
World of Rita

In a world where most of the population have awoken a power called system follow our protagonist Keith Astral on his journey to gain power and fame and to restore his family's name.

Jacko91 · Fantaisie
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11 Chs

Chapter 3: Do you want to claim me?

A few hours after I left the tower of awakening and when I say a few hours I mean four bloody hours it took me to get back to Greystone. I mean come on! It's already two in the blasted morning I'm lucky there isn't any school today cause isn't anyway I would be able to stay awake enough to pay enough attention to any of my teachers. Cause all I want to do is go to sleep and there isn't anything in the world that will stop me.

My home is located in Greystone but its on the outskirts of the town, years ago when my parents were still alive the town was much more populated than it is today. A lot has happened in the past couple of years, firstly, we have had a few bandit attacks and, secondly, Greystone is a very neglected town in fact we don't even get any support from the capital at all which as resulted in some of the buildings falling apart in fact some the homes around mine have already collapsed, lastly many of the people of my sister's generation have moved to the city. What can I say? This town will soon become a ghost town.

"Ouch" I winced in pain as I collided with someone as I turned the corner to my house "Freya!"

Freya Adam is my childhood friend who I have know my entire life she is also the youngest daughter of a Baron, yes that's right she is nobility. Surprising isn't it? That a commoner like me would be childhood friends with the daughter of nobility. I sometimes ask myself if this isn't all a dream cause its the only luck I've had until getting my system was being childhood friends with her. Freya is average height 4'8 with a slender build, oh boy does she have a chest on her, her is what makes her stand out way more than your normal girl, she has fair white skin with excellent complexion, she has short pink hair that falls to her neckline and violet eyes, her beauty is beyond words.

"Are you going to continue staring at my panties or going to help me up" asked Freya with a smile on her face "I know boys just love to peek at a girls panties whenever they can"

"I'm sorry Freya" I apologies as I helped her up "I was just surprised is all."

"Oh really?" asked Freya "you sure you wasn't too busy staring at my panties instead?"

"Of course not. I hadn't expected to see you here" I spoke "I mean its two in the morning and all"

"I would of thought you be happy to see me" said Freya "ain't boys usually happy to see a girl waiting for them as they return home?"

"Yes I'm happy to see you Freya" I admitted "you are just full of surprises that no one can predict what you are going to do next"

I won't deny that I was staring at her panties every boy is guilty as charged for that crime and you can't really blame me for it. I mean Freya is very beautiful that if she wasn't nobility I might of already asked her to be my girlfriend but sadly that won't happen as she is nobility we live in two different worlds, yes I do in fact love Freya I've had a crush on her ever since I realised I liked Freya. Seeing her at my house waiting for me to return home is like a dream come true except she isn't my wife.

"We can continue talking here" spoke Freya "or are you going to invite me in? I would prefer to talk inside as it's safer and bit warmer"

"Come on in then" I said as we entered my house "it's not that much warmer"

"Your awakening was a success wasn't it?" Asked Freya as she sat on my bed "what kind of system did you get?"

"It was a success" I answered "I got a unique system and that's all I'm saying"

"A unique system? What a surprise I also have a unique system" said Freya "Mine is assassination"

"Telling me your system is just so not fair" I said "I have a desire system"

This is what makes her unpredictable you just don't know what's she's thinking she will simply surprise you when your least expecting it. She waited for me to return home for who knows how long then asking me allow her inside where it's safer I simply can't understand her sometimes. Telling me her system was straight unfair as it would of made me guilty if I didn't tell her mine. It's because of the ways she does things that just make her charming enough to make any man fall for her.

"Desire? That's unique in itself" said Freya with a smirk on her face "desire could be nearly anything now could it?"

"Yeah it could" I replied "I'm still trying to figure out what desire wine is"

"Oh really?" Asked Frey with that smirk still on her face "I believe you already know exactly what desire you system is"

"If I had to guess I would say it's sexual" added Freya "but that's only a guess and all"

What the hell? I guess those rumours about her were right it's as if she has some kind of foresight to actually guess what kind of desire my system was and get it right. I wanted at all cost for he not to find out it was a sexual desire system I mean my point earning method is sex base I just hope she doesn't find me a pervert now cause I would hate that very much.

"What are you?" I asked "Physic?"

"Hehehe" laughed Freya "nope. It was just a guess but your reaction confirms that my guess was right"

"No comment" I said "that's all I'm saying "

"No need to be embarrassed about it" said Freya "I think it's only normal for a boy to get that kind of system"

"It's funny you know" added Freya "in all the year I've known you no one would of guessed that our families originally started out as they did"

"Your right about that" I said "my father was hired to be a guard by your father which is why we grew up to be close friends even now despite being in two different social classes"

"That's true" spoke Freya "but it never bothered me in the least"

It really is funny if I think about it normally we wouldn't of ever been friends if my father had been hired to be a guard by her father. It was because of my father's guard duty that I got to know Freya we hanged out a lot when we were kids as my mother usually took me to Freya's house mainly to give dad his lunch which he often to take with him. Despite being from two different social classes we became friends and stayed friends even now, people would often say it's impossible for a commoner to be friends with a noble but would tell them they have to think again cause I'm friends with a noble.

"Say Keith" spoke Freya "have you ever thought about the future?"

"I haven't given it much thought as I've been rather distracted as of late" I answered "Exactly what do you mean by the future?"

"Exactly that. The future" answered Freya "Like…what you will do after graduation and who you might marry that kind of stuff"

"I have given that a thought especially what I'm going to do after graduation" I said "I'm either going to become a guard or a knight but to be honest if I'm lucky the system tournament will be held this year"

"Doesn't your very system go against those two options" pointed out Freya "mean both a guard and knight are combat type jobs and your system isn't a combat one"

"I know but those are the only two options that I have to rise from the bottom" I spoke "the chances of the tournament being held anytime in the next four years is anyone's guess and for me to win my chances are slim at best"

"Don't cut yourself short" said Freya "a victor is never written in stone"

The future? When my parents died I never even thought about the until recently due to my graduation approaching it made me think what I wanted to do for my future. After thinking about for over a month I was only able to come up with two jobs at the time either become a guard or a knight as they pay better than any other job but it all depended on the system I got but sadly my system isn't very much suited for combat. I had hoped that the system tournament would be announced sometime this year but unfortunately it hasn't. The system tournament is a annual tournament that's held between countries of Trinity and Solar it's a friendly competition, in the past there have been some victors who won without using their systems but there wasn't a issue as it was never stated in the rules that you had to use you system it only stated that you had to have your system awoken to enter the tournament.If you manage to win you can ask for anything even money which is what I would I ask for.

"I know" I said "it's just disheartening when you see people with strong abilities than yourself"

"You asked Who I might marry?" I asked "now that's a good question"

"Oh really? Who is it?" Asked Freya looking disappointed "is it someone I know?"

"If I'm being honest here Freya Adam" I announced "I would like to marry you but we both know that it's impossible"

It's common knowledge throughout the country of Trinity that commoners can't marry into nobility that is unless the nobility who the commoner is going to marry throws everything away. Their nobility status, their inheritance and even their family name, yes they will officially be disowned by their family and all ties with be cut. That's something that I don't want for Freya, no it's only thanks to her family that we ever met in the first place if they never hired my dad we wouldn't of become friends, in fact I know she wouldn't do something like that she loves her family.

"Do you want to claim me?" Asked Freya as she kissed me on the lips.

The moment our kiss broke I was shocked and that I didn't want it to end but frankly I was more shocked than anything. Did I hear that right? Did she truly ask me if I want to claim her? Dam her for asking me that just before she kisses me how am I going to be able to reject her now! One of my friends did point out awhile ago that Freya had feelings for me and even I began to not given that she spends a lot more time with me than with anyone else.

"Of course I want to claim you" I declared "I've always loved you and only you"

"That's good to know" said Freya "I have always loved you to"

"Keith Astral" said Freya as she begins to remove her top "Ill ask you again do you want to claim me as your wife"

"Of course I do" I declared louder than before.

"Then come and claim me" ordered Freya at this point she was only in her panties and bra "already"

This sexy devil had this planned alright she knew I was having my system awoken today. It makes more sense as to why she was waiting outside for me to return home instead of going home herself. She was making small talk about system just to build up to this moment I mean she asked about the future but that was only a distraction for a moment she wanted to know if I had anyone else I intended to marry. She had come with the the intention of having me claim her I don't think she is leaving until I do.

"Bigger than you imagine?" Asked Freya "did you really believe I hadn't noticed that you always staring at my chest?"

"Here's you chance to finally touch my breasts that you've been staring at for so long" said Freya "come and claim me"

"As you wish" I said as I pushed her onto to my bed to the point that she is laid on my bed "my lady"