
World Of Family Development: I have countless Sons of Luck

The World of Family Development. Everyone can descend and create a family on the continent gaining benefits from the future prosperity. Zach descends on the World of Family Development for the first time. ''Huh? I can create protagonists in my family!!''

Micky_Lois · Fantaisie
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37 Chs

Chapter 12

Less than ten minutes later, Zach was standing in front of a large valley. With three large mountains on each side and a colossal wall constructed in the centre.

Countless carriages and merchants travelled in and out of the large gates. Soldiers guarded the entrance checking the cargo, occasionally grabbing a small bag from the hands of the traders.

''In this life I need a strong financial background, first go and join a Merchant group and develop from there.''

Quickly Zach entered the city, slipping past the eyes of the guards blending in with the soldiers of a larger convoy.

''Hmm the Typhoon Trading Company?''

After a week of research he finally found his target. The Typhoon Trading Company is the second largest group in the Imperial City second only to a Merchant group controlled by the Royal Family.

''You lot are the new traders! You are responsible for travelling to nearby cities and transporting materials back. Now form groups of four and set out.''

Less than a month later, Zach was stood in front of a large meeting hall. Around his dozens of other younger men and women where staring at the old man talking.

He was employed as a basic trader. He would use the companies money to go to cities and attempt to purchase materials at a cheap price.

If you manage to make a profit, you can receive a commission but if you lose money you have to work it off as a salesman!

''You three, with me.''

Over this time Zach had garnered quite a reputation, pointing out he picked three women to join him.

The three blushed and nodded to follow him.

''I need to start developing my family quickly!''

Zach chuckled.

Quickly a year had passed, and Zach had achieved his goal. Now having two babies in his family.

However his achievements in the Merchant guild were more important, in his first successful trade he garnered a profit of 10,000 Silver!

In his second trip he organised mercenaries to hunt in the woods, earning another profit of 15,000 Silver.

Slowly during the year he worked his way up the ranks, becoming the head trader. Everytime he goes out he will easily earn thousands of silver in commission.

''Haha today we meet here today to celebrate the successful marriage of Zach to Daisy!''

Another year passed, and Zach married the Young Miss of the Typhoon trading company Daisy.

All of this originated when he was the Head Trader in charge of assisting Daisy to begin learning how the business works, as a result a group of bandits attacked and Zach fought off a hundred bandits with his own strength!

Alongside Daisy, Zach secretly fathered multiple children outside of the relationship and secretly garnered relationships with multiple people.

Quickly four more years passed, now Zach had dozens of children and today he rose to the Vice-leader of the Typhoon trading company!

Whenever a child is born they will be relocated to a secret facility that Zach has purchased and will be taught under the best scholars and soldiers from a very early age.

''All the money I make from the Typhoon trading company is saved, as soon as I can I want to start developing my own army and occupy the kingdom.

Now at the age of 22, Zach began to reuse the funds he had been saving. Hiring mercenaries and sponsoring bandits.

The Kingdom began to experience some inner turmoil as important officials were killed and secretly replaced by officials that Zach financially supported.

At the age of 25, Zach rose to the head position in the trading company. His oldest Children, although only 7 or 8 years old, also began to engage in the Typhoon trading company.

''Kill them all.'''

Zach leisurely lied on a large sofa, multiple maids serving food and drinks to him. In front of him various men and women were on their knees with knives to their throats.

The soldiers behind them, the trained confidants of Zach and the soldiers he hoped to rely on to take over the kingdom.

As for the people? They were the old higher ups of the typhoon trading company and the only ones that resisted his rise to power.

In the bath of blood, another 5 years passed.

''Today we march on the capital! Take the tyrant kings head and declare the West Family the new Royal Family!''

Zach sat on a brown horse and walked forward slowly, behind him one hundred thousand well equipped soldiers marched towards the Imperial Capital.

Over the last five years, Zach's children finally grew up enough, and the 14 year old Sam, the oldest son, is talented enough in political affairs to become king.

More importantly the Typhoon Merchant company branched off into more than a dozen trading groups each reaching the top fifty in the kingdom.

As a result the Imperial Family were unaware that such a behemoth had developed.

''It's a shame there is a lack of time for my Children to grow up, otherwise all these positions would definitely be taken by them.''

Zach glanced at the officers in the army and was slightly disappointed, each of these slots could've been filled with his children who would receive a lot of resources and training.

''But the new fertility skill is incredible!''

Zach sighed, he had taken dozens of lovers in his last life and this life but in comparison after one or two sessions with his current women he would have a child!

Before his strong physique meant it would take many tries to barely manage to have a child!

''Haha wait a few more years and the population will definitely experience explosive growth.''

Zach withdrew from his thoughts and looked at the Imperial City, this was the first step towards creating a good foundation for a future Empire!


Zach raised his sword and rode towards the wall. Arrows flew down, only to be knocked away by his rapid reaction speed.

He reached the large wooden gate, his fist punching out causing the wood to splinter.

Again and again before finally the large walls were knocked down by a single man's punching!


Zach rushed in, a glowing green Scythe formed in his hand, wherever it went iron and bodies were torn apart easily.

This was Zachs soul weapon, he decided to make it take the shape of a Scythe, his favourite weapon.

With long reach and easy manoeuvrability he tore about the soldiers around him.

''Haha Soul Weapons are really useful! In the future I need to get more.''

Once a Soul Weapon has formed a shape it can't be changed. It just sits inside your soul waiting for the user's call.

However there is no limit to how many soul weapons one person can have! And in the future they can develop many abilities like increased physical strength and force fields making them an always valuable resource.

One year later, Sam's coronation shook the kingdom. The 100,000 Strong army he formed marched through the small kingdom he occupied.

Fortunately the kingdom only had a population of ten million, so the standing army was quite small.

Instead of becoming King himself, Zach returned to the leadership role of the West Kingdom, occupying all the properties left behind by the Royal Trading Company.

Quickly five more years slipped by his fingers. Finally the Typhoon Trading Company had become the financial hegemon in the Kingdom, and even stretched it's reach towards other nearby kingdoms.

The money brought in was enough to support hundreds of thousands of soldiers in the West Kingdom!

''Haha I already have over 100 descendants, the life of a King is very satisfying.''

Since occupying the Kingdom, Zach had selected hundreds of women from the royal court and other influential families and married them all.

The children born would then go on and inherit the legacies left behind by those families.

''Even Sam is starting to have children now, this Fertility skill is really incredible.''

At the age of 36, Zach had achieved a lot more than he expected. However it was inseparable from a lot of coincidences.

For example he was placed in a smaller kingdom with a small standing army, the Typhoon Trading Company happend to be recruiting Traders, and the bandits happened to attack Daisy's carriage.

''Is this Luck skill taking effect? Haha incredible!''

Zach was stunned and immediately remembered it. Although luck isn't a tangible existence, it's effect is very real. Able to influence every part of someone's life.

Five more years passed, and the Tiger Army had begun to be reformed. Starting with a very small number of 100 including many young children. However they are all Zachs direct children.

Now his children are closer to 200! Spread out all over the Imperial City.

Although 100 are used in the Tiger Legion, the other 100 are being trained in various different sections, business, becoming officials and other things.

''It shouldn't be long before the expansion starts.''

Zach sat in a large office, despite being forty he was still full of spirits looking confident and happy.

Without having to personally fight on the battlefield for too long his body is free of any old injuries and his diet has been great.

With his strong physique it should be no difficulty living to 90, or even higher.

Time is fleeting and another year came and went, however the new year was shocking.

The West Kingdom declared war on a local kingdom! Their standing army of 200,000 were torn apart in front of the better equipped West Kingdom.

At the same time the Tiger Legion Generals tore into the ranks eliminating multiple officials and leaving the remaining soldiers like headless flies.

Almost coincidentally, the Typhoon Trading Company within the kingdom also disrupted the Economy. Food prices rose rapidly and weapons became hard to come by.

With troubles outside and inside the Kingdom fell as the West Kingdom expanded rapidly.

''Haha! Even if I'm not the Son of Luck I can make such achievements already.''

However the good times didn't last as long as he thought.

''Huh? What happened to the Nofic Kingdom?''

One year later Zach received some shocking news, the neighbouring Nofic Kingdom actually developed rapidly, a group of soldiers appeared with insane levels of speed!

No opponent could get close and no opponent dared to compete, with just a dozen soldiers they could match hundreds of enemies! The perfect assassination group.

''Interesting, is it another player?''

Zach frowned, this wasn't expected. Clearly these soldiers had practised something out of the ordinary, it is likely that it is another player with a Cultivation Skill.

''Regardless, strengthen yourself quicker and attack them when you are sure of winning.''

In an instant the entire West Kingdom lept into action, all the officials worked overtime as the soldiers received a drastic amount of training.


Zach roared underground, his skin burning as he felt his physique strengthened over and over again.

His eyes flashed orange as he felt his skin burn with an endless sense of power and viciousness.

''Haha I touched the fur of the Tiger Transformation Technique.''

Zach punched his fists out, his nails slowly forming sharp claws before retracting back into his hands.

His streamlined but muscular physique bursted with incredible power.

After his Kingdom was finally situated, Zach devoted his time to practising his Tiger Transformation Technique. Now he has reached the Same standard as those members of the Tiger Legion!

Of course the soldiers in the Tiger Legion don't stand a chance in front of Zach. Not to mention his Soul Weapon but just multiple lives of combat experience is enough to outdo them!

After all he was a strong general in his last life, and has fought many times in this life.

''Haha, I have a lot more confidence to face the player beside me now. Of course it depends whether or not the player is still alive or it's just the remnants of a family.''

Zach couldn't figure it out. After all it is highly likely there are hundreds of families existing in every Kingdom, but they no longer have a player in charge of them and slowly fall into irrelevance.

Even a farmer's family or an official he hires might be related to another family.

But less than three months later Zach finally found out.

''The Nofic Kingdom welcomed the return of their patriarch? Haha there's another active player.''

Zach got even more interested, not only would he be able to get some bonus stats from killing the Player, but he has a chance to get another Cultivation Skill.


''Yes Father?''

A man with a long beard sat lazily on the chair, a dozen soldiers stood around him as he stared at his father talking.

However he showed great respect, listening to each of his words.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Micky_Loiscreators' thoughts