
World Retainer

An epic fantasy novel that will take you on a journey through time, space and magic. It features a captivating story filled with action, adventure, tragedy and mystery.

Braveun · Fantaisie
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21 Chs

Star Eyes

As they journey north towards the abandoned castle known as 'The Ark,' Percy feels a sense of restlessness grow within her. Her mind races with thoughts about what they might encounter and what secrets may be uncovered. And then, as if in response to her inner turmoil, something strange begins to happen.

Percy blinks, feeling a sudden tingle in her eyes that spreads through her body like an electric surge. She rubs at them furiously before gasping in surprise as she catches sight of herself in a nearby stream-her pupils were shaped like stars!

Emily rushes over with concern etched upon her face but stops short when she sees Percy's eyes.

"Star Eyes," Emily murmurs reverentially. "It has been centuries since we last saw these."

"A long-forgotten ability," Mad says knowingly from behind them -he had already caught up after being left behind due his injured foot. His expression is one of wonderment mixed with something else-a kind of profound sadness.

"What does it mean?" Timothy asks anxiously while Alya looks on silently, absorbing everything around without showing much emotion other than intrigue and curiosity.

"It means," Emily responds slowly, "that you have unlocked an ancient power-one said to bring magic-users closer to the divine."

Percy's heart pounds excitedly within her chest-she knew this was significant!

"But it also comes with great responsibility," Mad interjects gravely.

"With those eyes-" he points towards Percy's new feature "-you'll be able to perfectly copy every magic formula you see."

This information causes everyone except for Alya (who seems indifferent) react strongly; The idea that such power could fall into the wrong hands or cause untold destruction weighs heavily on their minds.

"I can handle it!" Percy insists earnestly-not wanting anyone else bearing the burden along with hers alone- even though deep down she was unsure. "It's a gift, and I won't let it go to waste."

Timothy places his hand on her shoulder in support.

"We believe in you," he tells her firmly.

And so Percy sets out to train with Emily-in order to fully control her new found power. Days turn into weeks as they hone their magical abilities together under the guidance of the Tower's Master Mage.

Percy now has an unwavering sense of purpose, knowing that this newfound ability could change everything for them all; She felt more responsibility but also more empowered than ever before as she studied every spell cast by Emily while using Star Eyes to enhance her learning experience.

As days turned into months, Percy grew more confident-and proficient-with each passing moment until finally one day -with Mad carefully overlooking- she casts lightning magic- perfectly replicating what Emily had taught earlier on causing everyone around including Alya nodding silently approvingly impressed by what they have just witnessed.

"I think we're ready," Timothy says after watching Percy's impressive display.

"To face whatever lies ahead."

Mad nods knowingly from beside him, seeming content at last that their training is complete.

"Indeed," he agrees solemnly yet confidently. "The time has come for us all-together-to unlock secrets previously unknown."

Alya steps forward then-clearing her throat before speaking softly yet firmly: "I've been waiting decades..." Her voice trails off leaving everyone curious about what comes next

"...for someone worthy enough-blessed with such gifts," she continues meaningfully looking towards Percy -the only one amongst them who seemed different compared to when they first started;

"But there are things even Star Eyes cannot see or foresee," Alya warns gravely-something ominous lurking beneath her words making everyone uncomfortable-no matter how brave or prepared they may be.

Together-the five companions step forth from The Tower walls and head further north-towards 'The Ark.' The road ahead was long and treacherous, with many obstacles in their path; yet they press on-knowing that whatever secrets lie within the castle might hold the answers to unlocking Timothy's elusive dreams.

And so begins a new chapter of their journey-a quest for knowledge and truth amidst danger and uncertainty. A journey filled with surprises at every turn-where nothing is as it seems-and where each step could mean the difference between success or failure.

But as they travel further into unknown lands beyond The Tower walls -their destinies intertwined-more questions arise than answers in what may come next.