
World Of Family Development: I have countless Sons of Luck

The World of Family Development. Everyone can descend and create a family on the continent gaining benefits from the future prosperity. Zach descends on the World of Family Development for the first time. ''Huh? I can create protagonists in my family!!''

Micky_Lois · Fantaisie
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37 Chs

Chapter 9

''The only one I can think of is Mikey, he has shown extraordinary talent his entire life and achieved a B Rating on his first attempt. As a reward he received another Descent opportunity.''

''I see.''

Headmaster jude tapped his chin, looking at Mikey on the chair.

''Huh look at that!''

''How many descendants are there? What did they do in their life?''

''Look there's going to be a fight!''

However the attention of the audience quickly blasted towards the screen once again.

On the screen a large army of 100,000 people had halted on the field. Various weapons appeared in their hands, but a scene that shocked both Zach and the Audience.

''Huh? What the hell! How did someone have so many children?''

Zach stared at the scene below him. Opposite his 100,000 West Family Descendants, a shocking 200,000 descendants had appeared!

''Why are they so skinny? And badly equipped?''

But what made Zach amazed was the awful condition these 200,000 people were in. Each of them were skinny and malnourished, their skin was yellowish and they barely carried sticks in their hands.

''Interesting this has to be the result of a Fertility skill right?''

Zach instantly became greedy. Fertility is one of the most expensive talents and one of the hardest to earn.

One Fertility Attribute is worth a shocking 200,000 Points! And its effect is equally as potent, clearly whoever had these descendants completely disregarded the living quality of the descendants.

This is actually quite a good choice, if it was anyone but Zach that they met they can easily swarm them!

''I wonder who received such a tremendous chance though?''

Zach tapped his chin, unable to figure out how lucky someone must get to receive a talent like that.

''But the betting pool is 500,000 Points? Is it possible he better his Fertility Talent?''

Such a thought shocked Zach. Who would dare to gamble such a massive talent without 100% confidence.

But thinking of it again, 200,000 Descendants is already enough to crush any opposition in the ordinary class.

''Haha the battles starting!''

Zach's eyes quickly snapped back to the screen and the plains below him.

His 100,000 Soldiers bashed their weapons against shields heavily. Some pulled out bows and arrows raising them to the sky while others held whatever they could find in their last life.


''Kill the enemy!''


Michael and Norman rushed forward at the front, their faces filled with the intention of war. Behind them the trained generals and officers that joined the army rushed in next.

Opposite them the malnourished crowd also rushed forward bashing their sticks against the ground as they ran, the loud thumping sounds sending vibrations through the hearts of their enemies.


The first clash appeared, the only well armoured group of the 200,000 Swarm cut against Michael and Norman.

The book in Norman's hand had been replaced with a twin set of blades. He leapt into the air as he dived into the enemies like a hungry wolf.

Michael's eyes flashed with a sly look as his hand threw out a batch of sand blinding one of the leather strapped enemies. A small dagger in his hand stabbed out piercing his enemies throat in one cut.

Clearly this family had gone through a prosperous stage for a brief period of time. But after fifty armoured soldiers died, all that was left were the weak yellow skinned soldiers.

The Generals alive during Fredericks Reign marched in, their physical strength close to 20! Each slice would sever an enemy clean through as they charged forward.

A blonde general's eyes glowed with a faint tiger aura as he grasped a pale figure by the throat, lifting him up and piercing through his stomach with ease. His bare hands covered in blood as he clutched a beating heart.

''Hahaha incredible!''

The soldiers that practised the Tiger Transformation technique felt their blood boiling.

A stocky six foot man leapt forward pinning a weak woman on the ground, knocking away the spear. His fist about to smash her face.

However just then two sticks with sharpened edges pierced towards him, unable to resist the sudden attack the man felt the sticks pierce through his throat, his last bit of strength used to plunge a dagger into the throat of the woman below him.

The counter attack had begun. With the assistance of their large numbers, many scholars, farmers and weaker West Family descendants were slain.

Blood stained the ground as various limbs were scattered all over. Injured warriors pushed through it taking as many opponents down as possible.

Despite the swarm gaining momentum, in the end their strength was too low. The well trained west family ravaged through them as the numbers dwindled.

Before long only a small group of 10,000 formed a circular formation, their spiky sticks implanted into the ground forming a small barricade.

''Archers, Fire!''

Michael had a bloody scratch on his face as blood dripped into his eyes, his body littered with countless wounds.

But in the end he managed to survive, with sly thinking and luck he killed dozens of enemies with his own hands! Despite his weaker physique.

At his command, thousands of archers raised their bows, knocking any arrows they could get their hands on.

Under wave after wave, the skinny figures within the encirclement finally died one after the other.

[Successfully eliminated Player ???]

''Huh? Anonymous I see…''

Zach sighed, staring at the blood littered battlefield he was quite amazed.

[Player Zach-

Descendants: 96,476

Kills- 201,450

Eliminations- 11]

''With just one elimination I gained 200,000 Kills! Incredible.''

Although kills aren't pivotal, Zach was interested in seeing the total amount of kills he receives at the end of it.

''I wonder who was lucky enough however.''

Unbeknownst to Zach, opposite his body another figure was looking down at the battlefield. His eyes were glowing blood red as he stared at the battle's change.

With short red hair and an equally short stature, his frail figure was good enough evidence to suggest who his descendants were.

''Damn it! Damn it! Damn it!''

His fist smashed the air repeatedly. He was eliminated!

Nigel was furious!

He got incredibly lucky in his first life, while he didn't achieve anything significant while he was alive, his grandson managed to eat a forbidden fruit that he found in the forest!

Strangely his Grandson had over a dozen children with multiple women and he received a Fertility Attribute!

With the help of the Fertility Stat the family managed to multiply at incredible rates, but unfortunately they didn't have the skills to match the numbers.

Living in poverty mostly farming their entire lives they eventually got limited by the cold winters and harsh living conditions.

''How did 200,000 Descendants loose!''

Nigel was shocked, these were his biggest dependences. In the future he dreamed about leading the colossal legion to swarm any opponents in Duels, winning countless attributes as a result!

But now he lost it.

Although the 200,000 Descendants will be reformed after the battle, he gambled the Fertility Skill, in the future he will slowly fall behind his classmates becoming mediocre once again.

Of course, Zach didn't know he ruined one of his classmates' lives. Instead he continued to watch the battles over and over.

The Tiger Legion swept the field with no opponents, while the larger legion marched left and right destroying anyone who crossed their path.

''Haha it's the final battlefield!''

Zach stared down at the field. The Tiger Legion below were stained with blood, their armour covered in various scratches and injuries.

However their faces shone with pride. Around some of their waists the heads of their enemies were dangling, each with shocked and terrified looks.

A trail of bodies lined the grounds behind them as blood merged into puddles and rivers.

''Give up and leave some pride for your ancestors!''

At the front of the army, an almost unscathed Frederick lifted his sword pointing at the opponents in front of him.

Amounting to close to 10,000 the second largest group that Zach had seen and matching the Tiger Legion. However compared to the ill 200,000, each of these ten thousand were dressed in uniform iron armour.

Their bodies where large with a feeling of terror, and their eyes shone with wisdom seemingly trying to search through the Tiger Groups weaknesses.

''It seems that Mikey managed to do quite well in his new life.''

Zach sighed.

If it wasn't for the Son of Luck Plug-In, he wouldn't be able to form an army like this after dozens of Descents!

Without the Descent opportunities earnt from high rankings it would take him decades!

''Unfortunately it's not enough.''

At the same time, Frederick had raised his sword to the sky, cutting it down.

The battle had begun.

Frederick took the lead, staring at a long haired old man at the front. Despite his frail looks Frederick didn't dare look down on him. Something about him made Frederick feel a deadly threat!

''Haha you will be my opponent!''

Frederick roared with excitement rushing forward at incredible speed. Each step fluid and skillful avoiding any unstable piles of dirt or rocks that might interfere with his speed.

Behind him the Generals of the Tiger Legion rushed forward, clashing heavily against the rival soldiers.

Frederick pounced towards the old man, the sword in his hand stabbing forward.


However the old man just snorted disdainfully, the wooden walking stick in his hand swinging around knocking Frederick swords off balance. At the same time his body seemed to be filled with an ancient rhythm, his palm swatted the air.

A rush of wind pushed forward knocking Frederick off balance. His figure in the air halted as he crashed to the ground.

Quickly Frederick steadied himself, staring at his opponent.

In the sky Zach watched the battle and was stunned.

''This is the same concept as the Tiger Transformation Technique. Did Mikey also find the remnants of a Cultivator?''

Zach's guess was quickly answered.

Behind the old man, a dozen figures rushed out covered in brown robes. Their figures flipped with grace as they divided into the approaching tiger legion.

A brown robed man appeared beside an officer, his palm gently tapped the armour on his chest.


The officer screamed out before dropping to his knees, his internal organs crushed by an unknown force.

''Huh they have trained to such an incredible extent!''

Zach was amazed, Cultivation Skills are incredibly powerful but just as difficult to practise. Based on the quality of these 12 robed men they had already reached a high understanding of the technique.

''Your opponent is us.''

Just then a dozen generals stood out from the tiger legion. Each one had trained to an extremely high level in the Tiger Transformation Technique.

One had a white beard on his face, his orange eyes and sharp nails represented how far he had already advanced.

Instantly they rushed out, swinging their weapons and using any skills they could manage against the figures in front of them.

After all, the Brown-Robed Figures might be skilled, but the Tiger Generals were not let down.

''Huh? I didn't expect there to be such a strong rival.''

At the same time, in the sky above the battlefield Mikey was sitting cross legged watching the battle below.

The confidence in his face wavering slightly.

In his first life, he had gained a lot of Physical Strengthening Attributes but he never dropped the importance of Intelligence.

And in his second life it paid off. One of his Children discovered an ancient writing on the wall and after decades of research it was revealed to be a Cultivation Technique!

Without the assistance of a high intelligence it is likely that the secret would never be revealed.

The Mist Devouring Technique. Able to manipulate the power of the wind and use it to attack and defend. At the same time you can absorb wind and store it in your body, refining it with your blood or spiritual energy.

Without the ability to refine it with Spiritual Energy, his Mortal Descendants refined it with their blood reducing their life spans.

And in the end only 13 were able to succeed in practising it. The old man, also the child that found the technique and 12 other descendants.

But with the 13 figures leading the charge, he occupied a kingdom producing a legacy comparable to an elite child.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Micky_Loiscreators' thoughts