
World Of Family Development: I have countless Sons of Luck

The World of Family Development. Everyone can descend and create a family on the continent gaining benefits from the future prosperity. Zach descends on the World of Family Development for the first time. ''Huh? I can create protagonists in my family!!''

Micky_Lois · Fantaisie
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37 Chs

Chapter 10

''Haha it doesn't matter. As soon as that Commander dies the Young Sam will be able to wipe out the Generals!''

Mikey still held a slightly confident look. And for a good reason.

Frederick had barely managed to learn the Tiger Transformation Technique, after all he died not long after finding it.

However he was always stronger and more talented than other soldiers. He learnt things far easier and his fighting instinct is already incredible.

''It's not enough though!''

Slowly Frederick was falling into a disadvantage. His right arm hung limply by his side as his left carried his sword.

His eye was covered in blood blocking his vision as the Old man continued to swing his stick.

With every swing the wind would twist or small typhoons would pour out his body. Now the wind that had been accumulated for multiple decades was finally being used.

After all he will be replenished to his peak state after the battle, so who cares about consumption.

''Haha don't think you've won.''

However Frederick was still smiling. Slowly his skin began to turn red as his blood boiled. He felt it literally evaporating spreading to every pour of his body.

''Ahh die!''

He roared with pain and excitement charging forward at an incredible speed.

The Old man tried to dodge but the speed was too fast. A fair of sharp nails piercing his shoulder drawing out blood and tearing out muscles.

''Dam you!''

The old man released all his means, wind spiralled around his body as the savage Frederick clashed against him.

''I didn't expect him to learn that part of the Technique.''

Zach was amazed. When he looked at the Transformation Technique one of the hardest parts to learn was the Blood Burning Sector. With it you can burn your life span in exchange for extreme power.

Slowly Zach began to watch once again.

However while Mikey and Zach were engrossed wanting to see the final result, outside the arena the crowd were shocked.

''Is this really two members of the Ordinary Class?''

''Incredible! Will Young Master Cameron be able to compare?''

A Skinny man in the audience spoke.

''Of course he will. These kids just got lucky, how can they compare to the Young Master? Let me tell you, do you see that woman over there?''

However another woman spoke dissatisfied when she heard the man talk. Pointing out her finger towards a small Vip balcony.

On it a female figure was watching the entire scene, her body covered by a slight haze as she stared at the stage below, her features impossible to make out.

''That's Sarah, a Direct Disciple of the Long Mountain Sect! Despite only beginning her Descent a Month ago she has already become a Cultivator.''

''Huh the Long Mountain Sect? But so what?''

The Skinny man was shocked at her identity but was still confused.

''You don't even know this? Sarah has been betrothed to Cameron for a while, do you think such a strong woman would be engaged to a weak person like that?''

''It is highly likely that Cameron has already gained a Cultivation Skill and if he wins the Cultivation Talent he will embark on the road of cultivation!''

The Skinny man was amazed and glanced at the battle with changed eyes.

Even though the Tiger Legion and the Mysterious Brown Robed monks were incredible, in the face of a Cultivator they are just meat on a chopping board.

The Headmaster glanced at the crowd disdainfully. In fact his eyes were glowing when he stared at the battle raging on the screen.

Most of the crowd here are mortals, with very few cultivators.

How could they notice that the methods used here are rough Cultivation Skills!

''If I can get those two Techniques, wouldn't it be possible for my Son to rise to the sky and join one of the major sects as well?''

HeadMaster Jude was incredibly blunt. He clearly wanted the Cultivation Skills! After all, Cultivation Skills are expensive and even his son only has the one he handed down to him.

Although he also has some more techniques, they are used during his descents and tend to be forbidden to hand out.

After all, if someone knows your cultivation technique and the details of it, they also know your weaknesses.

In battles knowing your enemies weakness is basically the same as winning! How could Headmaster Jude put all that at stake just for his son to advance quicker.

Instead he went to great efforts to find a new technique that is easy for Mortals to learn and taught it to his son.

''It's a shame that the old man is still watching me. Otherwise I would check the souls of all the children here.''

Headmaster Jude sighed, in reality he couldn't do anything against these children. After all BlueStar is still a well managed place, all of the schools are under the watch of the Government.

As for the Government, it is no longer a Mortal institution, created by strong sects to manage the ever changing BlueStar and organise them to fight against other worlds!

''Wait, there will be a chance. Just get Cameron to initiate a Duel Order if the winner reveals themselves.''

Headmaster Jude returned his eyes to the screen.

Now the battle had reached its red hot stage.

Frederick burnt his blood to compete against the old man. The ground around them was torn into craters as no one could get within five metres of the two.

Frederick has lost an ear, an eye and an arm by now! But he still fought on, ignoring the blood seeping out of his body.

As for the old man, he was in an even more pitiful state. His body had started to wrinkle as he furiously urged his blood to strengthen the wind he was releasing.

Faint strands of blood can be seen between gusts, each one cutting through fredericks armour easily tearing through his thick skin.


Frederick groaned, his momentum searched as his blood was all but used up. With all his final strength he cut down with his sword.


The old man shouted in pain, the sword piercing straight through his shoulder chopping half of his body off.

With resignation in his eyes the blood that spilled from the wound mixed with the wind in his Dantian forming a blood red typhoon.

The red wind whipped around tearing Frederick up completely, his body torn to pieces as he also fell dead using his body as a shield to block the wind from the rest of the crowd.

''Good good!''

Zach clapped. At the same time the rest of the Tiger Legion tore into the armed forces, after all they were just regular people, they hadn't managed to learn the Wind Devouring technique and only had slightly stronger bodies.

Compared to the Tiger Legion that benefited from Zach's high Physical strength attributes tore them into pieces.

Slowly more and more members were free swarming the remaining dozen Brown Robed figures.

Finally, under Mikey's unwilling eyes and the crowds' shock, all the Brown Robed figures had been slain and their bodies lay on the ground.

The large 10,000 strong army was destroyed, the corpses littered the ground, some impaled into the ground, their opponents dead beside them.

The large Tiger legion had dropped to close to five thousand. A rough battle.


[Congratulations ??? for winning the Jude Tournament.

Reward: Talent Draw x1, Soul Weapon x1]

''Haha amazing!''

Zach glanced quickly by the Talent Draw and focused on the Soul Weapon.

However before he could redeem his Soul Weapon, he felt his body sucked out.

''The match is over!''

''Who won?''

''Anonymous? Is it Mikey?''

''Don't focus on who won! There are three Black horses this time, the large swarms of descendants, the strange Brown Robed men and the well armed and trained soldiers!''

''Hah I didn't expect this year's Ordinary Classes to have so many talents.''

''I wonder what teacher taught these children?''

In the corner of the room, a group of teachers stood behind the head teacher. Many of these teachers wandered around the Foundation Realm or at least the Peak of Gas Refining, but when they remembered their Descendants in the Mortal Realm…

But the ability to teach any one of these disciples is a huge achievement, and they would definitely receive rewards from the Government!

After all, every genius means another cultivator to fight for the planet in the future.

''Everyone is silent.''

Just then a deep voice followed by a strong aura spread across the hall. Instantly all the audience was silent.

''Congratulations to the Anonymous winner today. If you wish you can take the initiative to reveal your identity to our teachers late on, as a result you will immediately become an elite student.''

''As for the other finalists, you will also be able to receive the same treatment.''

Headmaster Jude released some slightly shocking news, causing Zach to stare at him deeply for a second.

Being a student of the Elite class is more than just status, it means resources and chances.

Members of the Elite Class receive teaching from the best teachers in the school, including multiple Peak Foundation Experts, and even the Golden Core Head teacher!

Now don't think teaching is useless, most of these people have lived hundreds of lives and experienced various chances.

Zach heard a snippet of information before on the internet, and just that was talking about what signs to look out for in order to distinguish natural treasures!

They also talk about most common places to find inheritances, what rare herbs to look out for and many more things related to cultivation.

After all, it is far more likely that members of the Ordinary Class will just roam around the Mortal Realm for the next decade. What's the point of teaching them cultivation skills?

''Is it worth it?''

Zach muttered under his voice.

''Do it! He wouldn't touch me under the threat of the Government. Not to mention I haven't let slip any secret information. Most of this can be attributed to a lucky chance.''

Zach sighed. The only reason he dared to release information about his identity is the other two people he already ran into.

His achievements might be strong for the Ordinary Class, but what followed reminded him that he can't be cocky yet.

Three lives with two Bronze Sons of Luck isn't enough to branch the gap between decades of preparation and rich families.

Although Zach is confident to exceed them in the future!


[Settled Gambling results Reward: Fertility x1, Farming x10, Intelligence x5, Physical Strengthening x1]

''Hmm I should've bet more!''

Zach wasn't expecting the total gambling pool to be worth so much! But the results he got in the end, definitely worth it.

''10 Farming Skills and 5 intelligence, haha Mikey must be hurting now. But whoever lost the Fertility Skill, haha!''

Zach chuckled, there was a reason why the Headmaster didn't invite the man with the Swarm Descendents to the Elite Class.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

Micky_Loiscreators' thoughts