
Zodiac Inheritance System

I passed the guard like a shadow but that would not have been possible if I was an ordinary zodiac.


(5 years ago)

'I want to get stronger, I need that to help Master'

I stared at the dark and thick forest behind the house and thought of an idea.

Fortunately Master was not home early this morning so I'm not gonna train.

To my great thought I didn't even realize that my feet were walking into the forest.

I was not the type to disobey Master but this time it seemed like someone was urging me to follow what I was thinking.

I was back in the trance but what welcomed me was a total darkness, the tall trees without sunlight escaping, the thick and old vines wrapped around the trees and the scary line of the road as if it were always passed by something.

I was afraid I would cry, I was used to being alone but not in this way.

I turned around and I breathed a sigh of relief to see that it was also a roadway that was definitely where I came from.

I was about to come back when I saw a glossy moving on the side of my eyes.

So I hurriedly looked at it but the glittering color run, I think I alert the fellow.

My body moved on its own and followed the glossy light.

As I followed it I felt a cold air in the back of my head that it's startled me.

I looked backed even though I was scared just to satisfy my curiosity.

I slowly faced it but I think I'm regretting all of the reckless things I've done today because I think it's paying me back scarily.

My knees trembled in fear of seeing the huge snake I had just seen in my entire little life.

I was so scared that I couldn't move nor did I even cry I can't even utter a single word because I was scared out of my wits.

When I recovered a little I ran in the direction I was chasing something earlier.

But at my speed because of panic and fear I didn't realize what I was going through, the last time I remembered that there was a glossy brown in front of me and after that I lost consciousness.


In the middle of the jungle can be seen a boy on the ground to see his eyebrows as if he were not dreaming at that time.

And from the center of the glossy stream near the unconscious child floated from the bottom a rock shaped on the head of the lion and then slowly entered the child's left breast and marked it in the shape of a stone.

[System transferring the zodiac inheritance to azour lion from an unknown individual ...]

[Foundation of Qi has been established]

[Beginner Zodiac Chi has been founded]

[Host can circulate it all around host body to avoid rupturing your pathway of chi]

[WARNING! Warning!]

[Host is unconscious the system will handle the rest]

[Host is on the gold beginner level to avoid destroying your pathway the system will store the other chi on host zodiac]


At the scene, all the Theïkó thirío in the jungle stopped and all went down.

The boy's chase came in and then he clung to the child as if watching.

Different colors of flowers, trees, glittering leaves and blue streams exposed Azour's front when he woke up.


Level of martial arts in whatever there zodiac specialties:

TIERS: From lowest to highest










DIVISION: From Lowest to Highest

Division I.

Division II

Division III

Division IV

Division v


Division VII

Division VIII

Division IX

Division X.

ALL RANKS: From Lowest to Highest


Bronze i

Bronze II

Bronze III

Bronze IV

Bronze v

Bronze VI

Bronze VII

Bronze VIII

Bronze IX

Bronze x

Silver i

Silver II

Silver III

Silver IV

Silver v

Silver VI

Silver VII

Silver VIII

Silver IX

Silver x

Gold i

Gold II

Gold III

Gold IV

Gold v

Gold VI

Gold VII


Gold IX

Gold x

Platinum i

Platinum II

Platinum III

Platinum IV

Platinum v


Platinum VII

Platinum VIII

Platinum IX

Platinum x

Diamond I.

Diamond II

Diamond III

Diamond IV

Diamond v


Diamond VII


Diamond IX

Diamond x

Master i

Master II

Master III

Master IV

Master v

Master VI

Master VII

Master VIII

Master IX

Master x

Grandmaster I.

Grandmaster II

Grandmaster III

Grandmaster IV

Grandmaster v

Grandmaster VI

Grandmaster VII

Grandmaster VIII

Grandmaster IX

Grandmaster x

Legend i

Legend II

Legend III

Legend IV

Legend v

Legend VI

Legend VII

Legend VIII

Legend IX

Legend x