
World Of Family Development: I have countless Sons of Luck

The World of Family Development. Everyone can descend and create a family on the continent gaining benefits from the future prosperity. Zach descends on the World of Family Development for the first time. ''Huh? I can create protagonists in my family!!''

Micky_Lois · Fantaisie
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37 Chs

Chapter 31

''Blood Demon Physique?''

[Blood Demon Physique: Physique of the Ancient Devil Resting in the World of Family Development. Kill other Players and absorb their bloodline to supplement your own eventually becoming equal to the Blood Demon.]

Zach was instantly shocked. From just 0.01% there was such an incredible result! Let alone more.

''No wonder those Evil Players were practising this technique.''

Zach suddenly understood why Evil Players were feared so much. The methods are quite insane.

Although there might be equally powerful techniques belonging to Sects and the Government, they aren't accessible for ordinary people.

This Physique itself is unbelievably powerful if it was a Mortal just starting to practise.

''Haha strive to become a Blood Demon!''

Zach naturally wouldn't shy away because it was an Evil Physique. After all, Players can have infinite Physiques! The more the better.

As for the requirement of killing players, isn't it just perfect for him?

''Here I come!''

Zach walked into the large orphanage, the door being left open by the Dean.

''Hello, I'm sorry but we are closed tonight''

Just as Zach walked in, a woman behind the counter spoke out, her head still staring at the desk.


Before she could react to the Deep voice speaking through a mask, a large claw grabbed her hair, yanking her head up.

With a sickening crack her head was removed from her body, blood dripping on the ground as Zach continued to walk through the hall.

''That old fool. Wasting his chance to become a Cultivator to provide for these kids.''

Zach walked out of a small dorm room. Behind him there was a bloody scene of three teenage corpses on the ground, their bodies shrivelled up.

In the corner a boy was cowering in fear. Zach had only killed those who had reached 16.

However soon Samson walked into the room behind him.

After the first couple of rooms Zach lost interest, walking to the entrance and waiting there.

Thirty minutes later Samson walked down from the third floor, dropping a body onto the ground in front of him.


Zach instantly stood up straight. Although the boy was still alive, he was severely injured.

This was the target that Zach was sent here to deal with. But he suddenly noticed a strange rhythm about his breathing, and an issue with his aura.

It seemed contaminated with a natural Sword breath, as if he has been intertwined with swords his entire life.

''Special Physique?''

Zach felt like he struck the jackpot, he got another Physique!

But more importantly he saw potential in the guy in front of him. Not as a living person, instead as one of his corpses.

Corpses refined from the bodies of people with special Physiques carry the same traits. However they equally require more resources to maintain.

Zach pulled out his scythe making a clean cut on his victims throat.


[Killed Player Morgan's Ontology]

[Reward: Physical Strength x5, Hunting x3, Innate Sword Physique, Descent Opportunity x1 System Points: 2,400]


[Killed 18 Player's Ontologies]

[Reward: Farming x10, Mining x10, Thievery x2, Hunting x2, Construction x1, System Points: 1,010]

''Bah not even rich enough to plug my teeth.''

Zach sighed. Most of those players are all young people who have just started their awakening. After all, anyone over 18 will leave the orphanage unless they work there.

Suddenly he felt a large aura spread through his body. He felt his aura turn sharp like a hidden blade.


Zach felt a burning spread through his stomach. In his mind, a small blade had appeared. The energy from the surroundings poured in and Zach clearly felt the size increased the smallest amount.

''Incredible! This is the Innate Sword Physique?''

[Innate Sword Physique: Provides you with an excellent talent for swordsmanship, able to condense rays of Sword Aura and cultivate a Sword intent with the holder's body.]

''Samson, collect all the bodies, let's go.''

Zach chucked a small space bag after storing Morgan's body away. He wanted to make a powerful Puppet!

Quickly a week passed. In an underground room of the Villa Zach was sitting on the side of the large pool.

''Is the Temple the organisation that gave me this contract?''

A faint whispering came from Zach's mouth. It had been something he had tried to figure out for the past week, ever since he heard the Dean speak.

''Forget it, time to start!''

Suddenly Zach stood up. Walking over to the corner of the room he picked up twenty swords, some long, some short and made out of all sorts of materials.

He chucked them to each side of the large pool, a faint layer of blood soaking through at the bottom.

A half submerged body rested in the centre, it was the young Morgan.

Zach suddenly activated the Corpse Refining Technique, the blood boiled and bubbled pouring into Morgan's body.

At the same time the Swords began to melt, merging into the liquid. However this time a faint aura began to spread from each of the swords.

With Zach's Innate Sword Physique he could clearly sense that this was the Sword Intent from their previous owners.

Each of the Swords were specifically picked out, belonging to old people who had to sell them after years of fighting. Although the Material might be less efficient, the Sword Intent was the real prize.

Just these 20 Swords cost 1,000 System points each!

''Haha done!''

Half an hour passed quickly, Zach successfully implanted his Soul Mark onto Morgan's corpse in the centre of the empty pool.

The Corpse sat up, blaring with a sharp aura like an unsheathed sword. It felt as if anything that went near it would be cut to pieces!


Zach sensed a sharp threat coming from the Corpse, although its physical strength seemed to be lower than Samson it had a strange mystery spiralling around its body.

''System show me the Corpse's status''

Zach confirmed the loyal connection between him and the body before calling open the information.

[Corpse Morgan

Realm: Peak White Realm

Combat Power: 18 (Mortal Average: 1)

Talents: Innate Sword Physique, Swordsmans Mobility (50% increase to speed while holding a sword), Sword Body (Skin as strong as a Sword's blade.)]

''Not bad!''

Zach was extremely happy with Morgan. Although he is theoretically weaker than Samson, he has a lot of other advantages and can in no way be considered weak.

Zach chucked over a black robe and a bronze mask to Morgan and was soon followed by two threatening looking corpses.

One used their bare hands while the other held a sharp silver blade.

''In the future I will get Morgan a better sword. Although he doesn't have the Upgradable quality that Samson has, with enough effort he can still be cultivated.''

Zach had no intention to give up these Corpses when he broke through. After all, fighting three on one is far better than one on one.

Not to mention he intends to cultivate another Corpse whenever he kills someone with a special Physique or a strong body.

''I should find some weaker Corpses to cultivate. After all if I am clearing out a large place again it would be helpful to have some more Manpower.''

Zach sat and thought about it. But he couldn't put his plans into action yet. He wanted to Cultivate Corpses with strength at least higher than 10 but to do that he needs a lot of blood.

''My demand for blood is constantly increasing. After getting the reward from killing Morgan I only have 7,000 System Points left.''

''It seems like the mission of killing Kendra needs to be completed soon.''

Zach tapped his chin before showing a malicious smile. He had a plan in mind, and with the new Corpse Morgan it should be possible to complete it.

While Zach's ontology created a plan to hunt down Kendra, his Righteous Split was standing in a large hall.

In front of him more than five members of his team were sweating with bruises across their bodies.

Zach held a wooden sword similar to a katana in his hand and glanced at them slightly.

''Haha well done! Zach I didn't expect you to be so strong.''

In the corner of the hall Franklin stood clapping his hands, watching the fight.

When they hunted the Evil Players he had noticed that Zach dealt with them easily. Out of curiosity he organised a small training match.

Unexpectedly Zach could deal with five other members of the team without breaking a sweat.

''Thank you.''

Zach smiled slightly stepping down from the stage. He had no intention to hide his skills. After all this is just a Split and the more resources he can access the better.

''I'm curious. Let's fight.''

Franklin's eyes showed a slight sparkle. When he looked at Zach he saw potential similar to his.

He knew his own skill and level, when he was in the Mortal Realm he could compete with the lowest Gas Refiner. If there is a second Genius with a similar talent here his Regiment is bound to rise.

Zach was slightly shocked when he heard this but also nodded. He was interested to see how he would fare against a Cultivator.


Zach looked at Franklin opposite him. Both of them were holding swords, wearing the White Soul Robes that were previously distributed.


Franklin nodded with a smile.

''Then I won't hold back!''

Like a wild beast Zach charged forward, his eyes glowed orange as his hairs turned grey, using some of his cards from the beginning.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Micky_Loiscreators' thoughts