
World Of Family Development: I have countless Sons of Luck

The World of Family Development. Everyone can descend and create a family on the continent gaining benefits from the future prosperity. Zach descends on the World of Family Development for the first time. ''Huh? I can create protagonists in my family!!''

Micky_Lois · Fantaisie
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37 Chs

Chapter 4

''Hoooh wow.''

Zach removed himself from the thread of text and was stunned. A lot happened!

His family not only developed to the extent that they controlled a large city and multiple towns, but they even dared to help the fight for the throne.

However he couldn't help but sigh at the slight stupidity. After all, most of the families in the Royal City can survive for Millenia.

''Did I meet another player?''

However what made Zach the most shocked was the up and coming family that changed the whole situation!

According to the ordinary route his family should support the third prince to the throne with the rest of the imperial families. And eventually the West Family would become a real overlord.

But this random family destroyed it! Each one was incredibly strong and smart with many talents. It definitely matches the description of a Player.

''It must be someone a similar age to me. After all, those cultivators wouldn't play around in a Mortal Kingdom. No they would just take it over and continue from there or go straight to the Immortal World.''

Actually this was a common Case. Although in the same world, the Immortal and Mortal world are often divided into two. Because you must travel miles towards the interior to compete for the Immortal World.

While the Mortal World has far less resources, Spiritual Energy and other materials. Of course Cultivators won't waste their limited Descent opportunities on staying in the Mortal World.

''See my ranking!''

[Congratulations to the Player Zach for developing a Family that will leave a name in history for centuries to come. They were a mighty family eventually toppled by a rival player limiting the rating.

Final Rating: A]

[Reward: Random Talent Draw x3, Talent Doubler x1, Descent Opportunity x1, 10,000 System Points.]

''Huh not bad!''

Zach suddenly smiled. This reward was even better than his last one. Although he lost out on two Descent opportunities, the Talent draw and Talent Doubler made up for it.

Not to mention he still has three Descent Opportunities in total.

''Haha perfect send me back to BlueStar.''

This time Zach wouldn't rush to use his rewards. Instead he wanted to attend the special lesson on it, held only after all the children enter the World of Family Development once.

Zach felt his vision blur before he finally returned to his original body.


A comfortable groan left his body as he felt his body being strengthened, and his thought processes becoming clearer, a result of the talents he had gained.

''Sleep now.''

Zach slowly got ready for bed and slept a comfortable night. In his dreams he replayed the lives he had experienced however the memories were hazy, a result of the Systems interference.

''Crap I'm late!''

The next morning Zach rushed out of the dorms. His speed was far faster than normal as he rushed towards his classroom.

Barging in he jumped onto his chair and turned towards the front. It was like a large lecture hall with a single teacher at the front.

But her voice easily spread towards the hall, after all she was a Gas Refining Cultivator!

''Ok now that you are all here, I will begin to talk about the Rewards you will receive from completing your Descent.''

''Most of you here will receive ratings between F and C, so we will start with that.''

The woman slowly pointed at the board behind her, depicting large lists.

''The most common reward is of course System Points. It is likely you will receive a few hundred at most. Maybe you will get a thousand as a result of the C Grade Ranking.''

''Just below that, the most common reward you will receive is the Common Talent Draw, different from the Real Talent Draw this will only provide you with a +1 attribute for talents below 20,000 Points.''

''Only when you reach an A Grade ranking or higher will it be likely that you receive an official Talent Draw, with the chance to receive any talent in the System Shop, or even rare attributes!''

''Because of this, these are very valuable and rare.''

Zach focused and continued listening to the different rewards and which are the best and so forth.

However occasionally he stared at his surrounding classmates. Many of these people were in his class for years and had the same starting point as him.

And when he looked down to see their notes he realised how large of an effect his Son of Luck Plug-In had!

Originally he was a little bit painful, after all his family lasted for half as long as Young Master Cameron. But only now did he realise that these classmates had been left in the dust.

From the conversations he overheard, the strongest was the genius of the classroom named Mikey.

Mikey was lucky enough to receive an Intelligence +2 from his parents as a gift, and since then had received many bonuses through his ordinary studies.

But even he only survived a century and received a B Rating! As for the bonus attributes from the events that happened, there were almost none.

The family just barely survived by farming and maintaining a small number of people, but they were immediately wiped out when a drought struck and their farms failed them.

''Am I really going to rise to the sky?''

Zach smirked thinking about it. Even though Cameron is out of his reach for now, he is sure he will be able to rise just as quickly. Not to mention he gains a lot of talents during his Sons of Luck's life, it also sets the cornerstone for the future!

The Family will develop rapidly while the Son of Luck is alive, and will only continue to develop with his legacy.

However Cameron is relying on his early starting talents. But even a Golden Core father can't continue to spend money on his son! After all, he still needs to maintain his own strength and development pace.


Thinking of this Zach chuckled, drawing a few weird looks from his surroundings.


A harsh voice rang out the hall drawing Zachs attention back in.

''Now I don't want any of you giving up just because your fellow classmates are doing slightly better than you. With enough luck and skill you will definitely be able to achieve great things in the future.''

''Not to mention if you somehow manage to increase talents enough, you will definitely become cultivators and increase your lifespan.''

The teacher looked at the class in a slight disappointment. In fact not many of them here were very talented, even the highest ranking was only a B Rating!

Compared to those elite classes it was quite poor. Even the lowest often receive B's on their first try.

''To take into account your difficulties, the Headmaster has initiated a Familial tournament. The reward is a Talent Draw available for anyone to win!''

''Huh? A Talent Draw!''

''Haha I have to win!''

Just then the crowd went wild. Murmurings spread throughout the class and even Zach was shocked.

Keep in mind the value of a Talent Draw isn't low. It isn't a Common Talent Draw that will only provide cheap things. If you can earn a Cultivation Talent or another Rare Talent you will rise to the sky in one step!

But the idea of a Familiar Tournament did worry him quite a bit.

''Now listen! Some of you might not know what a Familial Tournament is so I will quickly explain it.''

''A Familial Tournament will be held out with all the descendants of the Player, resulting in the combination of all lives that they have lived.''

Zach naturally knew what it was. And it was incredibly exciting. The Familial Tournaments are a great way to receive rewards, not to mention there is a hidden bonus.

Any Player can place one of their talents on the line and enter the betting pool.

Once they win, they will receive the equivalent number of talents rewarded to them based on the bets made by other players.

So if Zach was to bet one Business Talent at the beginning of the battle and then won, he would receive talents that add up to 7,000 Points, the price of the business talent.

So he might receive 7 Farming Talents in return. Of course this is on the premise that other players also gamble.

''As for those who are worried about competing with the Elite Class, you don't have to worry. They have a seperate competition going for them.''

This immediately made Zach relieved. Even if he had his current talents he was far from confident enough to compete with Young Master Cameron, who had a 500 Year Family under his belt on his first try!

''System what state would my family be in if I compete in a Familiar Tournament.''

Returning to his room, Zach began to prepare for the competition a day later. This time he didn't intend to enter the Development World yet, instead using the rewards he received from his last life.

[Familial Tournament-

Total Descendants: 10,244 (Click to Expand)

Wins: 0

Losses: 0]

Zach quickly expanded the Total Descendants.

[Familial Tournament Participants-

Total: 10,244

Sons Of Luck: 2 (Expand)

Cultivators: 0

Mortals: 10,242]

[Sons of Luck-

Michael West (Bronze)

Norman West (Bronze)]

''Huh? Even my Sons of Luck will participate in the war!''

Only now did Zach Realise how incredible this war was going to be. There was a huge list of his descendants in front of him!

They were everyone who existed during both his first life with Michaels legacy and Norman's Legacy!

''Incredible, more than a dozen Generals!''

Zach scrolled through the names. In his most recent life the West Family occupied the military of a city and multiple towns, their army was in the ten thousands in total.

''It's a shame that it is just a military fight, after all there where more officials in the family than anyone else!''

Zach sighed, but he understood it. Slowly he was learning more about BlueStar.

Although BlueStar seemed safe, this was just on the surface.

Since BlueStar was merged with the World of Development, it was also bound with countless other planets!

Not only are the Familial Battles between different planets but it is common for strong cultivators to compete and for wars to be waged between the planets.

''I need to start paying more attention to every descendant then.''

Zach seemed to realise something. Although Sons of Luck are important, Familial Battlefields could easily be won by numbers!

Even if he had hundreds of military children from his most recent family, in the face of thousands of farmer families they would still be crushed.

But fortunately in his ordinary class he felt he was still on the top.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Micky_Loiscreators' thoughts