

Half a year later,

Using the utterly extreme speed of the flying ship provided by the sect, the two managed to escape the confines of the Heat Region in merely half a year.

"Senior sister, wouldn't this be more suitable," said Ming Yun as she raised a paper umbrella over Xu Yue's head.

Seeing this, Xu Yue removed the barrier around the two of them, letting the rain fall over the paper umbrella.

Looking in the distance, a smile appeared on Xu Yue's face as she felt the raindrops falling into the ground, and after that, they began traveling east alongside the many underground rivers present in the Water Drop Region.

"So that's how the Heat region obtains it's water even though it barely rains over there," thought Xu Yue as she stepped out of the flying ship and began walking westwards.

Unlike in the Heat region, where Xu Yue rapidly flew when she wanted to go somewhere, right now, Xu Yue was enjoying the process of slowly walking.

Of course, 'slowly' is a matter of reference, as every single one of Xu Yue's steps caused her to travel hundreds of meters.

One month later,

Even after one month, because of their slow pace, Xu Yue and Ming Yun had not traveled far into the region.

Looking at the tiny, five-hundred-person village that seemed to worship a a statue of a drop of water, Xu Yue sighed before walking on her way.

But as she promised Bing Yue that she would be back in five hundred years, the distance crossed by Xu Yue's steps slowly increased, from hundreds of meters, to one Li, then to several Li and even beyond.

As the two traveled, Ming Yun discovered something, the more relaxed Xu Yue became, the colder the temperature around her became.

"Senior sister, you shouldn't restrain yourself, isn't this the perfect place to let go a little bit?" asked Ming Yun, as suddenly, the cold feeling around Xu Yue disappeared.

At the same time, something weird happened, the rain that seemed to unendingly fall upon the two of them suddenly stopped.

Looking at the small snowflakes that were slowly falling around them, a shocked expression appeared on Ming Yun's face.

Because of this shock, Ming Yun then accidentally touched Xu Yue, causing her to suddenly stop moving as ice enveloped Ming Yun's body.

Looking at Ming Yun for a moment, Xu Yue smiled before tapping the ice on the former's body, causing it to shatter.

"What are you waiting here for, lets go," said Xu Yue before she and Ming Yun once again went on their way.

Everywhere they went, the everpresent rain was being replaced by perfect snow, every single flake that come down from the heaven's seemed to be utterly the same, perfect and unchangeable.

"There are other places suitable for me to let loose, let's just enjoy this nice place," said Xu Yue as Ming Yun suddenly brought the paper umbrella back over their heads, just in time for the rain to once again begin.

After this, the two once again began walking onward toward the center of the Water Drop Region.

A few months later,

Looking at the city surrounded by a large lake, Xu Yue stopped before changing direction, now beginning to walk towards the huge city.

Even though it was at the center of a lake, the size of this city couldn't be underestimated, in fact, most cultivators couldn't travel from one half of the city to another even if they traveled their entire lives.

As Xu Yue entered the city, she seemed like a shadow, no one being able to notice her presence.

But upon walking only a few meters, she suddenly stopped, as she felt a familiar aura.

"You can come out now, little girl," said Xu Yue as she looked in a certain direction with a smile on her face.

A few moments after Xu Yue said that, a little girl with a paper umbrella suddenly appeared on the corner.

As Xu Yue looked at the little girl, a surprised look appeared on Xu Yue's face, not from how the girl looked or her cultivation, but rather from the water drop that she had on her eyebrow.

"This aura feels to similar to master," thought Xu Yue before smiling.

"What's you name little girl," asked Xu Yue as she appeared next to the little girl, causing the latter to slightly jump.

"Big sister Shui, someone wants to bully De'er," suddenly shouted the little girl, tear appearing in the corner of her eyes.

Merely a moment later, a water drop suddenly smashed towards Xu Yue had just stood, with incredible power, surprising, the water drop stopped just before hitting the ground.

"Don't worry, I have no interest in bullying little girls, as such, I have no interest in you, or that one," said Xu Yue as she instantly appeared next to a teenage girl.

"Then what's your purpose?" asked the girl as she seemingly lowered her guard.

"I just wanted to ask some questions about this thing," said Xu Yue as she touched the water drop on the teenage girls eyebrow.

After staring at Xu Yue for a few moments, the girl suddenly smiled.

"Even though I can't answer your question, I can take you to someone who can," said the girl before waving her hand, causing the little girl to run over to the two.

"What's your name?" asked the girl, not expecting much of an answer.

"Well I'm Shui Ming and she's Chun De'er, If you want your questions answered follow me," said Shui Ming, shocked that Xu Yue had said her real name.

"If she's that one from the Sword Region, it makes sense," thought Shui Ming as she waved her hand, causing a flying treasure to appear.


Looking at the flying ship she was in, and comparing it to her flying treasure, Shui Ming, for the first time, felt what it was like to be obscenely rich.

But the biggest blow to her came not from this, but from the fact that Chun De'er was sitting on Xu Yue's lap.

"Is my lap not good enough for you, you traitor?" thought Shui Ming as a small amount of sadness.