
World of Gloria

The boy name Caulier, lives in a world that none of us know. He is a traveller. his purpose of his life hasn't been discovered yet, so he seeks to travel to figure out what he's true purpose in this world of Gloria. What purpose will it be? Will it really be worth it by travelling the entire world...? all of that will be answered by the journey of Caulier...

Everlin_Sorcery · Fantaisie
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8 Chs

The Grim Fhior

After we got out from the cave, we started going back to where my aunt is. I know that vanessa is still a stranger but i feel like she's not gonna kill us since she doesn't have any weapons in her back.

"Hey, so what beast was it? you know, the reason you hide in the cave?" Cauiler

"It was a Grim Fhior, similar look of a demon." Vanessa

Grim Fhior. A boundless beast that is super fast and strong. Weakness: Melted Oxter. There's no way we can find something like that, its expensive.

"Grim Fhior huh, i guess your lucky too that your able to escape from something like that." Caulier

"Yeah, i guess so." Vanessa

Hmm.. The animals were quiet.. And they're still quiet... Is it because of that beast..? Animals has more sense of danger than us.. Maybe they run away.. or worse... They were killed by the Grim Fhior..

"Hey, did you also notice the animals being quiet..?" Caulier

"You notice it too..? Yeah, its weird that this place is being quiet... I think they know that the beast was coming or something.. Or killed them.." Vanessa

So she notice it too. But its impossible even for the Grim Fhior to kill every animals in this forest. The animals have nothing to eat in this forest. Maybe their starvation start to kick in.. And begin to hunt that beast.. Maybe thats possible... Maybe..


"What the?! That scream... Could it be?!" Caulier

"Its the beast! we need to go back to your aunt fast!!" Vanessa

We run and run so that we can go back to my aunt fast.. I hope that she's still alive.. If i just haven't leave... No.. If i wouldn't have left.. Then i wouldn't met Vanessa and know information about that beast..

"We need to find another way! this way is a dead end..!" Vanessa

Shit! shit! There has to be a another way... I can jumped high.. But i can't.. The Grim Fhior might see me.. I can't let that happened... that beast is as strong as the beast that killed my family.. I can't let that beast killed my aunt!!

"There has to be a another way..!" Caulier

"Calm down, caulier. I know this forest, follow me.. Don't worry we'll be able to go back to your aunt fast this way..!" Vanessa

"Okay!" Caulier

We decided to go to the west side on this forest hoping that we get to go back to my aunt fast.

We run faster than before then i saw a light...

"Caulier! Where were you! I've been looking for you, and who's that girl?!" Aunt Neily

"Mom your oka--" Caulier


"What was that scream?! Caulier explain everything now!" Aunt Neily

"I'll explain everything later, but right now we have to get out from this forest fast. A beast is here..!" Caulier

"A beast?! Then we have to get out fast!" Aunt Neily

We were able to get to my aunt fast.. But the beast gets near... We have to get out from this forest! or the beast will catch us all and be killed from it..!

"I can see it! Le--" Aunt neily


"Aunt get ouuut!! Nooooo!!!"

The beast was faster than us.. It was able to get here earlier.. It grab my aunt as the beast mouth's grew bigger like its about to eat my aunt....

"Caulier, have this. Its a very important thing, go to a village called Bernally holme. And give that to a person name, Jack Holmestone...!" Aunt Neily

"Aunt, no... We can't leave you here.." Caulier

"Just go! And take that girl with you and go!!" Aunt Neily

Those words that she said was almost the same thing that my mom told her.

The past:

"Mom, whatchu cooking? it smells great!" Caulier

"Its gerad de beust, take a sit with your siblings." Mom

I sat down to the table while my mother was preparing the food... That day was the best and yet a horrible day.. We were eating.. Having fun.. Our aunt came and starts to play with us.. The food tasted so good... Until that time.. The fhjolnier came barging through the burning door.. And started burning the house.. my siblings are supposed to come with me but the fhjolnier got plans for them.. Died from a hellflame of a beast... the only thing that i remember of my mother was her last words..

-Take my child with you and get out from this place! Please sister, protect him and watch over him.. Now goo!!

After that.. I saw my mother get burned down... it was so strong that her body started to melt and her bones starts to appear... I can't see it as i close my eyes and shut my mouth so the beast won't notice me and my aunt... I never want something like this to happened... I lost my family.. All i have now is my aunt... And i'm about to lose her..


"I can't.. I won't!!" Caulier

"Sorry caulier..." Vanessa

I looked at her and was confused...

"Why?" Caulier

"For this..." Vanessa



She used her hand and knocked me out..

"Thank you, now please go and get out from this forest.." Aunt Neily

"We will.." Vanessa

Vanessa took me and place me in her back while she grab the note and something that we don't know and ran....

"I did what i could, Roze. Your child will be safe with that girl.. I promised...." Aunt Neily

She close her eyes and smiled... The Grim Fhior starts to eat her in half... And in that moment... Aunt Neily has died...

I lost my family... And now.. I lost my aunt too... I lost everything now... why travel now.. I don't need to find my purpose when i just lost everything now.... Why bother.... No.. I can't stop.. I have to move on and go to that village and find the person name Jack Holmestone..

I have to.. No.. We have to....

Up from the clouds...

"Looks like he's safe, thank you for everything neily." Roze

"No problem, sis. He's gonna be okay now.. Don't worry.." Neily

"I understand. You can rest now, you have done so many things.." Roze

"Yeah i should.. I got so many things to tell you.." Neily

"Ohh, please do tell.. I would love to listen.." Roze
