
World Of Family Development: I have countless Sons of Luck

The World of Family Development. Everyone can descend and create a family on the continent gaining benefits from the future prosperity. Zach descends on the World of Family Development for the first time. ''Huh? I can create protagonists in my family!!''

Micky_Lois · Fantaisie
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37 Chs

Chapter 26

Soon they reformed in Zach's mind, causing his body to feel tired due to the overuse of his Soul. However now he clearly saw a small figure had appeared in his mind! Its body identical to the Corpse he used in the centre.

''Ahaha it worked!''

Soul weapons are the most efficient and painless way to leave a soul mark on the Corpse, originally Zach would need to sever part of his soul and throw it in but that can lead to permanent damage.

''Now I wait.''

Zach sat on the outside of the pool for over three hours. During this time the Corpse in the centre went through countless evolutions; its bones had been strengthened by the various metals, its skin thickened by the other corpses.

Every part of it is as solid as a sheet of iron. No even stronger!

Its eyes glowed red, it's pale skin now tainted with gold with an appearance no different to humans.

''Haha with the combination of rare metals I managed to achieve what Audion took decades to do!''

Zach stared at the Corpse, slowly stand up and walk towards him.

The pressure coming off it clearly from the peak of the Mortal Realm.


[Refined White Realm Corpse while in the Mortal Realm. Activated hidden reward, upgradable corpse, Soul Binding.]

Suddenly in front of Zach the corpse seemed to change. From the mismatched body with a slightly golden tint to a normal looking heroic figure.


Before Zach could react a panel appeared in front of him.

[Corpse Samson

Realm: Peak White Realm

Combat Power: 20 (Mortal Average: 1)

Talents: Golden Body (50% increase in defence), Impenetrable (Immune to Mortal Elements), Upgradeable, Soul Binding]

[Upgradable Corpse: Able to be combined with any materials in the world, and endless amounts of blood and corpses to increase its combat power regardless of it's realm.]

[Soul Binding: Able to take it with you into Descents with the same premise as a Soul Weapon. And any improvements within the Descent will also be maintained.]

''Combat Power and Upgradeable Corpse?''

After checking the System Zach began to understand. Once you reach the Realm of Cultivation you will receive a new benefit onto your System Panel, named Combat Power.

It quantifies everything about your panel, your Physiques, Cultivation Skills and attributes.

''I see, so someone with no Physical Strengthening has a Combat Power of 1? Haha System what is my Combat Power?''

[Name: Zach West

Cultivation: None

Combat Power: 45

Talents: (Click to Expand)

System Points: 18,735

Items: Spying Order x1,Descent Opportunities x3, Dual Order x1, Hidden Chance x1, Random Inheritance x5

Physiques: Spiritual Turtle Body, Farming Connoisseur

Son of Luck Plug-In (Info)]

45 Combat Power?

Zach learnt that it is harder to increase Combat Power the higher you go up. So his 45 Combat power isn't as simple as double the Corpses Strength!

''Haha no wonder no one can compare to me in the Mortal Realm.''

Zach felt a wave of confidence spread over his body, but he didn't relish in it.

''Upgradable huh? That is an incredible Hidden Reward!''

Zach was amazed as he continued to read the prompts. It meant that this Corpse could be fully strengthened in the Future!

Although the Corpse Raising Technique allows for the Corpses to be strengthened, it is greatly reliant on the original body, quality of the blood and there is always a limit!

But now, for the new Corpse, Samson there was infinite potential.

''I have to find a way to get more materials. If I can continue to strengthen Samson he will become the number one killer under my control.''

Zach sat in the cellar, Samson wore a purchased black robe and stood behind him.

''Hmm the best way is to purchase rare materials and blood. Or use the corpses of strong fighters to nourish it's body.''

Zach tapped his chin. Although the Soul Binding stat meant he could take it into the World of Family Development, he doesn't want to descend for now.

He has reached the next boundary. In his next life he will enter the realm of Cultivation so he wants to be completely prepared.

''Tomorrow complete the Contract, see the effect that a corpse can have on Samson.''

According to Zach's guess, Samson will gain the exact same strength as the corpse used to refine him. It is an exact equivalence.

So for example if he uses a body from someone with the strength of 1kg, Samson will gain that exact same amount added on, there will be no limitations depending on number.

''Rest for now.''

Zach couldn't resist the dreariness. The creation of Samson took a lot of his Soul Power, and now with Samson as a loyal guard he couldn't resist collapsing to the ground before being picked up and placed in a bed.

Samson stood beside the bed, his eyes staring at the door unfalteringly, without a hint of discomfort.

While his Ontology slept, Zach controlled his Righteous Split to walk through the city. His destination this time? The Police station.

''Recruiting! Take a flyer!''

''All you need is one Physical strength to be qualified! The benefits are a Descent opportunity once a year and access to the Government's skills and support!''

Zach turned around the corner, a large one hundred story building stood in front of him. At the base where dozens of stands were set up, officers stood behind each one handing out flyers to passersby.

''Fight in the Arena! If you win you will immediately be recruiting for the Special Talents sector of the Police Force.''

On the other side of the group, a large Martial arts ring had been set up. Zach saw a strong Man in the centre, although he was Mortal Zach estimated his combat power had far exceeded typical people.

''Hah just him?''

However a bulky man who looked like a bodybuilder rushed up, his veins bulged as his fist hit out the wind twisted as the crowd watched on in fear.

Such a punch is enough to kill an adult bull let alone a human!

''Too weak. We are looking for geniuses.''

But as a response the officer stretched out his hand.


The fist collided with the palm. Shockwaves spread with the impact as the centre. But the Officer didn't move.

He was like a stable mountain staring mockingly at the man in front of him.

''Now go down.''

His other hand slapped out, at an incredible speed it smashed his opponent in the face flinging him off the stage.


The officer spoke with a disappointed tone. However he responded with a joyful one.

''Haha, interesting! Nice to meet you.''

A young teenager, no older than Zach walked onto the stage. Long golden hair flowed down his back with smooth clear skin and a golden robe.

''Huh Soul Weapons?''

Zach glanced at the robe and felt a clear fluctuation of energy from it.

However it didn't stop there. Zach noticed a small earring in his ear, emitting similar fluctuations, alongside a ring on his finger and a belt around his waist.

''Dam a rich guy?''

Zach was shocked, it took chances and a lot of effort to get his Soul Weapons and even then he is less exquisite than the man in front of him.

''Hah bring it on.''

The officer finally had a bit of fighting spirit around him. His body surged with power as a faint grey came to his face.

''Huh? Such a strong technique?''

In an instant Zach felt like he was looking at a charging Elephant. Around him dust seemed to surge as he barreled towards the rich man.

However the young man looked unfazed. His skin turned a faint jade as his eyes glowed golden. He looked like a forbidden warrior marching on a city.

''A Physique!''

Zach was shocked in an instant. The Officer was also stunned, but couldn't stop, rushing forward.

However the young man just took a single step forward, with incredible speed he appeared beside the Officer, his hand stretched out placing it just in front of his throat.

''You've lost.''

The Officer looked shocked. The crowd was silent.

''I have been on the force for fifty years and have seen a lot of geniuses but you impress me.''

''Take this and give it to the Officer at the desk inside.''

Zach saw the Officer hand a small red slip and hand it to the man opposite him. Even the arrogant man showed an excited look rushing into the office as quickly as possible.

This is the weight that a key training target in the Government holds. The Government is made from hundreds of Sects, dozens of them being the top sects in the World!

The amount of practice resources, and skills they have access too is unbelievable.

''I'm next.''

Zach thought of this and walked up the step.He was dressed in ordinary clothes, without anything impressive in the eyes of the crowd.

But as soon as he walked up the Officer felt his hair stand on end. It seemed like he was being stared at by the King of the Jungle.

Like a beast was standing in front of him.

''Be prepared.''

His skin turned grey once again, charging forward.

However Zach looked at the charging beast and stood still.


The officer crashed against Zach's body with incredible speed. The ground beneath the two cracked as the entire arena seemed to crumble.

''Not bad.''

From the dust that spread up, Zach's relaxed voice came. In front of him the tall officer was laying flat on his back staring into the sky.

The place where he landed had shattered into dust, as Zach's skin glowed a faint green.

''The Turtle Body defence is really something.''

Zach sighed, wiping off the dust from his clothes as the officer stood up.

''Hah this has refreshed my understanding. This world really does belong to the new generation.''

The officer shook his head, he had been a tyrant in the Mortal Realm for decades but now he was defeated so easily.

''Take this, bring it to the Officer at Reception.''

Zach grabbed the small red slip. A faint aura was engraved on the red slip causing Zach to sigh. It deserves to be the Government even if their qualification slips were produced by Cultivators.

''Thank you sir.''

Zach bowed. His attitude pleased the Officer, giving him a slightly better impression of Zach as he walked into the main office.

As soon as he entered he saw hundreds of officers bustling around. Some of them carried large weapons while others carried large sheets of paper.

''I was told to give this to you.''

Zach walked up to the counter, and presented his sheet.

''Yes this way.''

The man behind the counter quickly led Zach up to the second floor.

''Through these doors, you will be registered as a Special Talent.''

Zach pushed open the double set of doors. Behind them it was a large hall with a desk at the front.

''Huh? That's the young man from before.''

Zach noticed that along the side of the Hall there were dozens of chairs set up, many of them filled with people of different ages. However they all have an arrogant look on their faces.

''Newcomer? Sign in over there.''

Zach suddenly heard a voice come from his ear. A friendly looking teenager came up to him. However Zach looked at him and felt shocked.

''So many Soul Weapons?''

The teen had rings on each finger, a pair of earrings, a long green robe with dozens of necklaces!

Zach could even see an undershirt shining undershirt.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Micky_Loiscreators' thoughts