
World Of Family Development: I have countless Sons of Luck

The World of Family Development. Everyone can descend and create a family on the continent gaining benefits from the future prosperity. Zach descends on the World of Family Development for the first time. ''Huh? I can create protagonists in my family!!''

Micky_Lois · Fantaisie
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37 Chs

Chapter 29

''Dam you!''

The boss shouted in anger, his sleeve waved out as dozens of small sheets of paper flew from his wrist.


Zach was shocked. There were dozens of them!

They rushed out, before burning up in the air.


Zach heard a wolf cry as the ashes moulded into ghostly wolf-like figures.

''Bah not enough''

Franklin sneered at a golden lasso appearing in his hand, rushing out. Wherever it went the wolves avoided it like it was a poison.

But it managed to stop Franklin for a bit.

As the two powerhouses were fighting. Zach stared at the Evil Players opposite him. A sly smile appeared on his face as he rushed forward.

His speed was incredible, far exceeding even the team leaders.

He activated the Wolf Transformation Technique as he swung his sword towards the nearest man. A skinny man, but in response his veins seemed to bulge.

His hair was filled with red streaks as a group of sharp nails appeared slicing towards Zach.


Zach swung the sword down, but just as it was about to connect with his hand he dropped the blade lowering his body to the ground.

The hand flew over his head as he clutched the sword that was falling to the ground, putting all his weight on his front foot he spun around kicking the man in the chest.


The man was clearly shocked, his rib cage cracking in response as a clear indent appeared.

But before he realised it, a sharp blade slid into his stomach before travelling up towards the sky, essentially cutting him in half.


Zach growled with a ferocious look, rushing towards a white haired man.

The man was terrified, having seen his friend's death. The old man's wrinkled hands reached out, throwing a small contraception towards Zach.



Zach suddenly felt a burst of dust appear around him. His sight was blocked. Suddenly a small frail hand appeared from within the dust cloud as it smashed against his sternum.

Zach felt a small impact before he reached up grasping the old man's frail hand.

''Too weak.''

He spoke mockingly. Yanking the hand forwards as his elbow flew around.

With a heavy collision the man's skull cracked as Zach dropped him to the ground.


At the same time, Zach turned around to see the remaining Evil Players drop dead one by one under the Regiments heavy attack.

A loud cry coming from the Boss also rang out. Franklin had appeared in front of him, his hand clutching his throat as he questioned him.

''Is there any more of you?''

''No! Ahhh''

Franklin's grip tightened on the man's throat as he desperately told the information that he knew.

''Yes yes! There are three other groups in the local area! I don't know how many there are but I'm only average between them.''


Franklin nodded, his fist tightening causing blood to spill between his fingers as he dropped the man to the ground.

''Clean this up, check for any stored items and resources. Anything that can be sold will be used as Start up capital for the Regiment.''

Franklin watched the blood drip between his fingers, before be leant down to check the boss's body.

At the same time Zach glanced at the stat bonus from killing the two minions.

[Congratulations for killing 2 Players Ontologies.]

[Reward: Farming +30, Physical Strength +15 Construction +10, Hunting +7, Thievery +5, Business +3, Communication +1, Politics +1, 2,543 System Points]

''Haha so rich!''

Zach looked at the large increase of attributes and was ecstatic. These Evil Players must have killed a lot of people to get so many basic attributes.

What made him sigh was that there were no rare talents or items.

''Huh? What's this?''

Suddenly as Zach was checking in one of the mens trench coats he picked up a small hand book that fit in his palm.

On the front a small red blood drop had small words engraved.

''Blood Absorption technique? Is this the method they were using?''

Zach quickly glanced around, ensuring no one noticed before slipping the book in his pocket.

''And a talisman?''

Zach groped through the old man's body, picking up the two pairs of daggers that both had tied to their bodies.

But he found a small piece of parchment.

''This is all I found.''

Zach walked over to Franklin, handing the daggers and talisman over.

''Hmm not bad a water shield Talisman. It will sell for a little over a hundred System points.''

Franklin responded, grabbing both objects and putting it in his space ring.

Of course Zach wasn't afraid he wouldn't benefit from this. Franklin has enough wealth on his own. It is in his own interest to develop the regiment.

''Boss, over here.''

Just then Emilia called Franklin over. Zach quickly followed as they went through a small side door in the warehouse.

''Haha not bad!''

On the walls of the small rooms, there were two weapons racks each stacked with identical broadswords.

''Hmm each of these are made with Reinforced Iron. Although not too expensive these twelve should sell for a little over 500 System points!''

''Combined with the rest of the items and the bounty on the Boss and followers we earned around 3,000 System Points this time.''

Franklin nodded to himself. Although 3,000 System Points aren't a lot for him or any of the geniuses here, it is a good starting capital.

Keep in mind that a Descent opportunity costs 1,000 Points and most ordinary people's salaries are less than 10 System Points!

''With this we can refurbish the warehouse.''

Franklin glanced around the room at the mortals that were tied up.

''Cut them down, see which ones are dead and report their information to the government. As for those that are alive, if they are in a condition good enough to work then offer them a 1 System Point monthly salary to work for us.''

''This place is good for a temporary headquarters for the group.''

Franklin glanced around. Leaving two members of the Regiment to organise the Mortals here while leading the rest back to accept the reward.

Soon they returned to the large hall that they had met in earlier.

Franklin stood in front of the group, a happy smile on his face as he looked at the crew.

''Ok! Now we completed the first mission I have applied for access to the Government Tasks and the Martial Arts Library.''

''First off, the Government tasks. Currently we are a first star Regiment., they are divided in one to nine with nine being the highest. We need contribution points to continue to improve.''

''We get these by completing Government Tasks. Currently a One Star Regiment has access to the Basic Cultivation Skills, and a monthly allowance of 100 System Points per member.''

While he was talking, Franklin handed out a tablet to each of the members.

As Zach scrolled down he saw dozens of different tasks. For example, organise a store room, retrieve an item or work a job.

{Destroy the Evil Player living at 20022 Montain Avenue.

Reward: The Deed for 20022 Montain Avenue, 100 System Points, 1 Contribution Point}

''As you can see, not only can Contribution points be earned, but System Points and Property deeds. We need all of these to improve our regiment.''

Franklin held a stern look while talking about this. Contribution points are relatively special in the government.

Not only can they be used as a way of upgrading the Regiment, they can purchase anything in the Government! Their purchasing power is absolute.

However this also makes them incredibly valuable. More valuable than System Points for the members of the Government.

''Don't worry, we won't touch the Deeds if you wish to keep them. However you can also hand them into the Regiment and receive a portion of the profits while we manage it.''

''Now! Let's head to the Martial Art's library.''

Zach folded up the sheet-like tablet in front of him and put it in his pocket. Before following Franklin to the next floor up.

''Hmm, is that the 96th Regiment? Interesting, it will be good to see how well Franklin does at leading such a group.''

''You're right, if they can get a high ranking in the annual competition they will definitely attract the attention of higher ups.''

''It's unfortunate they are all Mortals, but once they break through they will definitely become a reputable force in the Government.''

As the group walked by, Zach heard some officials occasionally comment on them.

Soon the surroundings cleared out, and the group came to a heavily guarded area. Every two steps there were guards standing on both sides of the hallway.

Although Zach couldn't perceive their depths, they were definitely cultivators.

''This is just a Regional Government library?''

Zach was shocked. It seemed like the Depths of the Government is far from what he can imagine.

Just here there were hundreds of Guards!

''One at a time. You have 20 minutes to find a book and take it out. It is yours after that.''

Soon the group arrived at a large metal vault. An old long haired man sat in front looking like he was detached from the world.

Franklin nodded, walking in first. The giant vault slowly opened revealing another set of locked doors behind it, as the gates closed behind him.

Less than ten minutes later, the vault opened again and Franklin walked out with a small green book in his hand.

He nodded towards the man at the entrance before leaving.


One by one the regiment went in and left and soon it was Zach's turn.


Zach walked up to the giant gate, the doors opened one by one taking two minutes to pass through multiple doors.


Suddenly Zach saw the giant library. This was only the first floor but Zach could see dense racks and shelves spread across the entire room.

Instant Zach jumped to action attempting to find a book suitable for him.

''Body Tempering? Good but nope! Missing Thoughts? Nope, flaming beast… hmm?''

Zach rushed through the books curiously analysing the books one by one. Although you can only grab one book, there are basic introductions to all of the books below.

And finally after ten minutes of checking Zach found one that interested him.

''Sun Growth Technique? Gather sunlight within your body and use it to refine your body repeatedly and eventually develop a Sun blessed Physique?''

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Micky_Loiscreators' thoughts