
World Of Family Development: I have countless Sons of Luck

The World of Family Development. Everyone can descend and create a family on the continent gaining benefits from the future prosperity. Zach descends on the World of Family Development for the first time. ''Huh? I can create protagonists in my family!!''

Micky_Lois · Fantaisie
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37 Chs

Chapter 24

[Farming (66), Physical Strength (47), Politics (31), Authority (29), Longevity (25) Hunting (23), Mining (21),Intelligence (17), Thievery (12), Business Talent (12), Communication (6), Cautiousness (4), Military Tactics (4), Domestication (2), Luck (2), Construction (2), Fertility (1), Evil Cultivation Talent (1)]

''Perfect, in my next life everyone is guaranteed to live 25 years longer? Haha no one should die before 80 now!''

Zach admired his increasing Talents for a minute. Including the new Evil Cultivation Talent!

''But not high enough!''

''System use my ten Talent Draws.''


[Reward: Cultivation Talent +1, Farming +3, Military Tactics +2, Construction +4]


''And a Cultivation Talent?''

Zach felt as if the sky was changing. He received an Evil Cultivation from the Achievement and now the Cultivation Talent from the Talent draw!

''Is the Luck attribute coming into play again?''

Zach smiled.

The other talents were also good, but in contrast to the Cultivation Talent they really paled.

''But I'm still not done. System purchase the Farming Connoisseur Physique!''


[Used a common Physique voucher to purchase the Farming Connoisseur Physique.]

Zach suddenly felt a soft aura flow through his body. A strange energy able to nourish plants appeared in his veins as he felt a new connection with nature.

He came to the decision to buy this Physique after a lot of thought. Although his family are extremely good at fighting, the external skills are actually slightly lacking.

Maybe those old people in the Mortal realm will be able to compete with his farming, and his other Talents. Zach wants to be overwhelmingly powerful in all areas!

''There is nothing left to use now.''

Zach sighed. The Hidden Chance and Inheritance Opportunities weren't usable until his next descent.

As for his System Points, he didn't intend to spend them just yet. Saving them for something he might need when he becomes a cultivator.

''Quickly leave the Plane and create my Righteous Split.''

Zach quickly returned to his body. Enjoying the constantly growing power bulge in his veins as he watched the plane fly through the sky.

''We are now Landing in Nikton City, please put your seatbelts on until further notice.

''Thank you for flying with us today.''

Zach quickly left the plane, there were no security checks unlike on Earth, after all Players are walking weapons anyway, there is little need in checking them.

''I would like to book a room for next year.''

''The year? Are you sure?''

Quickly Zach stood in front of a classy Hotel room, and after paying 500 System Points he booked the room for a whole year.

''Not bad!''

Zach looked around the apartment like room, with a large double bed and multiple rooms.

''Deserves to be a room that costs so much.''

Zach sighed.

Quickly he sat in the centre of the room and began to meditate. In his mind the Righteous Split skill began to activate.

In an instant a golden light began to appear next to him, slowly it formed a figure identical to him in every way,

However there was an ethereal glow on the man, as if untainted by the world.

Zach felt his vision split. Like controlling two bodies at one.

It took a bit to get used to, but with Zach's high talent he finally managed to control both bodies at the same time!

''Is this encouraging me to follow an evil path?''

Zach's ontology frowned. His split is destined to follow the Righteous path, but he has already tasted the fruits of the Evil Route.

''Doesn't matter. I will follow the evil path and my Split will follow the Righteous Path.''

Zach decided. In an instant his ontology dived out of the room in the Hotel, rushing towards the distance.

As for his Split, it remained sat in the room practising the Wolf Transformation Technique.

Zach had already mastered the Tiger Transformation to the peak of the Mortal Realm, but he hadn't finished the Wolf Transformation Technique yet.

''There's my target.''

Zach hid in the shadows, staring at a figure leaving a large skyscraper. Dressed in an official suit he is an executive at a trading firm.

''Recorded as Slight Danger with a reward of 2,000 System Points. Too easy now.''

Zach felt his power surge, slowly following the man. Even as he got into a car to drive away Zach trailed him until they came to the suburbs of the City.

''Rich guy.''

Zach stared at the large mansion in surprise. Unexpectedly his target this time was so wealthy!

Zach watched as he entered the mansion, before he leapt through an open upstairs window.

A black robe and bronze mask appeared on his face as the sickle appeared in his hand.

Beneath the robe his hair was a mixture of grey and orange as he activated both techniques, but of course not burning his blood.


Just then a voice came from Zach's ear. He turned his head only to realise he was in a small workers room, on the simple bed a woman dressed in a maid outfit was previously sleeping soundly.


Zach sighed, his scythe swang through the air killing the Maid before she could realise what had happened.


[Killed Player Samantha's Ontology]

[Reward: Farming x1, System Points: 120]


Zach spat as he walked out of the room.


Zach's deep and raspy voice came from the halls, the slightly chubby man who was just taking off his jacket looked up in shock.


His body shook with fear as he saw Zach's appearance.

''What do you want?''

Slowly his hand reached behind him, a lever embedded into the coat rack was slowly pulled out.

''Your life.''

Zach flashed forward and the Scythe swung at an incredible speed. Dominick only had time to slightly retreat, blood flashed as his arm flew up into the air.

However Zach didn't stop, his blood soaked mask looked horrifying under the light as his Scythe swang down again.

''Stop right there!''

Just as the blade touched flesh and a head spiralled into the sky, dozens of shouts rang out around the Mansion.

''Huh? Police?''

Zach stared outside the door, twelve figures dressed in blue robes of the Government Police force.

''Did you come here to die?''

Zach saw that each of them held blades in their hands, their faces stern.

However they were just Mortals!

After all Cultivators are rare, how can they deal with the crimes in the Mortal Realm? It's more valuable to go and fight other Cultivators to increase your attributes.

''If you don't stop in the next five seconds we will be forced to take action.''

The Police Officer at the front of the group held up his sword, his skin turning slightly rocky.

''Interesting? Is this the Cultivation Technique taught by the Government?''

Zach saw the same thing happen to various extents on the various members of the Police force.

''There are such benefits from joining the government?''

Ignoring the Police around him, a thought began to appear in his head, if his Righteous Split joined the Government it would have access to these techniques as well!

''Forget it for now.''

Zach stared at the police.

''1! Take action go go go!''

The head officer dived forward, his speed was quick covering dozens of metres in a matter of seconds. But in the eyes of Zach it was too slow.

Zach's body flashed, grabbing him by the throat and lifting him into the air. His grip tightened crushing his neck in a single blow before dropping him down dead.


The rest of the Police officers were shocked, the colour draining from their faces. Most of them are new recruits hurriedly hired, how did they ever see something like this before.

But Zach didn't hesitate, rushing forward towards the next man, his hand formed claws as he pierced the Police officer through the chest.


His other hand spun the scythe cutting the throat of another Policeman.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Micky_Loiscreators' thoughts