
World Of Family Development: I have countless Sons of Luck

The World of Family Development. Everyone can descend and create a family on the continent gaining benefits from the future prosperity. Zach descends on the World of Family Development for the first time. ''Huh? I can create protagonists in my family!!''

Micky_Lois · Fantaisie
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37 Chs

Chapter 28

''Hiss… so incredible?''

Zach was instantly stunned. Not to mention that his parents are both Astral Infant Administrators, his grandfather is a Director!

Government DIrectors are all in the Heavenly Disaster Realm and are BlueStars true background.

Only then did he remember the massive queues outside of the city.

''The only reason Franklin was willing to accept Mortal Followers was because of his Fathers recommendations. Building a team from the bottom ensures that everyone's foundations are the most solid for the future.''

''I see, thank you very much.''

Zach nodded, now the source of all those Soul Weapons was explained. He wouldn't be surprised if Franklin had hundreds still stored in his mind!

After all Soul Weapons are hard to earn for Mortals and low level Cultivators, but one kill at the Astral Infant age or higher will result in thousands of them.

''Hey you two.''

At this time Franklin appeared, his body was dressed in a white robe this time, a large red star imprinted on the chest.

''Take this.''

Franklin threw out two more white robes. As soon as they landed in Zach and Emilias hands they melted into their souls.

''So generous?''

Zach sighed that he deserves to be a rich man.

In an instant the white robe appeared around his body.

''Ah thank you!''

Zach instantly nodded in thanks causing Franklin to shake his head.

''Forget it, it's nothing much. They will increase your defence to a level difficult to break by a Mortal.''

Slowly more and more of the crew arrived, and Franklin handed out the prepared robes. Soon the squad were dressed in identical outfits.

''Let's go.''

Franklin saw that everyone arrived, and the crew slowly walked towards their target destination.

Unlike Zach that had to hide his presence when he was travelling, Franklin announced it to everyone.

A large golden bow appeared in his hand as a large quiver appeared on his back. To Zach's shock, there were over twenty arrows in the quiver, and each of them were Soul Weapons!

However Zach also felt a strange fluctuation coming from the quiver, similar to the space bag that his Ontology bought.

''Is that a Space Soul Weapon?''

Zach sighed, such a rich guy! Every part of his equipment was Soul Weapons. In the future they would grow with him far out equipping those at the same level.

And as a Cultivator the effect of a Soul Weapon on Franklin is definitely more than decorative or defensive, it is likely to increase his strength directly!

''Draw your weapons. Be prepared at all times.''

Franklin glanced at the unprepared crew. Instantly weapons started to appear.

Emilia brought out a small blue whip and a blue sword, while Nicko brought out a large golden sword.

Most of the Geniuses had Soul Weapons, only four including Zach and Pedro brought out Mortal weapons. Zach picked up a Long sword crafted with Cistine Silver and expensive metal.

While Pedro only brought an ordinary iron sword.

''Good, we will try to find a way to get you all equipped with Soul Weapons. The difference they make is incredible.''

Franklin just looked at this for a second.

''In the future you want to be armed like me. When we develop the Regiments finances thing like this will be easy to purchase.''

Franklin didn't hide his intentions; he wanted to lead the regiment up, and naturally resources and weapons were necessary.

As for loyalty? In his opinion they had all signed life and death contracts!

''Look, that's the Government?''

''Hooh I wish I was able to join them.''

''Hah just you? You're too old man.''

The passerby marvelled for a minute before continuing on their way. Although the 96th Regiment had a bit of status due to their Government ranks, they really aren't celebrities yet.

Soon Zach saw the surroundings start to change. From the busy streets, to an industrial area, but soon the surroundings started to be more and more decrepit.

From broken buildings, damaged surroundings and out of repair factories.

''Don't be distracted. These factories were too far away from the centre of the city, the security wasn't guaranteed. You had workers fighting each other for attributes very often.''

''In the end the businesses went bankrupt and were abandoned. Most of the Industrial Site we walked through were like this before Regiments walk in and ensure the security.''

''Now on guard.''

Franklin pulled an arrow from his quiver, placing it on his bow. Slowly their target destination came into light.


From the distance a man dressed in a large trench coat and black boots saw the group appearing. Rushing towards a large dozen metre tall warehouse.


Franklin scoffed. Instantly his hand released the arrow.

Zach felt a burst of energy rush in his face. Like a beast released from a cage it rushed through the sky.

His eyes couldn't even register the arrow and Zach only heard a faint bump.

''So easy?''

In front of him. The body was laying face down on the floor, a gaping hold in his chest. The arrow had reformed in front of Franklin.

''Haha this arrow is buffed to increase speed, I have arrows to increase power, leave continuous damage and even tracking.''

''I recommend you invest in learning how to use archery in your next descent. Of course before you become cultivators I want to buff up your attributes. The minimum is 40 Physical Strength.''

Zach heard this and was quite amazed. Franklin's goals are clearly incredibly high.

40 Physical Strength is already incredible!

But he wants that to be the minimum, of course this means when they break through their foundation will be incredibly solid.

''Haha don't think that's high! When I became a Cultivator my Physical Strength had reached 100 and I owned three physiques and practised more than five differentCultivation Skills. When I first broke through I was able to compete with an ordinary Gas Refiner of the Sixth Stage.''

''Our boss is so talented? We are lucky to be with you then!''

Nicko made a slight comment making everyone nod.

That resume is incredibly talented! Zach was stunned. His current stats were nothing.

This made his heart burn slightly. He was unwilling to be so far behind it, he owned two Physiques but only one increases your Physique!

''Take advantage of hunting Evil Players too, they would definitely be richer.''

Zach continued to walk with the group. Soon they came up to the body looking into the warehouse.

A stench of blood flushed out from the room within. As soon as the group walked forward Zach heard a slight crunching.

Below his feet there were dozens of bones and splatters of blood spread around the warehouse.

''How many people did they kill??''

A shocked voice came from Pedro at the front, echoed by the other members of the regiment.

Everyone was disgusted by the surroundings. Even Franklin held a stern face.

''They might be stronger than the intelligence suggests.''

Slowly voices began to appear from within. Followed by intermittent screams and shouts.

''Boss these Mortals are too poor! Why can't we just take some from the School.''

''Why look so small? Why not just go for those geniuses in the government. We will definitely be able to rule the neighbourhood with their attributes.''

Zach heard some voices coming out, clearly the henchement.

''Forget it, don't mention it again. The only reason we have survived for so long is because we picked our targets carefully.''

''But don't worry you will all have chances to become Cultivators. I have received news that there is a convoy coming in from the Sticksburg Enterprise in Sactum City.''

''According to our intel, there will be a guard of 100 Mortals but no Cultivators in order to show their sincerity to the Nikton Government.''

Zach heard this and was shocked . Although he doesn't know the exact information on the Sticksburg Enterprise, anyone who can be called an Enterprise isn't poor!

''Go go go!''

But before he could react to this information, Franklin kicked the door of the warehouse.

The large solid metal wall shattered in an instant crumbling down the ground.


''Dam it attackers!''

''Get ready.''

In an instant a stench of blood spread to the surroundings, the dust finally cleared revealing the scene to Zach.

There was a large wooden table in the centre, with ten people sitting on large comfy chairs. A small golden throne had been constructed in the front.

However what was more shocking was the chained up mortals around the edges. Their bodies were cut in various places as blood was drained from their bodies

The blood pooled below them, before pouring in steady streams towards the man on the throne.

However he quickly stood up, the blood pouring into his pores.

''Go now!''

Franklin shouted, his bow releasing his arrow straight towards the boss.

As a response he yelled out in anger, his hair dyed red as the boss rushed towards Franklin. Two red scythes appeared in his hand as he charged towards Franklin.

The arrow was quickly knocked away but the intense pressure caused the Bosses body to shake and squirm in pain.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

Micky_Loiscreators' thoughts