
World Of Madness

Kazuya after being betrayed by his wife takes his revenge. However, surprisingly got something good after fulfilling his revenge. This something good will become the reason of his rise in this world of madness. The reason when all gods, demons, devils, vampires, dragons, werewolves and youkais will only be able to look up to him. The time has come for the advent of new era. ...

CreatureOfCreation · Fantaisie
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4 Chs

Revenge By Your Beloved

A man who looked to be in his mid 20s was walking down a road wearing a black hood. He had a lollipop in his mouth.

His dark blue eyes shown in the dark night where full moon was showing its glamour.

The man looked at the moon and thought, 'Moon is beautiful, unlike human's heart. But maybe Moon is just showing a fake side of it's just like most humans do.'

The man then, looked forward and resumed his walking. He met many people on the road, and all of them were girl trying to him him.

After all, he was handsome so girls would want a piece of him.

'Girls are like men too. Not being able to control their hormones.', the man thought.

After a while, he reached home. His home was not too big nor too small. Average would be the right word.

He unlocked the door and entered the home. He kept walking and reached a door in secluded area of his house.

He opened the door and entered the darkness that lay beyond it.

The man kept walking without any thoughts in his mind.

After a few seconds, his feet touched the marble floor.

He turned on the light in the room by clicking on the button on the wall.

As the light turned on, a room was seen. The room had walls of white but there were red colours mixed in it, irregularly. It was like painter didn't care about order at all and just added red colour on his whims.

The floor was also of white colour and there was red colour mixed in it too.

But the most shocking and heart-wrenching thing was a woman and man tied to each chair.

The man took off the hood from his head. There was madness in his dark blue eyes.

"Honey~! Your Kazuya is here.", Kazuya spoke with a mad-filled smile.

The woman and man opened their eyes. Seeing Kazuya, the woman and man starting get unrest.

Kazuya walked to the woman and caressed her face affectionately, "Did you miss me, honey~?"

The woman didn't speak but was trembling. There was primal raw fear in her eyes.

"Answer me~!", Kazuya clenched his hand and a bit off the woman's soft skin was teared. Blood flowed out a bit.

The woman didn't react to pain but just kept trembling.

She was numb to pain now. This psychopath had tortured her for freaking three years. He cutt off her fingers, her toes and he also beat her up some much.

But this was nothing compared to what to happened to the man besides her. Although, she didn't care about him. She just wanted to escape.

The woman nodded hurriedly, afraid of awakening his wrath. Despite being numb to pain, she was afraid of this madman. He always got new ways to torture her.

Reason? Just because she had an affair with another man behind him. She was a wife, she knew that but she also wanted a thrill.

Kazuya spoke again, "I will end your misery today. Rest in piece!"

Hearing that she was going to die, she was not sad nor afraid but happy, because...well, she was tortured.

...and believe me death is better than torture....

Kazuya, without any hesitation, punched the woman's Adam's apple. The light in her eyes disappeared.

Kazuya then, looked at the man and without any hesitation choked him to death.

Kazuya looked towards the ceiling but before he could say anything a blue window screen popped up.

Kazuya looked at it confusingly.

[You have passed the trial called 'Revenge By Your Beloved'. Do you want system to be integrated with your soul?]


[You have three seconds.]


'Whay is this? Some kind of system like in those fantasy novel? I don't have anything to lose, though. So, might as well try. I am already sick of this normal life.'

It didn't even take one second for him to answer.

"Yes, I want to!"

Kazuya was already sick of all these things happening and all this monotone life here there is nothing but work, work, work and a bit of entertainment.

His wife betrayed him with another man. He killed her and the man, took revenge. All done. But what now?

He isn't saying his life was bad but it was also not good. The worst thing happened to him was his family dying and second worst thing was his wife betraying and third worst.....and fourth worst....

'Okay, it was shit. Absolute shit!'

[Understood. System is integrating.]

Kazuya felt the light going dim. Then, without any warning he fell flat on ground.


<First Arc: Xenos(Uno)>