
World Of Family Development: I have countless Sons of Luck

The World of Family Development. Everyone can descend and create a family on the continent gaining benefits from the future prosperity. Zach descends on the World of Family Development for the first time. ''Huh? I can create protagonists in my family!!''

Micky_Lois · Fantaisie
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37 Chs

Chapter 33

''Bah are you just that?''

Meanwhile, inside of a shabby three story hotel, the walls were drenched with faint blood.

In the centre of the large room a figure dressed in a spotless white robe stared at the surroundings.

''Who are you?''

In front of Zach a figure was kneeling on the ground. His body was littered with small wounds, but the most shocking was a large cut through his chest directly revealing his white ribs.

''96th Regiment, Zach.''

Zach casually swung his sword. Looking around, the seven bodies were leading against the walls in various positions.

Most of them were killed with a single sword to the throat.

''They are too weak.''

Zach sighed especially when he saw the killing prompt appear.


[Killed 7 Players Ontologies]

[Reward:, Farming +7, Physical Strength +4, Hunting +3 System Points: 70]

''Most of these so called Evil Players are likely just people who have failed on their first descent.''

Zach went through the individual results and as expected they have only got one or two Attributes each. A majority of the stats were from the last man.

''No wonder they were forced to become Evil Players, without it they would be stuck in a dead end job for their life.''

Although Zach enjoyed gaining a few extra stats, he was more happy with the Hotel deed.

Quickly he returned to the Government, handing in seven heads proving the death of the Bandits.

''Good job Zach, you are the first person to complete a Government Task. The rest are still out attempting to complete it.''

Franklin was very happy.

''According to the Financial Experts, the Hotel should be able to bring in a profit of 30 System Points a month if it is completely occupied, and I can fully provide the staff to run it.''

''10% of the profits will be provided to you from now on added onto your pay each month.''

Zach was satisfied with this although the profit of 3 System Points a month seems small, this is only from one deed.

And requires him to do zero work! Although the number of members of the Regiment are small, there is no shortage of untalented workers that Franklin can find to manage the Hotel.

If Zach were to do it himself he would be responsible for all of the security, whereas now it is the entire Regiments job.

''This mission was so easy. No wonder Regiments are so rich! These Deeds are just too easy to purchase.''

Zach returned to his room continuing to swipe through the different tasks on the list.

''I want to help the 96th Regiment reach the peak of BlueStar. In the future the benefits I get definitely won't be lacking.''

Zach's eyes glowed. He has read about various Regiments and their achievements and was definitely jealous.

Some own cities, some work together in the World of Family Development, and some have access to countless rare resources even more powerful than the Longevity Apples!

''Although the Attributes will be quantified as Potential Points in the future, it is still important that I increase my base attributes. The effect is still there after all.''

Thinking about resources rarer than fruits that can increase all family members lifespans by 10 years Zach was instantly greedy.

For the next week both Zach's ontology and Zach's split were focused on their tasks.

Zach's Split completed two more missions, earning a small Water Processing Plant Deed with an income of 10 System Points a month for the Regiment.

At the same time he was paid 200 more System Points and gained a little over a dozen attributes.

But while his split was busy rushing around, Zach was sitting in the basement inside of his Villa. He hadn't moved for weeks.

''System show me my current attributes.''

Zach felt his surging power and checked curiously.

[Farming (195), Physical Strength (109), Politics (35), Authority (31), Longevity (25) Hunting (38), Mining (37),Intelligence (17), Thievery (21), Business Talent (25), Communication (11), Cautiousness (4), Military Tactics (7), Domestication (4), Luck (3), Construction (35), Fertility (1), Evil Cultivation Talent (1), Cultivation Talent (1)]

''Hmm 109 Physical strength?''

Zach smiled with satisfaction. Not to mention the rest of the Survival Attributes had increased massively almost reaching 200 points in farming!

''The Spiritual Rice definitely won't die and will grow even faster now.''

However Zach curiously checked out his status. He wanted to see his Combat power.

[Name: Zach West

Cultivation: None

Combat Power: 60

Talents: (Click to Expand)

System Points: 7,788

Items: Spying Order x1,Descent Opportunities x4, Dual Order x2, Hidden Chance x1, Random Inheritance x5, Soul Weapon x1

Physiques: Spiritual Turtle Physique, Farming Connoisseur, Innate Sword Physique

Son of Luck Plug-In (Info)]

''The Blood Demon Physique and Sun Blessed Physique haven't appeared? Is it because they are incomplete?''

Just as Zach finished speaking he saw another panel appear in front of him.

[Demon Body Physique -Completion Rate: 0.04%]

[Sun Blessed Physique -Completion Rate: 0.5%]

''Although the completion rate is small for now, the Sun Blessed Physique should be able to be learnt in my next descent or two.''

''But the Demon Body Physique requires the blood of players, it will definitely take a while to successfully practise it.''

Despite this Zach was still happy. They increased his combat power even before being finished.

''My total Combat Power is 60? Haha I doubt even a dozen Samsons could be my opponent now.''

Zach glanced at the loyal Corpse that followed him around and smiled slightly.

''It should be time to begin my mission.''

''First, System use the Spying Order, mark Kendra Lunie as the target!''


[Detecting Target's strength.]

[Detected to be Mortal, Spying Order Successful]

[Name: Kendra Lunie

Cultivation: None

Talents: Physical Strength (50), Longevity (15) (Click to Expand)

System Points: ???


Physiques: ???]

Zach quickly clicked to expand the Talents, and the dazzling array of attributes stunned him.

''It deserves to be someone taught by the government.''

Zach hissed with shock. These stats are absolutely incredible. But this made him even more in awe of the Government.

''These Stats only qualify Kendra to be a target for practise, not even those Hidden Geniuses in the City!''

''How terrifying must the Government be?''

Zach was shocked. Based on these Stats alone, Kendra is likely to reach the Golden Core Realm with ease.

But she isn't even the main focus of the Nikton City Government.

''No wonder Franklin said not to underestimate the Nikton Government just because the current City Lord is only in the Golden Core Realm. Anyone with good development potential will be sent to the main Government City in the future.''

Suddenly Zach understood what Franklin had told their team before.

The Government has a large city, only for members of the Government. It is the base of many Regiments, but only talented people are qualified to enter!

As for the Government City Lords, they are mostly people who have run out of potential and are placed in those positions because of their strong Regiment to get resources.

''I thought being a Golden Core Expert would be enough to run rampant in the future. It seems I am far too narrow minded.''

Zach shook slightly, but was even more determined to get stronger.

''Kill Kendra tonight, strive to practise a body tempering skill before going into my next descent and use the money to purchase another Physique.''

Although Zach wanted to save up for the more expensive Physiques, System Points were too hard to earn in the end.

Apart from the basic ones, those rarer physiques are just too expensive regardless of how good the effects are!

''It's already good for a Mortal to have one Physique, let alone three. And Kendra is likely to have a Physique as well. Killing her would be even more profitable.''

Zach walked out of the room. In his storage bag the two Corpses were stored away. After all they aren't living they could be stored.

He rushed through the city at fast speed, renting a taxi for a while before arriving at a small dojo in the outskirts of town.

There were two armed guards outside, each of them carrying large knives as they looked around vigilantly.

But Zach quietly appeared behind one, his bronze mask glowing menacingly as he gently swiped a knife against the guards throat before the body was stored away.

One the other side, Morgan appeared behind the guard, his sword stabbing through his heart.

''Good, he is much more flexible than Samson.''

Zach glanced at the smooth killing, nodding with satisfaction. Although Samson is physically strong he is more of a head on fighter than an assassin.

''I definitely need to cultivate more Corpses with Special Physiques. In the end I will be my own walking Army!''

Storing the bodies in his storage bag, Zach walked into the Martial Arts hall. It was a small and quaint hall, with very little notable qualities.

There was a small wall of weapons shelved on the side, all carved out of fine wood and clearly well taken care off.

''Who is your excellency?''

Just then a voice came from the centre of the room. There was a figure sitting cross legged in the middle of the room with a maid looking woman standing in front of him.

The girl in the centre was quite beautiful with a proud looking face and long black hair. However a faint elegance spread around her body making anyone who looked at her feel inferior.

Naturally Zach didn't answer. Instead the two Corpses walked in front of him facing off against the two people.

Samson walked over before gently bowing towards Kendra. His first rose to the sky shining with glittering gold as he rushed forward like a maniac.

His speed was incredible, causing Kendra's eyes to change.

''Not to fast!''

The maid however reacted first intending to rush in front of Samson. Two sharp knives appeared in her hands as she bounced forward.

But before she could even get close, Morgan appeared by her side as the mast glowed as the robe flapped in the wind.


The maid suddenly jolted, twisting her body slightly avoiding the deadly blow. A faint bloodmark appeared on her forehead as she sweated coldly.

However she didn't have time to relax before the next blade sliced down on her. With every move she dodged the blade just seemed to be getting faster.

Soon the blade was leaving after images in the air, pieces of silk flew into the air as the Maids clothes were cut causing small wounds over her body.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Micky_Loiscreators' thoughts