
World Retainer

An epic fantasy novel that will take you on a journey through time, space and magic. It features a captivating story filled with action, adventure, tragedy and mystery.

Braveun · Fantaisie
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21 Chs

Into The Rift

As Alya reappeared, the battle against the Void Sovereign raged on upon the shattered fragments of land. Emily and Mad unleashed spell after spell, the air crackling with power, but their foe seemed unfazed.

With a guttural shout, the shadowy figure sent a shockwave rippling outwards, knocking everyone back. Ryan dug his blade into the rocks to stabilize himself, while Percy threw up a shimmering shield to defend her stunned brother.

"Is that the best you can do?" the Void Sovereign taunted as it loomed closer, darkness oozing from its form.

Timothy's eyes blazed with azure light as he drew more deeply on the ancient tome's power. "This ends now!" he roared.

The air around him ignited into a fiery column, forcing the shadowy being momentarily back. But Timothy's control over such immense magic was still tenuous. The recoil from his attack sent him reeling, vulnerable.

Sensing opportunity, the Void Sovereign struck, a spear of condensed shadow lancing directly towards the staggered seer. At the last instant, Percy dove forward, reorienting her shield to defend Timothy.

But the force still sent both siblings flying towards the edge of the fragmented landmass. Percy's eyes widened as she realized what was about to happen.

With the last of her strength, she tossed Timothy back from the brink, leaving herself dangling precipitously. As he slid to a halt, their eyes met in a brief moment that conveyed everything. Then Percy lost her grip, plummeting into the prismatic glow below.

"No!" Timothy cried out hoarsely, crawling desperately to peer over the edge. But Percy was already gone, vanished into the coruscating colors of the dimensional rift. Rage and anguish warred across Timothy's face.

The Void Sovereign's laughter echoed mockingly. "How noble, yet utterly futile. You cannot stop what comes." It began gathering violet lightning between its gnarled hands, readying a finishing blast.

"Percy's sacrifice will not be in vain!" Emily declared, joining her magic with Mad's. Alya gripped her blade, her usual stoicism replaced with cold fury. Ryan hoisted his sword, still emanating hope against all odds.

Timothy trembled violently as he called on every last bit of the book's power, feeling it burn through his veins. With a primal scream, he unleashed a beam of pure white energy, blasting into the shadowy figure.

The edges of reality shuddered around them from the collision of such ancient forces. For an endless moment, the balance hung precariously, light clashing against dark.

Then finally, slowly, the Void Sovereign began dissipating, its grating wail rising in pitch until Timothy could withstand no more. With a last eruption of power, their foe was banished, leaving only silence behind.

His eyes rolled back as Timothy collapsed, the ancient magic taking its toll. Emily and Mad rushed to his side, faces etched with concern as they worked to stabilize his flickering life force.

But Timothy's spirit was already adrift, searching endlessly for some sign of Percy within the luminous expanse of the rift into which she had fallen.