
World Of Family Development: I have countless Sons of Luck

The World of Family Development. Everyone can descend and create a family on the continent gaining benefits from the future prosperity. Zach descends on the World of Family Development for the first time. ''Huh? I can create protagonists in my family!!''

Micky_Lois · Fantaisie
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37 Chs

Chapter 3

Quickly time passed. The first three years were like a flash.

Zach completed his harvest dutifully, his height talent allowing for a large yield, multiple times larger than his last lifes yields.

WIth it he easily earnt his first silver to purchase the Acres. Now he had a small savings of another Silver.

And he used it today.

White ribbons were spread on the roof of his house as small chairs were filled with a few dozen people.

''Do you take Nina as your wife?''

''I do.''

''And do you take Zach as your husband?''

''I do!''

''I now announce you man and wife!''

A priest stood at the front of the table, and Zach was married!

Opposite him the receptionist from the Town Office was beaming!

Quickly another three years flashed by and Zach celebrated his 22 Birthday. And more importantly the birth of his first child!

A strong young boy.

His farm land had doubled to sixty Acres and he hired another worker to help him take care of it.

If it wasn't for his stronger physique it is likely that he would collapse under the work.

''Phew. We should be able to make a good profit this year.''

Zach nodded to himself, the grain harvest was profitable, one thing that never went out of style was food.

Each year from his property he could make Fifty Copper to eight Copper! With the exception of his costs and fee for hiring workers he could make a Silver once every two years.

''Billy, go and purchase some red meat. I want my son to eat everything he needs.''

With a bit of savings Zach was confident enough to purchase some nutritious fruits and vegs. He even splurged and bought some boar meat for his son to eat!

Thinking of saving more money for his kids, Zach set to work again.

For another five years he harvested everything daily, his six year old son already showing an incredible talent for harvesting products.

With his help, Zayn spent enough money to expand the farm to 70 Acres!

''Husband, Betty is calling for you!''

Zayn glanced at his wife, the same age as him already 27. However he had two more children in the past five years!

A son and a Daughter.

Zach instantly went into the expanded wooden cabin and saw his little baby crying in a crib.

Ten years slipped through his fingers quickly. His uneventful life didn't change, however Zach got a little more daring.

Bringing home another wife to his household!

Although Nina was a little upset, it was needed. At the age of 37 it was getting harder for Nina to have a child.

Now Rayn has a total of 8 children, his oldest son Frank was already 15. And despite him being young he was already engaged!

With a young and sweet teenager from the farmer family next door. As their Dowry they gave the West family 10 Acres of land!

Now Rayns savings had risen to five Silver Coins, and his property had reached 80 Acres.

''It's time to branch into other areas.''

Rayn glanced at the large farmland and was determined to develop elsewhere. It is hard to manage such a large property without more efficient tools like carriages and cows to pull combine harvesters.

All of that requires a lot of money, and farming would take a long time to get it!

''Husband my brother owns a small shop in the town, he is wanting to sell it I am sure I could get you the property for five silver.''

Candy, Rayns second wife, came from a slightly more affluent family. Her family used to be a large merchant family but had slowly deteriorated recently.

''That's perfect!''

As expected, another month passed and Rayn officially owned a small shop on the exterior of the Town.

It sold basic foods and bags of grain, however he wasn't satisfied.

Quickly two years passed and Rayn approached another nearby farmer family and purchased a sheep!

He officially entered the wool market, a much more profitable business than selling grain.

Unfortunately without the expertise of manufacturing anything with the Wool the profits were still lower than harvesting.

And with only one sheep Rayn could make less than five copper a year from it.

''Father, I have secured a deal with the Buffet Farm on the opposite side of town. As long as Liam marries their daughter they are willing to use all their property as collateral in trade for us taking care of them.''

''Haha good job son!''

Zach chuckled when he heard it. The Buffet farm is owned by an older man with around 20 Acres, originally it was managed by their son but he died in an animal attack.

As a result the marriage was completed, Zachs son Liam married their daughter and officially got 20 Acres of land and 2 cattle and one sheep!

Officially breeding began.

In the next ten years the number tripled, Zach now owned about a hundred acres of land and a dozen livestock!

However at his current age of 49 Zach was starting to get older. His face was ageing with a bit of fatigue.

But his family had reached close to 20 members by now! With plenty of strong men to work on the farm.

With plenty of men to work on the farm and cattle to drive a cart, Zach spent his savings to expand the farm to 150 Acres!

The turn over was a Silver Coin a year already.

''This life is much better than my last one.''

Zach sat back in a chair with a smile on his face. Even if he died now it was dozens of times better than his last life with a single field of land!

However he stood up once again, determined to keep working. His boosted physical strength allowed for his body to have grown stronger and stronger, he would be able to keep working well into his sixties!

Keep in mind he died when he was seventy in his last life.

Another two years passed and Zach surprised his family once again. He got another wife.

This time she was the daughter of another nearby family, and after spending two silver to acquire their entire farm, Zach gained another Thirty Acres of Land and a sheep.

But when Zach was 53 years old his first wife Nina passed away.

A sad feeling spread across the family as they mourned for a day and night.

The sad emotions damaged Zachs body causing him to stop working for a month before he finally recovered enough to get back to the farm.

By now 180 Acres of land was being harvested each year.

If it wasn't for the strong bodies of the West Family and the high Farming Talent it would be impossible for them to manage it all!

It got to the extent where they started hiring many workers to get the harvest in on time.

More importantly the West Family had developed some prestige, their small stock had grown to three stories and was making a profit of a Silver a year.

While their farms profits had been boosted! Reaching two silver in a year.

''Husband, we should be celebrating today.''

Candy rushed into the room with a smile on her face.

''Henry joined the government!''


[Reward: Intelligence +1]


Zach stood up with excitement. This was the first time he had experienced an impromptu reward!

And the news was just as shocking. Henry managed to join the local government, meaning the West family finally had official connections!

In the Feudal age the only way to guarantee your families status was to join the government. Without that your property could be taken at any time.

Knowing this Zach had spent a lot of money to hire some scholars to train his children and grandchildren to join the local government, and finally Henry managed to pass the exam!

''Haha we are really growing.''

Zach smirked.

Another ten years passed like a flash.

Zach was sitting on his rocking chair watching his family playing around on the large cabin property. His descendants had reached as high as 70 members.

With the strong bodies and high intelligence within the family two more children had passed the exams, one getting a job in the Town treasury as an accountant and the other as a manager in the local office.

''It's time to start preparing.''

Zach rocked around on his chair and stared at the youngest children being born. In fact he was making a decision in his mind.

He knew his death was coming soon, it is unlikely he would survive until the age of 70. After all he had done well to live this long without proper medical help and without proper nutrition.

He had already unfortunately said goodbye to a few of his children!

And the aching bones and slightly dreary head told him alot.

But he wanted to find the ideal Son of Luck.

In the end Zach decided on a newborn baby named Norman. He was his Great Grandchild and also the one that Zach wanted to focus on training.

His father was one of the members of the government while his mother was the daughter of a local shop owner.

So slowly over the next Five years a lot of the family's money was focused on raising Norman, he was given fresh meat at least once a week and healthy vegetables each day.

He didn't have to spend his time working on the farm like most children, instead learning academics and being shown practical experience on everything.

And in the sixth year the walls of the cabin were draped with white. All the children wore their best clothes as they mourned the death of the patriarch of the family.

Zach's two wives cried next to his coffin as he was buried in the family graveyard with a priest sending him off.

''Ahh finally back to normal.''

Zach floated in the empty air, his eyes glowing as he stared at the scene of his family below.

He stretched his legs enjoying the young feeling that came from them.

[Player Zach has officially finished his Life and developed the family to the peak of his ability. Do you wish to see the results of your family after your death?]

''First use my Son of Luck Plug-In on Norman.''

[Congratulations to the Hosts GrandChild Norman for receiving the Bronze Son of Luck template.]

[Name: Norman

Age: 6

Cultivation: None

Talents:Farming (6), Physical Strength (2), Business Talent (1), Longevity (1), Intelligence (1)

Son of Luck: Bronze]

''Only Bronze again.''

Zach sighed. But he wasn't too sad, after all the talents are miles above the last Son of Luck Michael in his last life!

''System show me the results.''


[1st Year: Following the Players death, the family slowly regained its normal operations. But they once again Mourned the death of Candy the Mistress of the family.]

[2nd Year: The family has continued to grow, welcoming a cheerful day as the Grandchild Luke joins the Local Office as a judge.]

[5th Year: Money is constantly coming in, with your previous guidance Norman has been constantly taught by the best scholars in the town.]

[6th Year: A life changing event shook the town! A local minister from the nearby city came to visit and happened to see Norman doing a presentation at the local school, he accepted him as his private disciple leaving with him to the main city!

Rewards: Politics +1]

[15th Year: With the help of many local officials in the government and the background that the Player left, the West family has developed into a local Hegemon within the City.

Reward: Business +1]

[20th Year: Reaching the Age of 25, Norman is officially promoted under his Masters leadership, becoming the Vice Minister in the City. His position is in the top ten of the city, far exceeding the local town government.]

[25th Year: With the assistance of Norman in the government, dozens of children from the West family joined the government and in turn provided the best farm lands to the family and best plots of land within the city.]

[26th Year: The West Family is making dozens of silver each year, land and real estate is owned by them as the government continues to thrive. Norman is up for promotion to the position of Minister!]

[35th Year: Norman officially becomes a Minister in the City, his position is below one and above a million. With his assistance the West Family has become a household name.

Reward: Politics +1]

[50th Year: After years of development the West Family became in charge of the local town, and began spreading its influence to the City.]

[60th Year: Norman finally passed away, leaving his position to his well trained son, the city lord was slightly unhappy with the hereditary nature, but the behemoth West family already controlled the economic lifeline of the City.]

[100th Year: the Wet Family had been in charge for a century now, the City Lord position had been occupied and the entire family was filled with Authority. No one dares disobey or stand in the way of the descendants.

Reward: Authority +1, Politics +1]

[110th Year: The West Family are dissatisfied with just controlling a city and a town, and developed the West Family Merchants! With dozens of shops across the country they have a small say in the entire City.

Reward: Business +2]

[130th Year: The west family has encroached on the benefits of many other families. Aware of this the Family Head prevented any more expansion. Instead turning his attention to other areas to increase their influence. The final decision, the Military.]

[140th Year: With the increased Physical Strength, the West Family finally produced a General! Although only in charge of the local army, with the support of thousands of Acres of FarmLand, the army is strong and well fed.

Reward: Physical Strength +1, Farming +4]

[190th Year: the West Family is still standing strong, multiple generations have weaved their way throughout the city and local towns. Marriage alliances have ensured their stable position as their wealth can rival even those noble families.

Reward: Authority +1, Business +1, Politics +1]

[240th Year: The West Family are dissatisfied with the status Quo. Having controlled the City and multiple towns, with dozens of strong generals under their control they decide they want to expand their influence into the Imperial City.]

[241st Year: Stepping into the City with pride and confidence the arrogant West Family are immediately taught a lesson, even the smallest family able to stand in the Imperial City has been passed on for thousands of years!]

[244th Year: Having failed to step into the City the West family decide to retreat back to their territory.

Reward: Cautiousness +1]

[260th Year: Unfortunately the West Family got tied up in the Prince's battle for the throne. Supporting the almost guaranteed Third Prince to rise to the throne they were excited for the idea of unrivalled power with the support of the new king.]

[261st Year: Suddenly Disaster struck, the Fifth Prince received the support of a new uprising family, each one as strong as an ox with the intelligence to rival the greatest scholars. Their multi purpose talent was too much for the West Family to fight against even with their military background.]

[263rd Year: After years of fighting openly and hiddenly, the West Families army was dwindling, the support for the Third Prince dropped drastically with only the West Family left. All the families in the Imperial City supported the Fifth Prince as the Third Prince was forced to go into hiding in the West Family Territory.]

[264th Year: Fighting continued, battles were raging on. But each of the new appearing families were enough to take on two normal people! Their strategies were exquisite, trapping the West Family at every step. Their control over the country was incredible.

Reward: Physical Strength +1]

[266th Year: The West Family put up a good fight, however under the pressure of dozens of millenia old families and the new upcoming family the Fifth Prince won. Ascending to the throne easily. His first edict? Slaughter the Nine generations of the West Family!]

[270th Year: With 99% of the West Family destroyed, a few elite guards attempted to flee with the Third Prince wanting to start again in the future. However they fought to the death with the assassins sent by the king falling dead ending the West Family bloodline.

Reward: Physical Strength +2]


[Family has been eliminated by the trials of time. Receive your Ranking?]

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Micky_Loiscreators' thoughts