
World Of Family Development: I have countless Sons of Luck

The World of Family Development. Everyone can descend and create a family on the continent gaining benefits from the future prosperity. Zach descends on the World of Family Development for the first time. ''Huh? I can create protagonists in my family!!''

Micky_Lois · Fantaisie
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37 Chs

Chapter 35

For example a man walked in before walking out ten minutes after. Black hair and golden glasses wearing a casual set of clothes.

Another incident of a man walking in without a briefcase and leaving with one. Old man with white hair and a large suit.

Although these might not be Evil Players, Zach's responsibility is just to write notes about anything he sees strange. They are then automatically compared to the notes of the rest of his team.

At the same time they are compared to the entire Government Database.

Now it is important to point out that there are two sources of Information . A Regiments information and the Government Information.

A regiment's information is recorded and uploaded by members of the regiment and is private unless willingly shared.

Whereas the Government information is from the sale of information from each of the Regiments, or info collected by people completing Government tasks.

''Information is power, continue to write everything.''

Zach casually sipped tea with one hand while his other hand wrote rapidly.

While Zach controlled his split to complete the recon mission, his ontology was riding a taxi, not getting out until he arrived at a small factory.

''100 System Points per litre of blood is far too expensive. It has to be possible to find somewhere cheaper.''

Zach glanced at the factory in front of him. According to the information he gathered it is a base for Evil Players to source their blood.

It provides the cheapest blood in the city. After all, although the Black Market might be a safer place to buy blood, it is too expensive.

And blood is a common resource among Evil Players. How could there not be cheaper locations!

''Come in.''

Zach was dressed in his black robe with a small silver mask covering the top of his face. He entered the factory only to be assaulted by the stench of cleaning supplies.

Around the room it was similar to a blood donor ward. Skinny people were tied down on the chairs as their blood was slowly being taken from them.

''This way.''

The guard led him towards a small office in the back room.

As soon as Zach entered he saw a fat middle-aged man sitting behind the counter. However the man's eyes lit up as soon as Zach walked in.

''You practise the Blood Absorption Technique? Haha do I have the stuff for you.''

''1 System Point for a Litre of blood. Haha we can ensure the quality, it has all been sourced from our willing volunteers.''

The fat man showed a sly smile. He sensed a strong aura from the person in front of him, not yet reaching the level of a Gas Refining but by no means ordinary.

''10,000 Litres of Blood.''

Zach chucked out his small storage bag.

''Pleasure doing business you.''

Zach casually walked out of the factory 10,000 Points poorer. Quickly he rushed home and saw Samson and Morgan guarding the door to the basement.

Compared to a couple of days ago Samson looked even more threatening.

''Show me Samsons status.''

[Corpse Samson

Realm: Peak White Realm

Combat Power: 25 (Mortal Average: 1)

Talents: Golden Body (50% increase in defence), Impenetrable (Immune to Mortal Elements), Upgradeable, Soul Binding]

''Not bad! After absorbing that maid and the three guards his combat power has greatly increased. It seems like I need to get more resources to invest in him.''

Zach sighed, everything needed money if he had access to more System Points he would be able to upgrade Samson to an incredible level!

''Stick to using corpses for now. Next I need to make Kendra into a Corpse! With her special physique comparable to Morgan I will have another top combat power.''

''Not to mention her physique is leaps and bounds beyond what Morgan's was when he was first alive!''

There are three things that affect the strength of Corpses after their creation. Their physique and physical strength, the resources used in their creation and their special Physiques.

''Ten thousand Litres of Blood should ensure that Kendra has reached the Peak of the Mortal Realm. But there needs to be something else to keep her combat power higher.''

Zach thought about it, putting the small storage bag beside the pool, Kendra's body laying in the centre.

Suddenly on the other side of the city, Zach's Split casually moved to another web page quickly looking through the government database.

''Soft Stone Ore?''

Zach's ontology stood up, his Split had searched through and found a suitable ore for Kendra's Corpse.

For the incredibly high price of 10,000 System Points per Kilo, the Soft Stone Ore is incredibly expensive.

Soon Zach arrived at a familiar Material store.

''One Kilo of Soft Stone Ore.''

''Coming right up.''

The man pulled out a small box, the size of a ring box. Opening it up, a small blue stone the size of a fingertip was sitting on a small cushion.

''This Material is so valuable?''

Zach felt his heart burning. For such a small amount of Ore he used the same amount of money for an A Grade Descent!

However he also knew why it was so powerful. For one it is rare, only found in some rare mines, and the highest supply is from other Planets.

And the second reason is the amazing effect of the ore. It can make things incredibly flexible and Light. Weapons weighing hundreds of kilos can be reduced to just ten or twenty!

Before long Zach returned to the pool. Pouring ten thousand litres of blood into the pool Kendra's body was completely submerged.

Zach started activating the Corpse Refining Technique. The blood boiled as it poured into Kendra's body.

The massive quantity of blood allowed for Zach to perform an effect similar to the Blood Absorption technique, refining the blood to include only the most powerful and best energy.

Kendra's slightly pale body suddenly began to be filled with blood.

Zach noticed this and rushed to chuck the Soft Stone into the burning blood. However it just floated slightly unchanging.

''This might take a while.''

Zach wasn't surprised. Soft Stone is incredibly powerful, it might take hours to melt.

As expected, after three hours the outer layer began to dissolve.But instead of melting it turned into dust particles spreading across the blood before spiralling into Kendra's body.

Her skin seemed to turn flexible as her skin loosened. The Soft Stone melted into Kendra's body as the blood boiled turning her faintly red and a light blue.

''Keep going!''

Zach continued to control the grey mist holding the Soft Stone in the boiling blood allowing it to slowly dissolve.'

Samson walked over, chucking a few weapons and sets of equipment that Zach harvested during his Contract hunts.

However they were all basic ores that quickly dissolved forming a support material for the Soft Stone.

After Five hours of gruelling work, Zach was panting with exhaustion on his face. Clouds floated around him as his skin glowed green, his body was filled with elegance from the Innate Sword Physique.

Zach activated all of his physiques using every ounce of energy to successfully form Kendra.


Zach painfully split off a part of his soul, leaving a permanent mark on Kendra binding her loyalty forever.

Kendra stood up, putting on a long white robe before appearing beside Zach at an incredible speed.

Each of her steps seemed to be as light as a feather not leaving a single mark on the ground.

''Greetings Master.''

''Huh you can actually talk?''

Zach was stunned. Although Samson and Morgan weren't stupid, they were far from intelligent enough to talk!

''Yes Master, please give me orders.''

Kendra bowed as her status appeared in front of Zach.

[Corpse Kendra

Realm: Peak White Realm

Combat Power: 30

Talents: Light Touch (100% increase in speed), Feather Body (50% Decrease in weight), Cloud Walker Physique]

''Incredible! 30 Combat Power! Kendra activate your physique show me what changed.''

''Yes Master.''

Instantly a mist began to spread around Kendra's body, a sea of clouds began to spread around the room.

Kendra manipulated them to cover her body as a defence technique, moved them to form shoes to increase her speed even further, and used them to cover Zach's eyes.

''So the Cloud Walker Physique is used by this?''

Zach chucked over a silver mask, covering her face making her unrecognisable. Many people wear masks so she doesn't stand out if Zach wants to walk around.

Zach stared at the three Corpse Warriors beside him and nodded with satisfaction.

''With three more strong combat powers I don't think anyone can beat me in the Mortal Realm anymore, is it time to consider breaking through?''

Zach frowned. His current state has reached an incredibly high level, even if he breaks through he is confident to be a strong figure in the Gas Refining Stage.

And when you reach the Gas Refining it is far easier to get resources. Not to mention rare fruits and herbs that increase your Attributes, but even the System Points you get.

But at the same time, the competition is far bigger, resources are limited and unlike in the Mortal World, just food and gold aren't enough to maintain your power!

''It's time to break through once I get the Body Tempering Practice method.''

''System use the Soul Weapon.''

Zach felt his mind being drawn to an empty space, the green mist in front of him his to manipulate.

After ten minutes a beautiful golden mask was floating in the air, with deep carvings of mystical ruins, see through golden eyes that cover the entire face.

Zach controlled it to fall onto his face. He had thought about this for a long time, he didn't intend to always walk around looking like a murderer.

But if someone realised that he looked the same as a member of the Government it would cause issues, hence the mask.

''System uses my Talent Doubler on Evil Cultivation Talent.''


[+1 Evil Cultivation Talent]

Zach proceeded to use his second reward from Kendra.

The Talent doubler was used on his Evil Cultivation Talent. Zach had never heard of a way to get it, the highest likelihood would be coming from Achievements, but Zach didn't know what the next achievement will be.

''The mission will take too long to get the technique.''

Miles away from Zach's ontology, Zach's righteous Split looked gently at the tall building. He had barely moved since the first time he arrived.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Micky_Loiscreators' thoughts