
World Of Family Development: I have countless Sons of Luck

The World of Family Development. Everyone can descend and create a family on the continent gaining benefits from the future prosperity. Zach descends on the World of Family Development for the first time. ''Huh? I can create protagonists in my family!!''

Micky_Lois · Fantaisie
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37 Chs

Chapter 30

Zach read it and was amazed. This was a good technique and very suitable for his Righteous Split.

It requires a good amount of time to develop a Sun Blessed Physique, but it isn't too difficult for people with descent opportunities.

But this is just for Players. Most people choose their techniques to strengthen their descendants. And with the Sun Growth Technique barely anyone will be able to achieve the Sun Blessed Physique!

However Zach is different. He is confident that given the opportunity his Sons of Luck will definitely be able to achieve the Sun Blessed Physiques!

''Haha, perfect.''

Zach quickly left the vault. He had other things to do today.

Nodding goodbye to the old man at the exit he quickly rushed to the mansion that he hadn't been to before.

From his pocket he brought out the small book on the table before walking out.

Half an hour later, an identical figure appeared.

Zach glanced at the book left by his Righteous split.

''The Blood Absorption technique?''

Zach slowly opened the handbook.

''Use blood to supplement your vitality and strengthen your blood? You can use the technique to purify the blood before spreading it throughout your body, preventing any impure blood limiting your potential.''


Zach was instantly intrigued. The effect was incredible. The ability to absorb the blood of others to strengthen your bloodline and your aura, is incredible.

''Haha I have another mission, it's worth trying.''

Zach showed a devilish smile. Walking out the room and casually walking along the street, a small blue medical mask covering his mouth when he left.

After all two identical looking people walk out after coming back in, it's suspicious.

Zach rushed through the city, quickly arriving at the Mansion in the outskirts of the City.


From the darkness in the room, Samson slowly walked out. Apart from his slightly pale skin there was no clear difference between him and a normal person. But his ferocious aura separated him from an ordinary person.

''My target this time is a teenager. He seems to come from an orphanage and has no family backing.''

Zach glanced at the target. It was ideal. The orphanage was in a small village nearby the main city with over Fifty Children.

It was run by a Mortal who had descended multiple times, also the main source of danger here.

As for the young boy, he was the hope of the Orphanage. He achieved great success in his first descent, but according to the information he offended someone he shouldn't have.

''Let's go.''

Zach rushed out of the city. The busy streets fell behind him.

Quickly he rushed through the countryside roads and arrived at the village. It was built with solid stone buildings, and relatively nice surroundings.

Villages aren't safe for people generally, but the population on BlueStar is quite large. Those people who can't afford to live in the cities are forced to move to the unsafe villages.

''This should be it.''

Zach put on his bronze mask and black robe, a similar pair appearing on Samson beside him.

He walked through the shadows rushing into the village. His target was a large two story stone building. On every floor there were windows blocked by steel bars.

''Is this an Orphanage or a Prison?''

Zach walked up to the stone alleyway behind the orphanage. Knocking his hand on the stone gently.

''As I guessed, this place definitely isn't simple.''

Zach frowned. The stone didn't even dent from his touch. His strength is already incredible but combined with the prison looking place it seems different.

''Forget it, back up now and retreat.''

Zach wasn't prepared to risk his life for a small System Point reward.

But just as he was preparing to leave, a voice came into his ear.

''Where are you heading off to? The Temple have gotten so scared?''

A man appeared from the front of the Orphanage. He was dressed in a brown robe with an old look.

''The Dean?''

Zach was shocked, this man matched with the photo ID of the Dean of the Orphanage.

''Haha I might be an old man, but someone like you wants to come in and kill my family? Your too brave.''

The old man showed a mocking look, a thin and sharp blade appeared in his hands.

Zach glanced at him. Despite being threatened his face was calm. Although the old man in front of him was strange he hadn't exceeded the Mortal Realm.


The sharp blade in the man's hand stabbed out at a rapid speed, like a cheetah flying towards him.

Zach felt the sharpness of the blade, a scythe appearing in his hand as he spun it around.


Sparks flew into the air as the Scythe hit against the sharp blade.


Suddenly Zach was shocked, he saw a sharp blade of flight fly towards him, bursting off of the sharp blade.

''Sword Technique!''

Zach leapt back determined to dodge it, crossing his arms across his chest to absorb the blow.

Blood splattered everywhere, marking his bronze mask like a demon coming to earth.

''You did it now.''

Zach's arms hung in front of him, blood seeping from the deep wounds. Beneath his mask his eyes turned orange as his body burst with an incredible anger.

Behind him Samson also stepped forward. His hands formed claws as Zach rushed forward.

The Dean seemed to panic, his strongest attack failed to kill the person in front of him. His original intention was to take out one of the threats and then deal with the second one.

''Die Die Die!''

Zach charged at him like a crazy person. The scythe in front of him swang repeatedly with incredible speed and precision.

'Clang' 'Clang' 'Clang'

With every swing the Dean barely managed to deflect it. His moves were filled with an incredible sense of mystery.

However it is clear that he is far weaker than Zach physically.

His body shook with every hit. His frail arms shaking as blood fell from his mouth.

''Haha idiot''

Zach mocked him, his movements getting quicker. His skin glowing with a grey tinge as his speed increased rapidly.

He would disappear and reappear, attacking from every direction. His scythe was like a blur causing the Dean to spend every bit of attention he could on it.

However his combat experience was incredibly high. Obviously he had descended multiple times learning many ways to fight.

Unfortunately he couldn't win. Three minutes later, a figure jumped from the shadows and dove towards the Dean. He tried to leap back but Zach's scythe blocked his exit.


The Dean shouted in denial. His body bursting with Sword Energy as his skin seemed to wrinkle in an instant.

Unfortunately he underestimated Samson. The claw-like hand dove forward stabbing into his skin in an instant, piercing straight through with an explosion of blood and organs.

At the same time Zach immediately received a prompt.


[Killed Player Jaxon's Ontology]

[Reward: Farming x50, Physical Strength x33, Business x10, Communication x2, Domestication x1, Mortal Swordsman Technique x1, Dual Order x1, Soul Weapon x1, System Points: 1,053]

''Really rich!''

Zach read the rewards, feeling an incredible surge of power pour through his body as his wounds healed and his muscles bulged.

This was the largest one time increase that he had ever experienced. His strength skyrocketed in an instant!

''I'm comparable to Franklin when it comes to pure stats. But I am still lacking when it comes to Physiques and cultivation Techniques.''

Zach showed a determined look on his face once again. Feeling the surge of power, able to crush his old self with ease, he wasn't willing to be mediocre.

Experiencing life as an Evil Player he knows just how dangerous this world is. Anyone might come and kill you for the simple purpose of wanting your stats, or a reward that you earnt.

''It seems I can't breakthrough until I stack up enough Attributes. I don't want to have a shallow foundation.''

Zach showed a devilish smirk. He wasn't worried about this, instead he was looking forward to it!

Reaching out his hand he grabbed the body of the dean. Activating the Blood Absorption Technique!

In an instant the blood left in Dean's body began to flow into Zach's pores. He felt his blood burning as it absorbed the nutrients and positive qualities from the Dean's blood and sublimated it into his.


Suddenly Zach felt his body heat up rapidly. His skin seemed to turn red as he sweated heavily.


[Activated the Blood Demon Physique.]

[Completion Rate: 0.01%]


Zach felt the heat relax as a prompt appeared in front of his face.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Micky_Loiscreators' thoughts