
World Of Family Development: I have countless Sons of Luck

The World of Family Development. Everyone can descend and create a family on the continent gaining benefits from the future prosperity. Zach descends on the World of Family Development for the first time. ''Huh? I can create protagonists in my family!!''

Micky_Lois · Fantaisie
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37 Chs

Chapter 2

Just then a mighty coercion spread out among the group. Zach's eyes snapped forward staring at the front of the hall.

A middle aged man stared at all the children in front of him. He seemed carefree but the Aura of a Foundation Building Monk was enough to shock everyone here.

''You have officially received your first free Descent Opportunity. Those of you that received more can enter freely. But for those of you with Rankings too low to receive free entries, you will have to either wait for the yearly quota or purchase another one.''

Hearing this many of the teens felt a pain in their hearts.

Descent Opportunities are what allow you to go to the World of Family Development, the more you have, the more often you can enter the world and increase your talents quicker.

They can either be bought or earned. But once a year everyone below the age of 18 will receive a free opportunity.

''Ok, classes will continue as Normal. However there will be an additional set of lessons addressing any questions you might have about the life you just experienced. Each of you can go.''

The man waved his hand as the children slowly filtered out.

Zach heard this and lacked interest in going to lessons. In addition to basic life skills you are taught techniques that might make it easier for you to survive.

That is also where Zach's Farming +1 came from.

But now there was no need for him to instead he rushed back to his dorm wanting to look more at the Son of Luck Plugin.

Zach is an Orphan on BlueStar, both his parents died in the hands of an Evil Cultivator and he survives due to the governments and schools financial support.

So quickly he returned to his one person Dorm.

A small room with a single bed and a desk, and an ensuite bathroom through a small door. Simple but all he needs.

Quickly Zach sat down on the bed.

''System show me my Status!''

[Name: Zach West

Cultivation: None

Talents: Farming (6), Business Talent (1), Longevity (1)

System Points: 10,000

Items: Descent Opportunity x3

Son of Luck Plug-In (Info)]

''Check the info on the Plug-In!''

Instantly a list of information appeared in front of Zach. It told the basics of the Plug-In and a few limitations.

The main limitations being that it must be Zachs direct descendant, and they must not already have a Son of Luck Template applied to them.

The other thing was that you could increase the Son of Luck Quotas! The only method stated was by increasing Zach's Cultivation. For each large realm he can get another Son of Luck.

But the System also said there were other methods that had to be found by Zach himself.

''Hiss isn't this too powerful?''

Zach was shocked. Even Golden Core Cultivators might have to Descend hundreds of times to receive a single Bronze Son of Luck, but he can receive three each time when he reaches that realm!

And that's just the minimum! He might receive a Jade Son of Luck randomly and rise to the sky in one step!

''Open the System Shop.''

Zach calmed down slightly, intending to use his System points to strengthen himself as much as possible before the next Descent.






''Open Talents.''


Farming- 1,000 System Points

Wood Cutting- 1,000 System Points

Mining- 3,000 System Points

Fishing- 5,000 System Points

Physical Strength- 5,000 Points

Business- 7,000 System Points

Carving- 7,000 System Points

Longevity- 15,000 System Points

Luck- 50,000 System Points

Cultivation Talent- 1,000,000 System Points]

''Crap did I lose out on a lot of money?!''

Zach was instantly stunned as he regretted using the Talent Doubler on Farming. Although he made 3,000 System Points profit from it, he missed out on doubling his Longevity or his Business Talent!

''It turns out they are so much more valuable! Crap, wait a bit longer before using my rewards next time.''

Zach sighed, regretting it massively. But it was too late.

''System open the Physique shop.''

Zach stared for a minute scrolling through hundreds of talents before deciding to look at the Physiques available.

Physiques are relatively special and incredibly valuable, your children have a chance to be born with the Physique, there is no guarantee they would get it.

Because of this it is ideal for you to buy as many Physiques as possible and ensure that your descendants have a higher chance of being born with any Physique!


Bear Body- 100,000 System Points

Fast Thinker- 100,000 System Points

Four Element Body- 500,000 System Points

Ice Maiden- 500,000 System Points

Ancient Eucharist- 10,000,000 System Points

Dragon- 100,000,000]


Zach was stunned. Even the cheapest Physique cost 100,000!

However drooled looking at the Physiques as he went further and further down, each of them were already incredible.

For example the Dragon Physique, each Dragon has the Golden Core strength in adulthood!

Unfortunately it was far out of his league now. So he turned his head back to the talents.

After all the rest of the shop categories were unadvisable. Resources are expensive and one time use, and Skills are only useful for when your family steps into the Cultivation World.

And with no Cultivation Talent the current West Families couldn't do so!

''System purchase Physical Strength +2!''


[System Points -10,000]

Instantly Zach felt a warm heat pass through his body, he felt his muscles tighten then relax as his body was strengthened.

His slightly skinny frame was built a bit further as faint muscle lines appeared around his body.

This was a decision that he came to after a bit of thinking. His family is still likely to become farmers in his next life, so of course Physical strength is a given.

Not to mention it can increase how healthy you are and potentially increase your LifeSpan in the long run!

And if any of his children can become hunters it would be even better. The money they make would far exceed farming.

''Is that everything?''

Zach tapped his chin. He was deciding whether to use his descent opportunity now.

''Tomorrow I have three classes, including a lesson on how to produce makeshift weapons and business methods. If I begin another Descent now I can attend them tomorrow.''

Zach planned it out on his fingers and nodded.

Regardless of how long you are on the World of Family Development, only an hour will pass on Earth.

And attending the lessons would still be beneficial. After all, he would never turn his nose up at free information.

''System use a Descent Opportunity!''

Zach felt a light cover his body before his consciousness blurred.

''So this is my new body?''

Zach felt his sight recover. Slowly a scene appeared in front of him, in a large open field with a small wooden walled town in front of him.

This was the start that everyone received, you go in your same body with nothing but a basic set of coarse clothes.

However this is also the root of many issues for people. After all, as they age on BlueStar, if they don't break through to expand their lifespan it is harder and harder to make a family in the World of Family Development!

''Luckily I'm still young.''

Zach felt his relatively soft skin and nodded to himself. His knowledge of farming had developed countless times after years of experiencing it in his last life.

Not to mention his new talent had appeared, things that didn't make sense before slowly unravelled.

For example, the distance between each seed to make it germinate perfectly, the correct amount of fertiliser to use on each field.

''It seems like I'm in for another lifetime of farming.''

Zach sighed. But he wasn't too disappointed.

The World of Development was quite like a Feudal Society. With many towns and cities, nobles and kings.

But most people are poorer peasants and make their money from farming.'

Zach slowly walked into the town, the bustling streets filled with coarsely dressed citizens and.

Occasionally carriages drove by, representing the more noble identities, including many merchant guilds.

After checking for a while, Zach learnt this town was called the Norfic Town with a population close to 70,000.

''Let's go to the Town Government and see if I can get any land.''

Zach sighed that he was quite lucky. In his last life he had to work as a shopkeeper for a dozen years to afford a single field.

But in this town you can actually receive a benefit package! It was put in place by an old town leader and maintained since then.

In exchange you turn in 50% of your harvest until you can afford to pay off the debt for the field.

''What are you here for?''

Zach arrived at a small stone building, with a plaque on the roof reading 'Town Office.''

''Welcome guest! What can I help you with.''

As soon as Zach walked in, a woman behind the counter spoke out.

''I want to get the benefit package? Is it possible to do so here?''

Zach spoke cautiously.

''Of course. Please put your name and origin down here and you can receive Thirty Acres of Land for free, in order to own it you must pay off the debt of 1 Silver and then you can continue to purchase land directly from us.''

Zach nodded, the prices were average.

1 silver is equal to 100 Copper. And 100 Silver is one gold coin. These are the Mortal Currencies typically used while Cultivators use Spiritual Crystals.

1 Silver for thirty acres is actually relatively cheap. However it takes into account the fact that you have to provide 50% of the yield to the government each month.

''Thank you very much!''

Zach looked at the location on a small map.

''Not bad.''

Zach quickly left the office, not forgetting to take another glance at the woman behind the counter.

She was quite ordinary but she matched Zach's type. With long brown hair and two blue eyes. Slightly yellowish skin from lack of nutrition but still a decent beauty.

Zach slowly made his way to a large acres of field. A small wooden hut was constructed on the side with only one bedroom. However it was enough space for just him.

And in the future he would have to build extensions for his children.

''Let's get farming.''

Zach sighed.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Micky_Loiscreators' thoughts