
World Of Family Development: I have countless Sons of Luck

The World of Family Development. Everyone can descend and create a family on the continent gaining benefits from the future prosperity. Zach descends on the World of Family Development for the first time. ''Huh? I can create protagonists in my family!!''

Micky_Lois · Fantaisie
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37 Chs

Chapter 37

''Someone noticed you going in and reported it. Out of curiosity I came here to watch you do well. Overstepping a realm isn't easy. We can take these bodies back and report them to the Government.''

''You should receive 20 Contribution Points and we will get the lease for this building.''

''But you will still have to split the profits with the rest of the team. After all you overstepped beginning a mission on your own.''

Franklin glanced at the bodies, looking at the neat wounds with appreciation. In fact he had to admit that Zach was probably stronger than he was when he was a Mortal.

Of course he didn't know that this body was only a Split! If you include Zach's Demon Body Physique and the Corpses on his other body then it is a lot stronger.

''Thank you Franklin.''

Zach heard this and was excited instantly. The Lease of the Building is secondary at most it could bring a small amount of income each month.

What was more important is the Contribution Points! With it he can finally buy a Body Refining Technique and begin Cultivating.

Since then a week has passed.

This week a new genius appeared in the Government. Since Zach overstepped from the Mortal Realm to the Gas Refining Realm he had received a lot of appreciation.

After all, the difference in realms isn't a small gap. Together with Franklin's pre-existing reputation the 96th Regiment gained a lot of popularity.

''Zach how did you do it?''

''Come on let us in on your secrets!''

''How high are your attributes?''

Back in the temporary common room for the Regiment Zach was surrounded by the rest of the group.

''Hmm my Physical Strength is around 150 the rest are about the same.''

Zach didn't mention all of his attributes. Definitely not mentioning that his Physical Strength is over 200!

However, just 150 is enough to shock the crowd around him.

Although everyone here can be considered average geniuses, their attributes struggled to exceed 70!

Emilia glanced at Zach with some thoughts in her head.

''Father told me to find a man worthy of me. It is likely that Zach will be able to become an Astral Infant in the future.''

''However he doesn't have a strong background, the only thing that can be considered a backing is the Regiment.''

Emilia frowned. In fact many of the other members in the Regiment were also considering things.

In the corner of the Common Room a dirty blonde man named Sam was thinking carefully.

''Although Zach isn't a team leader he will definitely get into an influential position in the future Regiment second only to Franklin. It could be beneficial to join him now.''

He tapped his chin.

Even within Regiments there are factions and groups. Currently the are only 15 members so this hasn't been too relevant, but in the future more and more people will join!

''Alright guys listen up!''

Just then Franklin walked into the room, holding a small sheet of paper.

''Take one each.''

Everyone walked up to grab them, Zach was one of the last to pick it up looking down he saw a small financial sheet.

It detailed over a dozen properties with profits ranging from 10 System Points a month to a few thousand points.

Furthermore it detailed the distribution of points. For example with the large office buildings, Zach received 50 System Points a month from the total profits while some more of it is divided into various other people.

''This is the total profits for our Regiment every year, you have all done really well in collecting properties.''

Zach looked at the total, the entire Regiment earns close to 3,000 System Points each Month from the various properties!

''Currently we rely on all of you to develop the Regiment. But each of you are geniuses in your own right and need time to practise.''

''Because of this, with our current income we can afford to recruit 60 more Mortals with the salary of 50 System Points a month.''

Zach heard this and was surprised. This would greatly reduce the burden on the rest of the Regiment.

Although 50 System Points isn't a high salary for these geniuses, for most Mortals it is already a high paying Salary!

''We hope to find some relatively strong Mortals but the standards aren't too high. With the right organised equipment they should be able to successfully take down Evil Players as a group.''

Of course Franklin also isn't delusional, he doesn't think those talented Mortals with potential to become Cultivators will accept his 50 System Points a month.

Instead they want people to do the grunt work or assist in completing easier tasks.

''Each Team has permission to higher 20 Subordinates of your choice. I have already sent out the order to the Government and they have begun filtering out future workers.''

However while Zach's split was listening to the recruitment plan that Franklin had put into place his Ontology was doing something different.

A week ago once his split received the contribution points he exchanged them to purchase an extremely common Body Tempering Technique.

Named the Solid Body Tempering Technique, it is divided into three separate stages. On each stage you temper your body to another level, starting at Iron, then Gold and finally Jade.

''It's time to start my next descent!''

Zach smiled. He was confident enough this time. His attributes had reached a sky high amount while he has enough Physiques to greatly increase his strength.

''System Start my Descent!''

In a large kingdom a capital is surrounded by dense amounts of tall trees. Outside the capital there were two large barracks.

In one, thousands of soldiers cut out with sharp swords moving at incredibly quick speeds. In another they smashed planks of wood with their immense strength.

Deep within the largest castle, Zach was sitting cross-legged within a hidden hall.

A green light flowed from his body pouring on top of a slightly large plot of dirt filled with rice growing gently.

Meanwhile Zach's skin shone with a grey sheen as he smirked slightly.

''Finally reached the Iron Body!''

Zach felt his defence increase massively. Easily doubling from the past!

''No wonder that man managed to avoid my weapon by cutting his skin.''

Zach remembered his fight with the Gas Refining Boss, he had a grey sheen across his body and completely managed to resist his attack!

''It's been 20 years since I came to this world and I have already managed to create a strong Kingdom.''

Zach casually sat in the large hall.

When he first arrived he didn't waste time, bringing out Samson and beheading the important people of a small kingdom.

Then with his Wolf Transformation Technique and Tiger Transformation Technique he expanded the army rapidly.

And this time he had begun to teach his children all of the techniques that he had collected. Although they aren't all talented enough to learn them, some have managed!

''It's unfortunate that the chances of people being born with a Cultivation Talent is still incredibly low even with 2 levels of Cultivation Talent.''

Zach sighed. The way of cultivating Talent isn't ensuring that every descendant has the ability to cultivate.

Instead it is just a small chance.

Cultivation Talent is divided into Five Levels. Fifth Grade Talent is the lowest while First Grade Talent is the highest you can have.

Talent is Important determining your practise speed. But it isn't life changing, there are many situations where things like Physiques, attributes and techniques can far outweigh talents.

''Now focus on practising the Sun Blessed Physique, if I manage to develop it to 10% I should be able to truly bring the effect of it out.''

Zach smiled slightly. Recently he has been feeling very different to his old self. And quickly he realised the effect.

In his last lives he never lived past 100 years old, because of this his extent of practising and combat experience is extremely lacking.

This time he didn't intend to waste his time sitting within a kingdom running it.

''Thank you for this Entrustment father.''

Zach glanced at his oldest son, already 19 years old. He had a strong aura around his body like an unsheathed sword.

Zach had invested a lot to train this boy and he had learnt the Mortal Swordsman Technique and is more than strong enough to deal with hundreds of men on his own!

Of course this is also the result of Zach's incredibly high Physical Strength. Even the Children in his bloodline can deal with dozens of grown adults.

''Don't worry about it. I might be back one day but if not I hope you can lead the family to greatness. Don't forget to develop your territory as much as possible.''

He nodded with satisfaction looking at his oldest son. His Stats are now high enough that each child is a Genius in the Mortal World easily able to manage such a large kingdom.

Together with the high level of Authority there is a very low chance of betrayal among the Mortal Soldiers making it very easy to manage.

As for Zach himself, he left the kingdom, instead adventuring towards a chaotic area.

This time when he descended, he was placed in a small Mortal Domain with a few hundred Kingdoms and enough space to set up a Dynasty in the Future.

But he headed to somewhere nicknamed the Wilderness.

The Wilderness has a much larger reputation than the previous Domain he set up his family.

Because it is a mixture of Cultivators and Mortals! It is a chaotic area with no leaders and no managers.

But at the same time it has an incredible amount of resources, even things at a similar level to the Longevity fruit occasionally appear.

''Let's go.''

Zach casually walked out of the front gates of the Imperial City. Beside him Samson dressed in a set of armour followed beside him.

He has left more than two dozen children here, his high fertility a result of the doubling Fertility attribute.

Two years later Zach finally travelled the incredibly far distance to the Wilderness.

''This is the Wilderness border city?''

Zach saw the colossal hundred metre tall walls, but the most shocking thing was what happened in front of the city.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Micky_Loiscreators' thoughts