
World Of Family Development: I have countless Sons of Luck

The World of Family Development. Everyone can descend and create a family on the continent gaining benefits from the future prosperity. Zach descends on the World of Family Development for the first time. ''Huh? I can create protagonists in my family!!''

Micky_Lois · Fantaisie
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37 Chs

Chapter 16

Quickly the students were taken to a seperate hall where the Deputy Head, a Peak foundation expert, talked to them.

''None of you are forced to reveal your identity to us, however if anyone who defeated an Elite Class member is willing to reveal their identity you will immediately be promoted to the Elite Class!''

The Deputys voice boomed through the hall surprising the Ordinary Students.

''I was one of them!''

Just then a voice came out, and Mikey walked onto the stage under the Deputies appreciative look.

''Can you prove it?''

However he still spoke out.

''Of course.''

Mikey nodded, before raising his hands. Instantly a faint wind began to blow around his body identical to the skills that the Brown Robed Monks used.

''Very good! From now on you are a member of the Elite Class, you will receive two Descent opportunities from the school a year before you are 18, and you can receive a one on one lecture for a day.''

Zach heard these rewards and he couldn't deny wanting to enter the Elite Class.

Lectures from strong men is one way to gain bonus attributes, although it might only be one or two it is still free attributes!

And it is based on your own comprehension. Maybe you can learn skills or techniques unique to you from it.

''No, for just this it isn't worth it. Participate in a few duels and the resources from the Elite Class will no longer have a leg to stand on.''

Zach consoled himself. So what if he loses out on a few attributes, with the Sons of luck there are always events happening in his life.

''Ok! Since the other participant doesn't want to reveal it we won't force it. As a final statement we wish to inform you all of the Evil Players actions recently.''

''They have been a lot more active hunting newly awakened students, especially those without the strength to defend themselves at all. It is recommended if you don't have a Physical Strength of 10 or higher not to go outside during this period.''

With a brief warning Zach returned to his dorm room. Evil Players are a large threat that made him worry slightly.

Evil Players are people that specifically hunt other Players.

When you completely kill another Player in real life you actually inherit all of their Attributes, Items and System Points!

Therefore there are often Evil Players that kill other Players for their resources. Often they are older Cultivators that aren't confident in winning duels and are stuck at their current level.

The only way for them to improve is to hunt and kill other players.

''System use my 10 Common Talent Draws.''

Zach quickly used the resources he had in his item bar.


[Reward: Farming x3, Hunting x2, Thievery x5]

''Not bad.''

Zach slightly nodded. Although these stats were all mediocre they weren't useless. Everyone wants to develop in an all-round way in order to allow their family to survive through any means.

''Let's go out for a while.''

Zach sighed. He had been inside and hadn't visited the city for a while.

Now he has some System Points to spare and he can afford to visit the city. Thinking of this he quickly got up and left the school premises, hired a taxi outside and entered the main city.

Zach's current school is in Northenshire. Jude Secondary is the best school in the city.

As Zach got closer to the City he finally got a good view. With towering buildings easily hundreds to thousands of feet tall, supported by shiny metals and specially made glass.

People rushed around with some cultivators jumping into the sky and floating to their destination.

Only Foundation Cultivators can fly without special means, so anyone who flies drew awe and envy from the crowds below.

''If It wasn't for my Plug-In I would turn out like one of these people.''

Zach stared at the people returning from work. These were Mortals who failed to achieve anything significant in their Descent.

Instead resigning to work for System points and eventually afford another Descent and change their fate.

He also saw mothers and children rushing by, as well as homeless people begging on the street.

''Please sir one System Point?''

A man leant lazily on a stone wall, his body dirty and rough clothed.

However when he spoke Zach felt a faint confusion in his mind however it instantly disappeared and Zach continued to walk.

''Haha funny.''

Zach chuckled, people's attributes are used in everyday life!

''Hey handsome, are you interested in a special night with us? 10 System Points for an Hour!''

Zach continued to walk down the street,as women on the corner called over to him. Desperate to earn some System Points.

In fact the world was like this. When you have immortality and multiple lives at your doorstep but you can't touch it you would definitely do anything to get anything possible to reach that.

''Maybe there will be some good products left over.''

Zach wandered down before arriving at a large building three floors high.

At the entrance two figures dressed in robes stood on either side. Just by standing there it gave Zach a faint sense of pressure.

''Cultivators guarding the door? It deserves to be the Government.''

Zach sighed. This was one of the Governmental shops, they purchase and sell items and resources to people.

Thinking of this, Zach walked between the bustling crowds.

The shop was quite quaint, with large metal shelves and helpers walking around assisting people.

On the shelves there were various pots of medicines, cultivation resources including larger bags of Spiritual rice, strange saplings and other common cultivation resources.

Behind it Zach saw large shelves of weapons, however he noticed the price was quite cheap.

''Mister the prices are so cheap because you can't bring these into your descents. They are only available for you to personally use.''

As if used to Zachs reaction, a female worker on the side came over and spoke to him.

And it immediately made sense to Zach, these resources can only be used by you in real life like the weapons can't be brought in.

''What about things like Talent Draws?''

''Ah sorry Mister that's on the second floor and unavailable for Mortals.''

As soon as Zach heard this he sighed, the only things that can be used to improve his next descent aren't purchasable at his level.

This is also strictly controlled by the Government, they don't want Mortals that can't contribute to the Planet to purchase the materials that can be used by Cultivators.

After all, benefits come in line with strength. In the eyes of the Government only people who are qualified to contribute to the country are qualified to use their resources.

''Forget it, return back to the dorm.''

Zach just shook his head, walking out of the store.

After a long day the sky was starting to darken. The crowd had swapped from the work group to the party times as groups of girls and guys rushed into the bars and pubs.

''What a waste of time and points.''

Zach glanced at the prices to enter the bars although small for him it is the same as a daily salary for some people!


Just then Zach noticed three men following a woman into a valley. They each had a black facemask on them as they disappeared into the darkness.


Zach smiled slightly, staring at the scene. Following slowly. Of course he wasn't stupid doing this, the three men where all Mortals and he didn't feel an inch of threat.

''Hey brother, this woman was so poor why don't we go after some richer targets?''

''Shut it, any teacher targets are protected or have high stats. Stick to targeting new students and failed mortals.''

''But brother how long will it take us to become Cultivators at this rate!''

As soon as Zach got close a voice came into his ear, three distinct voices came into his ear, when he turned the corner the first thing he saw was a small pool of blood.

Pinned against the wall, a relatively beautiful girl with a face full of makeup and a clear dress. But now a knife was stuck in her throat as her eyes filled with fear.

''Evil Players?''

Zach glanced at the three men, they talked quickly and Zach got the general idea. These are the weakest of the Evil Players but also the most numerous.

The Mortal Evil Players want to kill other players to get more attributes and eventually become cultivators.

''Huh? Boy do you want something.''

Just then a stern voice came to his ear. Zach reacted only to see the three men stare at him, two of them pulled out sharp daggers and stared at him menacingly.

''Haha interesting interesting.''

Zach chuckled, walking forward slowly causing the three to back up. His eyes were filled with curiosity.

He had never seen an Evil Player before.

But after looking at them carefully he didn't notice anything odd about them.

''Forget it! Don't talk with this guy kill him quickly.''

The three brothers reacted, the oldest rushed back and grabbed the knife out of the ladies throat while the two others rushed forward.


Zach stared at the two men rushing towards him, their speed was like a snail pace in his eyes.

With a flash a large Scythe appeared in his hand as a black robe appeared around his body.


The Oldest brother only had a chance to blink as he saw two heads flying into the air. With two loud plops the bodies of his brothers fell to the ground!

''Ahh it's the first time I've killed someone in real life, it's a shame I didn't get to fight someone for a long time.''

Zach slowly walked over the two dead bodies, the blood spraying from their bodies slowly dripped off his robe not sticking to it.

However some blood stained his face as the bloody aura cultivated after years of fighting radiated off of Zach.

''Pathetic haha''

Zach stood over the cowering oldest brother, despite his large frame he stayed hidden on the ground unwilling and unable to move with fear. His domineering aura from the Authority Attribute causes him to freeze.

''Please spare me! I'll give you all my items''

The man begged desperately, however all he saw was a flash of light as the Scythe sent his head flying into the sky.


Zach stared at the panel appearing in front of his eyes.


[Killed Player Phil's Ontology]

[Reward: Farming x10, Thievery x7, Intelligence x2, Physical Strength x2, Duel Order x1, System Points 1,220]

''Wait, isn't this a little low?''

Zach was stunned, Phil was the first of the three he killed and judging from the body he was already well into his forties! But his highest attribute was a 10 Farming level, the value is less than ten thousand Spiritual Points!

''Is this the life of ordinary people? Even after forty years of crime and descents and duels they only achieved so much.''

Thinking of this Zach stared at the next panels.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Micky_Loiscreators' thoughts