
Unexpected Evolution for an Ordinary Thirio

I came back out of my trance from reliving the past when the caged thing moved.

I looked at it closely and there I saw that it seemed to be struggling to move but had a ferocious aura.

The courage of this fellow to drive away is someone getting stronger even in a weakened state, this is really an example of pride.

I wrapped my whole body in qi then tried to bring my finger closer to the cage.

I only used gentle flow of qi, as if it was out of its senses, it might think I was an enemy if I didn't consider my aura before helping.

I seem to have an idea why this is happening.

I can't help but watch over and help make the foundation of his qi pathway strong.

He seems to have struggled all his life.

I don't give sympathy.

But I help him because I see that he will be strong one day.

I want to see that.

It is not ordinary for this type of thirio to evolve unless he grew up in a dangerous environment.

Because a thirio adapts to what is happening around it, so does the person.

That's why the evolution of man is different from the physical appearance to aura.

A person's aura will only get stronger and nothing will change in their physical appearance, but the thirio changes their physical appearance as they grow stronger, but sometimes there are thirios who retain their form, that is the type of thirio that became legends.

I chose a place far away from other thirios then we made a barrier.

A barrier is a skill that can hide an aura or defend against an attack.

A red aura surrounds the thirio mixed with black.

It is a symbol of his future power and the darkness contained from a being.

There are cases that they did not succeed in evolving, they are called chaméni psychí thiríou or lost soul of a beast, their soul is destroyed as a result of death but because of the active aura it is the result of the ability to move even if it is not alive.

chaméni psychí thiríou= lost beast soul

It is dangerous in a large institution if something like this happens so the thirios are isolated from the institution itself.

I put my palm in the air surrounding the thirio then guided it to its dantian.

Sometimes a thirio can evolve by himself but for a newborn there is only an 8% percentage to succeed.

Are you asking why I'm helping this kitten other than he has potential, I'm just bored.

After gathering all the aura in his dantian, it screamed in agony, then the surrounding lighted up.

I covered my eyes then opened my eyes when I felt it was over.

I was excited to look at its place.

But I saw nothing but mist brought by evolution.

It seem to have run away, what can I do with this mischievous fellow?

I looked around and saw a white kitten on the right side snarling at me.

I helped you first but didn't even say thank you, ungrateful fellow.

"Come here" I motioned him to come to my side.

I returned the aura that was released earlier then it flowed gently flow back to my dantian.

It slowly walked towards me on guard and its tail and furs are still raised, HAHA interesting.



Strength: 500

Agility: 1000

Dexterity: 500





Ah, did I say that I won't go back to the dorm without this fellow?