
Handling Dissidents in Dalaran


To say Elsia was incensed would be an understatement. But then, her opinion was meaningless in the grand scheme of things, she supposed. She might have been Scout Captain, she might have been second in command to Aethas Sunreaver himself, but that didn't mean anything when even Aethas' hands were tied on this matter.

That didn't make it right though. To have the Kirin Tor so eagerly betray the Sunreavers, to have them declare that this path they'd chosen was all for the best because things could have gone worse for her and her comrades… it left Scout Captain Elsia beside herself with anger. She didn't care that Aethas had confided in her that Sylvanas Windrunner herself was working alongside Jaina Proudmoore on this investigation. She didn't care that it was either this or the complete and probably violent expulsion of the Sunreavers from Dalaran.

It shouldn't have been happening either way. The Sunreavers were being dragged one by one into the Violet Hold to be interrogated by the Kirin Tor's finest. Aethas couldn't stop it, all he could ultimately do was agree to Jaina's demands and go along with the vengeful human's ideas. Elsia didn't believe what happened at Theramore was right anymore than any other denizen of Dalaran did, but she and her people weren't the enemy here. It was obvious that Lady Proudmoore had lost sight of that.

With Aethas unable to do anything about what was going on, and Elsia and her brethren recalled to Dalaran to await their own… 'interviews', the Scout Captain had decided it was time to finally take matters into her own hand. If the leader of the Sunreavers could not or would not act when their entire faction was being persecuted for crimes it had not committed, then Elsia would have to.

She needed leverage though. That much was obvious. She needed some way to make Jaina listen, some way to force the Archmage to see reason, to see past her hatred and realize she wasn't doing herself any favors by alienating the Sunreavers. A statement would have to be made. Something had to be done. And Elsia had an idea of just what that something should be.

Jaina had an apprentice these days. Everyone had heard of him, the human that had shown up at Lady Proudmoore's side so soon after Theramore's destruction. The rumors said that they were far closer than just mistress and apprentice… and truthfully, Elsia believed them. It would be just like a human woman to seek comfort in the arms of a man after a tragedy on the scale of what Jaina had witnessed. Whether it was he who was stoking the vengeful fires in her heart or not didn't truly matter to Elsia. He would make the perfect leverage, this apprentice.

And it wasn't even hard to locate him either. The Filthy Animal Inn had long stood as the primary watering hole of the Horde in the Sunreaver section of the city. Uda the Beast was just a simple Innkeeper… but she was also an orc, a Mag'har to be specific, and she had some fight to her no matter what the circumstances. Not to mention those wolves of hers… Elsia didn't know their names, but she'd heard stories of them from some of her companions.

No one made trouble in The Filthy Animal, or Uda the Beast was likely to have one of her pets bite a chunk off of you. And if you were very lucky, it wouldn't be a particularly vital chunk. Of course, in the city's current climate, everyone was apparently steering clear of the Filthy Animal. And when the Kirin Tor and the Silver Covenant had come for Uda, she'd fought back. Now the entire inn was supposedly quarantined, locked down or something of the like.

The only ones said to be left inside were Uda, her pets, and the shaman Murgha the Tempered, who was apparently trying to talk Uda down to little success. Aethas had denounced the Mag'har orc's actions and set her adrift from Sunreaver protection. That meant that Jaina and her cronies could do whatever they wanted to bring the stubborn orc out of her fortress, but so far, they'd just set up a perimeter. Except… asking around about the apprentice, Elsia quickly discovers that the last place he was seen is at said perimeter, preparing to go inside of the Filthy Animal.

Such information is a great boon to her, though Elsia moves quickly, knowing she doesn't have much time. Especially since it's already been a half hour since the human went inside, from what she's been told. She finds herself afraid that her leverage will get himself killed before she can actually capture him for her purposes. Honestly, no matter who he was apprenticed to, she couldn't imagine the human male taking on two hulking she-orcs and coming out on top. Rushing over to The Filthy Animal, Elsia moves via the Dalaran's many roofs, eventually slipping into the Sunreaver Tavern via a window overlooking the second floor.

The moment she enters, she hears strange sounds. Not the sounds of battle like she's expecting, but the sounds of choking…

"Gagkh! Gagkh! Gagkh!"

Creeping carefully and stealthily, the Scout Captain moves over to the balcony overlooking the ground floor of the inn, peeking down to find the source of said noises. What she sees utterly shocks her. It shouldn't be possible, it just doesn't make sense. The view boggles the mind, and Elsia stares in absolute befuddlement for far too long, trying to figure out what the fuck is going on.

But eventually she's forced to accept what she's seeing as fact. It's not a hallucination, and as she stares down at the events taking place below her, nothing about them changes in some way to show that she's misunderstanding the context of the situation. The apprentice, this 'Harry Potter' is down there on the ground floor… and so are Uda and Murgha, as well as Uda's two mutts.

Except, Uda's wolves aren't doing anything to stop Jaina's apprentice from defiling their mistress. Instead, they're huddled in opposite corners of the inn, whimpering and hiding their faces beneath their paws like they're pups that have been scolded rather than full-fledged dire wolf man-eaters. And Uda? Uda is on her knees before this Harry Potter, with his cock, larger than Elsia thought humans could get, thrusting forward down her throat.

That's the source of the noises she's hearing. Uda is gagging and choking on the apprentice's cock.

"Gagkh! Gagkh! Gagkh!"

Meanwhile, Murgha… Murgha the Tempered is acting extremely uncharacteristic for an orc. She's been stripped of much of her armor, though Elsia can't tell if that was her choice or not. She's still wearing enough to be decent, but with the human male's hand around her neck and his tongue halfway down her throat, she's not sure how long that will last.

The thing is… Elsia still doesn't understand how this could possibly have come to pass. Both orcs are larger than Jaina's apprentice. They're not more than a few inches taller, perhaps, but they're both far more muscular, at least visibly. But then, that's just orcs in general. Where her race is lithe, orcs, both men and women, are built like tanks. Humans are usually in between elves and orcs in that fashion, though they span the entire spectrum, and some are as petite and thin as elves, while others are as muscular and broad-shouldered as orcs. A few are even taller than orcs.

Harry Potter is not one of them. The Archmage's apprentice is nondescript, save for his fancy robes marking him as a member of the Kirin Tor. He's distinctly average from what Elsia can see, save in one department. His genitals, as she'd already noted, are bigger than anything she's ever seen before. Even on an orc. And yes, she'd been with an orc. It was an interesting experience, and one she really wouldn't mind repeating.

But if she thought that greenskin's cock was big, Harry's is… a fair bit larger. To the point that Uda's jaw is clearly uncomfortably stretched open by the intrusion, even as he continues to make use of her throat as his personal fuck hole, while also dominating Murgha's mouth with his tongue. Elsia can't possibly begin to understand how he's doing it or how things got to this point, but there's no denying what's happening right in front of her. This Harry Potter is a fair bit stronger than she was expecting, that much is clear. Otherwise, Uda and Murgha are just a pair of sluts, and Elsia believes she knows enough about the orcs to know that's not true.

Before she can decide on a plan to deal with the situation at hand however, things take a turn down below. Jaina's apprentice abruptly pulls back from Murgha's lips, causing the orc shaman to let out an uncharacteristic whine, even as he begins to rail into Uda's throat even harder, using her ponytail to do so as he tilts his head back and groans.


It's obvious a moment later he's cumming, when Uda chokes on his seed and Elsia watches as some of it explodes out of the Mag'har orc's nostrils as well as the sides of her mouth. His cum ends up smeared all over her face by the time he pulls out of her throat, and the elven Scout Captain's eyes go wide as she finally gets a good look at just how long Harry Potter is. She already knew he was thick, already knew he was big from what she could see before. Now though, now she's actually a little impressed for Uda's sake… and also a little pitying, given just how much of his cock was going down the poor orc's esophagus.

Harry Potter pulls free of Uda's lips and his massive cock, still hard, sways from side to side, lightly smacking the Mag'har orc across the face as he looks between her and Murgha.

"Orc. Do you have accommodations upstairs?"

Uda doesn't respond with words, but eventually, she does manage a slight nod. The grin on the apprentice's face grows wide as he pulls and drags her up to her feet via her hair. Then, he goes a step further and does something that Elsia believes to be patently impossible, lifting both orc women up into the air and planting them on each of his shoulders. Judging by the yelps and squeals from the two female orcs, they're more than a little surprised too.

But Jaina's apprentice doesn't so much as pause as he cops a feel of his two prisoners while making his way easily and casually towards the stairs. Belatedly, Elsia realizes she's going to be found out quite quickly if she remains where she is, and instead she turns and heads to an unmarked door, slipping inside only to realize belatedly that she's accidentally decided to hide in Uda's private quarters.

But by that point, it's too late to do anything but slip behind a nearby wardrobe, her compact form easily hidden just as the door she's only moved through moments before swings open with a loud bang. Jaina's apprentice has kicked it open like some sort of savage barbarian come home with his prizes, and as he carries the squirming orc women in his clutches over to the bed, Elsia can't deny that that's exactly what he is, in this moment.

Even if his body type and his Kirin Tor robes don't at all indicate he should have the strength to be doing what he's currently doing. Still, facts don't change reality in this instance, and Elsia is treated to the sight of the one called Harry Potter sauntering over to Uda's furs and dropping both her and Murgha down upon them.

"Now then, ladies… I think I'll be conducting further interrogations…"

His bright green eyes flash and he grins wickedly, even as his robes come off, bit by bit. And Uda and Murgha? The two orcs, one green and one brown, do nothing to escape him, nothing to stop him. Instead, they look to one another and begin to mimic his actions, sitting up in bed only enough to strip out of what remains of their own garments as well.

Of course, they were both already showing plenty of skin, Uda most of all. But the complete submission, at least sexually to the human male… it surprises Elsia, it really does. And what follows next… well, she can scarcely believe her eyes, but she's in no position to do much more than watch and wait for an opportunity to present itself.


He could admit that he hadn't undertaken this task entirely out of good will or a desire to help. No, Harry had had ulterior motives from the very beginning, when he found out there were two smoking hot orcs hunkered down in the Filthy Animal. He could be a filthy animal himself once in a while, after all. And of course, Jaina had been too busy with everything she was dealing with to realize his intentions when he'd offered to end the stand-off at the Filthy Animal without anymore bloodshed.

Regardless, knowing what he did about orcs in general, and having heard plenty about Uda the Beast in particular, Harry had known going in that he'd need to tip the scales in his favor via magic if he was going to subdue either of the orcs said to be hiding in the Filthy Animal. However, if he wanted their respect, if he wanted to break them as only an orc normally could, he'd have to be more covert about his use of magic.

From what Harry could tell, there was no path via the arcane to do what he'd done to himself before he headed down to the Filthy Animal. But there were plenty of more versatile spells in his arsenal from his old world. Many that he had crafted himself. And those were what he ultimately used before going to confront Uda the Beast and Murgha the Tempered. Nothing offensive… and everything defensive.

It was worth it, when Uda had sent her wolves at him upon him walking into the Filthy Animal, only for a right hook across the muzzle to send both careening away with a yelp. The surprise offered him the chance to end things then and there, but instead Harry waited. Murgha didn't make a move, but then she'd only been there from the beginning to try to talk Uda out of her madness. Uda though… Uda was very angry upon seeing the beatdown he gave her pups.

Too angry to realize that she was no more a match for him than they were. A punch to the gut sent her to her hands and knees, and a hand around her ponytail dragged her back up so that he could stare down into her face as he grabbed her by her jaw, his fingers digging into her cheeks. Her nostrils flared, but at that point it was more fear and awe then anger and fury… just the way Harry liked it.

Opening up his robes and releasing his thick, large prick was the work of seconds. Face fucking Uda was more instinct than anything else, but it proved to be the right decision, as he felt not even an ounce of her sharp teeth while choking her on his cock. Orcs were a simple folk, Harry was swiftly learning. They responded well to domination, especially personal, physical, overpowering domination.

Of course, Murgha the Tempered was not one to sit idly by while her friend was so brutally abused. She tried to stop him, but Harry had already set up wards before entering the place, and it was then that the shaman found her connection to the elements muted. Rather than waste time trying to figure out what was going on, she too went for the physical confrontation route.

It resulted in his hand around her neck and his tongue down her throat. She wasn't even wearing armor at this point, probably relaxing with Uda to try and get the angry, incensed innkeeper to finally back down. Her reasons didn't matter. What did matter was that neither orc could fight him off, and neither was going to be able to resist him as he made child's play of dominating the both of them at the same time. The magic that infused his body and made him impossibly strong was doing its job well.

Eventually, he came. And then he dragged both Uda and Murgha upstairs to the former's bedroom, which certainly looked as tribal as the rest of the Filthy Animal did. Tossing them down on Uda's pile of furs that was probably her bed, he began to strip, and after a moment, they both followed suit. Harry isn't dumb enough to think this is total submission though. He knows full well that he won't get any of the answers he seeks from the two orcs as they are now. At least, not yet. They want to fuck… they want to BE fucked. If he tries to change the topic now, they'll grow hostile again, and he'll have to start all over from the very beginning.

While he wouldn't mind throat-fucking Murgha next, for now it's best to just give the two what they want.

"Well? Which of you is going to go first?"

As he lifts his eyebrows at both of them, completely naked and stroking his cock, Harry looks between Uda and Murgha with amused green eyes. The two female orcs exchange a single glance, and then Uda moves and before Murgha can react, the brownskin has the greenskin on her back and their lips are locked together. The reason for Uda's sudden desire to have a lesbian makeout session is made patently obvious a moment later, when the Mag'har orc lifts her hips up, getting on her knees, even as her hands grab at Murgha's wrists and keep her pinned down.

The beautiful dripping wet cunt and tight, muscular ass that stare back at Harry as he looks down at Uda's offering do please him very much. Climbing onto the furs behind the brown-skinned orc, Harry grins and grabs at her tight ass, his fingers barely finding purchase as he digs them into her butt all the same. Holding her in place, he brings the tip of his massive member up to Uda's pussy lips… and then, once he's got himself just inside of her, he thrusts right in.

Other than a tightening of her insides around his cock and a growl that's muffled by Murgha's lips, Uda doesn't react to that initial thrust. She's certainly tight, but not virgin tight. Of course, Harry never expected her to be. She'd proven her sexual experience with the way her tongue still managed to subconsciously work at the underside of his cock while he was fucking her face downstairs.

Pounding into her cunt, he feels the way her vaginal muscles work along his cock. She's not quite able to control it, she doesn't have that much power over her own body. But she's certainly a fit piece of ass, and it shows in how she tightens around his thrusting member as he fucks her harder and harder and harder. Eventually, the growls end, and the moans begins. Eventually, Uda is distracted enough by how hard he's fucking her that Murgha is able to take advantage and turn the tables on the initially dominant female.

Now, the liplock is controlled on Murgha's end as the orc shaman's hands roam over Uda's beautiful body. Harry takes note of this, and even enjoys watching it as he plows the Mag'har senseless. Uda's first orgasm arrives soon after, and once it does, she can't quite stop anymore. She cums around his cock countless times, just as Harry intended. He wasn't about to let either orc female get away with half-assing this after all. Perhaps he's a bit more brutal with the two then he has been with any of the other women he's had so far since arriving on Azeroth.

Heh, perhaps his experience with Ysera has left him in need of a good bout of dominating sex. Ysera had been fun, there was no doubt about that, but their encounter had bordered on leaving him bereft of control… and in the end, he'd been the one to pass out from exhaustion, not her. Perhaps that was why he needed this, needed to have absolute control over these two as he fucked Uda the Beast silly and watched Murgha play with her friend from below.

They were already submissive. So easy creatures to break. But Harry wanted more than just their sexual desire, their need for his cock. He wanted their devotion, their reverence… and their complete and utter obedience. With a snarl, he thrusts forward and penetrates Uda's womb. A moment later, her extremely tight, battered-open cervix is milking him of his load, but Harry could care less. He can keep going for quite a while more at this point.

As his seed explodes into Uda's womb, filling her drooling quim with cum, the Mag'har orc cries out into Murgha's lips, unable to contain an explosive orgasm as it wracks her lust-filled body. But Harry isn't done with her yet. He'll know when she's broken fully, when she's ready to submit. And this isn't that point. No… not yet. But luckily, she's offered him up another avenue of attack, unknowing as it might be.

That 'might' proves to be unnecessary because the moment he spreads Uda's cheeks wide and slips his cockhead between them to press up against her tight little asshole, the Mag'har orc reacts with shock and surprise… and fear. With a bit of magic, Harry cleans her out and lubes her up… and with Murgha's unknowing help as she continues to hold Uda in place, playing the part of the bottom of the sandwich they're making of the brown-skinned orc, Harry begins to sink into Uda the Beast's ass.

Inch after inch of his massive cock disappears inside of her, and only belatedly does Murgha realize what he's doing as Uda squeals and struggles in her friend's grasp. But by that point it's too late, and only one glance from him to the shaman is enough to see her continuing to kiss and molest Uda, though now there's a note of urgency to her actions, like she's trying to take her friend's thoughts off of what's happening to her.

Harry doesn't care WHY she's keeping Uda in place though, so long as she continues to do so. Forcing himself inside of the orc's anus from above, he grins viciously as Uda groans into Murgha's mouth, her muscular form shaking and rippling beneath him. He doesn't stop until his crotch touches her butt cheeks, doesn't stop until he's buried all the way inside of her extremely tight back door.

She's probably one of the tightest he's had since coming to Azeroth. Might even be THE tightest. Her asshole is definitely gripping at his length even more than her cunt, but then Harry expected as much when he decided to do this. As he begins to thrust in and out of Uda's back door, the female orc subconsciously does all she can to either hold him in place or push him out. Her anal muscles do their damnedest to try to contain him, even as he ravages her final orifice with all his might.

She can't stop him. Her body can't hold him. No matter how hard her butt clenches down on his cock, Harry still manages to push in, pull back out, and then do it all over again. He fucks her, and he fucks her hard, just like he did with her cunt. And eventually, just as happened with her cunt, she begins to enjoy it to the point that it brings her to orgasm. Harry rides out this wave of pleasure as well, her muscles growing even tighter around his pulsating, throbbing member as he gives her the anal plundering of the century.

Ah, but as he grows close to his next release, Harry knows he's going to need a little something more to push the Mag'har over the edge. She's close… so close to being exactly where he wants her. Lifting a hand, Harry points with a finger and then, right as he gives her a second creampie, this time in her asshole, he sears a lightning bolt brand onto her muscular bottom, pointing the tip of it right to the space between her cheeks, right at her stretched out, gaping asshole.

This final act is what ultimately breaks Uda the Beast. It's what tames her as she lets out a bestial squeal upon realizing he's marking her as his property. He finishes the lightning bolt, finishes cumming inside of her, and then pulls out before pushing her exhausted, limp form to the side. The orc shaman beneath her is abruptly revealed as Uda is torn from Murgha's admittedly limp grasp. There's no longer a Mag'har between Murgha and Harry now, and for a moment the shaman is frozen as she stares up at him wide-eyed.

Hell, she's already there. Already reverent, already in awe of him. Harry could probably start the interrogation now… but perhaps just a bit more fun. Leaning in as he slips between Murgha's spread legs and closes the distance between them that Uda had just occupied, Harry grabs at the green-skinned orc's chest and begins to slobber and lick at her breasts to his heart's content. They'd have called what he was doing motor-boating back on Earth, but hell if he couldn't help himself.

Murgha had a delicious pair of tits, to go along with such a tight bod. He couldn't contain his desire, even as he licked the sweat off her glistening abs, before finally locking lips with the near-feral, insanely aroused female orc. Of course, Murgha wanted it bad and she'd let him do anything he wanted to her so long as she got that thick cock of his inside of her. Understanding this, knowing this intrinsically… Harry doesn't penetrate her, not yet.

His cock is in play of course, but he simply grinds it into the female shaman's clit, pushing against her slit, but never hard enough to actually begin spreading apart her pussy lips to thrust into her. Murgha takes a little while to realize this, as lost in her bliss as she is, but when she finally figures out he's teasing her rather than fucking her, their eyes meet, and she growls into his lips needily, trying to hump upwards with her hips to meet his cock.

Harry doesn't allow her to do so. In fact, he pulls back from her mouth and places a hand around her throat again, pinning her down to the furs easily with his magically-enhanced strength as he stares into her eyes. His own green eyes are probably glowing by this point. He can see the light of the glow from them reflected in Murgha's gaze.

"Do you want me to fuck you, slut? Do you want me to give you what I gave your friend?"

Murgha glances over at Uda, who though fucked silly, has a blissful smile on her face as she watches them both, touching herself right there in front of them. She's on her side and fingering her cunt while playing with her own breasts to the sight of Harry molesting and teasing her friend. Eventually, the orc shaman turns her gaze back to Harry and slowly nods. Harry just grins in response as he leans in, his tone demanding.

"Then you'll tell me what you know. I want answers. Now!"

Murgha groans and shakes her head back and forth. Harry growls, but the orc shaman finally speaks.

"I don't… I don't know anything about the plot! I swear it! I came to Dalaran to get away from my own kind! Garrosh is not my Warchief! He never will be!"

Harry glances over at Uda, but that draws a scoff from Murgha.

"She doesn't count. The Mag'har are all that's left of the true orcs. Garrosh… Garrosh is just a bad apple, as you humans say."

There's a lot of flaws with that logic, but Harry senses no deceit from the orc shaman. She might not understand what she truly wants, but she doesn't like what Garrosh has done, the atrocities he's committed… and she doesn't know anything about any Sunreaver traitor. With a grunt, Harry slips just the head of his cock into Murgha's drooling cunt, causing the orc shaman to gasp as she looks down between them.

"If you're lying to me… you'll regret it."

Then, he flicks at her sensitive nipples and finally slams down into her expectant hole, rearing back to grab at Murgha's waist and truly give the green-skinned orc the plowing she desires. Of course, when he pulls back Uda is quick to jump back in again. The Mag'har lays on her side perpendicular to Murgha, and quickly begins to plunder the shaman's mouth as he fucks said shaman senseless, ramming into her tight cunt again and again.

Uda was a bit more muscular than Murgha, though it wasn't something one noticed until one had been ball's deep in both of them. Still, Murgha's cunt was more than tight enough to make Harry happy, and he was perfectly content to rail into it for a time, enjoying the orc shaman's muffled squeals and the show of Uda molesting her friend, now that their positions were somewhat reversed.

Still, he did come here to do a job. While he was confident that neither Uda nor Murgha would provide any more trouble to the Silver Covenant or the Kirin Tor from this point forward, he also knew that they would need to prove themselves useful in other ways if they were to keep their heads after Uda's impudence and the kills that her wolves had made.

Harry wouldn't be able to protect them, but better that he be the one to extract useful information from them now. So, with that in mind, the wizard reaches out and grabs Uda's ponytail once more. He drags the Mag'har orc off of her shaman friend and forces both women to look up at him as he grins wickedly. With his cock still buried inside of Murgha's tight, clenching cunt, Harry's glowing green eyes stare down at his 'prisoners' with promise in his gaze.

"Now then… while I'm convinced that you two know nothing about the Sunreaver traitor, I think it's time to discuss how you can both contribute to new way of things in Dalaran. Best we find a way for you to both be useful, hm?"

Uda and Murgha exchange another glance but remain silent. And when Harry begins to question them a moment later, still fucking Murgha all the while, they answer him demurely, giving him everything he wants to know.


Elsia had been disgusted before, watching as Jaina's apprentice did such terrible things to Uda and Murgha. But now she can only watch on betrayed as the orc females break before the seemingly average human male. While innocent of the attack on Darnassus, they each had plenty of secrets to spill to the wizard. Sunreaver secrets at that.

Even though she was safely hidden away behind the wardrobe, even though she knew that none of the three had noticed her or detected her as of yet… Elsia just couldn't let this continue on. She couldn't let this Harry Potter extract every bit of information that Uda the Beast and Murgha the Tempered knew. Especially Uda, who knew quite a lot from her interactions with Sunreavers day in and day out.

Growling, Elsia rises from her hiding place and draws her elven bow, knocking an arrow and pulling it back in one smooth motion. Before anyone else in the room can even react to her presence, the elven ranger has loosed the arrow, which slams into the wall above the apprentice's head, sticking their pointedly even as Elsia fits another arrow into her bow to replace the first within half a moment. This time, she aims lower… directly at the face of one Harry Potter.


All three pairs of eyes are now upon her as the trio look at her with varying levels of disbelief and surprise. To her own surprise and general annoyance, it's actually Jaina's apprentice that looks the least shocked. He's simply lifting an eyebrow and smirking slyly, as if he knows some great secret that she doesn't.

"Get off of her! Get away from both of them now! Off the bed!"

"Scout Captain Elsia…"

Uda's quiet murmur isn't enough to pull Elsia's attention away from the human male, even as he slowly complies with her instructions. Pulling free of Murgha's cunt, his massive, hard prick pops out and he slowly backs off the bed, stepping away from the two female orcs, who remain laying where they are. Though they do prop themselves up when Elsia slowly circles the room and forces the human to do the same.

Eventually, she's between Jaina's apprentice and his victims, her bow still drawn, her arrow still pointed at his face as she narrows her eyes.

"This ends now. Your actions are deplorable, mage. You're lucky I need you alive, or else I'd gladly put this arrow through your throat, right here, right now. But no, you still have use to me. You're going to help me stop Jaina's misguided crusade. You and I are-gah!"

To her surprise, Elsia's monologue isn't interrupted by the human that she's got an arrow pointed at… but from behind, as Uda and Murgha grab at her, and in seconds, restrain her. The arrow she has drawn is snatched away, as is her bow as the two orcs easily grapple her into submission, their physical strength and the element of surprise leaving her without a chance to fight back, before ultimately, she's captured just like that.

"W-Wha- damn you both, what the hell do you think you're doing?!"

The worst thing is, she catches a glimpse of the apprentice's face, and the asshole human is actually smiling. He has the nerve to grin as he watches Uda and Murgha begin to molest and grope her, already working their thick fingers across the clasps of her armor. As they start to strip her down, Uda speaks for both of them.

"This one is Scout Captain Elsia… Aethas Sunreaver's second in command. She'll have more information than either of us could possibly give you."

"Not to mention she's an elven twat who could do with a good roll in the hay to dislodge that tree trunk lodged up her ass."

That last bit was said by Murgha, though not very caustically. The orc shaman sounded just as amused as Jaina's apprentice looked. Letting out a shriek of anger, Elsia begins to build up a full head of steam in response to their words, but before she can, there's two brown-skinned fingers down her throat, and though she tries to chomp down on them, orc skin is tough… she doesn't get anywhere, before Uda is forcing her to gag on the thick digits as they stuff her mouth and stretch her jaw.

"Shut up, elf… you want to live? We'll make sure you're useful. Very useful."

They're just… just using HIS words. And meanwhile, he, the one they call Harry Potter, is watching on with ever-growing amusement. Silence falls for a moment as Uda and Murgha await his commands, Elsia struggling ineffectually in their clutches. Then, he just shrugs and waves a hand dismissively. No actual words are used, no actual orders are given. But then, they aren't necessary, apparently. He's decided to let the orc females have their fun with Elsia, and somehow, he's in charge just because he plowed both of them senseless.

She should have known not to trust a pair of filthy savage orcs to have her back. They were no better than the trolls they were so closely allied with. But she hadn't expected them to so quickly betray her, not after she'd rescued her from the man before them. However, as time went on, Elsia quickly discovered that it wasn't ever him she should have been so worried about.

As Uda forces Elsia's face into her cunt, making the elven ranger eat the hot, sticky cum straight from her drooling quim, Murgha begins to summon elementals to tease her body. It starts with water elementals that run their appendages along her nipples and her clit, making all three extremely sensitive from the cold treatment.

After that, Uda lays down on the bed and Elsia ends up forced onto all fours, her head still held securely between the orc's powerful, muscular thighs. The human's cum never seems to stop dripping free, and she swallows more than she ever cared to in the end, though at the beginning she tries not to, she tries desperately not to. But she can't help herself. And that's how the Sunreaver discovers the mana-enriched properties of Harry's seed, drinking it down out of a brown-skinned orc's sopping wet, freshly fucked cunt.

At the same time, Murgha seems to be particularly inspired. The 'Tempered' has never seemed so untampered, and Elsia ends up at the end of the orc shaman's vengeance. She doesn't know why, but Harry does, watching from afar as the greenskin takes her anger and her rage out on Elsia. After all, only one of the orcs didn't get a load of his cum yet, and while Murgha had certainly had her fair share of pleasure at the end of his dick, it was clear that she was incredibly upset about the interruption.

After the water elementals came fire elementals which dripped hot wax across poor Elsia's pale, blemish free back. And while that was happening, Murgha wielded an honest-to-god vine whip that had Elsia crying out as her poor skinny little butt got lashed and made Harry harden all over again as he watched it happen.

Of course, that's not the end of Murgha's… creativity. The wind elementals that eventually follow are inspired in the way she uses them to give Elsia's clit and nipples random shocks of electricity, and then when it becomes clear Uda's hole has been cleaned out of all the cum that will actually leave her womb, Murgha even goes as far as to summon a thick, double-sided phallus made out of earth for the Mag'har orc to use on Elsia's throat.

"Gagkh! Gagkh! Gagkh!"

The sounds of the elf choking on that hastily made construct as Uda moans, using her throat to push the other end of the phallus back up into her needy cunt is music to Harry's ears, even as Elsia's suffering only increases more and more. And it IS suffering. It IS. She's not… she's not enjoying it or anything. It's not like watching him dominate the two orcs from her hiding place left her a-aroused or anything like that.

She hates this, she hates all of it! Or so the Scout Captain tells herself, time and time again as the two orcs make use of her body, playing with her and loosening her up for the man who's so easily broken and tamed both of them. Eventually, Elsia can no longer deny the pleasure building inside of her. An orgasm is coming soon… but before it can arrive, a truly painful smack across her ass sends the pleasure fleeing away as Elsia cries out.

The pain is not something that the elf is used to. She's a ranger, not a fighter. That means she's always handled her problems from a distance, and as an elf, she's also always had a fairly good life, made all the better by magic. She's soft, basically, even if among her people she'd be rather hard, rather tough, considered a veritable badass. Caught between two female orcs who were all too happy to put their muscular bodies up against her lithe, petite form… Elsia was not a badass. She was not hard, not tough… she didn't know the meaning of the word when it came to Uda and Murgha.

They edge her, basically. She doesn't get to cum, no matter how much she eventually wants it. No matter how much she eventually tries to beg for it around the thick phallus that's constantly obstructing her airways. Though she can't see it, both Uda and Murgha look to Harry for guidance during this time, seeing what he wants from them in this moment.

Each time, when they give him a questioning glance, he shakes his head and pleasure continues to elude Elsia as a result. The pair of female orcs edge their elven prisoner for hours, literal hours, and by the end of it, she's barely cognizant of her surroundings, barely conscious of where she is, who she's with, and what's even happening.

The female orcs drive her to the edge of the abyss, prodding her there inch by inch, forcing her to the teetering point where she's poised to fall bit by bit. And when they finally have her there, they stop their pleasurable torture of her poor, abused body and they lift her up. Elsia doesn't truly know what's happening, all she knows is that eventually, she feels something at the entrance of her needy, dripping wet cunt.

It's hot and thick and meaty and its pressed up against her. No, more accurately, she's currently pressed up against it. She's hanging over it, ready to be impaled atop it if she lets herself drop. Slowly, the haze clears a bit and Elsia realizes where she is and what's happening. Staring down into Harry's glowing green eyes as she kneels there, right above his cock, the elven ranger opens her mouth to speak, but nothing comes out in the end.

Because there's no words for this. They're not needed, even now. Before Harry can even give her an ultimatum, the delirious Sunreaver drops herself down onto his cock, slamming her cunt onto his member, impaling herself on his meaty shaft in one swoop.

"A-Anything, ah. I'll, hah, t-tell you anything you, mm, want to know. Just please, fuck me. Fuck me, you fucking bastard!"

With her cooperation declared, Elsia begins to gyrate her hips around his member in an exotic little dance, moaning wildly as her body undulates as well. And when Harry begins to ask her questions, she answers them, readily and willingly, desperate for more of his cum, desperate for HIS approval. She tells him all about the Sunreavers. She tells him everything she knows about Aethas as well. She talks and for every question she answers, she gets reward with another thrust upwards of his big, fat cock into her tight little cunt.

He's in her womb by the time things are drawing to a close, while Uda and Murgha are on either side of her, her hands in their cunts. Elsia couldn't truly say how it came to be like that. It must have been the mage, must have been Harry Potter. Because not only are the female orcs on their hands and knees, they're also bound and gagged, unable to do anything but let out muffled moans as she thrusts her entire fists into their freshly-fucked, needy cunts. Her small hands easily fit inside of them, and Elsia is sue if she compared one of her arms to Harry's cock, she'd come out the loser on that front.

But then, at the same time that made her the winner, didn't it? Because she was the one currently getting to ride his massive, gargantuan member. She was the one currently bouncing up and down on his shaft, riding his length even as he pistoned up inside of her with his big fat prick again and again. When he finally cums inside of her, Elsia has an epiphany. This is what bliss, satisfaction, and true happiness feel like.

Her eyes, normally fel green, glow bright blue as Harry's magical cum not only sates her addiction to mana, but also inflates her normally taut tummy. Elsia cums, and she cums hard. Her explosive orgasm causes her body to shake and tremble and seize up… which in turn triggers the two tied up orcs she's currently fisting as well, resulting in pussy juices from each of their drooling quims spraying across her sweaty, pale, lithe form.

She collapses backwards then, even as Harry stands up and lets her drop off of his cock. He watches her for a moment, standing over her exhausted form, both Uda and Murgha just as exhausted on either side of her. The bound orcs rest their faces on the floor, even as their hips remain in the air thanks to their tied-up positions.

But Harry pays them no mind. He's much more intrigued by Elsia right now. Gripping his cock, he strokes it a few times and uses his magic and his control over his own body to bring himself to one final orgasm in mere moments. His seed explodes all over the half-passed out elf's face and splatters into her open mouth, causing her to gag and then instinctively swallow… which in turn has her quickly sitting upright, ravenously aiming to eat every last bit of his seed. Harry just grins, knowing that she's as much his now as the female orcs are.

And she'd cooperated so beautifully too… well, he had a bit more time, didn't he? Perhaps he'd have some last-minute fun with the tight little blood elf…


It's a testament to how much pressure the poor elf is under that Aethas Sunreaver barely even notices she's been gone when Elsia returns to his side. The Scout Captain feels like a changed woman by the time she does so, like an eternity has passed since she last ranted at him and walked out, intending to put her own plan into action.

But now, he doesn't even mention that. Of course, the fact that Jaina and Sylvanas are there with him might play a part in that. Elsia listens on from the side of the conversation, barely paying attention to what they're talking about, still in a little bit of a daze herself. Ah, but she gets it, eventually. They found the traitor. That's good. That's very good. It just doesn't feel as important anymore. Neither does the persecution of her people.

Aethas is trying to talk Jaina out of execution, from the sound of things. They're discussing what to do with the traitor, and Elsia is just standing there as Jaina stonewalls Aethas at every turn, clearly wanting vengeance. Eventually, the leader of the Sunreavers turns away, more an effort to hide his nervousness and his stress than true disrespect as he plants his fists on a nearby table and stares down at a tome he has open there, not really seeing the page.

"Elsia? What… what do you think should be done?"

Aethas is looking away, but both Jaina and Sylvanas glance towards her for the first time since she entered the room now that he's brought her into the conversation. They do a double-take, and Elsia thinks she can understand why as she feels a bit of something sticky dripping from one corner of her mouth. Finally swallowing the majority of the cum she's been holding in her mouth since long before she arrived, Elsia glances between both Jaina and Sylvanas, before giving a simple, calm, measured response.

"I believe it would be in our best interests to work with Lady Proudmoore and the Banshee Queen, given that one of our own has proven to be a traitor… sir."

Aethas' shoulders slump at that, but he still doesn't turn around. Sylvanas though, Sylvanas moves in on Elsia. Elsia can't quite bring herself to care though, even if she is facing down one of the most powerful women on Azeroth, hell, one of her race's greatest heroes. Leaning in with a sly, knowing smile on her face, Sylvanas licks up Harry's cum from where it's trailing down Elsia's cheek, confirming what the Scout Captain already suspected.

As Jaina moves to Aethas' side and they begin to discuss whether it should be a private execution or a public one, the Lady Proudmoore's eyes never actually leave Elsia's, and her distraction as she watches Elsia and Sylvanas is probably what allows Aethas to successfully argue for a private execution, in the end. Elsia doesn't notice or care about that though. She's too busy slipping slender fingers down her own back, past her skimpy armor, past the lightning bolt tramp stamp now branded onto her flesh and into her cum-stuffed butt, where she scoops out a dollop of cream and brings it up to the Banshee Queen's lips.

Sylvanas greedily and hungrily slurps down Elsia's offering as the Scout Captain watches on, somewhat enraptured and wholly delighted by this newest sign that she never, ever stood a chance against Harry Potter and his amazing cock, or his delicious, addictive cum. All the while, Jaina watches on and Aethas Sunreaver is none the wiser of the complete and utter subversion of his second in command.

All is as it should be.