
World Of Family Development: I have countless Sons of Luck

The World of Family Development. Everyone can descend and create a family on the continent gaining benefits from the future prosperity. Zach descends on the World of Family Development for the first time. ''Huh? I can create protagonists in my family!!''

Micky_Lois · Fantaisie
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37 Chs

Chapter 34

''Dam it!''

She panicked, suddenly from her wrist she threw out two green leaves that floated around her body instantly flying towards Morgan.

With the assistance of the two sharp leaves the Maid finally relieved a bit of the pressure but she was still in a poor state.

On the other hand, Kendra stared at Samson in front of her. His chest was marked with a clear bloodstain matching the long rapier that Kendra held in her hand.

''You aren't strong enough to kill me.''

Kendra looked calm, a white mist floated around her body as she stared at Samson condescendingly.

However there was no response from Samson as he rushed forward again. His body lowered down as he ran.

His claw-like hands spread out in front of him as he attacked towards Kendras head.

''I told you, your too weak.''

Kendra just glanced at the attack. The insurmountable attack in the eyes of Mortals was just a slow move in her eyes.

The cloud around her body floated as she vanished from her spot, reappearing in a blur beside Samson. Her Rapier cut out causing another wound to appear on his arm.

''Bah your defence is all right.''

Zach watched the battles from the Distance and was quite satisfied.

Morgan easily held back the Maid that relied on all her hidden cards to win, with enough time her body was running out of energy and would die soon.

And Samson, even though he lost he didn't disappoint Zach. His physique was incredibly strong, able to resist most of Kendra's attacks, and as a Corpse he didn't have a sense of pain!

More importantly Kendra is already on the standard of a Genius, being able to even survive under he attacks was enough to attract Zach.

''She is too weak compared to Franklin however.''

But Zach also noticed something. Even though Kendra was strong, her level of genius is far too low compared to Franklin.

''Not everyone can be the Grandson of a Heavenly Disaster Expert after all.''

Zach knew that Kendra's background wasn't too good. Both of her parents were just Gas Refining Experts.

This is also the reason why Zach dared to attack her. Although it could lead to the anger of the Government, there are too many members of the Government.

Most people can only rely on the revenge of their Regiment if they were to die outside, however Kendra has yet to join one.

''She must've been waiting for an opportunity to join one of the top regiments in the Government city. Being too greedy isn't always good.''

Zach sighed if Kendra was to have a Regiment he wouldn't have the bravery to attack her for all the money in the world.

After all you only have one life, if a strong Cultivator was really determined to hunt him down it might be difficult to survive.

But just two Gas Refiners? Let alone that Zach now has confidence to fight them, they would have to find and catch him first.


Just then a shrill scream came from the hall. Zach gently turned over only to see the maid pierced on Morgan's sharp sword.

Two leaves had dropped to the ground and dissipated in the wind as her face was filled with horror.

''Too easy haha''

Zach smiled. He didn't even need to take action to kill the Maid.

''Go kill Kendra.''

His deep voice rang across the hall, Morgan immediately heard it and rushed towards Kendra. He brandished his sword with incredible agility.

''Dam it''

Kendra was besieged by two Corpses. Although each of them could be easily defeated she was unable to beat the two at the same time.

She released her Cultivation Skill, the clouds around her body floating gently above her head dropping acidic pieces of water.

However Samson seemed unaffected by the acid and Morgan barely got touched, able to avoid having the cloud land over his head.

Whenever Kendra tried to attack forward Samson would dive forward taking the hit. Her deadly blows barely causing severe injuries on his bulky physique.

Morgan took the chance to strike whenever Kendra tried to attack. Her robe glowed showing it was a Soul Weapon.

''Hmm it seems like this battle will take a while.''

Zach gently stared at the group fighting. Although Kendra seemed to be faring well she was relying massively on her own energy.

The Corpses on the other hand didn't activate any Cultivation Skills, relying on their natural talents and strong bodies to fight her.

''It's really refreshing to be a little boss''

More than half an hour later Zach smiled refreshingly. The injured Kendra was lying face down on the ground, blood seeping from her body.

Morgan walked over stabbing his sword through the back of her neck.

Suddenly Zach felt a surge of energy rush through his body, within his mind a sea of clouds seemed to appear as he bathed in the rapidly increasing physical strength.

''Hoooh killing geniuses is definitely worth it.

Zach groaned comfortably as he checked his prompts


[Killed 3 Players Ontologies]

[Reward: Physical Strength x15, Intelligence x10, Construction +10, Hunting +7, Farming +5, Thievery +2 System Points: 1,300]

Zach quickly glanced at the first Attributes, they definitely aren't a bad increase. But his main focus was on Kendra's attributes.


[Killed Player Kendra's Ontology]

[Reward: Farming +100, Physical Strength +50, Mining +30, Longevity +15, Business Talent +10, Communication +5, Military Tactics +2, Luck +1, Cloud Walker Physique, Acid Rainfall Technique x1, Talent Doubler x1, Descent Opportunity x3, System Points: 12,300]

''Incredible! She's so rich.''

Zach bated in the increasing attributes, his strength skyrocketing. At the same time he took the initiative to read the small book that appeared in his hands.

''Acid Rainfall? Is this the method she used before?''

[Acid Rainfall Technique: Only usable by someone holding the Cloud Walker Physique. Cultivate Acid Clouds inside your body by absorbing toxic substances. The more toxic the substance the more effective the Technique]

''Hisss if Kendra had used the technique on me I would've died unexpectedly!''

Zach was shocked. Poison isn't that effective on Corpses, but if a poison touched him, it could've killed him in an instant.

''No wonder the threat of Kendra was quite high; she had such a hidden move.''

Zach felt a faint fear in his body. Although it is unlikely the poison was efficient enough to kill him, he can't underestimate the geniuses.

Even if Kendra doesn't have a lot of support, it is still possible for her to purchase poisons that can kill Cultivators let alone him.

''No wonder she was so shocked with her method didn't work.''

Quickly Zach collected up the bodies and the Corpses back into his storage bag, rushing into the woods beside the training hall after wiping away the blood stains with the white powder.

Half an hour after he left a dozen figures appeared outside of the hall.

''Kendra's signal ended here. It is possible an Evil Cultivator got her.''

Two leading figures in the Gas Refining realm walked out. They were dressed in police uniforms and looked around with a slight pity.

''Is it the temple again?''

''Most likely, report the information to the leaders, another genius has fallen.''

Quickly two days passed, and Zach's righteous split was standing in a circle around a large map.

Emilia and the rest of his five person squad were standing beside him.

''Recently we have received a warning from Franklin, another Mortal Genius died two days ago, she disappeared without a trace.''

''This is the Fifth Genius in the past half a year, although she wasn't one of the strongest, she is beyond most of our strength's.''

''Franklin instructed that we are not to go out on our own for the next couple of months, instead we have decided to take some bigger group missions.''

''We will go out as a Five, taking a squad mission. The reward is 200 System Points each. However if the task is completed we will actually receive a large office building.''

Emilia spoke about the reward with a smile on her face. The average income of the large office building exceeds 500 System Points a month in rent!

Even though as a team mission she would receive 5% of the income while the rest would receive 1%, it is still an income of 25 System Points more a month.

''The mission this time isn't too dangerous. Our task is to keep watch of the movements within the office building. It has been confirmed that there is at least twenty Evil Player's renting out one of the nine layers.''

''The government wants us to report any signs of misbehaviour and uncalled for actions within the building and try to gather the information for the next group to take the mission.''

Emilia proceeded to point out five vantage points, either Hotel rooms, tops of buildings or restaurants nearby.

''We will wait here for a month. The reward will also be adjusted to the amount of people that we identify. 100 System Points for each Mortal Evil Player identified and 500 for each Evil Cultivator Identified.''

''Moreover there is a reward of 1 Contribution Point for each Evil Player you personally identified while the System Points are given to us all.''

''Alright! Let's go.''

Half an hour later, Zach casually sat in a small cafe. He had a cup of tea in his hand and a small tablet in front of him.

''That's the building.''

Zach glanced forward, the building was Nine Stories high made of one sided glass. Large crowds of people dressed in business attire walked in and out.

This was his look out point. He had been given five Cafes in the local area to rotate between, writing notes on any suspicious behaviour.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Micky_Loiscreators' thoughts