
World Of Family Development: I have countless Sons of Luck

The World of Family Development. Everyone can descend and create a family on the continent gaining benefits from the future prosperity. Zach descends on the World of Family Development for the first time. ''Huh? I can create protagonists in my family!!''

Micky_Lois · Fantaisie
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37 Chs

Chapter 36

However in this time his team successfully discovered two more Evil Players and Zach found one of them himself! Earning him a single contribution point.

''I need to make some big moves.''

Zach narrowed his eyes. According to the information there are at least 22 Evil Players in the building in front of him. But there was no one exceeding the First Realm of Gas Refining.

''It shouldn't be an issue to run if something goes badly. And if it goes well… not only will I gain countless Attributes I will also get enough contribution points for my technique.''

Of course the main reason why Zach was willing to do this, was because this was just a Split. Even if he died he could just reform it.

As for the worry people will notice? Zach dressed in a long robe, putting his gold mask on as he walked into the business office.

Since the World of Development came into play, human greed and power increased exponentially. Many people don't want to show their faces in case it gets their family influenced or they get hunted down.

So even while walking in Zach saw many people with medical masks on, or something covering their faces.

Although his golden mask was slightly extravagant he only drew a few looks.

The large building was quite nicely decorated, with a small reception desk and various flowers and plants beside common chairs and sofas.

''Hello Sir, what floor do you want to go to?''

Beside an elevator, an attendant helped Zach to the Seventh Floor.

''Thank you.''

Zach walked out of the large elevator, opening up to a bare almost empty layer. Only one middle aged man sat behind a counter, the rest of the floor was blocked off by a large wall.

''What do you want?''

A rude voice came from behind the desk.

''Ah you must be Liam huh?''

Zach casually walked forward, he pulled a sword that was tied within his waist slicing the head of the man in front of him.

As soon as he saw Liam he confirmed he was on the right floor.

There was a picture of Liam recorded on the Government page. And Zach was extremely sensitive to the Blood Absorption Technique instantly feeling it on the man in front of him.

Zach walked past the body, kicking down the large wall.


''Who are you!''

As soon as he entered, he saw twenty figures sitting in a circle on large futons. They each had small tubes going into their arms absorbing blood from an unknown location.

However as soon as they stood up blood poured out from everywhere as they pulled out weapons that rested beside them.

Their eyes glowed ferociously.

''Nice to meet you guys.''

Zach smiled rushing forward with his sword.

He sliced upwards, the blade flashing as the head spiralled to the sky.

Bending his arm back he easily deflected an incoming knife before kicking out. With incredible strength.

A sickening crack rang out as the man's sternum was indented, his body flying backwards.

''Go together.''

The Evil Players were quite organised. Rushing forward uniformly. Two rushed behind Zach attempting to stab his spine.

Unfortunately a wall of clouds appeared behind him blocking the daggers. The two men felt like they were stabbing cotton. Their hands were covered by the clouds before two large fists appeared on their heads.

''Bah too weak.''

Zach rushed around like a wild beast hunting his prey. No one could last more than a single hit; his sword flew around stabbing through the hearts of two more.

''Finally dead.''

''Haha I didn't expect you to be so strong. Haha I have been waiting for this, a chance to get the attributes of my subordinates.''

Suddenly Zach was surprised by a loud voice. A large figure seven feet tall walked out of the door. His eyes were slightly squinted as he looked at the blood unfazed.

''Die for me''

His first flew forward at an incredible speed. Even Zach could barely keep up, moving his head slightly avoiding a fatal blow.

''Haha this is a challenge!''

His sword twisted around hitting against the man's skin.



However where the sword touched, the skin turned grey easily deflecting the blade!

''Boy your just a Mortal, why do you think you can hurt me?''

The man chuckled slightly, throwing a fist towards Zach's face. He hurriedly dodged, avoiding the bullet-like fist that headed straight towards his face.

With a concentrated look on his face Zach began to fight hard with the man opposite him.

However, while he exchanged blows and fought desperately with the man in front of him, he was unaware of a figure standing at the entrance to the floor.

''See brother, he has a lot of potential.''

''You're right. To be able to grow to this extent from such a poor background his descents must've been incredibly lucky. Or his own talent is incredible.''

Shockingly watching Zach fight was Franklin! Beside him a figure that looked almost identical, just more mature with a Government assigned uniform across his body.

He is one of Franklin's Siblings, his Brother Wyatt. Also a Government Envoy! Although Franklin has many siblings only two have reached the Golden Core Realm so far!

Naturally Wyatt, as a Golden Core Cultivator had eyesight far more precise than Franklin.

With each of Zach's moves he could see different martial arts techniques being activated, not to mention a clearly obvious high level of attributes and multiple Physiques!

''Hmm depending on how long this boy has been fighting for, his fighting instinct in itself might be lacking slightly. However that is easily fixed with a fighting based Physique.''

Wyatt tapped his chin. Fighting talent is very important to determine your potential.

After all, when you reach the higher cultivations, fights get a lot harder. And if one person has been fighting in the world of family development for 10,000 years and the other 1,000 years, which is more likely to win?

But fighting talent can make up for the gap in experience even if you have the same attributes as your enemy.

''Cultivate him well. If he is able to break through to the Gas Refining Realm in the next three months we will give him the qualification to enter the Demodra Planet.''

Franklin heard this and was instantly excited. The Demodra Planet is a planet under his grandfather's jurisdiction! Having been occupied by the Government many years ago.

However it has one peculiarity. It can give you the chance to cultivate a special Physique!

It is because of this planet that Franklin's family have been able to make such large achievements becoming a major player in the government.

The limited slots are given out as gifts to members of the Regiment who then serve the Family, and all the descendents can use it to get a higher rating!

''Thank you brother.''

Franklin smiled happily, foreseeing another powerful ally for the family in the future as he watched Zach's fight.

The battle was close. Zach was sweating as clouds floated around him, his sharp sword intent filling the air.

Opposite him, the Boss was covered in stone like cracks as his iron defence shattered slowly. A large wound pierced through his chest almost killing him.

''Not bad boy! But not enough.''

The Boss roared angrily rushing forward at an incredible speed. His skin turned red as an evil aura permeated from him.

''Not good Demon Physique!''

Zach was shocked. He had forgotten about the peculiarities of the most common Evil Technique!

Instantly his body was covered in a green tinge, followed quickly by a blinding sunlight. Swinging his sword down with full power.


The sword met the fist in a shocking blow. The ground shook as the first layer of metal shattered under the blow. Cracks spread through the floor of the building as the sword in Zach's hand shattered.

However a small dagger flashed in his hand connected to his finger by a small piece of string. Flying around like a bird with its own thoughts it pierced into the exhausted boss's neck.


Blood gurgled in the Boss' mouth as he dropped to the ground, his eyes finally losing his life.


[Killed Player Morgan's Ontology]

[Reward: Mining x120, Farming x40, Thievery x33, Construction x27, Physical Strength x22, Intelligence x10, Communication x3, Cultivation Talent x1, Common Talent Draw x10, System Points: 11,420]

[Killed 20 Player's Ontologies]

[Reward: Farming x130, Mining x90, Construction x66, Hunting x52, Physical Strength x50, Thievery x20, Intelligence x17, Domestication x2, Fertility x1, System Points x23,540]


Zach dropped to the ground, his body exhausted from all energy. He had been running every physique at the same time, an incredibly difficult feat.

''So many attributes?''

Zach was stunned. Although a majority of the Attributes were basic ones it is to be expected. After all Evil Players mostly target new descenders who only have common attributes.

''A fertility attribute? And a Cultivation Talent!''

Zach panted lightly as he sat up. His skin was pale from over using his energy. However, the rising strength and incredible improvement in attributes!

''Killing Evil Players is just as profitable!''

Zach sighed. Unfortunately killing Evil Players isn't easy, typically they are far stronger than ordinary people at the same level not to mention their smaller number.

'Clap' 'Clap' 'Clap'

''Well done Zach!''

Zach was shocked when he heard a voice, turning around he saw Franklin walking towards him.

''Ah Franklin you where watching?''

However he quickly recovered. After all he had intended to get a good reputation with his Righteous split. Only then can he access the resources unavailable to him before.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Micky_Loiscreators' thoughts