
World Of Family Development: I have countless Sons of Luck

The World of Family Development. Everyone can descend and create a family on the continent gaining benefits from the future prosperity. Zach descends on the World of Family Development for the first time. ''Huh? I can create protagonists in my family!!''

Micky_Lois · Fantaisie
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37 Chs

Chapter 6


Zach widened his eyes in shock. He didn't expect that an inconsequential Sergeant was another Player! And one that gave him a Military Tactics ability.


Zach charged with rediscovered vigour diving into the crowd.


Meanwhile on a small planet billions of miles away from BlueStar a short twenty year old man awoke.

His face was filled with anger as he smashed an expensive lamp beside him.

''Dammit! Dammit! Dammit!''

He stared at the red light in front of him.

[You have been slain by player Zach. Military Tactics -1]

Military Tactics is an attribute that costs tens of thousands of System Points to buy! And he lost it just like that.

Looking at the red screen was like being drained of his blood. This was something his father, a Foundation Expert, spent a lot of money to buy him!

It allowed him to stand out in the military every time he descended and get multiple B Grade Ratings!

''I'm going to buy a Duel order!''

The man growled.

Zach didn't know he made a rich enemy. Instead he was dripping blood as he kneeled in front of the general.

''Haha Deputy General West, relax! You have made great contributions this time, in the name of the Kingdom I will reward you with 50 Silver and the title of Baron!''


Zach was stunned, a noble position that was so difficult to obtain in normal times was so easily handed to him?

''Don't be surprised, with the kingdom at war the king is doing everything they can to ensure that good Generals are constantly appearing.

''Well thank you General, I will be sure to continue to earn glory for the Empire.''

Quickly three years passed in a flash, Zach remained the Deputy General and alongside the General he led the legion to occupy the Border City.

Another Three Years flashed by. Zach attended the royal court with the General and was officially pronounced the General of the Fourteenth Legion with permission to organise his own force.

Although there was no power at first and no soldiers under his control there was endless potential!

At the same time Zach married the General's daughter.

Quickly another four years passed by. Over this time Zach had raised an army of 50,000 using the resources of the Kingdom and marched onto the enemy Kingdom.

With his amazing Military Tactics he destroyed legion after legion and was bestowed plenty of treasures.

In four years his influence began to expand, he reinvested in property in the Imperial City and began to work on his intercommunication with other noble families.

Before long he had his wife and three concubines each from side branches of notable families, he was truly an up and comer.

The king trusted him greatly, especially after he bestowed the head of a minister that planned to rebel and bring Zach into the mix.

So much so that he betrothed his royal daughter to Zachs son. In an instant he went from a Deputy General to a man who holds incredible power.

However it didn't stop there.At the age of 27 Zach had raised his army to a total of 100,000 Soldiers and marched on the major city of the Rival Empire.

And five years later when the war finally came to an End Zach was offered his own fiefdom within the Kingdom becoming a powerful Duke with a lot of influence.

At the age of 32 Zach already had more than a dozen children, he even secretly fathered dozens more with maids on the side. Although his wives knew they didn't care, his influence was enough for them to ignore it.

This was also the benefit of power!

His strong Physique was passed onto his children. So much so that child after child showed potential to become strong generals, and while some were more interested in reading, many took after their father.

However Zach wasn't complacent. Using his large sums of money to invest in businesses, develop farm lands and hire scholars to teach his children.

''My King, the Ustrum Kingdom next door, seemed to have gained the support of a scholarly family. They have suddenly put together countless new laws and changes making the country soar quickly.''

Inside the courtroom a discussion was happening.

The Ustrum Kingdom that they had been fighting for generations was now developing rapidly during the days of peace.

''My Lord! The first Legion is willing to lead their soldiers to march on the Kingdom!''

''And the Second Legion!''

''And the Tenth Legion!''

The Fifteen Generals on the side all shouted uniformly including Zach. However his eyes glowed if his guess wasn't wrong this is likely to be a Player specialised in Intelligence!

''The Fourteenth Legion is willing to exterminate the Scholar Family.''

Zachs voice rang out, reminding all the members of the court.

That's right! It's not the Kingdom that's the issue, it's the scholar family.

''My King, I suggest we put together an elite Assasination Team and eliminate the squad before any future issues arise.''

Zach put forward a plan that was quickly accepted.

And in less than a month Zach alongside four other Generals led a force of 100 towards the depths of the Ustrum Empire.

''Haha I was right!''

Zach stared at the burning mansion. Women and children were beheaded on the ground, while men were pierced to walls and buildings.

In front of Zach a slightly grey haired man was leaning casually on the ground. His face held a mocking smile.

''Haha I didn't expect my fourth Descent to end like this! My father will be quite disappointed.''

He murmured under his breath. However no one else could hear what he was saying. Even if they tried to listen it would be like incoherent murmurings, because it mentioned the secrets of the world.

Zach didn't bother paying attention, swinging his scythe down as a head flew up.

[You have slain Player George, Reward Intelligence +1]


Zach seemed to notice something. In his last life the West Family was destroyed in the hands of another player, but finally he had grown to a point where he was doing the destroying.

With excitement in his eyes he looted what was left of the family and the assasination team retreated to the Kingdom.

The assassination shook the kingdoms causnig the Ustrum Kingdom to declare war once again.

Quickly time passed and Zach was 40 years old. He had retired as the head of the Fourteenth Legion, his son taking his place.

At the same time many of his children became generals, even his daughters began training in military tactics and getting stronger.

Of course this was done to help the future Familial Tournaments.

''Haha Zach you've done well.''

The Old king sat on the throne, his face showing signs of fatigue. In fact he was close to dying, already 70 years old.

''I hope you can do your best to support the Fourth Prince to the Throne. He is the one I dedicated as the Crown Prince and am determined to allow to rise.''

''In trade I will permit you to develop two more legions under your control.''

The king showed a flash of wisdom looking at Zach in front of him. Even Zach didn't believe he would be able to compare with the king when it comes to politics, at least not yet.

''Very Well your highness. I swear the West Family will do it's best to support the Fourth Prince.''

Zach took an honest Vow.

Four years later the King passed away and the battle for the Throne began.

However with the West Families influence in the military and the support of the Left Minister the Fourth Prince successfully rose to the throne.

Now the West family with over three hundred Descendants controlled three legions of 100,000!

And with the King's permission Zach began spreading his wings into the Imperial City Government.

Slowly but surely more and more of his children became officials and the family expanded rapidly.

After another 10 years passed, they were second to none. Only the Royal Family compared.

However sad news passed through the West Family. Their patriarch Zach had suffered from an old injury during his many wars and passed away!

''Hah in the end I died earlier than my last life. But in the end I achieved a lot more.''

Zach floated in the black empty space remembering his life. It was truly majestic, he was a rising star creating a century long glory ensuring that no one would forget him.

However, the next step was the most important.

[Player Zach has officially finished his Life and developed the family to the peak of his ability. Do you wish to see the results of your family after your death?]

''System use my Son of Luck Quota on Frederick.''

Zach focused on the small figure practising with a sword. He was only 10, but he was already filled with muscles and a domineering attitude.

Frederick was the most talented Descendant Zach had seen in years, having outdone his peers by miles.

[Congratulations to the Hosts Descendant Frederick for receiving the Silver Son of Luck template.]

[Name: Frederick

Age: 10

Cultivation: None

Talents:Physical Strength (12), Military Tactics (2) (Click to Expand)

Son of Luck: Silver]

''Silver Son of Luck!''

Zachs eyes glowed. He was thrilled!

''Haha I'm going to develop! System show me the results.''

[1st Year: The Player was quickly replaced as the Family Head, his descendants are all dragons among men prompting positive conversations around the city. The West Family is praised as the Family of Dragons.]

[2nd Year: The West Family legions led an invasion supported by ten more Legions into the neighbouring Ustrum Kingdom capturing the Imperial City after a fierce battle.]

[10th Year: At the age of 20, Frederick shocked the world. Leading a secret legion to march on the last cities of the Ustrum Empire and declaring himself the King!

Reward: Physical Strength +1, Authority +2, Politics +2]

[11th Year: The king was shocked at this, but the West Family shocked the world once more. With the support of the Left Minister who had long been replaced by their own child descendant, and the ten legions that had been infiltrated like sives they fought against the remaining legions and imperial army.

Reward: Physical Strength +2, Politics +1.]

[20th Year: The West Family rebellion was successful, the kingdom crumbled as Frederick took the chance to engulf it creating a powerful Kingdom.]

[25th Year: With Frederick as the king, the Kingdom had developed twenty legions, leading 2 million soldiers Frederick pointed his sword towards the Neighbouring Nox Kingdom. The West Kingdom had gone to war!

Reward: Physical Strength +1]

[30th Year: The Nux Kingdom had been retreating constantly, as the West family began to develop officials and used their incredible Farming talent to develop countless acres of land. Their yields increased rapidly.

Reward: Farming +2]

[40th Year: The West Family developed rapidly, the Nux Kingdom fell under Fredericks sword. However a shocking event happened, the nearby alliance of the kingdom declared war on the West Kingdom!]

[41st Year: Frederick led his legions into war as armies fought. No one could survive under Fredericks blade as he conquered kingdom after kingdom. Unfortunately under the alliance of over fourty Kingdoms his legions were finally stopped.

Reward: Physical Strength +2]

[45th Year: The Royal Princes were determined to show their worth, creating an annual hunting event in the mountains. The crown Prince shocked the crowds carrying a dead bear in his hands.

Reward: Hunting +2]

[50th Year: The 60 year old Frederick was determined to leave a strong legacy, declaring he would be leaving to pursue the mysteries of immortality. Leaving the Crown Prince to take control of the Empire.]

[60th Year: Frederick died in the back of a cave, his hand clutching a scroll depicting a record of a travelling Immortal.]

[70th Year: Frederick had achieved something no West Family member had done before, leaving a giant Kingdom managed by them alone.

Reward: Authority +1]

[100th Year: The West Family combated the Alliance for decades, before falling into a tie. A neutrality treaty resulted in the West Family joining the mighty alliance becoming one of the main leaders.

Reward: Communication +1]

[150th Year: After fifty years the West Kingdom had developed rapidly, their harvest increased year after year as they began turning their focus towards inner peace. The people lived happy lives as the West Families business destroyed the greedy merchants.

Reward: Business +1]

[170th Year: Today, the kings of all kingdoms met together in the largest Bick Kingdom. However it was a trap! All Kings were killed and the Kingdoms were outraged marching towards the Bick Kingdom uniformly.]

[230th Year: Despite the onslaught of a dozen Kingdoms including the West Kingdom, the Bick Kingdom stood strong, clashing heavily against all enemies and still gaining land.]

[240th Year: The members of the West Family in charge of the Merchant were assassinated, the culprits attributed to the Bick Family. Out of anger the new king organised all twenty legions to march forward.]

[250th Year: A decade of war has been harsh on the West Kingdom. The original prosperous life of the citizens has slowly dwindled without proper control over the merchant guild.]

[260th Year: The first of the rebellions began to appear, but they were quickly quashed under the armies.]

[270th Year: Another piece of news shocked the world. The body of the great Ancestor Frederick was found! However another piece of news wasn't released, a damaged Cultivation Skill was found in his hand!

Reward: Fragment of the Nine Beast Transformation Technique.]

[271st Year: Although cultivation wasn't successful due to lack of talent, the members of the West Family all practised it. The First stage allows them to gain the traits of a tiger, eventually allowing them to transform into it and become cultivators.]

[280th Year: The LifeSpan of the West Family increased alongside their Physical Strength. By bathing in the blood of Tigers they managed to gain traits from the tigers they hunted, becoming Quasi Cultivators.

Reward: Physical Strength +3, Longevity +2]

[300th Year: The West Kingdom managed to regain control of the Kingdom, their enemy the Bick Kingdom began to lose ground.]

[320th Year: The West Kingdom began to grow faster and faster, occupying nearby territories.]

[325th Year: Brilliance spread across the Kingdom, a large Gold Mine was discovered in a nearby mountain. The West Family immediately mobilised their children to mine it quickly, keeping it secret from the public.

Reward: Mining +1]

[350th Year: With the Profits from the Gold Mine constantly coming in, the West Family was even more glorious. However the constant years of war was a drain on their resources. The King was determined to end it, leading two million soldiers to march on the Bick Kingdom.]

[352nd Year: All cities were occupied in the Bick Kingdom, leaving the royal family trapped in the Imperial City.]

[353rd Year: The Siege lasted for a year, but just as the siege was about to end a strange shadowy figure appeared on the castle wall. He divided the First Legion leading the charge, killing thousands and beheading the Generals in charge.]

[354th Year: Under the shock of a Cultivator appearing in the Bick Kingdom, the West Family retreated steadily. However the Bick Soldiers seemed to be blessed with an unknown power! The shadowy figure led a thousand soldiers to march on the West Kingdom]

[355th Year: The Second Legion was destroyed.]

[356th Year: The Third Legion was destroyed.]

[357th Year: The Fourth and Fifth Legion were destroyed. With each legion crushed the army seemed to get stronger, and the Shadowy Figure was able to destroy tens of thousands of troops with a wave of his hand.]

[360th Year: All twenty legions were destroyed. The Thousand soldiers were like gods on the battlefield, even if their arm was severed they were still fighting and eventually recovered!]

[361st Year: Outside the Imperial City, the West Family met the enemy with 10,000 West Family Descendants who had learnt the fur of the Transformation Technique fought against the Cultivator however they were quickly destroyed.]

[362nd Year: The West Family Crumbled. The Legion hunted them down all over and the Kingdom was occupied by the Bick Kingdom.]

[363rd Year: Left with only a hundred members, the West Family fled into the mountains and hunted beasts for a living.

Reward: Hunting +1]

[365th Year: The Bick Empire was formed, occupying all the old land of the West Kingdom and many other kingdoms. However the rumours came about giant sacrifices to the Cultivator and Legion.]

[367th Year: Refugees fled into the mountain attracting the Legions Attention, the West Family where like hunted Rats fleeing once again.]

[380th Year: Only Young and Strong existed, those that were weaker sacrificed themselves fighting against the legion that constantly hunted them. Reduced to only 12 members, the West Family were at the constant threat of extinction.]

[400th Year: The final member of the West Family stumbled through the mountains, finally arriving at a giant mountain range. The last scene he saw was a towering mountain filled with Fairy Light with countless figures floating between it he felt his mind refreshed before he dropped dead.

Reward: Intelligence +1]

[Player Zach has officially finished his Life and developed the family to the peak of his ability. Do you wish to see the results of your family after your death?]

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Micky_Loiscreators' thoughts