been level up to lv. 10]

.... A notification sound rang in my mind, and suddenly a thick bloodlust emitted from deep inside me, pressuring him. I can see a cold sweat run down his face.

"A-ah... Tha-that right... I only joking buddy..." Answered him with a wryly smile. While Liefa looking around for the path that she run through this afternoon, before she called us. Ah yeah, we can see many tree branch fall down and the ground gouge from the path that Liefa pointing. From Liefa explanation, the Black Bear that chasing after her is around 4 m tall when standing on it back feet and around 2m tall as he standing with it 6 feet. So when it moving around, it must be bumping around the branch and made it fall down. What more obvious is there a trail on the ground. Klein that was observing the trail said.

"Seems like it doesn't goes back through here after you jump down the cliff. What more, from it trail that it leftovers, this guy at least weight 2.2 ton. And from your explanation how it can chase whilst using acceleration he can move at least 3 times faster then normal person." Whoa... Klein's can made that kind of assumption just from it trail? Indeed he isn't a normal battle maniac, but he also got a sharp mind.

"My question is... How is that things with that kind of weight gone from this place without any trail?"

... Me and Liefa got frozen in place when heard Klein question.

"Si-Sir Klein... Wh-what do you want to say?" Ask Liefa while trembling.

"Hmmm, as what you've guess. There a chance it can used magic, or maybe it a subspecies of Black Bear or..." Before he finish his words, he shaking his head. "That kind of thing shouldn't be on this mountain." He mumbling that only me can heard.

Oi Klein... You shouldn't raise that kind of flag you know?! In all those novel I read, when someone said something like that, usually the worse things that they predict will happen.

"Th-then, what should we do Sir Klein?" Ask Liefa.

"Hmmm, if it only a sub species, me and Charavgi should be able to handle it. But if it a monster that I am guessing, we can only run away after saving your companion. But if the worse that your companion already passed away, we can only leave his body if we encountered them. Well, for now we should just search for your companion."

Oi, oi, oi.... Don't strengthen the flag! I feel like shouting those words.

"Th-thank you, Sir Klein. I'll try my best!"

.... Why are you raising another flag Liefa! You know those people that saying that, will get a grave wound or if the worst things it a death flag!!

"Oi, Charavgi you look tense, what happened?"

"No... It nothing" I won't said it, it will definitely happened! I don't want to raise another flag.

"Eh? If that so, let us following this trail. I'll be the Vanguard, followed by Liefa, and ended with Charavgi as the rearguard. Do you understand?" Both of us nods.

"Then let's go, as we step in this area, there a chance a monster will attack us." Then we goes with a normal speed, as following the trail.

Vahl Mountain is one of the intermediate dangerous zone, with monster between rank D to rank B. Vahl Mountain radius extended for 6 km from it peak, it tallest peak is around 2000 m above the sea level. As someone goes deeper in the mountains the danger level increasing. From the foot of the mountain until 2 Km deep is an area of rank D, from there to 4 Km it rank C, and from there on till it peak is rank B areas. It one of the mosy favorite dangerous zone for middle rank adventurer in Regaia kingdom. It also one of the reasons Vahl Village got a gate, and fence surrounding it.

Vahl village which is the nearest village from it kinda famous for adventurer when the season comes. Right now is in the middle of summer usually monster will get outbreak on fall. At that times merchant and adventurer will crowding Vahl Village, and other village near it. Even tho it called outbreak the real thing is only a mating season, and a bunch of monster goes down to savanna on the Northside of the village. That what Klein said as we walk in deeper to the mountain.

"Why the heck you only said those right now?! If I know that I won't venture to here this afternoon!" I retort to Klein, he only laugh nonchalantly as he said "Meh, rank D monster will die easily if they meet you. Honestly, I plan to tell you after sparring before, but since you're at least as strong as B ranker it doesn't matter."

Danyummm this guy really.... Well the cliff where I tried and pose... I mean the cliff where I met Liefa is only a rank D areas. Luckily I didn't meet any monster as I shout and gestu... I mean as I carry Liefa from that place. Yeah, that place is 500 m away from the mountain foot. While Liefa party was searching for a herb on the rank C area, 3 km deep into the mountains.

"Anyway Klein, is there an adventure guild in the village?"

"No, there isn't. Since there is no real danger in here, and monster rarely goes down the mountain. Also the villager didn't need any help from adventurer outside the outbreak. That why I said the information of a B ranked monster goes down to C rank area is important. Since maybe there something up there that making it run away."

Oi, oi, oi that definitely another flag!! But as we venture deeper into the mountains. We haven't encounter any monster. Maybe it because Klein, whose keep emitting bloodlust so there is no monster coming to us until we reach the rank C area, just after we step on the area I can heard—

"Awoooooooo..... Aaa... Awoooooooo" a howl of a wolf. Hearing those howl, Klein giving a gesture to us to stop.

"Hmmm.. is it a Grey Wolf pack? Grey Wolf itself is only a rank C monster but when they goes hunting in a pack of 10, their dangerous level increase to Rank B." Explain Klein as he draw his sword from it sheath. His sword that got pure white blade reflecting the twins moonlight. It already dark when we arrive at this place. Then Liefa readying her staff that lended from Klein while I am also draw my sword and activating Mana Detection. I just realized that Mana Detection can be deactivate as I tried to used magic before... Yep let forget what I do while try to used magic. At that time I focusing myself to Mana Detection and I can feel a movement of every mana in radius of 50 m from every angle. There 21 mana moving around in my detection area! They move slowly, and when another howl can be heard all the 21 mana moving fast to our direction.

"Klein, Liefa! They surround us, I can feel 21 mana coming to our direction!" In 2 second they already crossing 40 m and only 10 m away from us.

"Incoming!" Said Klein as he slashing his sword twice in the air and somesort blue blade released from it and cut 5 wolf that jump out in front of him. Liefa which standing behind me, as I faced the other side of Klein, all at once she shooting of 8 Fire Arrow to the wolf piercing and burning 5 of them. The 2 other wolf that come out unscathed jump out to her, and the other 7 wolf that coming to me also move accordingly. I immediately push her down, as I sweep 2 wolf that attacking her but the other wolf which attacking me bite and scratch me... Fu**ing hurt! after they hit me, at once they jump back. At that time I mad a half circular sweep strengthen with Mana Coating, and as I do those I imagining what Klein do before. The condensed mana on my sword with, discharged and make a Half-Moon mana blade that cut down all those wolf that taking distance from me... Blood spurting from them, as their body splitted. Some even splattered on the ground.... Seems like 4000 mana is excessive.

[Skill Half-Moon Slash has been acquired.]

[Skill Physical Resistance has been level up to Lv.10]

[You have been level up to Lv. 7]

[You have been level up to Lv. 9]

[You have been level up to Lv.10]

[You have been level up to Lv. 11]

Oh I can feel that I got stronger and all my wound healed. Danyum, it really like a game, and in blink of an eyes, Klein already killed the other 2 wolf. Liefa that confused when I push her down, now look worried as he seen me bloodily.

"Hoo, indeed... You're holding back before when fighting me!! You can even used Half-Moon!" Said Klein as he swing his sword to fling away the blood on his sword. I am only imitating you idiot! But with out a break I feel another 7 mana got in my Mana Detection range from the front... It got a denser mana then those 21 wolfs.

"Klein 50m from—" "AWOOOOOOOOO—" "there another 7 monster that..." shit! Before I able to finish my word they already cut the distance by 30 m!

"They coming! Liefa stand behind me and Klein!" There another 7 wolf in front of us but this guys, much bigger from before. Six of them got 1m height, and the biggest one that standing behind them got 1.5m height.

"DIRE WOLF!! Becareful!" Shout Klein as he activating Mana Coating once again, and other then that there much denser mana around his feet. But... This is bad, right?! I myself activating body strengthening by circulating mana in my body, and used Mana Coating on my entire body.

[Magic Body Strenghtening....]

[Magic Mana Coating....]

All at once Klein dash to them, followed by me, as they reach our sword length, we immediately slash at them. But they also responding fastly, and spreading out. Klein successfully slayed one of them that goes to his right by cutting it head. While releasing Half-Moon to the one whose goes to the other way, splitting it half.

[You have been level up to Lv. 13]

As the biggest wolf howling, the other 4 wolf taking more distance while moving to Liefa. Damn they're so fast!

"I'll annihilated you guys!!" As I said those a dense bloodlust emitting from my body. Well I put 3000 mana on it.

[Skill Threatening has been level up to Lv. 17]

The bloodlust made them stopped for few second and in that gap Klein slayed another 2 Dire Wolf, and Liefa bombarded the other 2 with Fire Lance. One of it survive not unscathed tho, so I dash to it and slash it down, but as I am slashing it from behind the pack leader which stay still before already jump out to me. With mouth open wide, try to bite my neck. Shit! Panicky I am putting high amount of mana on my feet and stomp the ground.

[Magic Mana Stomp has been level up to Lv. 7]

It made my feet sink into the ground, but the air pressure from Mana Stomp that used 4000 of my mana made the leader float and stopping it charge with it belly vulnerable. Without letting the chance go, I stand it belly with my sword and slash it open. It guts and blood rain down on top my head before it body fall down.

[You have been level up to Lv. 15]

[Title Wolf Nemesis telah di dapatkan]

That one is really dangerous.... I thought as I regulate my breathing and calm my mind... Honestly I feel like throw up right now, killing a living things is tough. And the smells of blood disgust me. I feel down on my butts as all tension goes away. And the notification on my mind, seems like my level is up... As I try to calm myself, I open up my status screen.

Name. : Charavgi Evlogia

Lv. : 15

Race : Unidentified (Unidentified)

Job. : World Sage [Apostle, Gamer, Shape Shifter]

Title. : Someone who got drifted away. Other world traveler. World Sage. Wolf Nemesis

HP : 20.400/20.400

MP : 1.442.400/1.442.400

STR : 340 + (1.700)

DEX : 340 + (1.700)

INT : 1.360 + (134.640+6.800)

VIT : 340 + (1.700)

WIS : 120 + (6.00)

LUK : 5

Attribute: All.

Skill. :

Otherworld Knowledge Lv. Max

World Language Lv. Max Identification Lv. 27

Mana Detection Lv. 22

Mana Control Lv. 21

Bloodlust Detection Lv. 14

Bloodlust Resistance Lv. 14

Sword Mastery Lv. 14

Dynamic Vision Lv. 14

Hand to Hand Lv. 3

Physical Resistance Lv. 10 (Decreasing physical damage by 1% for every Lv)

Dagger Mastery lv. 3

Cooking Lv. 5

Threatening Lv. 17

Half-Moon Slash Lv. 5 (Releasing a high condensed mana, the damage base on the amount of mana used × 20% × Lv skill)

Magic :

Mana Cutter Lv. 6

Mana Coating Lv. 11 (Increasing and decreasing damage based on the amount of Mana used × 5% × Lv skill to any kind of object it covered)

Body Strengthening Lv. 9 (Increasing the body resistance and power based on the amount of mana × 8% × Lv skill.)

Mana Stomp Lv. 7 (Made Shock Wave by stomping feet, the damage depends on the amount of mana that being released × 5% × Lv skill)

Ignite Lv. 2

Water Lv. 2

Berkat: •All Father blessing

•Stats Multiplier 5×

•Status Changer

• World Teacher

Danyuummmmm.... My total mana is 1.4 million.

Time seems stopped as I am seeing my status, while Klein which got hitted directly by the shock wave of mana stomp stabbing his sword to the ground to brace himself and staring at me, so do Liefa which standing 10 m away from us. When he pull out his sword from the ground, he walking to... No it a dash!

"Do you want to kill me?! If you gonna used that kind of skill told me about it first!" He hit my head with all his strength, and made me kissing the ground... Fu**in hurt!! It much more hurtful compare to the attack of those wolf before. While Liefa shocked seeing Klein as she running to me.

[Skill Physical Resistance has been level up to Lv. 12]

"Ar-are you alright Charavgi?" As she started to checking my entire body with her hands.. Uehehehehe... No, no, no dirty minded goes away. I stare grudgingly at Klein as I pull my face up.

"Oi!! That hurt!!"

"Hurt your head! Your head indeed hurt that why you used that kind of skill near your allies! That shock wave almost send me flying. If I am not using Mana Coating I might be critically wounded!" Dude I can see your HP you know! And that skill only decreasing your HP slightly... I can see his HP is 11.891/12.370... Your sister killing you! Your entire family killing you!! Your HP only decrease by 500 point and you accusing me as murder. Well his MP indeed decrease by around 40% but it because his MP only 4.500 from the start! While his bare fist made me lose 1.231 point HP! So I kinda explode

"Wounded your ass!! Did you forget I can used identification! I can f***ing see your HP and you only lose 500 point HP! And you accusing me tried to murder me!!" He making face like damn I got caught... While Liefa look amused. My tense and nauseous feeling disappear as the aura surrounding us become lighter. Ah he do those since I am seems tense.

"Gahahaha, sorry about it, I am just joking around." Said Klein merrily, while Liefa holding her laugh.

"Thank you Charavgi, you saved me once again." She said, ahhh her smile is so cute...

"Oho, seems like the idiot already calm down. So should we continue?" Said Klein as he stretch out his hand to me. So I grip his hand with a smile.

Hahahaha... Of course I need to return that hit! I pulled him down with all my strength that almost two times of him. He fall down face first as I get up standing.

"Hahahaha, thanks Klein"

"Darn you Charavgi!!"

This time Liefa can't hold her laugh, and laughing openly.

"You guys really a good friend." She said that with the most beautiful smile she made since we met. Ahhhh... My heart but I can't accept the last part!

""Who is a good friend with him!""

""He only"" stop copying me, as I stare at Klein, he also did the same.

"A stranded guys I found!""a dirty minded old man"

"Fufufufu" she laughing loudly.

"Sigh... Anyway, let's keep going." I said that as Klein got up.

"Ah, but it rare for dire wolf being here, so lady you better prepare for the worst case of scenario that can happen to your companion." Klein said those words. Liefa face got paler again.

"Then we better hurry." As we put our weapon back to it sheath, while Liefa put her staff behind her.

"Hu-hur—" before she finished her words I already carry her once again, as Klein leading us. With our abnormal speed, we cross 1 Km in 2 minutes, and we arrive at the place where Liefa party encountering that monster. There many dry blood splattered aroundthe ground and also a crater from 6 Fire Lance that Liefa shoot. But we didn't see a single body left there, Liefa that seen it, goes down on her knees and cried. I can only stand beside her and pat her head. Klein which walk around observing the battle trace, suddenly stop and called us.

"Hoi, both of you. Seems like there still a single strand of hope." Those word made Liefa run to him right away while still crying. I also move there, in front of us there a blood trails. "From the trails, it seems someone pulling two bodies. That guy can move too far, since that guy can't carry them, if that guy can carried them, it won't left trail like this."

We follow the trail, as quickly as we can until one point, which it disappear after a bushes.

"Damn... Seems like he realized there a trail on the ground. So when he reach this bushes, he change his way from pulling, to carry them after stopping the bleeding. See this bushes there a dry blood." Hearing Klein explanation Liefa looks got brighter.

"I-it must be Drat! He is healer of our party. He always mind a small things when we goes doing quest. So that must be him."

"Ahhh.. he kinda smart then, but on the other side I am sure his STR won't be that high. What more his condition not in his peak. Then it mean he must carry them one by one to some place near her! The hard part is right now it already dark, it gonna be hard to find the place they hide at this time. Also it will be dangerous if we split up, and we're only 3 people even if we split it won't be effective." Hmmm? Indeed searching for something like hole or cave to hide, in the darkness like this is hard, and it dangerous to split it. If only I have a mini map like in game... Hmm I already have mind map, but it ain't useful if I never seen the place. Hahahaha, I just realized how unexpectedly useful that mini map with dot on a game now. It look like a radar on submarine... Sigh.. if only I have.... That's it!! Why didn't I realized it. It might be possible with Mana Coating and Mana Detection! So I gathered around 3.000 of mana then releasing it to the air. I imagine it as thin as possible, and made an echo with Mana Detection in it. So when I found some living being with mana it will reflect back.

[Magic Sonar has been acquired]

I can feel there 4 group of living being with 3 member near each other. If they're wounded badly like Liefa said the 2 out of 3 of them won't move around. Found it! I can feel a mana of living being that weak and didn't move, and the other one keep flowing it mana to them. They're around 126 m on northwest!

"I found them!" Klein and Liefa looking at me at once.

"Yo-you, don't joking around at this kind of time! How did you found them while you're only close your eyes?!" Klein retort me as he disbelieving my words. Liefa knitting her brow then suddenly her face got brighter.

"Charavgi, that mana from before... Is that you whose sending it?" Ah she realized, come to think she got Mana Detection after all. So I nodded at her, and she goes hugging me.

"Thank you, thank you..." I pat her head.

"You can thanks me if the one I found is the correct one." So I leading them, as I keep using radar. Well this skill kinda drain out my mana, with 1000 mana I can only search for 50m. It used the same theory as a sonar, so I need to make the mana to be able to travel back. So you can said that I keep using 3000 mana right now. But honestly.... My mana regeneration can keep up with it if I send it every 2 second. Since my mana regeneration rate is 1442 per second. So yeah, mana regenerating speed is 1/1000 of your mana pool.

Not too long we arrive in front of a cave, so I stop using my sonar. They are inside the cave, and as we goes inside Liefa used ignite to lighten our way. Then from inside a man voice can be heard.

"Who is there?!" Hearing the voice Liefa suddenly goes inside while running. Sigh, we lost our sight since she was the one that using ignite. Well it not like I can't used it, so I used ignite by my own. A blue flame appeared in front of me. I can feel an annoying aura behind me.

"..." When I look behind, Klein giving off a really annoying smile.

"We should talk when we back." He said those, and walk following Liefa light. I am sure that mean 'we should fight again in the name of sparring after we goes back'. . . Yep let's dodge him with all my might. As I arrived to the end of the cave, there a grey haired man laying on the ground without one of his arm, and besides him is a woman with blond hair and a long ears.... Ouuuhhh a real life elves!! *Cough* I should keep calm. Also there Liefa hugging another man with a priest garment, and a white hair. She keep crying while saying thanks God, thanks God....

When her eyes meet with mine she releasing that man from her arms at once, and she gaze at me as if I wrong her, before she shift her face that kinda blushing to the other two that laying on the ground. The guy in priest grab, then looking at me, if I am not wrong, according to Liefa story his name is Drat. He suddenly bow his head and said thank you to me and Klein. Afterwards Klein took out a the bottle with blue colored liquid and give it to Drat then goes over to the other two that laying on ground and pour the red colored one to their mouth. As the liquid goes in to their mouths, I can see all the wound in their body closing up and healed in abnormal speed. I used partial identification I see how they HP increasing by 300 point every second, not even 10s passed by their HP already full. That is the legendary Health Potion! *Cough* well I check the potion with identification too, and it only state high potion, and there a Rare label on it with a blue words. I guess it means the rarity of an item. Afterwards we sit down beside those wounded peoples, but somehow Liefa sit down right beside me while blushing...

Then Drat telling us his part of the story after Liefa run away while being chased by that monster. Drat which only losing his conscious because concussion when he and Glen being send flying, wake up after awhile. As he wake up he immediately used heal on Glen and Rose to stop their bleeding and infection. But as he pulled them away, their wound that just closed got opened up again. Luckily there is no monster that attacking them, seems like the monsters around here already run away when the Black Bear comes down. Ah, I remember those bird flying away too. So he didn't encounter any monster on his way. When he reach the bushes from before, he close their wounds once again. And afterwards is the same as Klein assumption. Not too long after Drat done telling his part the two unconscious person, started to opening their eyes.

Sigh... Luckily all those flags that Klein and Liefa raise didn't happen. I think those things as watching Liefa and Rose hugging each other.

Well, this chapter is kinda long.... I guess I won't update anymore for today, and tommorow morning. Well, another 4 chapter and we moving on the next arc, after some interlude.

A little edit... I just realized there few words that ain't English. RIP.

SlowConnectioncreators' thoughts