
World Of Family Development: I have countless Sons of Luck

The World of Family Development. Everyone can descend and create a family on the continent gaining benefits from the future prosperity. Zach descends on the World of Family Development for the first time. ''Huh? I can create protagonists in my family!!''

Micky_Lois · Fantaisie
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37 Chs

Chapter 23


[Congratulations to the Player Zach for completing the achievement, Mortal Dynasty.]

[Reward: Random Inheritance x5, 100,000 System Points]


[Congratulations to the Player Zach for completing the Achievement, 10,000 Year Reign]

[Reward: Beast Mounts x10]


[Congratulations to the Player Zach for being the first to complete the Hidden Achievement, Mortal Rivalry.

-Control conflicting Evil and Righteous Forces in the Mortal Realm.-]

[Reward: Righteous Split Technique (Player Only), Evil Cultivation Talent +1]


Zachs eyes fell out of his head in an instant.

''Forgetting all the other rewards, just the Player only skill and Evil Cultivation Talent is impossible right? I was the only one to complete the achievement?'

Zach was stunned. Even more so when he looked at the description for the two.

[Righteous Split Technique (Player Only): Able to condense an Identical Split to the Host, has identical attributes and identical Descendant Worlds but can only use Righteous Practise methods.]

[Evil Cultivation Talent: Allows the Player and his Descendants to have an extra affinity towards evil cultivation Techniques, and has a chance to give a descendant the ability to become an Evil Cultivator.]

''I can finally become a Cultivator?''

Zach's eyes widened with surprise. This is the same as a Normal Cultivation Talent but it has a focus towards Evil Cultivation!

Cultivating Talent doesn't mean that everyone in the family is able to cultivate, instead it will just mean that they now have a chance to become a Cultivator.

''But this Righteous Split. Doesn't that mean I will be able to have another version of myself when I descend, and in real life too?''


When Zach slowly returned to the Plane his smile couldn't stop.

''System shows me my status.''

[Name: Zach West

Cultivation: None

Talents: (Click to Expand)

System Points: 213,905

Items: Spying Order x1, Mount Upgrader x1, Descent Opportunities x3, Dual Order x1, Hidden Chance x1, Common Physique Voucher x1, Talent Draw x10, Descendent Soul Weapon x1, Longevity Apple x1, Random Inheritance x5, Beast Mounts x10

Physiques: Spiritual Turtle Body

Son of Luck Plug-In (Info)]

''I have so many items now!''

Zach smirked in disbelief.

The amount of items he has collected has reached an incredible amount.

''I have to use some, let's increase my strength quickly to prevent accidents.''

Zach slowly floated into the Descendant space. However he was immediately shocked by the dense swarm of people that had appeared in a circle around his original force.

''Huh? System shows me my Descendant Statuses.''

[Familial Dual Participants-

Total: 33,532,122

Sons Of Luck: 12 (Expand)

Cultivators: 0

Mortals: 33,532,122]

''Huh? 33 Million descendants?''

Zach saw his descendant count skyrocket by ten times and couldn't help but smack his lips.

''Haha sure enough it is worth putting in a lot of effort.''

Zach slowly stared at the forces.

''2 Million Tiger Legion? And 1.5 Million Wolf Legion? And 200,000 Cavalry?''

Zach was amazed. Every member of the Tiger Legion had practised their Tiger Transformation Technique to the limit, with fur spreading across their bodies as they grew sharp claws on their hands.

And the Wolf Legion had small whiskers instead of bears, their eyes sharp and conniving.

As for the Cavalry, they stood tall as they stared blankly into the distance. Each horse was stronger than the last as they held their large pikes.

''And every member of the family is already so strong!''

Zach stared at the ordinary descendants and was also amazed. Each one had bulging muscles or incredible strength.

His Physical Strength had already reached as high as 47! Even the weakest new descendant could break iron with a punch.

''And this is the Corpses?''

However Zach also noticed an isolated group. Dressed in black robes with an evil sense around them. Amounting to only 100,000 but in front of them 120 creatures had appeared.

Looking humanoid, with pale skin and bloodshot eyes. Their fingers were disgusting claws as their body was covered in a green tint.

''Is this the Corpses?''

Zach noticed that the 20 with the least green skin were all incredibly strong! Their skin was thick covered in a metallic shine making Zach doubt whether thousands of Tiger Legion members could beat it!

As for the other 100, they were slightly weaker, not reaching the peak of the White Realm but even 100 members of the Tiger Legion couldn't beat one.

''But none of them are as valuable as you.''

Zach finally stared at the front.

In front of the black mass of descendants, 12 figures were standing side by side.

Gizo standing on his Tiger. Frederick looked stoically into the distance with Norman and Michael looking slightly insignificant in the face of the group.

However eight new figures had joined them. Audion Stood at the front, his ferocious body stood at 8 metres tall, with a large sword tied to his waist. In his hand a book with a skull carved on it had appeared.

A faint sense of evil spread across his body.

Behind him two pale figures covered in black robes had appeared. Their skin sickly as the stench of death surrounded them.

They were the only two willing to follow Audion on his evil endeavours.

Beside them 5 righteous Sons of Luck were dressed in multi coloured robes with sharp swords tied around their waists. Their skin is slightly green influenced by their Physique.

''Haha I don't believe anyone can beat me now!''

Zach laughed confidently. This force is definitely unmatched in the Mortal Realm, Zach is also suspicious if those weak Gas Refiners could compete.

''System use the Random Beast Mounts.''

Zach still decided to use his items however.

Slowly ten beasts appeared on the ground in front of him.

A large bear over three metres long with thick brown fur appeared standing still. A faint connection created binding them as Zachs mounts.

A War horse similar to the ones the Iron Cavalry use, however its fur was slightly reddened and its height reached a terrifying three metres tall filled with majesty.

Three more horses also appeared, the only difference was they weren't covered in thick skin, no they had no skin at all! Three skeleton horses each over two metres tall appeared.

Finally Five large grey rhinos appeared. Their sharp horns easily able to pierce iron and their large hoofs able to trample anyone who gets in their way.

''Haha! Incredible!''

Zach stared at the mounts slowly walking over to their owners. Audion and his two followers Nick and Frank mounting the Skeleton Horses.

The Five righteous followers riding on the back of the Rhinos.

Frederick boarding on the back of the large war horse with the Brown bear going over to Michael.

''System use the Mount Upgrader on Audions Horse!''

Zach used his other stored item. In an instant a glow surrounded the Skeleton Horse. Its bones changed colour becoming black as its eye sockets glowed red.

Its height skyrocketed to Three metres tall towering over most of the rest.


Zach doesn't know the traits of the mounts, and the System doesn't tell him. But it is obvious from the looks that each of these mounts aren't easy to deal with.

They will definitely take his Sons of Lucks combat power to another level!

''Now I need to decide on what to make out of the Descendent Soul Weapon.''

Zach frowned slightly looking at his descendants. That is one of the benefits of Descendants soul weapons, even those in the Descendant space will receive it.

''Go with swords they are the most used object with the Tiger Transformation and the Wolf Transformation Technique.''

Although descendants who practise the Tiger Transformation Technique tend to use longer and heavier swords while the Wolf Legion use lighter ones, Zach decided to make on in between.

In his mind a mass of green light appeared, moulding slowly into the form that Zach wanted.

A long one metre blade, with a sharp edge and a slightly thinner blade. A red handle with a round grip to allow for everyone to use it, and a small engraving of a Tiger biting a deer on the handle.


Zach confirmed the order. And at the same time every Descendant in the Descendant space below had a new identical weapon appear in their hands.

Some chose to hold them out while others stored them back in their soul.

But generally those that hid it away were more proficient in other weapons like bows or whips and axes.

''With this they should stand a chance in the face of Cultivators right?''

Zach was unsure. Although he knew Cultivators were strong he didn't know how strong.

But looking at the 30 Million Descendants, he believes that Gas Refining Cultivators definitely can't take on such a force with their new Soul Weapons.

''Now there is less to do.''

Zach glanced at the Items slots, selecting the Longevity apple.

Soon a bright green and slightly translucent apple appeared in front of him. As soon as it appeared he felt his body lighten, his muscles relaxed as his body seemed to enter a slight peace.

Putting it in his mouth and biting it, the apple melted as it touched his tongue turning into a deep essence and spreading throughout his body.

As soon as he finished eating the apple he received a prompt.


[Longevity +10]

''Show me my talents.''

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Micky_Loiscreators' thoughts