
World Of Family Development: I have countless Sons of Luck

The World of Family Development. Everyone can descend and create a family on the continent gaining benefits from the future prosperity. Zach descends on the World of Family Development for the first time. ''Huh? I can create protagonists in my family!!''

Micky_Lois · Fantaisie
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37 Chs

Chapter 25

The thin earth shields that Mortals could create didn't stop Zach for a second, unless than two minutes all twelve Policemen were dead.

''Move them quick.''

Zach was about to use the white powder tied to his waist, but quickly he picked up the bodies one by one jumping out towards the large fields behind the houses.

Before long all of the bodies were moved miles away in a deep forest Zach covered the blood on the ground clearing any signs of a fight.

''I didn't expect the fights to bring such benefits.''


[Congratulations to the Player for killing 14 people.]

[Reward: Farming +23, Construction +10, Physical Strength +8, Mining +6, Hunting +3, Military Tactics +1, Luck +1, 3,210 System Points]

''Hmm? Isn't this too low for police officers?''

Zach could analyse what targets the rewards where from, the Luck attribute and the military tactics both came from the Businessman contract target

With the rest being a combination of the rewards from the rest of the police. But as Zach looked at the bodies he seemed to notice something.

''Huh? Why are they the reserve police?''

Except for the head officer, the rest all had small brown badges tied to their waists. In the government this shows they are the reserves, mostly in training or to the level where they aren't strong enough to step out yet.

''Did something happen that needed the mobilisation of the reserves?''

Zach frowned.he didn't notice it at first, but this is clearly a sign. The reserves are the future for the police force, normally they will remain in training, using the free descent opportunities to become qualified officers.

''Forget it.''

Zach glanced at his System points that increased by 2,000 and then at the new contact that appeared.

However he remained hidden in the woods, starting to comb through a small black book in his hand. The Corpse Raising Technique.

Meanwhile on the other side of the City, Zach's Righteous Split stood up from his practice, his muscles bulging as Zach felt the benefits from his Ontology killing those officers.

''Haha sure enough being Evil is an efficient way to get stronger.''

Zach clicked his neck, walking out of the room.

Quickly he left the hotel heading into the main city, he wanted to purchase something.

Before long he arrived in front of a large multi-story building with the name 'Material Traders.'

As soon as he walked in the smell of rust an iron came into his nose. On coarse wooden shelves there were piles of various metals, stones and other strange objects.

''Evening, what can I get for you?''

A large man easily seven feet tall with large muscles spoke to Zach behind the counter. His already tall 6ft 3 frame seemed quite small in the face of the man.

''Do you have any Materials suitable for crafting weapons?''

''What type of weapons?''

''Defensive ones, like Shields''

The man seemed to think for a minute before walking into the back room before returning.


''This is Spectral Gold. Light and easy to move but incredibly solid. It is hard for a Mortal Cultivator to break through a shield made of this in their lifetime. 500 System Points per Kilo.''

Zach stared at it slightly. He wanted to purchase something for his Ontology to refine a Corpse. Alongside blood, his descendants found out that using metals can strengthen the body.

''Give me one hundred Kilos of Spectral Gold, and ten Kilos of Crimson Obsidian.''

Zach glanced at a black piece of obsidian, with small amber spots covering the surface.

Crimson Obsidian is an even rarer material than Spectral Gold, it might not be as physically strong but it has an incredibly nullifying effect.

Fire can't melt it, water can't erode it, and it doesn't conduct electricity.

''That's 2,000 Points per Kilo, your total is 70,000 System Points. 50,000 for the 100 Spectral Gold and 20,000 for the Crimson Obsidian.''

The clerk wasn't shocked at the large purchase. There are some people who are less suitable for combat and instead go for things like forging and alchemy.


Zach quickly saw a large transaction panel appear in front of him, quickly sending over 70,000 System Points.

''The materials will be stored in the Warehouse for 10 Days, you can come and redeem it at any time or take them away right now.''

Zach nodded and decided to leave them in the warehouse for now. He didn't have anywhere else to put them at the moment.

''I need to buy somewhere to live.''

Zach tapped his chin slightly before heading to a local real estate company.

''Hello Mister what are you interested in?''

Zach walked in, before he was greeted by a petite girl with long blonde hair.

''I want to buy a villa in the suburbs.''

''I see, well these are the ones available for purchase please take a look.''

The girl's eyes lit up, it was a big customer. Before long Zach had a sheet of different properties in front of him.

The cheapest Villa was more than 10,000 System Points! Of course the building itself isn't why it's so expensive. Each Villa Area has high levels of security.

For example the Villa that Zach broke into, there were police on the scene in less than a minute!

Although they were weak in Zach's eyes, for ordinary thieves they are a deadly threat that stops them robbing the expensive Villas!

''I'll take these two.''

Zach picked out the cheapest one, only 10,000 System points. It is an eight bedroom villa with a large garden. Its size is similar to the more expensive Villas, however it is on the outskirts of the City.

The security there is also Minimal.

As for the other piece of property, it was a smaller four room Villa in a high security area often patrolled by Cultivators as well it cost 20,000 System Points with no garden!

''My Ontology can practise in the hidden Villa, while the split can live in the high security area and reduce any risks.''

Zach walked out of the real estate agents with property certificates, before returning to the Materials store and telling them the Ontologies address to deliver the resources.

''Stay in the Hotel for now.''

Zach walked into the Hotel as his split remained practising. With his current Physique he doesn't need to sleep for ten days and nights!

Instead he used as much time as possible to consolidate his rapidly increasing strength.

Quickly the night passed.

''Code 20012''

The next morning while the streets were empty, Zach's Ontology rushed through the city. In his hand a small black flyer marked with a stone pyramid flapped in the wind.

Zach's face was covered by a bronze mask, his body the long black robe as he knocked on a small metal door speaking his code through the entrance.

''Come in.''

The door opened, revealing a large empty hallway.

''The Black Market is really mysterious.''

Zach was slightly surprised. This note was found on the rich man's body. According to the information he gathered, this was the Black Market in Nikton City. It sells the goods that are illegal for other shops to sell.

''State your request.''

Soon Zach arrived at a small room, a metal grate blocked the view from the otherside but he could see a shadowy figure appear.

''I need blood, Human blood.''

''100 System Points per Litre for Mortals, 1,000 for Gas Refiners and 10,000 for Foundation Experts what do you want?''

The Shadowy figure on the other side didn't seem surprised. But the high prices shocked Zach, however he grit his teeth.

''Give me 1,000 Litres.''

''That will be 100,000 System Points, in view of the large quantity you will receive a storage bag from our courtesy.''

Zach transferred over the Points, instantly becoming a Poor man before a small brown bag was handed to him.

Despite being thin and seemingly light, when Zach picked it up it was like carrying a boulder. If it wasn't for his strong Physique he would drop it immediately!

''Thank you.''

Zach nodded before walking away.

This brown back is the most Common Storage Bag. Able to have a large amount of resources within it, however the inferior product is also unable to reduce the weight by too much.

''This should be enough blood and expensive enough metal to refine a Peak White Realm Corpse.''

Zach tapped his chin, quickly arriving at the new property purchased by his split.

Ignoring the lavish golden decorations he headed down to the large cellar. Previously made for Wine to be stored, Zach used his time to empty it out completely with a large hole dug in the centre.

Of course the newly delivered ores also sat around the edge waiting to be used.

In the middle the Head Officer's 6ft body was tied down, his muscular body on show to Zach's eyes.


Zach sat cross legged in front of the hole easily the size of a swimming pool.

Zach poured the blood into the large hole, barely filling up a fraction of it as he released a strange black energy from his body.


The blood started to boil as it got in contact with the black energy, no longer needing Zach to continue to release it instead the black mass continued to multiply.


Zach felt an intense heat coming from the blood, the body in the centre had been completely submerged. In an instant he chucked in the ores littered around the edge.


His hand stretched out, guiding the black mist to surround the ores causing them to slowly dissolve into the pool of blood.

Zach had sweat falling down his face at this point, his Spiritual Strength barely enough to control this process with his Mortal Body!

However he didn't have to wait too long, a small whirlpool of blood began to appear in the centre.

Beneath the pool of blood, the submerged corpse was pale and thin. However now the pores had been opened up sucking in the blood and metal mixture greedily.

The skin started to plump up as the Blood was refined using the black mist. The corpses skin turned slightly golden as beneath its body turned black from the obsidian.

Zach saw the Whirlpool appear, walking over to the side of the pool and kicking in the remaining bodies. 11 Police Officers, the maid and the businessman.

As soon as the corpse landed in the pool the skin melted off, followed by the muscles and then the bones.

The white liquid sped towards the whirlpool.

The pores of the corpse greedily sucked it up, the muscles beneath the skin shone with strength as it eagerly absorbed the energy as his skin tightened.

''Haha! It's working!''

Zach stared at the situation in front of him with pride. Beginning the final step. He delved deep into his body, pulling out the soul weapons and chucking them into the liquid.

Unlike the other ones that melted, the Soul Weapons faded into a green gas floating into the corpse in the centre, disappearing into its body.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Micky_Loiscreators' thoughts