
World Of Family Development: I have countless Sons of Luck

The World of Family Development. Everyone can descend and create a family on the continent gaining benefits from the future prosperity. Zach descends on the World of Family Development for the first time. ''Huh? I can create protagonists in my family!!''

Micky_Lois · Fantaisie
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37 Chs

Chapter 7


Zach was shocked. This was truly the most incredible life he had seen so far.

Starting with Frederick, the mighty king that led the armies to forge a powerful Kingdom, before leaving and finding the remnants of a Cultivation Technique!

Then the sudden changes in the Bick Kingdom with a Cultivator Appearing. The strange techniques persuaded Zach that it was mostly likely a player taking action.

''However they survived for 400 Years! This is enough to get me a high Rating, not to mention all the events that happened.''

Zach was ecstatic. Just the bonus attributes throughout the years got him over ten bonus stats and raised his Physical Strength to 21!

''It deserves to be a Son of Luck. If other people are lucky enough to have one born naturally they will definitely leap past their peers.''

''Show me the results.

[Congratulations to the Player, his family had left a history that will be passed on for generations, they conquered kingdoms and were conflicting against Cultivators despite their Mortal Bodies.

Final Rating: S]

[Reward: Dual Order x1, Talent Draw x4, Talent Doubler x1, Spying Scroll x1, System Points 20,000]

''Haha I'm rich!''

Zach stared at the rewards and smiled. Although there were no rare rewards he had heard about in his previous lesson, there were many valuable objects.

For example the Dual Order allows you to start a Familial Battle, the same as the Familial Tournament with someone you chose.

You can place a bet, and they must decide whether they want to match it and accept the dual or reject it.

And the Spying Scroll allows you to see the Talents of one person at the same Cultivation Realm as you or lower. It is incredibly valuable if you are going into tournaments or preparing for a Dual.

''And four talent draws! Incredible.''

Zach sighed, he is guaranteed to receive four more talents! And more importantly he received a talent Doubler.

As he gets stronger and stronger the talents gained from it will only increase.

However he also needs to be more and more careful with what he uses it on. In his last life his West Family Reached a bottleneck relying on just physical strength.

Their intelligence and skills lacked behind their combat, meaning the Nation was glorious but there was a limit to how well they could manage the large territory.

Even if it was done well, Zach was confident there were a lot of things she missed out. If they had better intelligence agencies for example, maybe the Cultivator would've been found in advance.

Or if the West Family had more officials spread out a better resistance could've been created to compete against the appearing cultivator causing some trouble allowing them to escape.

But he didn't doubt in the face of a Cultivator the West Family didn't stand a chance.

Even the Weakest Cultivator is enough to Crush a Mortal. Not to mention it was likely the entire legion had some level of Cultivation!

''System send be back to BlueStar.''

Soon Zach was sitting cross legged in his room once again. Staring at the item bar deciding what he wanted to do.

''System, using the Spying Scroll on Mikey.''

Zach quickly focused on the Class President, his only competition in the Tournament in his opinion.


[Spying Scroll used, no resistance detected.]

[Name: Mikey Young

Cultivation: None

Talents: Intelligence (10), Physical Strength (6), Farming (5) (Click To Expand)

System Points: ???


''I see..''

Zach glanced at the status and wasn't surprised. Only when your level exceeds someone can you see their Points and Items. Of course certain protective items can be used to resist it

''10 Intelligence. That's impressive.''

Zach was stunned. These stats were really high for people their age! On Average it would be impressive if someone on their second descent could have one stat above the level 5.

But Mikey was able to raise his Intelligence to 10, this can't be done by ordinary means.

''I was right to be cautious. It was likely that he achieved something great in his second life.'

Zach smirked. Despite this he didn't believe that Mikey stood a chance against him, especially when he looked at the panel in front of him.

[Familial Tournament Participants-

Total: 112,332

Sons Of Luck: 3 (Expand)

Cultivators: 0

Mortals: 112,244]

[Sons of Luck-

Frederick West (Silver)

Michael West (Bronze)

Norman West (Bronze)]

''Aha I didn't expect that encouraging Fertility would persist in over a hundred thousand descendants!''

Zach was ecstatic. Each of these people were recreated here in their peak state, including the three sons of luck.

Out of the three, there is no doubt that Frederick was the strongest, Michael was the smartest in Official matters and Norman was the best when it comes to business.

Unfortunately only fighting matters right now.

''System showed me the potential Participants.''

Instantly Zachs eyesight faintly changed.

Soon he was floating above an endless plane. Below him a large crowd of people were standing emotionlessly.

The smallest group were dressed in coarse clothing, with a few in merchant clothing.

The Second group were dressed in official robes, with some still dressed in coarse clothing and a few in Generals Armour.

And in the Final Group, a majority were dressed in sets of armour holding various weapons. A team of 10,000 Elites each over six feet tall with a fierce aura around them stared into the distance.

Around them there were officials dressed in red robes, kings dressed in large royal garments, women dressed in wedding dresses and men in tuxedos. Whenever the Descendant was at their mental and physical peak, they were placed here.

However most noticeable were the three men standing in front of each group. The first was dressed in a brown robe with an insignia of a merchant guild on his chest.

His eyes were sly with a cunning look but he looked like an ordinary Businessman. How could anyone else know that this man led an ordinary Farmers family to become the Merchant Hegemony of a town!

Naturally that was Michael West.

In front of the middle group, a slightly taller figure with long hair tied in a bow stood. His official Minister robes were dyed green and red, the marks of his Kingdom. In his hand the pages of the book slowly turned with a strange energy.

He was the man who rose to the position of Minister from a small town boy, bringing his family along with him to begin his meteoric rise in politics.

If it wasn't for his death any court positions would've been available to him.

Norman West.

And finally, in front of the largest group, a towering figure with bulging muscles looked fiercely towards the distance.

His face was covered with scars as he clutched his sword in one hand and a shield in the other.

He was the great king, the great general and the man that fought dozens of kingdoms on his own and even succeeded in finding trances of immortality.

Frederick West.

Zach started at the three Sons of Luck and sighed. Each one had created their own myth in their times, if it wasn't for their limited lifespan as Mortals he doesn't' doubt that they wouldn't be limited to small Mortal Kingdoms.

After all, even the Bronze Son of Luck is out of reach for ordinary people and those young geniuses!

Any one will be treasured and praised, previously utilised in each Familial Battle.

Fortunately anyone killed in the Familial Battle will be recovered after, otherwise Zach would really be scared of beginning to fight.

''Haha but with these troops who should I be worried about?''

Zach laughed as he looked at the uniform Elite Soldiers, alongside the hundreds of generals and thousands of Sergeants.

And even the officials from his second life and the farmers from his first life weren't awfully weak.

After all, even if you're just swinging a sickle for days on end you will develop muscles.

Not to mention there is no doubt that the living standards for all his descendants often exceeded those of other people in his class.

After all, the Sons of Luck often leave large inheritances, enough for everyone to eat their fill and not worry about malnutrition. At least for a majority of their life.

''Tomorrow I will definitely claim the first position! Save my rewards to use until then.''

Zach clenched his fist, a wave of fatigue passed over him. The memories were slowly being digested. Zach didn't want to make them Hazy, there was a lot of combat experience passing through him.

He collapsed asleep, his night filled with dreams of war and mayhem. But slowly as the night passed on, only the experience was ingrained on his body. The rest was slowly forgotten.


Zach stood up and stretched. His body cracking as his Physique was strengthened by his increasing talents.

Quickly he got dressed and rushed towards the school stadium.

''Get your tickets here! Watch the children of the new generation compete!''

''Gambling here, place your bets we accept talents, System Points and items!''

As Zach got closer he saw a dozen stalls, some accepting gambling bets and some selling 'insider info'

''This is a bigger deal than I thought!''

Zach rushed to his class and got signed up. In less than half an hour the group walked onto a large stage in the centre.


''Ah! That's young master Cameron!''

Suddenly he was greeted by a wave of cheers. As the group walked in he realised the stands were full of people of countless ages.

At the same time his eyes snapped forward, noticing the handsome Young Master walking in, taking a seat in the centre of the stage while the elite class crowded in the seats around him.

''You guys sit over there.'''

Zach saw where the organiser was pointing and sighed. Making a fan-like shape, the ordinary students were like supporting characters for the Elites.

However he didn't have long to be annoyed, a domineering aura spread across the entire stadium.

The crowd was silent, the students trembled. A single breath could wipe them out in an instant.

''Greetings Headmaster.''

From around the hall, those with cultivation bowed welcoming Young Master Cameron's Father, also a Golden Core Cultivator!

''Haha, welcome all to our Annual Familial Tournament. I hope you will enjoy the show!''

A slightly older man floated down from the sky, his long beard almost three metres long as he held a walking stick in his hand.

However no one dared look down on him, he was strong enough to be considered a powerhouse on BlueStar!

''We have three events today, the first being the Ordinary Classes Competition. Now the reward was originally a Talent Draw, however I have decided to turn it up a little. The First Place will receive a Personal Soul Weapon alongside the original Talent Draw!''

''What! A soul weapon?!''

''The Headmaster was willing to take out such a valuable object?''

''We are going to rise to the sky!''

The ordinary classes heard this and were instantly stunned. Soul weapons are incredibly valuable.

There are two classes, Descendant Soul Weapons and Personal Soul Weapons.

Naturally as the name suggests Soul Weapons are weapons that are bound directly to your soul, meaning you can take them into any Descent regardless of where and when it is.

Soul Weapons will get stronger with the user, even the lowest level Soul Weapon leaves common materials like iron in the dust!

So naturally Descendant Soul Weapons are weapons that the Player can bind to their Soul, and whenever they have a child they will receive an identical Soul Weapon that is altered to match their strength!

It is an incredible advantage, imagine if you've just appeared in the army and your weapon can slice through the enemies armour with no resistance. No one could defend against you.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Micky_Loiscreators' thoughts