
World Of Family Development: I have countless Sons of Luck

The World of Family Development. Everyone can descend and create a family on the continent gaining benefits from the future prosperity. Zach descends on the World of Family Development for the first time. ''Huh? I can create protagonists in my family!!''

Micky_Lois · Fantaisie
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37 Chs

Chapter 1

(Cultivation Realms are divided into, Gas Refining, Foundation Building, Golden Core, Astral Infant, Heavenly Disaster. All of them are 12 Realms apart from Heavenly Disaster that has 24.)

(Corpses are divided into White-Mortal, Bronze-Gas Refining, Silver- Foundation, Gold- Golden Core)

''Ah the years have passed quickly.''

In a small wooden shack an old man was leaning back in a rocking chair. His long white hair rolled down his shoulders as he glanced at the garden in front of him.

A dozen middle-aged men and women danced around playing with their children. They were all of his family.

''It seems like it's finally my time to finish.''

Zach West sighed, breathing in one last time before he closed his eyes with a smile on his face.

''Ah Father!''

''Grandfather are you ok?''

''Please Father wake up.''

A blonde woman rushed over noticing her father closing his eyes. However he was never to open them again.

Unbeknownst to those grieving children the soul of Zach was now floating in a black empty space.

In front of him a panel had appeared.

[Player Zach has officially finished his Life and developed the family to the peak of his ability. Do you wish to see the results of your family after your death?]

Zach looked at the panel that appeared in front of him and sighed.

This is the world he was reborn in, unlike his original Earth the planet of BlueStar mutated and became the World of Family Development.

His parents died when he was young, and since then he attended the local secondary school with the support of the Government.

Starting at the age of 16 everyone can enter another World and live out the life of a transmigrator.

Their intention is to create a long lasting legacy in the form of the family, after their death the system will provide a report about the family actions and determine how long they will last.

With certain events or if the family lasts certain times you can receive rewards! These rewards will help you in real life and when you develop your family in the future.

''Show me my System Results!''


[Error Error, detected additional Plug-In for the Player Zach. Activating the Son Of Luck Plug-In.]

[Son of Luck Plug-In, the Host can select descendants to randomly become a Son of Luck and lead the family to greatness.

Current Quota: 0/1]

''Huh? Son of Luck?!''

Instantly Zach was stunned. Sons of luck are something that every Player wants when they are developing the family.

There is a small chance that a child could be born with extraordinary luck and are almost guaranteed to lead your family to another level of power.

In a world where all Players descend on the same World, a son of Luck can be the difference between surviving and your family being destroyed by a rival player!

''System use the Son of Luck Plug-in on Michael.''

Zach looked at the list of descendants and looked at a 12 year old boy called Michael. It was his eldest-sons first grandchild and also a strong young man.

In a farmers family like Zachs, the strong young descendant is that the family needs to keep the legacy going.


[Congratulations to the Hosts GrandChild Michael for receiving the Bronze Son of Luck template.]

[Name: Michael West

Cultivation: None

Talents: Farming (1)

Cultivation Skills: None

Son of Luck: Bronze]

''Only one Farming Talent, it is really pathetic.''

Zach shook his head. But the Bronze Son of Luck in the panel amazed him. After all the Farming (1) shows the only talent he has is a low level farming talent!

Of course that's also to be expected from the first time landing in the World of Development.

But there is one advantage, this talent will forever be maintained. In the next life when Zach begins having children they will all have the Family talent.

But the more important part was the Bronze Son of Luck section. That isn't normally on the descendants' panels.

''It's a shame it's the lowest level.''

Zach sighed. Sons of Luck are divided into five levels.

Bronze is the lowest, followed by Silver and Gold. Finally it is Crystal and then Jade.

If he would've received a Jade Son of Luck on his first try the family definitely would've become hegemons in this world!

''Ok System, show me the results!''


[1st Year: After the Host's death the family mourned for a few months before returning to their normal farming routine. With a profitable harvest they received a nice sum of spare cash]

[2nd Year:Michael showed his extraordinary luck, successfully using the allowance his father provided him to open a small stall in the town.]

[3rd Year: Nick the new Family Head noticed his son's small success in the City and transferred a few of the women and children to assist in the work. The profits are increasing day by day.]

[4th Year: Michael received a profit of 10 Silver Coins this year, outdoing the profits from the Farm. This made the family ecstatic using the profits to purchase good equipment to begin farming with.

Reward: Business Talent +1, Farming Talent +1]

[5th Year: Strangely many of the family suddenly began understanding how the business works, the number of stalls in the city owned by the Family tripled reaching 3. However the family also noticed the increase in the Farmers Yield.]

[6th Year: Michael used the profits from the stalls to officially open his first shop, buying and reselling many products from local dealers, and selling his family's crops for a good profit.]

[10th Year: After four years of constant profits, Michael begins recruiting from outside the family welcoming their first unrelated employees. The family is growing steadily with four new children being born over this time.]

[11th Year: Unfortunately Michaels Father, the Family Head passed away. Under the unanimous decision Michael rose to the position of Family head when he was 23 years old pledging to lead the family forward.]

[15th Year: After an incredible crop yield the family decide to use their savings to purchase another shop and expand double the fields that they own

Reward: Farming Talent +1]

[20th Year: Now aged 32, Michael finally gets married. His luck is as good as ever as he successfully married the daughters from the Town Heads Mansion and is rewarded with a Dowry of 100 Silver.]

[21st Year: with a large reward of cash the Family rapidly expands, opening four more stores across the town becoming one of the largest Merchant Families.]

[30th Year: The Family number has exceeded three digits, and with enough money for sufficient nutrition the lifespan of the family has exceeded the Average.

Reward: Longevity +1]

[50th Year: Today the Family Head Michael retired, his life had been a reputable one making him a well known protagonist in the small Town. His youngest Brother Link took over the position.]

[60th Year: Today the passing of Michael was announced, and in the last ten years without his leadership the family has been slowly deteriorating.]

[70th Year: Disaster Struck, a large Merchants Guild moved into the city, the business of the West Family Shops deteriorated massively as the Family Head made the decision to sell off all the shops and purchase large fields instead.

Reward: Farming +1]

[100th Year: The number of Family members has continued to increase steadily, reaching close to 200. However with only the farms to support them they are living a much poorer life.]

[150th Year: instead of growing, the West Family began to drop in family members due to their inability to support new children. They are still told about the glorious age under the leadership of Michael, but they are destined never to return.]

[200th Year: With only four members of the family left, they have been left with only one field of crops. Unfortunately as the Plague spread, those families without money for treatment were left for dead.]


[Family has been eliminated by the trials of time. Receive your Ranking?]


[Congratulations to the Player Zach, his family has exceeded expectations. With limited Talent he managed to produce a Descendant that led the family to glory making them the financial Hegemony within the City.

Final Rating: A ]

[Rewards: Talent Doubler x1, Descent Opportunity x3, 10,000 System Points.]

''10,000 Points!?''

This time Zach was stunned again.

With the World Development System all players can use points to purchase Talents, special physique, cultivation skills and anything else they can imagine!

At the same time it is also the main currency on BlueStar.

Based on Zachs upbringing and starting talents it would be a surprise to receive one or two hundred System Points. But he actually received an A Rating!

Ratings are divided into F Level to SSS Level. The higher your rating the better your final reward.

''And a Talent doubler?''

[Talent Doubler: Select one of the Players talent to immediately double.]

''I see. Well use it on my Farming Talent!''

Zach thought for a minute before speaking out. Although Farming is one of the most basic talents, it is far more profitable to double his current 3 Farming Talent instead of the previous 1 Farming Talent.

''Ok System send me back to BlueStar!''/

Zach spoke out gently, his body feeling a pull as his vision blurred.

The first thing that came into his sight was a large gym, in front of him other teenagers where sat cross legged while a few stood up.

''Dam it! I only got an E Grade Rating. I didn't expect my children to go hunting and all be killed!''

''Haha I got a C Rating! My Oldest Son managed to marry a wealthy lady that supported my family for decades.''

''Shush you two, Young Master Cameron is standing up.''

Zach listened to the voices of his classmates, some happy, some sad. However the final sentence surprised him, looking over he saw a handsome teen standing up with long black hair down his back.

His eyes were filled with an innate sharpness as he smirked confidently.

This was Young Master Cameron Jude, also the crown jewel of the Jude Secondary School.

''Young Master what did you get?''

A curious boy next to him couldn't help asking, seeing his arrogant look.

''Haha I got an S Class Rating! My Family managed to exist for over Five Hundred Years. If it wasn't for the backlash of a Cultivators battle they would've lasted even longer.''

''What! Five hundred Years? That's insane I only lasted ten!''


''As expected of a rich second generation, his starting point is far higher than ours.''

Zach was also shocked when he heard this. Although his A class Rating isn't low it isn't comparable to the S Class Rating!

Of course there is also a reason why Cameron did so well.

From what Zach knows, Cameron's Father is a Golden Core Cultivator! The only way to break through is by having your Child reach that point in the simulation and you will also receive the equivalent strength.

However as a Golden Core Cultivators descendant Cameron has received plenty of support while he was young.

''I heard he started with a Business +10 Talent and a Physical Strength +10 boost!''

''Haha do you think that's it? His father went to great pains to purchase a Luck +1 boost for him.''

Zach clenched his fist, a confident look on his face. Naturally the starting point of Cameron is higher with stats bought from the System Shop, but he isn't any weaker with the Son of Luck Plug-In!

With only a Farming +1 Talent at the start he managed to multiply it by 6!

At the same time he received a Longevity Talent! Which means that every descendant will live one more year for every talent increase.

''Alright everyone listen up!''

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Micky_Loiscreators' thoughts