
World of regalia

In the world of Regalias power is everything

Zenex6 · Fantaisie
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16 Chs


The teacher dismissed the class after the fight between Sagara and Freya as she felt everyone was mentally exhausted. Meanwhile Damian didn't forget to visit the laboratory of Mr John. It was already late in the evening although he was eager to go home as for the past few days he had stayed with Sagara.

In one of the laboratory's of the academy, Mr John could be seen experimenting on what looked like a heart, it had the general shape of normal humans but it had a dark purple colour which also leaked out Zeta energy. He seemed to be lost in his experiment that he didn't know when Damian walked in.

Uhmm* Damian cleared his throat to let his presence known, it was only at that moment that Mr John finally lifted his head up to see who it was. "Ahh, Your here, congrats on your victory!" Mr John congratulated before gently placing the items on his had on top of the table in front of him. "Thank you!" Damian said politely as he continued to observe the lab, it was mostly filled with various body parts and equipment he had never seen before.

"Interested are you, All these here are body parts of Ajumas, right now I'm trying to create a... how do I put it, a Chimera, all though it won't necessarily be alive i could make do with an artificial one for now!" Mr John didn't mind sharing his secrets as even the school authorities barely even know what he was doing.

"Wow that's cool, but won't it attack humans as well?" Damian asked curiously although he doubt that it would happen. "Maybe, but rest assured it would have a counter measures, Nor the reason I called you is simple, I want to revaluate you if you don't mind?" Mr John said as he looked at Damian suspiciously, he couldn't help but be surprised at his amazing growth rate but the reason he wanted to test him was different from that, he wanted to know if Damian had the potential to awaken a second regailia.

Even though it was rare, it wasn't impossible, you could call it a variant of the former regalia as the Awakening with be something differently, it would be more like a powerful or better version of the regalia. For example if someone with a simple fire ball Regalia awakens again, he could awaken fire manipulation or something like that.

But Damian could only refuse as he didn't want the risk of being exposed, he was unsure if what they would do if they find out he had something of that Calibur trapped inside of him. "I see, alright, you should probably head home it's getting dark?" Mr John said with only a little bit of disappoinment and nothing else.

Just as Damian was about to turn back and leave, his hand mistakingly touched something hard, it was a simple bone or do he thought until a window appeared in front of him.

[Bone of a natural spirit grade Ajuma detected, Absorbable Zeta fragments:200] Damian was puzzled as he stood blankly looking at the screen in front of him. Of course he didn't choose to absorb it as he would instantly be figured out. "What's it... oh you can have it, it could probably be used to forge a high grade artifact bit it's useless to me!" Mr John said as he saw the way Damian was staring at the bone as it he was obsessed with it.

Without any hint of hesitation he immediately decided to accept it while thanking him before storming out of the lab as he immediately wanted to try out his devouring skills. He decided to run home as it would be more faster than taking a taxi. In less than 20 minutes he got home after running at full base speed.

He took a short pause in front of his door as memories of his grandfather flooded into his brain, unlike usual not even a single teardrop could fall from his eyes. He entered the house heading straight for his room where he locked the door behind him. Even if he was the only one around he couldn't shake the feeling that someone was spying on him, maybe probably because if his high perception.

Devour! he commanded as a purplish Ted and black aura covered the entire bone before completely devouring it.

[z.f: 320(270+50)]

He immediately poured everything into his Divine body as that was his most beneficial ability.


AGE: 17

MAIN REGALIA: divine body currently reduced to Earth grade (370/800)

Other regalia: power of Beelzebub <god rank> {abilites: Devouring aura god grade: copied skills: 2/2 ;skill: dagger of Trinity: Earth grade(1/800), might of gravity: unique grade(150/2000).

Physique: 100(+50)

Abstract: 100


[Might of gravity: A powerful ability that grants the user control over 2000kg of pressure to use freely. it also adds 50 base stats to a person physique.]

At the end Damian couldn't withstand the temptation of copying his skill as he also felt that he could still get the chance to copy Sagara's ability. He also found out that depending on the control and experience of using one's regalia, it could automatically add some zeta fragments to the growth.

Damian immediately tried to use the ability but something stoped him as he had a feeling that his house might not survive it. He decided to take a long bath as he felt exhausted, it seems the power of a unique rank regalia was something else. It was as if it had integrated with every part of his body also giving him a felling of might. The difference between unique grade regalia and earth grade Regalia was just too much.

when he got to the bathroom the first thing he did was to stare at the mirror as he already had a habit of looking at himself everyday. for the past few days he hadn't gotten the chance as he had stayed with Sagara.

He was surprised to see a little bit of changes in his appearance, although he still looked normal but he could tell that there were changes in his face, his eyes seemed to shine brighter as if illuminating the world around it, his hair had also gotten longer around mid length reaching his neck. He felt more handsome, little did he know that charm was also an abstract stat, and having hundred in it could already make him the Mr world.

For some reason Sagara's appearance flashed through his mind as he instinctively felt inferior, even though his eyes were covered one could tell it might be more beautiful than the most precious gem stone. Even though he felt inferior he still knew the difference wasn't that large as the multicoloured hair and eyes also added to his charms.

The most visible changes was his body structure, he went from a fragile boy to a full grown athletes, his muscles was now more defined and compact but not enough to make him look like a body builder as he never really liked that kind of body structure, he felt power flowing through his being as he felt he could easily breakdown his bathroom wall with a single punch, of course the though immediately vanished the moment it materialized as he knew that the action would be dire. His third leg had also gotten more powerful that he felt it could venture into any cave and reach the peak.

After about three more minutes of self adoring he finally took his bath before sleeping off.