
World of regalia

In the world of Regalias power is everything

Zenex6 · Fantaisie
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16 Chs

Clash between Supremes.[Bonus chapter]

Meanwhile few kilometers from Damian's house, a silver haired boy could be seen lying on the bed as he held his eyes screaming in pain, he rolled from side to side as blood began to flow from his eyes, he gently opened his eyes as it felt like a lion that had be bound in a cage for a long time finally being released.

as his eyes opened, the whole world began to resonate with it, the pressure if the room suddenly became dense as cracks could be seen on the walls of the room even the space around him seem to distort, rippling like thunder, after what felt like eternities it finally came down as it's beauty could finally be seen. The eyes shown brightly, it's colour could only be described as divine, it's golden radiance seemed to defied the laws of reality as if anything that looks directly at it would face divine retribution.

"Suppressing this power even hurts more than using them! I'm afraid only a fight that would make me go all out would actually help solve this problem... I'm sorry Damian but you're that perfect person for this!" Sagara said as he stood up from the bed without his blind fold.

Meanwhile Damian who was sleeping peac fully suddenly felt his heart hearing faster. It felt unnatural causing him to wake up, his body was leaking out a powerful aura that belonged to none other than Beelzebub. [External force is stimulating the power of the devil sealed inside of you].

Before Damian could even understand Damian fell on his bed with his body completely emerged in a purplish black aura. At that moment he shot out of the house destroying the roof in the process, it was a good thing the house was his If not the landlord would probably send him to prison for the destruction.

Damian's possess body moved without aim as it just kept on moving towards the forest outsides the city. His speed was even more greater than that of a sniper, as his movements left a trail of wind in the air almost as if breaking sound barrier anything in front of him was sent flying with ease.

Meanwhile Damian could be seen resting on the bark of a tree with a grin on his face. "3...2.....1!" Sagara said as he took a side step to the right, at that moment it was as if a truck collided it the tree uprooting it from it's position.

"It took you long enough!" Sagara said as his eyes locked with Damian's, all though his eyes wasn't blindfolded but it wasn't exposed as well, it was hidden behind dark shades as the golden hue could still be seen from behind the glasses.

"Human! who are you to be able to break the seal placed on me? even I struggle to do it!" Beelzebub (I'll be referring to possess Damian as Beelzebub from now on) asked with a demonic voice as she herself knew the power of that seal was no joke. Although in her prime breaking it would be mere child's play.

Right now her power was currently limited to the power of Damian's soul as anymore would kill both of them. "That's currently none of your business, I brought you with the sole purpose of entertaining me and you would do just that!" Sagara said with his tone as arrogant as ever.

"If you mean killing you is entertaining you... Then I'll do just that!" Beelzebub said with a wild grin as he disappeared from where he was instantly appearing behind Sagara with blinding speed that almost seemed like teleporting.

"I think you'd make a good puppet when I'm through with you!" Beelzebub said impaling Sagara's heart with his hand, which caused blood to roll down Sagara's mouth before dropping dead like a log of wood. "Emerge!" Beelzebub said as black energy enveloped Sagara before suddenly disappeared into thin air. "What happen? It's supposed to be possible to turn him into soul slave!" Beelzebub said in confusion as he looked at the empty spot in which Sagara's body previously laid.

"Do you think killing me would be easy as killing a fly! Do not underestimate me devil. I'm the one who do that kind of stuffs!" Sagar said from behind Beelzebub while removing his glasses which then turned to dust.

Damian's golden eyes illuminated the whole forest with sun like Ray's as his eyes stare deep into the soul of Beelzebub. "Those eyes!! I see.. You truly underestimate me, fair enough as someone as powerful as you would look at gods as inferior... but yet even me the strongest devil is superior to any god!! Stare into the abyss! and the abyss shall stare back at you!" Beelzebub said as both his eyes turned purple with a erring feeling around them, they were the complete opposite of Sagara's, instead of the magnificent feeling of divine. It was replaced with the feeling of dread and negativity.

At that moment when the two eyes interlocked the whole world felt fear, the trees started to wither, rocks began to crumble, nothing could escape their wrath, even the space began to tear. At that moment the Zenexian orb began to expand which could become more dangerous to everyone on the world.

"I think you'll agree with me that this world wouldn't be able to handle this mere contest of stare! Since you're weakend I'll give you the advantage to use your zone, that could give you a massive advantage at the same time place me at a disadvantage. How about that!" Sagara said with a smile as he shifted his gaze towards the Zenexian orb.

Everything slowly went back to normal except the Zenexian orb which was several times larger than before making it only a little bit lesser than the sun.

"You're the first human who had ever gain my respect, I see you in a different light. It would be nice to have someone like you as comrades instead of those shitty bastards!" Beelzebub said with a smile of regret as memories of her past flashed before her eyes.

"Indeed, but that might come to be in the near future for now let's entertain each other... Carry on! I'm itching for fight!!" Sagara said as he finally removed his gaze from the orb.

"It seems being strong is also a weakness! I've been there human, this world is vast than you know it. With time you will come to realize that there is more to this world than meets the eye. Now not to bore you. Zeta-Zone shift!! Abyssal Calamity!" Beelzebub said as the world instantly fell silent while wearing darkness enveloped him and Sagara.

--------------------------------------------------------------------Thankyou @venlyrian for your support.. Much love.

AN: I'd seriously appreciate some characters idea, I'm not pretty much good at creating my own character, some of my characters are inspired from other shows, I'm sure you could already tell that. if you have any idea on characters and there regalia's feel free to comment.