
World Of Family Development: I have countless Sons of Luck

The World of Family Development. Everyone can descend and create a family on the continent gaining benefits from the future prosperity. Zach descends on the World of Family Development for the first time. ''Huh? I can create protagonists in my family!!''

Micky_Lois · Fantaisie
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37 Chs

Chapter 22

After many years of fighting he retired at the age of 80, devoting himself to reading all sorts of literature that he collected from all over the world.

''I managed to read over Ten thousand books. Not bad at all.''

Zach sighed, staring at the piles of books being tainted by the spilling blood. He lived a Tyrant life this time.

Using his Authority attributes and indifferent attitude to win the hearts of an entire army in less than 5 years is just one example.

In order to secure the best chance at creating a Dynasty he used force to gather resources from every nook and cranny of this area destroying countless forces in the process.

More importantly, during his retirement he hollowed out an entire mountain filling it with mounds of treasure, Tigers blood and other resources to assist the family to rebuild if something happens.

And he left three of his children and their wives there to guard it. Hoping they will maintain a lineage in the case of an accident.

''I am happy with this result.''

Zach chuckled. His eyes closed peacefully.

Slowly his soul reappeared above his body, as he listened to the System talk in his ear.

However Zach didn't look at the prompt. Instead his soul whipped across the space, appearing above a large Imperial Palace.

''System, use my Son of Luck Opportunity on Audion.''


[Congratulations to the Hosts Descendant Audion for receiving the Gold Son of Luck template.]

[Name: Audion

Age: 0

Cultivation: None

Talents: (Click to Expand)

Physique- Spiritual Turtle Body

Son of Luck: Gold]


[Detected that the Hosts Descendant is Mortal and unable to make full use of the Gold Son of Luck template.]


[Detected ulterior use for the luck, reduction of Norman to Silver Son of Luck. Promotion of Nick, Frank, George, Tartion, Creed, Leila, Elijah to Bronze Sons of Luck.]

[Name: Nick

Age: 0

Cultivation: None

Talents: (Click to Expand)

Physique- Spiritual Turtle Body

Son of Luck: Bronze]

''What ??''

In an Instant Zach was stunned. In his head the sounds of eight babies being born rang as eight Sons of Luck appeared in his family at the same time!

''How is this even possible?''

Zach's breathing turned heavy in an instant. He didn't expect the System to have this function!

The Gold Son of Luck was too much for a Mortal Body to bear, instead replacing it with 7 more Bronze Sons of Luck!

Although this might not be as good as a single Gold Son of Luck, its effect is immeasurable for the current Zach.

Even more amazing is that each one was born with a Spiritual Turtle Physique!

''Haha System show me the Family results after my death!''

[1st Year: The West Family welcomed the birth of 7 Dragon Boys and a Phoenix Daughter. With the combination of 8 Spiritual Turtle Physiques that hadn't been seen since the ancestor, the Empire is destined to rise.]

[10th Year: Able to walk, the hope of the Family has somehow ganged up joining together to bully the other so called geniuses in the Empire! Their strong bodies and talent for learning has outmatched the opponents.]

[11th Year: The West Family remains strong even without the Ancestor, the strong empire and lineage is easily managed with the assistance of their strong Authority and quick political decisions.

Reward: Authority +1, Politics +1]

[12th Year: The Spiritual Rice planted by the Ancestor grew, fed to the 8 geniuses of the family increasing their strength even further.]

[15th Year: When he was 15, Audion led his band of 7 followers into a strange woods. In the end he managed to find a strange tree! With Eight golden fruits hanging from its branches, each child ate them before immediately collapsing.]

[16th Year: As the Children woke up, they were stunned to find their bodies filled with power their Spiritual Turtle Bodies practised to the Mortal Limit! Iron couldn't pierce their skin, and they could live to 150 with ease.

Reward: Longevity +5, Physical Strength +2.]

[20th Year: The West Family declared war once again, this time against an enemy Dynasty. But it was over before it started. Audion led his followers into the Imperial City fighting against thousands of enemies with just 8 and slaying the Emperor.

Reward: Politics +3, Authority +1]

[24th Year: Bored by the peace and quiet in the West Empire, the Eight children divided up, each intending to leave their own legacy. Audion is confident he will be able to create an empire just like his Ancestor.]

[30th Year: The West Family welcomed the return of Nick and Frank! Having set out and created an Imperial Religion to support the family. They returned with endless wealth and heritage alongside believers.

Reward: Business +4]

[40th Year: The Geniuses returned one by one, some having created Mercenary groups, some Assassin crew's. But after years of disappearing the West Family has given birth to two new Special Physique children. Their influence over the family has been greatly reduced.

Reward: Communication +1]

[50th Year: News came from Audion! He had done it. Travelling to a neighbouring state and creating an Empire with his own worth!

Reward: Authority +5]

[70th Year: Audion begins an expedition, once again leading his 7 loyal followers towards a suspected Immortals Tomb! The battle is tough involving thousands of Kingdoms and hundreds of empires.]

[71st Year: The battle is finally over. With the support of the West Empire and Audion Empire, Audion was successful in securing a position to explore the tomb. However he was saddened by the deaths of two of his trusted siblings

Reward: Physical Strength +2]

[73rd Year: The Tomb was searched far and wide. Apart from a few ancient scriptures nothing was found. Most Empires retired unsuccessful but Audion refused to give up.]

[75th Year: Audion was exploring the Tomb when the ground collapsed below him! He found himself surrounded by strange creatures and he slowly fought them off.]

[76th Year: Audion found the Cultivators Immortal Tomb. He was an Evil Cultivator having practised for years but couldn't break through to the Foundation Realm, leaving only his Corpse raising Technique.

Reward: Corpse Raising Technique.]

[77th Year: Entranced by the idea of Immortal Cultivation, Audion focuses all his attention practising the Corpse Raising Technique.]

[78th Year: He learns the premise. Using a body and slowly infusing it with Spiritual Energy to resurrect it as a Loyal Corpse. But as a Mortal with an absence of Spiritual Energy Audion is unable to figure out what to do.]

[80th Year: Audion finally learns how to make a corpse. By reading the old man's notes he learns you can use blood to nourish the corpse, resurrecting it and even increasing its strength!

Reward: Intelligence +1]

[82nd Year: Three of the remaining followers learn Audions plans to use the technique, sacrificing his citizens and return to the West Empire in despair, rallying the Imperial Religion determined to stop Audions plan.]

[90th Year: Audion Strikes, killing hundreds of thousands of Mortals and finally resurrecting a Mortal Corpse! Its strength skyrocketed in the bathing of blood reaching the peak of the White Realm.

Reward: Physical Strength +2]

(Corpses are divided into White-Mortal, Bronze-Gas Refining, Silver- Foundation, Gold- Golden Core)

[100th Year: A battle finally breaks out, after years of peace Zach leads his corpse to fight against his old followers. Their strength is incredible but their ageing bodies paled in front of the Corpse raised with the deaths of millions.]

[130th Year: The battle between the Imperial Religion and Audion raged on. The West Empire had occupied Audions Empire while the other remaining Sons of Luck that followed Audion also cultivated White Corpses.

Reward: Intelligence +1]

[140th Year: The Sons of Luck are getting old, struggling to stay alive. Audion is losing ground, having taught dozens of his children the technique before he dies. However the West Empire released its trump card, the Turtle Legion.

Consisting of only 10 people for now, but each of them have the Spiritual Turtle Physique and are fed the best Spiritual Rice, able to compete with the numerous Tiger and Wolf Legions!]

[150th Year: Even the most talented Sons of Luck have failed to live on. All eight have now passed away, unable to fight the passing of time. The battles between the forces rage on.

Reward: Military Tactics +1]

[1,000th Year: Many years have passed. Audions Descendants have gone into hiding, occasionally slaughtering villages to raise corpses. There are already 10 Peak White Realm corpses and twenty ordinary corpses. With their infinite lifespan they are handed down as a Heritage.

Reward: Physical Strength +2]

[1,500th Year: With no opponents physically or mentally, the West Family dominate the Mortal Realm constantly Expanding. The Tiger Legion grows alongside the Wolf Legion, already in their Fifteenth Generation.

Reward: Authority +1]

[2,000th Year: The Turtle Legion has been maintained at a steady 100, relying on descendents to be born with the Physique is difficult. There have only been 300 born in the last two millennia. However the ever increasing lifespan is making the West Family more and more prosperous.

Reward: Longevity +1]

[2,500th Year: The Audion believers resurface, but no longer trying to face the West Empire. Instead delving into the Tribal lands and sacrificing thousands of people to their corpses.]

[3,000th Year: A passing Cultivator stays in the West Empire. Leaving behind a small map that is unintelligible.

Reward: Hidden Chance x1]

[5,000th Year: The West Empire officially becomes the West Dynasty! After years of accumulation it seems like nothing can shake their reign. The West Family descendants are plentiful and the world is peaceful.

Reward: Authority +10, Politics +10]

[6,000th Year: Audions Descendants find a rare mine in the Tribal areas and learn that it can be used to strengthen their Corpses! They have ushered in a rapid increase in strength.

Reward: Physical Strength +1]

[8,000th Year: The mine the Audion Descendants found turned out to be a rare Tungsten Mine! A Cultivator descends killing the Descendants in the name of the Righteous path and occupies the Tungsten mine.]

[10,000th Year: The West Dynasties Emperor is killed! A strange man entered the Imperial Palace killing hundreds of thousands of guards and thousands of cavalry before leaving with a map from the treasury.]

[10,100th Year: the West Dynasty was unable to recover its glory, neighbouring kingdoms take advantage and divide up the territory.]

[10,500th Year: The West Family are forced to retreat to the Mountains, far reduced in number they hide with the generational wealth. However the legend of the hidden treasures is sought after by all Mortal Kingdoms.]

[11,000th Year: All the descendants of the West Family are killed under the Kingdoms hunt. Hundreds of thousands of soldiers died in their own hands but they were eventually worn down.]

''Holy crap.''

Zach sat in the sky reading the report with fear in his eyes. He didn't expect so much to happen at one time!

''My Sons of Luck actually fought against each other? And Audion began to raise corpses?''

Zach was really amazed. Of course he was far from upset, even if it is the Way of Evil Cultivation it is increasing his strength!

Just then his thoughts were interrupted by a system notification.


[Family has been eliminated by the trials of time. Receive your Ranking?]


[Congratulations to the Player Zach for developing a Family that has left an irreplaceable reputation. Forming an unshakable Dynasty, leading evil descendants to cause massacres and an Imperial religion to protect the people.

Final Rating: SSS]

''SSS Rating!''

Zach was stunned. His body trembled with excitement.

SSS Ratings are almost impossible to come about. Even Geniuses like Cameron only get an S rating!

''Haha maybe only those peerless geniuses in the Government's base will be able to get this ranking. And each of them are the hope for Astral Infant Realm or higher.''

Zach slowly moved his eyes down, staring at the reward.

[Reward: Common Physique Voucher x1, Talent Draw x10, Descendent Soul Weapon x1, Longevity Apple x1 ,100,000 System Points]

''Haha incredible!''

Zach couldn't take his eyes off the rewards.

[Common Physique Voucher: Allows for the free purchase of a Physique at the price of 100,000 System Points or below.]

[Longevity Apple: Consumable by the Player, automatically providing a +10 Longevity.]

''I've made a lot of money this time.''

However before Zach got over the shock from the first reward another set of rewards appeared.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Micky_Loiscreators' thoughts