
World Of Freedom

How to read my book and meanings. "..... " = Character speaking in own thoughts. [...] = Actions, Moves, Details (.... ) = Details of specifics Specific Moves, Level Up, Name : = Character speaking Intro. Man named Kitaro Bukido gets reincarnated into another world and what will he do in order to progress.

WorldOfFreedom · Fantaisie
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24 Chs

Chapter 18: The meeting of the 10 powers.

Luke Dragon Vanguard: Hello everyone, welcome to the table of power, this has been the first time since we where kids. Well to let everyone know. No matter what you say OUR NATION WILL GO TO WAR WITH THE LIZARD KAIJUS.

So now I want your input you guys. [ He is refering to the kings from Freyhearts Kingdom, Jupiter Coast Kingdom, McGunther Boulevard Kingdom, Wakune Kingdom, Asagold Kingdom, Evatine Kingdom, Aqua Kingdom, Falcone Kingdom, and Sea Folk Kingdom. ]

Jarvis Dragon Vanguard: I am Jarvis Dragon Vanguard, from the Freyhearts Kingdom. My daughter Frey Von Dragon and my wife Mercedes Von Dragon is present. She invited a guest with her as her trusted ally that helped her defeated the Kaiju Lizard Kimaru. We will join the battle.

Sakriel Dragon Vangaurd: I am Sakriel Dragon Vanguard, I'm from Jupiter Coast. My wife Pam Von Dragon is with me. We might join but keep us out of it still unless when the battle starts.

Gunther Dragon Vanguard: I am Gunther Dragon Vanguard, with my wife Marcella Von Dragon. We are from McGunther Boulevard Kingdom. We will not join at this moment.

Tifu Dragon Vanguard: I am Tifu Dragon Vanguard with Misha Von Dragon. We are from Wakune Kingdom. We will not join.

Markus Dragon Vanguard: I am Markus with my lovely wife Chantel Von Dragon, from the Asagold Kingdom. SO HOW IS EVERYONE DOING. OUR NATION WILL BE JOINING THE WAR. I am craving this war.

Kitaro: Hahahahahahahaha I already like you. Hahahahahahaha.

Markus: Hahahahhaa. What is your name again? I wasn't focusing hehehe.

Kitaro: I am Kitaro.

Sakriel: Well why are you even here? You arent from our lineage or have our name.

Markus: That doesn't matter, The Kindgom of Freyhearts invited him. Besides, Belmyr said it doesn't mater weather your rich or poor only the strong and good people can be the husbands and wives of Dragon. If he is strong then he can do join.

Sakriel: Im sure he isn't strong he only gotten help from Frey we all heard the news.

Frey: Don't you dare. SIR SAKRIEL. Not at this table. You are just mad, your son wasn't strong enough to date me.

Sakriel: NOT TRUE.

Markus: Hahaha you are funny. Sakriel it seem that you are mad. Let's me say one thing lets make a bet which nation could defeat more Kaiju Lizards.

Kitaro: I want to put a word into this. Lets not kill all Kaiju's, lets kill those who abused the humans. I realized not all Kaiju work together, in the past they fought against eachother as well.

Sakriel: Well its up to Luke and he said it.

Luke: Hey now I only wanted to kill at the bad kaijus but most of them are bad so I said all.

Kitaro: Because the kaiju are the ones to fight the demon kings as well, they don't like them either.

Sakriel: Kitaro you are a nobody, yeah I read the news, you have nothing and are a nobody and you think you are strong. FIGHT ME NOW.

Frey: STOP.... [ Thinks a bit and wants them to fight. ] " Maybe they should fight. " [🤔🤔🫨🙂‍↔️🙂‍↕️🙂‍↔️🙂‍↕️😌]

Kitaro: Okay.

Frey: " Actually I want to see this fight to this will be so good. " [ Cough Cough] Kitaro, kick his ass.

Markus: Is he strong?

Frey: The truth is that I wasn't strong enough to beat the Kaiju, Kitaro could of easily beat it if he had more mana. But now he is strong enough to fight 2 Kaiju's.


Markus: We will see it with this battle.

Cherry Von Dragon: [ A LOUD Cough Cough] I am Eva Cherry Von Dragon. Call me Cherry Von Dragon. My husband couldn't make it. He is adventurering. I know my husband wants to join and I don't so just keep us as contacts for now.

Merrisa Von Dragon: I am from Aqua. My name is Merrisa Von Dragon. My King is Terrick Dragon Vanguard. I will let you know at the end of our meeting.

Falco Dragon Vanguard: I am Falco and I will join the the war. It seems fun, right my friend hahahahaa.

Markus: Yesss hahahahhaa.

Falco: I bet I'll beat every competition you say like always.

Markus: What do you mean? We are at a TIE!!!!

Falco: No, you have 1589 wins and 1590 losses. I AM UP ONE. HAHAHAHA.

Luke: "Looks like things calmed down. "

Markus: Alright sorry for my intrusion, begin.

Baymar Dragon Vanguard: I am Baymar Dragon Vanguard. I am from Sea Folk Kingdom.

Sakriel: " Not this guy he is so ugly, and weak."

Baymar: I am with my wife Kate. We are here to help the Freyhearts with war.

Kitaro: Your face. IT LOOKS SO COOL. [🤩🤩🤩🤩] It's like a aligator mixed with a human that has scales.

Baymar: Haha, [😊😊☺️] You don't have to flatter me.

Kate: Hey I am kate dragon. I am not a fighter, but we are madly in love. He is my sunshine in the dark waters.

Kitaro: Haha. 😊

Sakriel: Now that everyone is acquainted. You fool fight me.

Kitaro: Okay [ Kitaro and Sakriel the King of Jupiter Coast are fighting.]

[ They go to the arena and start the battle with Kitaro and Sakriel.]

Luke: Who wants to be referee?

Markus: Meee I do. [ Goes to the arena and becomes the referee.]

Markus: Okay now when you guys are ready, I will say begin.

Kitaro: [ Looks at Sakriel with a calm look ready for battle.]

Sakriel: [Looks at Kitaro with a disgusted look.]

Markus: The air is filling up with suspense. Before we start would anyone like to bet?

Luke: I bet on Sakriel.

Markus: Oh okay I am going for Kitaro.

Frey: Kitaro is going to win that's why.

So yeah Kitaro 50 gold coins.

Markus: That's a lot. You already know new people have to match it or not join.

[ The people betting on Sakriel is Luke, Gunther, Tifu, Marcella, Misha, Chantel, and Terrick. The people betting on Kitaro is Markus, Frey, Jarvis, Mercedes, Baymar, Falco, Merrisa, Cherry, and Kate. The rest didnt bet but was interested in the match. The total pot was 679 gold coins, 86 silver coins, and 0 bronze coins.]

Markus: Okay in 3, 2. 1, BEEEEEEEEEEGGGGGIIIIINNNNNN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Kitaro: [ Uses Reinforcement magic, speed boosts, and starts firing fire balls.]

Sakriel: [ Observes the situation, he jumps up in the sky and slams down with his fist.]


Markus: Damn it was getting good. Sorry about that my fault I forgot about the rules. It's simple. Make the other person forfiet, knock them out unconscious, anything goes except killing, and let me make this clear, the final rule is NO KILLING.

Luke: Okay you may now begin.

Kitaro: [ Starts the read his opponent, he looks at how Sakriel moves around. Sakriel rushing in bashing him with fist magic. The fighting style of Sakriel is hand to hand combat. Kitaro, is slowly copying the moves and Sakriel notices it. Sakriel starts using one of his high tier moves called Burning Submission. The heat off his body causes the area to be super hot. This causes fatigue to those who can not handle the heavy pressure and heat. In Kitaro case he was able to stand and width hold himself in this burning situation. Sakriel charges his fist with life energy and puches. It was like lightning speed. Kitaro gets hit he felt the energy of Life Energy something he is weak at the moment, but kitaro learns. He remembers what merry says about life energy, and what his fathers book says. He focuses and everything starts to turn slower like he could read the mana and the life of all things. He starts to predict what each movement is going. He feels the energy and intent. Sakriel starts throwing out life energy punches. But this time it was different Kitaro saw it and he dodged it. The life energy that Sakriel mastered through out his life dodged by a mere Kid. ]

Markus: [🤭🤭🤭] Kitaro just dodged Sakriel basic life energy moves, Kitaro is already growing.

Luke: [ Uses Appraisal on Kitaro. ]

Kitaro Level = 100

Health = 405

Mana = 309

Stamina = 220

Damage = 106

Magic = 127

Range = 103

Intelligence = 61

Dexterity = 21

Agility = 101

Luck = 31

Charisma = 39

Faith = 7

Life Energy = 30

Luke: No way he is getting stronger as we speak. He is learning and his power is getting stronger. His energy is like a void. GUYS LOOK AT KITARO. APPRAISE HIM. [ The kings and queens appraised him and Kitaros energy was over flowing and it was so much mana being condensed. It was like a void of mass that you can sink into if you stare at it for to long. Plus burning Submission making things harder to see. ]

Markus: " Incredible, I am going to make money. "

Kitaro: [ He senses Sakriels energy and becomes more intuned. Now Sakriel is fighting tactically, he imbunes his fist with magic and uses life energy to push forward his magic making an increase of speed and damage. Sakriel strikes and punches Kitaro in the face, but Kitaro catches it with one hand. In shock everyone is. Sakriel backs up and uses his other moves. Kitaro either dodges it or blocks it. Kitaro slowly learning the moves of Sakriel and starts to copy his moves in a weaker form. The audience becomes amazed.]

Markus: Everyone he just did what I think he did. HE COPIED SAKRIELS MOVES, IT IS A WEAKER FORM BUT STILL HE DID IT.

Sakriel: [Sakriel Is getting frustrated because he is being toyed by a nobody. Sooner the mana gets depleted from Kitaro. Sakriel is using every life enrgy move he can on Kitaro and some works and some doesn't. He notices the energy of Kitaro is slowly fading.]

Kitaro: [ Kitaro mana was slowly going to zero. Kitaro did it. He summoned his tames and spirits.]

Markus: He can summon tames woah. What can't he do?

Kitaro: [ Uses his tames to attack and defend. While his tames are attacking Sakriel and defending Kitaro. He starts using meditation and heals his mana up to max. Still he is still tired and getting close to fatigue. Burning Submission is slowly getting to Kitaros body and head.]

Sakriel: [ He is slowly going unconscious but sticks his ground. He blasts out a huge wave. It is Burning Submissions final attack.

It releases all of that energy that is stored up in Sakriel and burst out.

Sakriel falls on the ground thinking he won. ]

Kitaro: [Gets blown back but stops himself from flying away. He unleashes a similar force towards Sakriel. The fight ends and Kitaros the Victor.]

Luke: [ Claps 👏 👏 👏 👏 👏 👏 👏 👏 👏 👏 👏 👏] That was amazing. I am so happy my entry was 1 gold coin I would have lost 50 if I didnt go first.

Markus: Hahahaha, okay can you heal him?

Jessy Von Dragon: What a spectacular show. [ Heals Sakriel.] Now that is out of the way. I NOW REGRET NOT BETTING. I should have betted. I knew Kitaro was going to win. I saw the energy the moment he was in my vicinity. I was wondering who that energy was. Hahahaha.

Luke: Oh yeah while we were in the carriage she said something is very powerful at Carp Castle.

Sakriel: I can't believe I lost. I SINCERELY APOLOGIZE FOR MY RUDE BEHAVIOR. PLEASE FORGIVE ME. [ 😓😓😞😞😠😤😠😠😠]

Kitaro: To be honest I don't want to accept your apology. If you are going to rude then you don't deserve my respect, but since you are taking your time to apologize corectly, I will accept this one time.

Sakriel: Thanks.

Markus: Me next. I want to fight.

Falco: No meee next.

Terrick: No I want ro fight.

Cherry: Hahaha, you guys are all egar to fight him why is that? Can't you see that Kitaro came to help his friend Frey.

Kosami: " Wow, That fight was so amazing, Kitaro really is strong. I just wish I could get some more drama from the 10 power fighting eachother that would of been a juicy story to write. Well I know these 10 powers are barely SS rank adventurers. Barely Crystaldian Adventurers. There are so many powerful people in the world. Like the guild Constellations there are a few poweful SS ranks in that guild, I heard 3 of them are the champions of the Constellation Gods. While the Zodiac guild has strong fighters as well and they over power the 10 powers by a long shot. Even though out bloodline created the guild. Other people are just stronger and more talented than them. But Kitaro he is... he is so powerful. "

Kitaro: Hey Kosami, how was it? HAHAHA, I'm pretty strong right.

Kosami: You sure are. Will you tame more dungeons? What will you do with the power you have?

Kitaro: I just want to be free and happy. With power comes responsibilities. If I do become stronger, I would have to continue my quest to be unstoppable. It will be difficult, but when it is done we will live a beautiful life.

Luke: So is everyone going to join my war verses the evil kaijus only?

Every King and Queen: Yes we would love to join now. [ It was because ever since Kitaro joined the mix everyone seemed happier and better. Like they needed to surpass a goal. Like they needed something better than them for them to climb. It was like a new beginning. ]

That will be the final Chapter for Volume 1. I will start to refurbish all of my Chapters making sure everything is correct and neat. Once I do that Volume 2 will come out and will be focused on the Kaiju War and taming Kaijus. This book is a fun way for me to get things off my mind. I feel as if this is funny for me. if you like it continue on to reading. if you don't, go to a different book I am fine with whichever you readers choose. I also noticed that this book is a little bit cliche where the Mc get super strong through training and fighting better and better people, but at the end of the day I made this book for myself.

3/26/2024 This volume is completely done and most or all errors should be done. Let me know if I still need to fix errors.

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