
World Of Family Development: I have countless Sons of Luck

The World of Family Development. Everyone can descend and create a family on the continent gaining benefits from the future prosperity. Zach descends on the World of Family Development for the first time. ''Huh? I can create protagonists in my family!!''

Micky_Lois · Fantaisie
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37 Chs

Chapter 21

''Haha incredible!''

Zach didn't believe that there would be such an incredible reward. The Spiritual Turtle Body is based off of a Spiritual Beast no longer just a Mortal Beast!




Just as Zach was planning on descending, wanting to test out his new physique, he saw his phone on his desk ringing continuously.

''Huh? Why am I suddenly getting so many messages?''

Zach curiously walked over picking up his phone.

''Notifications from the class forum?''

Quickly Zach opened it up and an Article appeared in front of him.

{Shocking news! Member of the Elite Class in the Jude Secondary School, Mikey Nocrovitch was found dead at 4:45 Pm today. He had been pierced in the head by a sharp blade suggesting an instant death. It is suspected to be the work of Evil Players.}

However just below there was another open article!

{Conspiracy? Elite Student Mikey Nocrovitch dazzled the audience at this years Jude Tournament alongisde another unconfirmed Dark Horse. However this rising star was discovered dead. With his passing blamed on Evil Cultivators this should be the end of it right?

Maybe not! Our sources tell us that an undisclosed Government Official has opened an investigation into the Jude Secondary School suspecting it of unfair conduct and misappropriation of power.

Is it possible that the Elite student was killed for another students benefit.}

Zach quickly finished the rest of the article. Only to realise the original sender had quickly deleted the message and their account!

''Interesting. But this isn't good news to me.''

Zach was slightly shaken by the information. If the article was true it is highly likely that he would've been the body instead of Mikey if he revealed himself!

''It seems like it's time to leave the school.''

Zach's face turned determined. Without hesitating he got up and walked out of the room, quickly leaving the front gates.

Back in the busy city Zach began to determine what his next steps were. Although his disappearance might cause suspicion, it will likely be attributed to him dying to an Evil Player.

And for a member of the Ordinary Class that never stood out, there should be no backlash.

''At least I avoided a potential death if my strength was exposed. Mikey served as a Wake up call at least.''

Zach sighed. Although he is strong in the Mortal Realm even in the face of the weakest cultivator he might not survive three rounds.

''Find some way to leave the city.''

Zach quickly rushed to the airport. Although it is only the distance between cities, due to the risk of being attacked while you travel people still choose to travel using planes and guarded transport.

''It is 10 System Points for a ticket Sir.''

Soon Zach was standing at a counter, quickly transferring the System Points over to the lady behind the counter.

''Boarding for flight 202 to Nikton City''

''That's my flight''

Zach held a small white ticket quickly boarding the plane.

''Finally safer.''

Zach stared at the people boarding the plane. Feeling finally relaxed. While he was in the city he felt a haze cover his head,

Although going to a new city might not be any safer, at least his identity will be removed. It is unlikely that anyone will consider himself worth killing.

''But this contract is still will me.''

Zach stared at the contract, however to his shock the record on the list had actually changed! There was a new client on the list.

{Name: Kendra

Realm: Mortal

Degree of Danger: Extreme

Info- Kendra, a genius cultivated by the Government in Nikton city. Is expected to be able to reach the Golden Core Realm in the future. She has descended three times so far, and is estimated to have practised multiple cultivation skills. Often Guarded by a Gas Refining Maid.

Reward: 100,000 System Points delivered directly upon confirmation of the successful assassination.}

''Huh? 100,000 System Points?''

Zach was amazed. He didn't expect that there would be such a large reward for killing a Mortal. But after reading the description he understood why.

What is a Genius promoted by the Government? Even if it isn't the key focus it is a being only slightly inferior to Cameron!

''But the points would allow me to purchase another Physique.''

Zach frowned. At the same time he noticed there was another contract, this time for another Mortal with a reward of 1,000 System Points.

''I see! Is this a special contract?''

Zach nodded to himself, wondering where these contracts come from.

''Forget it, this is beyond my reach for now. Focus on improving my strength.''

Zach's face was firm, beginning his next descent on the plane.

While Zach was beginning a new life, in his destination Nikton City a group of officials were sat in a circle in a small room.

''Are you saying the new so called Temple managed to kill a Administrator?''

At the head of the table a balding man was terrified. His eyes widened with fear as he looked at the table in front of him.

Various pictures depicting bloody scenes were littered on the table but the most noticeable was a man dripping golden blood.

Half of his body had become pale with the veins visible through his thin skin, the other half was covered in a black fur now drenched in blood.

A large blood red spear had lodged itself in the man's heart, his pale fingers clutching it as if attempting to move it.

Although this bloody scene looks tragic, for the Officials that experience life and death every day it is nothing. No, in actuality it is the man who was killed that caused them fear.

It was a Government Administrator! They are responsible for managing entire Regions of Bluestar and have all reached the Astral Infant Stage. There are very few of them across the entire world but now one was killed!

''Sir, not only did the Administrator die, but his Envoys died as well, a total of 12 passed away whoever did this definitely isn't a normal Astral Infant.''

A short man reported the information, his body shaking. This was really too shocking.

Government Envoys are the direct subordinates of the Administrators! They are all in the Golden Core Realm and not weak in the slightest.

''The other Administrators have been put on high alert and have warned all cities to be careful of the Temple attacks. It has been noticed that Evil Players actions have become much more common recently.''

The Balding City Lord frowned. 12 Envoys died, each one the same strength as him! Not to mention the Administrator.

''It's unfortunate, most of the Government's strength is placed in the war between planets. Although they are earning a lot of System Points there have been some issues on the home front.''

He sighed. Recently Bluestar has been provoked more and more so the Government transitioned a large amount of their Cultivators over there to earn some investments in the future generations.

''Forget it, double the number of Mortal Police, recruit those who are less talented and begin to train them. Promise that they will receive a Descent opportunity every year that they work.''

''At the same time go to the school and start recruiting students early, we need new blood and even if they have little potential we will provide the resources needed to help them become Cultivators.''

The City Lord quickly distributed orders.

Meanwhile in the World of Family Development.

''It's a shame. If you were born a few years later it is likely you would've been able to eat away at my foundation.''

An old man with a long white beard was leaning casually on a golden rocking chair. His black robe flowed down his body as a sense of evil charm filled his face.

''It's interesting, you will probably be the last person I kill in this life.''

His wrinkled fingers slowly slid across a sharp blade of a Scythe, before swinging it down beheading the man kneeling in front of him.

[Killed Player Hestus, Reward: Farming +1]

''Bah, compared to killing people in real life this is far too low.''

Zach stared at the body drop to the ground with a smile on his face.

This was the third player he killed in this life, awarding two Farming talents and one Physical strength in total.

''I've left my descendants with an empire and lived a life of 130 years. This has been incredibly successful.''

Zach sat back on the roof of a large golden black hall was a painting of the territory owned by the West Empire.

When he was young he didn't waste time, using his physical strength to join the Army, quickly becoming a General and then leading his General on the Royal Capital in less than 5 years!

After that he led his legions into neighbouring countries.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Micky_Loiscreators' thoughts